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RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 03-22-2015

The Sedunnic navy still stayed within Transsunerian waters which prompted Soormann to proceed with his preparations.

Niulandsheim, the Transsunerian capital:

Federation forces had been put on high alert and coordinated search and protect missions with the local police deparment. They had passed out what was left of the civil deference's gas masks and antidotes to the citizens, it was enough for only 1/8 of the population.

The local soldiers and police forces lacked in training and suffered from low morale. Posing as police officers, the Soormann operatives managed to get pass the Federation lines outside the city and had good enough clearance to pass the checkpoints to the central parts. To not raise suspicion, only a few operatives had been ordered to enter the city. They split up into two groups and headed to the water supply plant and to the Hoie Plass (a hill in the eastern parts of the city) respectively. The winds, especially in this time of the year, were cold and carried with them fresh air from the Suner Mountians westwards. This made Hoie Plass a perfect location for distributing the gas, and this was known by the Karnetvoran operation command. They also received anonymous tips from undercover Federation agents that the water plant was a target as well.

Floodport, the smaller city:
Because of the strict curfew imposed on the city since the Soormann overtake a decade ago, patterns of movement and habits of the population and the local Soormann forces could easily be observed. Over the last hours some unusual activities, well within curfew time, had been taking place. Civilian vehicles of more exclusive brands, normally not operated by Floodporters, were sighted in various locations around the city. They were simply parked and left standing. The drivers were always accompanied by one person that checked the storage compartments before both leaving.

RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 04-19-2015

(OOC: I hope you want to finish this RP Smile)

While Darkstrait and Karnetvot prepared for their operations in the two cities, Sedunnic special operations units together with Transsunerian intelligence personnel managed to track down the Soormann headquarters. Thorough reconnaissance revealed that Soormann himself was present and that he was guarded by two infantry battalions, conveniently called A and B. The base could have been easily taken out by cruise missiles or an air strike. However, as much as possible of the base was to be left intact and as many as possible of the commanders were to be captured to be prosecuted. It was also vital to learn as much as possible about the Soormann Fighters and the purists to be able to track down other personnel associated with these organizations.

Two battalions were too much for the special operations units and Transsunerians. Additional units were requested, both Sedunnic and allies.

RE: The Distress Call - Darkstrait - 04-20-2015

In the dead of night, a squadron of Darkstraitese transport helicopters headed for Transsuneria. Several helicopters swung off, carrying commandos and Assassins to the cities. The rest headed straight for the Soorman base.

Soorman anti-aircraft guns and missiles began to fire at the helicopters. However, soldiers with rocket launchers took careful aim from the open doors of the helicopters, destroying several stations.

The helicopters angled in for a landing.

Meanwhile, in the cities, the other helicopters hovered low over the areas suspected of harboring sarin bombs. Soldiers quickly climbed down rope ladders, shooting at Soormen.

RE: The Distress Call - RandomGuy199 - 04-20-2015

Niulandsheim, Transsuneria
The Delta Force teams, four in total, approached the locations. The first two went to the Hoie Plass. There, they found ten Soormen preparing six canisters filled with gas. A firefight started between the Soormen and the Karnetvorian commandos. After 20 minutes, the Soormen were neutralized.

The other two went to the water plant; they arrived in helicopter, and faced heavy resistance. When it looked like the commandos would be overpowered, two drone strikes neutralized the Soormen. The firefight took place on the outside of the plant, so it only suffered minor damage.

Floodport, Transsuneria 
The team led by Lieutenant McGregor went to the locations in the map. Only in half of those locations did the commandos find the car bombs. After the bombs were deactivated and the team regrouped, McGregor told the others: "Well, we have cleared some parts of the city, but we're not done yet. There are still tens of car bombs filled with gas. There is a possibility that we may not find them fast enough, but..." He was cut short by the sound of helicopters and explosions caused by the drones. Due to the Ryccian conflict being shorter than expected, the Government managed to sent some units back to Transsuneria; including the Special Forces operatives that came in helicopters to assist the teams that were already in the city. This, combined with the fact that Darkstrait had sent its forces too, prompted McGregor to say, "Our job has been made way easier. Let's clear the rest of the city!"

Secret Location, Transsuneria 
500 Karnetvorian soldiers, and an attack helicopter have been sent to help with the attack to the Soormann HQ.

RE: The Distress Call - Darkstrait - 04-27-2015

As Darkstraitese commandos moved rapidly to prevent the use of sarin in the cities, the Darkstraitese fleet under Admiral von Feuerland had begun its return to the shores of Transsuneria.

"Sir, we have almost reached Transsuneria!"
"Excellent. What's the latest report? Has any sarin been released?"
"Not as far as we know, sir."
"Excellent. Have our commandos landed at the Soorman base?"
"Yes, sir. They were able to take the Soormen by surprise, killing many, but the Soormen have stopped their rampage."
A sudden boom shook the ship.
"What the hell was that?" screamed the admiral.
The lieutenant checked several sensors. "The Soormen have brought their artillery against us!"
"Send the spotter planes over. I want a bombardment of their gun batteries as soon as you can manage it. Send bombers too."
"Yes, sir."
Three squadrons of aircraft took off, heading for the Soorman base.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the commandos had seized a watchtower on the edge of the base. Two had set up machine guns on tripods and were strafing Soorman ground troops. Another, with binoculars, was giving reports to an officer aboard von Feuerland's command ship.
The aircraft came over. Bombs began to fall on Soorman troops and guns. One came unfortunately close to the watchtower.
"Shoot off a flare!" shouted the commandos' leader. One man obeyed, firing through a broken window a flare that burned in a certain sequence---red, white, red--- that all pilots were trained to spot. It meant that Darkstraitese troops were present in a certain area, and that extreme caution was to be used when deploying explosives near that area.
By the end of the first airplane pass, most of the Soorman artillery was burning from bomb hits or artillery shots. Soormen swarmed toward the shoreline, setting up machine guns, mortars, sandbags, and barbed wire in preparation for a beach landing.

