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[IC] Appeal to the Chamber - Printable Version

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RE: [IC] Appeal to the Chamber - GI-Land - 11-01-2021

(OOC: I think, the IC vote is probably concluded after three days or, in other words, since a few minutes ago. So I hope you do not mind me opening another string of discussion albeit the official voting result, which is clearly in favour of the Esfalsan proposal, has not been officially announced yet. I will pretend, it has been already in the meantime)

Madame Speaker,

it is good, that the WF has found a consensus, which could lead to Nicholas rethinking his positions.
Under that light however, it is unacceptable from my perspective to have heard, that - with all due respect, my Excellency - your country has declared a full-on war against NAGB. How was that possible to happen under the eyes of an Izaakian Speaker and an Izaakian WF-ambassador? Why weren't you able to put off your government a little longer?

Helene Meise
Currently somewhat angered Ambassador of the Federal Republic of GI-Land

RE: [IC] Appeal to the Chamber - Izaakia - 11-04-2021

Ambassador Meise, 

I would like to remind you that I am an appointed ambassador and not an elected member of government. As a civil servant i have no role in the decision to commit to a war, I am only here to represent the polices that my elected government decides to take. In my role as speaker of the assembly, I am of course, disappointed by the decision to circumvent the organisation. I believe this to be due to the weakness of this assembly to truly enforce international law, I therefore believe that we need to reform this organisation to empower its departments and this assembly to truly be an organisation to be reckoned with.

Noor Aqaba,
Speaker of the WF Assembly 

RE: [IC] Appeal to the Chamber - GI-Land - 11-04-2021

Madame Speaker,

thanks for answering my question.
Let me comment on your statement, that it is disheartening to hear, what you think of this organisation. We were working hard on the consensus reached and mind you, many would have even supported your plan to install a peacekeeping force into NAGB. Now you're standing here and blaming the Assembly however for things, that you are responsible for.
You, as in your state, set goals for the peacekeeping force, that would not have been sustainable for the development of the region. You, as Speaker and thus head of this organisation, have not worked one single bit on your promised WF reforms or resolutions yet and now you're telling us, that we are at fault? That your government had no choice, because we are allegedly weak?
It's very nice of you to be able to express your disappointment of your government's actions, but I am disappointed of you. Because with your actions or rather inactions and now with that statement, you have shown weakness, not we.

Helene Meise
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of GI-Land

RE: [IC] Appeal to the Chamber - Izaakia - 11-04-2021

Ambassador Meise, 

I wholeheartedly disagree with your characterisation of my tenure and your conclusions as to who is to blame for this crisis. Our organisation has designed to be slow, in order to prevent rash actions, however, when we are looking at a situation where millions of innocent people are living in fear of a tyrant who wishes to wipe their race from the surface of the earth, we can not afford to act so slowly. We have wasted months debating the appropriate level of action, and at each step we face objections and watering down from those who don’t a
have the stomach to commit to helping innocent people. And at each step, we have seen that our actions have no impact, and the Nicholas regime has become more belligerent. 
Although I am disappointed that we could not get a resolution to pass in order to authorise intervention to prevent a genocide, I cannot truly condemn the government of the United States of Izaakia. They have seen that our organisation lacks teeth and the will power to enact change, they have seen that our actions on this matter and previous matter has produced little effect and they have chosen to be that change. A change that is now outside of our control, and will now have no WF oversight because we collectively have chosen not to act in a manner appropriate to the crime of genocide. 
I ask you Ambassador Meise and the Assembly, are you willing to support the foundation of a WF Security Council and a peacekeeping force from which we can protect international law and order? 
Right now our lack of action on matters such as this is or as many politicians in your nations are commenting on the Montacia situation is causing this organisation to appear weak. And we are weak on this core principle of our organisation, to maintain peace and order. It is a dark mark on our organisation which brings into dis-repute our efforts towards world peace, and weakens the programmes we are good at. This organisation has a proud history on international justice, science, the environment, education and health. This organisation has helped bring countless people out of poverty, but escaping poverty is of no use if you are on the wrong end of the barrel of a gun or a bomb. 
I cannot blame my nation for taking action against this tyrant, but with the remainder of my tenure I can try to make sure my nation doesn’t have to act unilaterally on these matters in the future, and I hope you will help to draft and pass these improvements which recent events have shown we so desperately need.

Noor Aqaba 
Speaker of the World Forum 

RE: [IC] Appeal to the Chamber - Pronoun - 11-04-2021

Esteemed delegates,

I will not mince words: the World Forum is not broken simply because the Izaakian proposal was never seconded.

The question here is not one on the authorization of a peacekeeping force. An international deployment of military personnel would be authorized in the Esfalsan proposal currently at vote. The formation of a Security Council would do little to change the outcome of our present course of action. It is clear that the vast majority of nations have opted to refrain from an outright invasion of Nicholas and Great Britain, not from the lack of opportunity to form a peacekeeping force, but rather a different vision for the appropriate goals of that force.

I will also speak honestly here — I do find this current situation somewhat bewildering. After all, there are countries that agree with the Izaakian viewpoint. How is it, then, that nations may rush to join the Izaakian war effort against Nicholas and Great Britain, and yet never second the Izaakian proposal here on the floor? The issue does not lie with the supposed inaction of the World Forum, but with those nations that have willfully ignored it. I should note here that I do not intend this as a direct attack on Izaakia, because it is not. For what it is worth, Esfalsa does recognize that Izaakia has been — or had been, leading up to its unilateral invasion — eager to engage with World Forum processes to resolve the Nicholas and Great British situation. There are, however, members of this Assembly that have supported Izaakia when it sidesteps the World Forum, yet ignored the Forum when Izaakia embraced it. If Izaakia wishes to improve the World Forum, it may wish to first examine the attitude that its allies take towards it.

I will make one final point, on a personal note. I am what is known, in Esfalsa and in many other countries, as a 'career diplomat.' My job is to serve the Esfalsan government, and by extension, the Esfalsan people. I have worked under four Esfalsan Chancellors from three different parties during my career, and have always faithfully served as an ambassador of their policies. To place blame for the actions of a national government on a single figure, and especially on a diplomatic representative, is to shoot the messenger. We should not be asking questions of individuals whose job is to represent, not set, government policies, and to do so distracts from very concerning questions about the willingness of national governments represented in this Assembly to sidestep the World Forum completely.

Thank you.

Robert Sontheimer
Esfalsan Representative to the World Forum

RE: [IC] Appeal to the Chamber - Izaakia - 11-07-2021

Dear members, 

The efalsan proposition has officially been adopted by the World Forum by the following votes. 

12 for
2 against 
1 abstain 

Enforcement of this proposition may now be in the best interests of the assembly to discuss given events have overtaken the actions. 

Ambassador Aqaba 

RE: [IC] Appeal to the Chamber - UPRAN - 11-14-2021

Representative Robert Sontheimer,

We would like to remind that we never knew about a Izaakian proposal, and that if we had knowledge about it sooner we would have supported it, because, with all due respect, they would have shown more guts in how to act on N&GB than the WF did, and we supported Esfalsa's proposal because it was the closest thing to a proposal to do something that we knew about.

If an organization cannot save 6 million innocent people who were protecting their freedom of expression because they were too busy with paperwork, talk and bureaucracy, then that organization is not functioning at its best.

Please, for the long-term security of the region and its inhabitants,

Do the work that we are doing for you.

Thanks for listening.

Andreus Savvidis
Embassador of the United States of Rhayna, Alla-gy and Néa-gy