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Union Of Emerald - Printable Version

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Union Of Emerald - KingTEM - 01-28-2022

Union Of Emerald
Flag Of The Union Of Emerald
"Union Ensign"
The Union Of Emerald is an Expanding Star Nation in the Northern Section of Sector A-10. It consists of 12,423 star systems, with 72 civilian planets. The low number is due to the star nations age and limited technology. It's founding species are humans, although they refer to themselves as Pacificans in honor of their old roots on Pacifica. They arrived on their capital world 100 years ago, from the ancient colony/sleeper ship ECS Union CS-1980. With 100 years of Isolation, The Union hasn't met any other star nations or alien species yet, but have developed their own military in case these star nations are hostile to human life.
The Union is lead by King Edward XIV who has near full control of the Union government. The Emeraldian people are very patriotic and will serve the Union to their fullest. Almost a quarter of it serves in the armed forces to protect their home. Kids are taught at an early age to engage in close quarters combat and firearm operation.
  1. Introduction
  2. Astrology
  3. Population
  4. Culture
  5. History
  6. Political System
  7. Military
  8. Foreign Policy
  9. Economy 

RE: Union Of Emerald - KingTEM - 04-26-2022

2. Astrography
The Union consists of 12,423 star systems. Within these star systems there are 72 colonized worlds. These are then divided into regions. There are a total of twelve regions each led by it's own civilian government. Three territories exist in the unexplored but claimed space of the Union, these territories are "governed" by the Military.
List Of Regions and Territories
  • New Emral
  • New Denver
  • New Ludville
  • New Spiras
  • New Colradia
  • New Jylland
  • New Greenston
  • New Parker
  • New Centralia
  • New Boulder
  • Jasonia
  • Edwardia
  • Southern Territory
  • Northern Territory
  • Western Territory


RE: Union Of Emerald - KingTEM - 04-27-2022

3. Population
The Union holds about 9 trillion citizens. The population is more concentrated around the capital region with very little of the population inside the territories. The population are entirely Pacifican.
Pacificans are your standard humans from Old Pacifica. However, there are subtle differences due to many things such as planet or genes. It is considered rude to call a Pacifican human, this is because they prefer the name of their original home world, Pacifica.

RE: Union Of Emerald - KingTEM - 04-27-2022

4. Culture and Customs
The Culture of Emerald is more defined by the Regions, such as New Spiras which has a more Tarnian culture or New Colradia which has a more Colradian culture and so on. Public Holidays include Union Day(April 27th), Family Day(December 25th), Foundation Day(August 13th), and others. National Events include The Great Cruise, where 250 ships of the navy are chosen to parade around the Union.

Hunting and Fishing
Hunting and Fishing are considered valuable parts of daily life on some colony worlds, although on more developed worlds, hunting is considered vital for citizens who wish to become marksman or snipers, while fishing is always a family pastime. Great reserves exist for hunting to make sure certain animals aren't overhunted and fishing catches are to be registered to the Department of the Outdoors. Hunting and Fishing knowledge is taught at an early age to ensure ones survival in the wild or on unexplored worlds, one quite common practice among the colonies are to leave children alone in the wild for two weeks, although the practice has been criticized for endangering children by Social Reformers.

Gun Ownership
Emeraldian citizens are able to own ballistic weapons to defend themselves, their families, and their community. Ballistic Weapons have been allowed due to that type being easier to regulate. Gun knowledge is taught at an early age along with CQB knowledge. Many citizens have taken up gun building and target shooting as a hobby. Firearms are to be kept with very high responsibility and are not to be taken lightly. If one does not abide to their responsibility they will either be faced by the law or their community.
Plasma Weapons are only permitted for use by the military where it see's widespread use. This common use originates from a crashed alien ship(OOC: it's a precursor vessel that was heavily damaged and one the technologies acquired was crude plasma weaponry, which has been developed further but are more expensive to make) which was pillaged for technology and one of the technology acquired was very crude plasma weaponry which have been developed further but is more expensive to produce.

RE: Union Of Emerald - KingTEM - 04-28-2022

5. History
Short List Of Important Dates
Colony Founded On 13th August 2101 PY
Colonial Act Signed On 23rd May 2120 PY
Union Act Of 2125 Signed On 27th April 2125 PY
Formation Of The Armed Forces: 26th October 2147 PY
100th Anniversary: 13th August 2201 PY
NOTES: Py stands for Pacifica Year(1 PY = 365 Days) and The last year they know of is 21XX thus that is when they restarted and technically left off.

