The South Pacific
[CC] The Baliish Incident - Printable Version

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RE: The Baliish Incident - Hammerstar - 05-03-2015

Tell me, what have my research team found? And what did my recon guys discover?

The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-03-2015

Shhhh..... That will be on the IC soon enough.....

Officially being omnipotent via Tapatalk

RE: The Baliish Incident - Qwert - 05-03-2015

Hope I got it right this time Smile

Three actions (if unclear):
* obtaining schematics and relevant information about the ship
* using the helicopter to try to find out why the ship seems to be so "creepy"
* searching the seabed near the old ship for other ships.

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-03-2015

Don't worry Qwert, I got you. TIK, right now, I'm assuming the jets are just going to continue normally until arrival tomorrow night?(Night for me, anyway)

Anyways, more rolls!

Sedunn: (Military Actions: Radioing Resentine About the ship, Heli transport to ship, Sonaring the sea) 12, 12, 5[Success 2, Fail 1]

Resentine: (Military actions: Movement(Delta & Helix), Movement(Recovery Team)) 18, 5[Success 1, Fail 1]

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-03-2015

I don't know why, but refuses to cooperate with me and make a map of of Baliish. My Specs were put into the TSP Cart. Office. Just put those in, and I will direct you with the rest. If anyone else wants to make it, that is. Thank you!

RE: The Baliish Incident - Hammerstar - 05-04-2015

My turn!

Recon continuation, and movement. The outcome of the research shall be classified as action in the next role.

Also, roll on who will win the chess matches, Rasyid or Maxwell.

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-04-2015

Alrighty then!

TIK(Military Actions: Recon, Movement, Civilian Action: Chess) 10, 18, 18[Success 3, Critical 2]

That 10 is going to hurt your Recon though... little bit.

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-04-2015

Darkstrait(Military Action: Helicopter Squadron Deployment) 13 [Success 1]

Welcome to the party!

Resentine(Military Actions: FOB Indigo Set Up, Delta and Helix Movement into Port Crescent, Gregor Platoon Arrival) 14, 11, 12 [Success 3]

Sorry I haven't typed up everything yet. It's been a long day.

RE: The Baliish Incident - Resentine - 05-04-2015

Oh. Forgot one.

Resentine(Military Action: Spot) 14[Success 1]

RE: The Baliish Incident - Hammerstar - 05-05-2015

To clarify:

Rolls: (Base deployment, Recon reactivation, Sonar experiment result, fortification around base, Will any of the TIK main characters flip out?)

Furthermore, does anyone need any additional supplies or something? It's better if we discuss the next course of action.