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Government Island Peace Conference - Printable Version

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RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Punchwood - 12-26-2014

Stop there Ryccia, while here they can't be arrested, this is a diplomatic conference, we should all be safe here. Capturing the rebels Delegation will only make things worse.

Though Punchwood disapproves and condemns the rebels, they are under diplomatic immunity from the Punchwoodian government or all aid from Punchwood will be stop. Sanctions will be placed on Ryccia, unless they allow the rebels to be at this talk.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Darkstrait - 12-26-2014

A Darkstraitese ship is heading out to the stranded military vessel to pick up the SSFR delegation. We would appreciate Punchwood sending men along to show the Ryccians we mean no harm. A Darkstraitese ship would be fired on immediately by the Ryccians, and we do not intend to attack them, just to bring back the delegates.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Kris Kringle - 12-26-2014

The SSFR delegation cannot be extended diplomatic recognition. Punchwood has no legal right to afford immunity to those attending a conference that is not being held in its territory.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Darkstrait - 12-26-2014

Sporaltryus is technically the host, they originally called for the conference and agreed to host it. Until Henn denies them immunity, they technically have it.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Kris Kringle - 12-26-2014

This Conference is being held in Government Island. Sporaltryus is obviously not the host.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Ryccia - 12-26-2014

While these are representatives of the rebels, the rebels are catalouged as terrorists by Ryccia, Qvait(?) and Kringalia. They are wanted in Ryccia. Terrorists cannot be put under immunity, and we do not recognize their immunity. Therefore, we will take them to the homeland, and put them in a civilian trial. Thank you for your attention.

Also the military ship will be en route to Mirrey, then in a plane to the homeland. The Darkstraitese Vessel shall be ignored and attacked if it keeps following the ship. The ship is protected by 2 destroyers and a fleet of 5 fighter jets and 8 bombers, and by itself.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Darkstrait - 12-26-2014

We demand the immediate release of the delegation. A naval force will be sent to Ryccia if this demand is not met.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Ryccia - 12-26-2014

We refuse to hand them over. That's it. And we are currently copying your IR Technology. We'll melt you.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - ProfessorHenn - 12-26-2014

(12-26-2014, 04:26 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Diplomatic immunity can only be afforded to the agents of states or belligerent groups. Are members of a terrorist organisation, the delegates of the Soviet Socialist Fighters cannot be afforded diplomatic immunity.

Ruthless terrorists. . .

or patriotic freedom fighters?

The Delegation stays. They control land, and are separate from the Ryccian government. Any attempt to remove them from the conference will be met summarily with a nuclear attack. This has gone on for far too long.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Darkstrait - 12-26-2014

We have other tricks up our sleeve. For example, we can handle your space lasers. Of course, we also know how to deflect the IR lasers.