RE: The Distress Call - Qwert - 04-28-2015

"Sarin cities":
Through swift attacks by Darkstraitese and Karnetvoran units, the most dangerous sites were secured. However, at a few sites, containers were breached to release the liquid sarin. Some special units were needed to decontaminate these sites, but overall, the operation of preventing Soormann from releasing the gas was successful.

Sedunnic CBRN units had been prepared to assist in the operation. They were sent to the capital to help with decontamination. The situation in Floodport was more complicated, since it was under Soormann and Purist control. It was not yet possible to gain control over all the sites; either substantial reinforcements had to be brought in, or the Fighters simply had to lay down their arms.

Secret Location (Soormann HQ), Transsuneria:
Just as the coalition reinforcements arrived, the Sedunnic special operations units started taking out defensive installations and higher ranking officers. They also had access to support from the naval units off the coast. The well-timed arrival of the reinforcements and the sudden attack overwhelmed the defending Soormann Fighters.

"I am taking command over this operation!" A colonel entered the staff tent of the hastily set up forward operations base.

"Welcome, Husstyn! I take it you've been briefed on the current situation on your way here?" The highest ranking special operations soldier approached him and shook his hand.

"Yes. A minute ago." The colonel paused to let an explosion and the minor explosions resulting from the first one fade out. "I know we are all eager to wipe our dear Grandmaster's base off the face of the Earth, but before we come to that, let's try to convince them of capitulating." The colonel's English was somewhat broken. Since it was a joint operation, with officers present from Karnetvor and Darkstrait, English was to be used. He was grateful that he had been able to brush up on his English skills in a special course a month ago.

"Continue with the assault." The colonel pointed at a lieutenant. "I want complete control over the southern gate area in 15 minutes. Use all available force needed."

"Yes colonel!"

Husstyn sat down. "What we need to do is to deprive Soormann of any effective means of defending the base and make sure his units keep their heads down, get them pinned down. Then we must display our superior force, for example by fly-bys." The colonel looked at the the other coalition officers. "I want your input. We need to act quickly to prevent Soormann from escaping or coming up with another sinister plan, but storming his bunkers could be extremely costly. It would certainly be great if they capitulated. What do you think?"

RE: The Distress Call - Darkstrait - 04-28-2015

The main Darkstraitese landing began. The admiral had been in contact with Colonel Husstyn, and knew that intimidation was the key. And all of his men were veterans from the December civil war in Ryccia.
Thousands of landing boats zoomed toward the shore, carrying heavily armed soldiers and tanks. The fleet had intentionally moved closer to the shore, demonstrating its size and firing heavy barrages at Soorman's bunker. When the first landing ships hit the beach, most of the Soorman defenses had already been destroyed. Only a few stragglers offered resistance, and were easily mowed down by troops with machine guns.
Leading the attack was Commander Rition, an experienced leader who had coordinated efforts with the SSFR during the Ryccian Civil War. He arrived with one of the later boats. At this point Darkstraitese troops were swarming the beach like ants. Lieutenants with earpieces received information from the officers aboard the command ship and led their squads toward the southern gate. Tanks followed, belching shells at any Soormen in sight. Within minutes, most of the area surrounding the compound had fallen, and troops were breaching the perimeter in a dozen places. Soorman resistance outside the buildings was dwindling, and any rallying points were bombed repeatedly. Most of the buildings had been bombed at least once.

RE: The Distress Call - caasd - 05-02-2015

A group of Caasdian intelligence operatives HAHO jumps out of a stealth transport plane over the smaller city.

Two hours later, they land and cut their parachutes loose, and immediately burn them to cover their tracks.
They slowly melt into the shadows, ready to begin their covert operation.

RE: The Distress Call - RandomGuy199 - 05-02-2015

Transsunerian Coast
Five thousand soldiers have landed in Transsuneria. Supported by tanks, and other armored vehicles, they started the assault on the eastern gate of the compound. In the shore, there were two destroyers, and a frigate. One of the destroyers was the KSS Liberty; the same ship that was hijacked by Soormen operatives in February. The crew still had fresh memories of being stranded at sea after the Soormen kicked them out of the ship; needless to say, they were itching for revenge.

Former First Officer, now Captain Dimitri Izmailov, said to his men; "We are in Transsuneria, and the Soormann HQ is right there in front of us. We all remember what happened that day in February; today, if we do our job well, we'll get our well deserved payback; making Soormann pay for his crimes. Now, давайте убьем этих ублюдков!* (in Karnetvorian, let's kill those bastards!). Inmediately after, the ships started firing at the compound.

*= In latin script, davayte ubyem etikh ublyudkov!

RE: The Distress Call - caasd - 05-03-2015

A Caasdian frogman swims up to the hull of the KSS Liberty, and attaches a small hemispherical device, before promptly swimming away.