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First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - Printable Version

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First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - ProfessorHenn - 05-10-2015

The ink won't dry, we haven't even taken the cap off yet.

Jasper Henn

RE: First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - Darkstrait - 05-10-2015

Nice metaphor--- but you know what I mean.

RE: First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - Scienta - 05-11-2015

(05-10-2015, 07:38 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Sporaltryus and Aquica will never allow a nation to gain nuclear research privileges. It is a danger to society, and cannot be allowed to expand any further.

Scienta feels that to do that now, would be like closing the barn doors after the horse has bolted.  For one, it is unfair for a nation to be prohibited from possessing nuclear weapons simply because it does not currently have them.  Even though it does not currently have them, Scienta maintains its right to build nuclear weapons if it sees fit, and will sign NO treaty that does not maintain this right.  We also find it hard to believe that many other nations will be so willing to give up such a right when there are so many nations that already possess them.  This is not to say that there are not nations that shouldn't have nuclear weapons, there absolutely are, but using their current status of possessing nuclear weapons should not be one of them.

As for nuclear research in general, again, Scienta will sign no treaty that prohibits it from performing any type of research.  It is one thing to place restrictions on nations that have shown themselves to be unstable or untrustworthy, but we will not support a blanket ban.

(05-10-2015, 07:51 PM)JCRules Wrote: Responsible or not, the world is better off without nuclear weapons. And if a nation was to try to acquire a nuclear weapon in secret, then this treaty should create an International Atomic Energy Agency that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons and serve as an intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology and nuclear power worldwide. This is reasonable.

Scienta supports Qvait's proposal to create an International Atomic Energy Agency. We would also like to propose a compromise to a blanket ban on non-nuclear states from building nuclear weapons:
  • Any non-nuclear state that has not been prohibited from constructing nuclear weapons, and wishes to become a nuclear state, must announce their intent 1 year prior to the start of constructing any weapon.  The state must allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to observe their nation's nuclear capabilities during this 1 year interim period to ensure compliance.  This 1 year period may be excused under the following conditions:
    1. The nation is engaged in open war with a nuclear state, or
    2. A majority vote by the signatory members of the IARNPT.

RE: First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - VPRB - 05-11-2015

(05-10-2015, 07:38 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Sporaltryus and Aquica will never allow a nation to gain nuclear research privileges. It is a danger to society, and cannot be allowed to expand any further.

Jasper Henn

This is in contradiction to what we agreed on internally in the S.S.U.

RE: First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - Qwert - 05-11-2015

Sedunn agrees completely with Scienta except for the requirement of announcing intent of acquiring nuclear weapons. If Sedunn in the future, unfortunately, had to build nuclear weapons, it could severely interfere with its strategic planning.

If there are nations still armed with nuclear weapons, it would be, for the sake of fairness, wrong to infringe on the other nation's ability of defence through war deterrents. A world without weapons of mass destruction cannot yet be achieved, it seems. Sedunn will therefore settle with a treaty regulating the number of nuclear weapons and restricting sharing.

RE: First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - Kris Kringle - 05-11-2015

Based on the precedent set by Farengeto as an observer, Kringalia would like to make a brief statement before this Conference to point out that it is the non-nuclear states which have historically been more responsible than nuclear states with their diplomatic and military interactions in the South Pacific.

Possession of nuclear weapons is an inherent risk to peace and stability in the region, not a privilege that nations should aspire to. A nuclear non-proliferation treaty should aim not only at restricting the powers of states to develop nuclear weapons, but also establish realistic objectives for nuclear states to dismantle their own weapons. Anything other than that would simply be the institutionalisation of a nuclear club. Furthermore, a nuclear non-proliferation treaty has nothing to do with the development of nuclear energy for responsible and peaceful purposes, an issue that should be made clear to all attendees.

Lisa Scott
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Kringalia

First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - ProfessorHenn - 05-11-2015

We feel the Kringalian diplomat said it perfectly.

Jasper Henn

First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - ProfessorHenn - 05-11-2015

(05-11-2015, 03:14 AM)VPRB Wrote:
(05-10-2015, 07:38 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: Sporaltryus and Aquica will never allow a nation to gain nuclear research privileges. It is a danger to society, and cannot be allowed to expand any further.

Jasper Henn

This is in contradiction to what we agreed on internally in the S.S.U.

The S.S.U., as a whole, must decide on a side to choose with this debate before continuing on in it. Until then, these are the personal wishes of Sporaltryus.

Jasper Henn

RE: First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - Darkstrait - 05-11-2015

The SSU will never reach a consensus.

First Round of Negotiations on an IARNPT - ProfessorHenn - 05-11-2015

Then what position do we take, since we did agree via majority to represent ourselves as a whole, and I have every intention of seeing that through until we are majority against.

Jasper Henn