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Government Island Peace Conference - Printable Version

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RE: Government Island Peace Conference - ProfessorHenn - 12-28-2014

Sporaltryus would like to know the requests of the Kringalian Government.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Sam111 - 12-30-2014

The SJS Republic government has decided that they wish to see the legitimate Ryccian government back in complete control, as peacefully and as quickly as possible.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Ryccia - 12-30-2014

We are prepared to negociate with Darkstrait
We would like to negociate with Darkstrait and the SSU. We will do this:
1. Retreat all Ryccian Troops from South Darkstrait
2. Talk with Qvait to end the blockade
3. Lift the embargo against the SSU
4. Eliminate the suspension of Bruuma's Embassy
5. Give $13 billion to the SSU
6. The Free SSU-Ryccian Travel Act, enabling free travel in the SSU and Ryccia

1. Expulsion of the SSFR from the SSU
2. Retreat all aid to the SSFR
3. Recognition of the SSFR as a terrorist organization
4. Support or neutral state of the SSU, you decide

Sounds good, don't you agree? And if you demand more, please ask. We will look into it and consider.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Darkstrait - 12-30-2014

We will discuss this.

Update: The SSU does not accept the Ryccian peace offer.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Ryccia - 01-10-2015

An official statement of the Ryccian Government
Ryccia and Darkstrait are beginning to negociate peace and we are starting to have commercial relations. This will benefit both nations since both nations get products the other has.

Another thing. The Foreign Aces Fleet have gone corrupt in Darkstrait, and they are planning an attack themselves to assasinate Archchancellor Ridcully. They were sent before peace talks for payback, but when we gave orders to return, they refused, as they are not "going to give to the enemy". We advise Darkstrait that they should take real caution, as these aces are as tightly trained as The Assasins. We are very sorry. We have their location: West in the Darkstraitese capital. Please look in the west or any point of your capital, as they are highly dangerous. If you manage to arrest them, please send them back to Ryccia for trial, but if you kill them, then there is nothing that can be done about it. We are truly sorry.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Darkstrait - 01-10-2015

The Darkstraitese government is offering a reward for these criminals. If any other countries want to send bounty hunters .after them, we will allow it. Ryccia, I need names and descriptions.
If you want, I can set up another thread to manage the bounty hunt.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Ryccia - 01-10-2015

(01-10-2015, 10:46 AM)Darkstrait Wrote: The Darkstraitese government is offering a reward for these criminals. If any other countries want to send bounty hunters .after them, we will allow it. Ryccia, I need names and descriptions.
If you want, I can set up another thread to manage the bounty hunt.
James Abu Dhali: Ryccian of Arab-British Descent. Leader of the fleet.
Kuji Mai: Ryccian of Japanese Descent. Master with hacking and bombs.
Elijah Fujimori: Ryccian of Japanese-Cambodian Descent. Aims perfectly and he is the sharpshooter of the fleet.
Kevin McMurray: Ryccian of Kringalian Descent. Strategy Planner of the fleet.
Vasco Do Sul: Ryccian of Brazilian Descent. Weightlifter and master of many martial arts, including karate. Also a master with blades.

RE: Government Island Peace Conference - Darkstrait - 01-10-2015

A thread dedicated to the bounty hunt will go up, if anyone wants to participate. Any takers?