RE: Union Of Emerald - KingTEM - 04-30-2022

6. Political System
The Union is lead by the Monarch, but he is helped by the civilian government. The civilian government uses a unitary bicameral system. Legislative power is held by Congress which consists of the Senate and the Planetary Assembly. Executive power is held by the Royal Cabinet, which is lead by the Prime Minister with the Kings grace and elected by popular vote. The King however may overrule the Prime Minister’s decisions at any given time. The Cabinet is divided into multiple ministries that influence the civilian populace daily life. Although the Ministries of Colonies and Foreign Affairs work with the Military branch of society in some degrees. Apart from these institutions there also is the Royal Court which is the judicial part of the government.

Senate: Two Senators represent the planet in the assembly. Senators are elected by popular vote and serve mandates of 8 years. However, both these roles are not immune to a planetary referenda to resign them. There are at the moment 145 seats in the Senate.
Planetary Assembly: Each planet has a number of representatives in accordance with the total number of its population. Each representative is elected for 4 years. They however fulfill their mandates and are immune to planetary referenda. There are a total of 423 seats in the Planetary Assembly.
  • Ministry of The Treasury: Responsible for managing the government’s budget and expenses.
  • Ministry of Education: Responsible for education on all colonies.
  • Ministry of Law: Responsible for the judicial branch.
  • Ministry of Industry: Responsible for the development and maintaining of planetary and system industries.
  • Ministry of Labor: Responsible for negotiating with Workers Unions. 
  • Ministry of Agriculture: Responsible for regulating food production and distribution.
  • Ministry of Trade: Responsible for regulating trades and their fiscal side and managing of trade routes.
  • Ministry of Science: Responsible for regulating scientific advancement and healthcare.
  • Ministry of Infrastructure: Responsible for planetary infrastructure and energy systems.
  • Ministry of Colonies: Responsible for colonial affairs and expansion of the Union. New Colonies must be approved by the Military before its founding can begin. The Military also holds a 16-year mandate for the first part of the colony’s development.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Civilian part is fully responsible for trade partnerships. Co-run by Military for formal alliances that imply the Military.
  • Ministry of State: Responsible for regional affairs and the founding of new regions.
  • Ministry of Defense: Responsible for Military affairs.
Overview of Emeraldian Political and Military societal structure
The Great Houses of the Union
Originally big shareholders of the colony project and important houses, they now serve as the nobility of the Union and help in its governance. Not all major shareholders took nobility titles, but instead opted for exclusive industrial mining rights. These noble houses are now the King’s backbone and represent his interest on the many colonies.
  • House Nelson-Guttierez: Lead by King Edward XIV, responsible for the line of succession and New Greenston.
  • House Guttierez: Lead by Lord James Guttierez, nobility of New Denver.
  • House Rivers: Lead by Lord Jake Rivers, nobility of New Colradia.
  • House Nelson: Lead by Lord Jason Nelson, nobility of New Emral.
  • House Ludov : Lead by Lord Matthew Ludov, nobility of New Ludville.
  • House Dinkle: Lead by Lord Andrei Dinkle, nobility of New Spiras.
  • House Jensen: Lead by Dame Laurie Jensen, nobility of New Jylland.
  • House Brown: Lead by Lord Nathan Brown, nobility of New Centralia.
  • House Graham: Lead by Lord Emerson Graham, nobility of New Parker.
  • House Edwards: Lead by Dame Helen Edwards, nobility of Edwardia.
  • House Jasons: Lead by Dame Jasmine Jasons, nobility of Jasonia.
  • House Welte: Lead by Lord Milo Welte, nobility of New Boulder.

Political Parties
  • Union Forever!:
    Lead by Lord James Guttierez. They want the nobility to have complete and total control of Government.
  • Reform Party:
    Lead by Grace "Jack" Matias. They want to reform Emeralds social policies
  • Social Party:
    Lead by Joshua Nielson. They want to reform the monarchy

RE: Union Of Emerald - KingTEM - 05-02-2022

7. Military
This will be its own separate thread.

(OOC: I will do a first contact event once this thread is finally finished)

RE: Union Of Emerald - KingTEM - 05-03-2022

8. Foreign Policy
Emeraldian Foreign policy is dictated by the King himself. He is however assisted by the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Royal War Council. This may initially seem as a long and slow method to make policy, but the King ultimately makes the final decisions and must enact any formal treaties with his own signature.

It must be noted that The Union has yet to meet another star nation.

RE: Union Of Emerald - KingTEM - 05-04-2022

9. Economy
The Union holds a sizeable economy, but does suffer from lack of external trade. Economists predict that a new peak could arise from discovery of other star nations.

Internal trade is mostly dominated by shipbuilding and ethnic products, such as clothing. The shipbuilding sector is mostly centered around the cities in regions as these cities facilitate ship construction. The ethnic products range from utensils to clothing which are often used by the local populace in their day to day life.
In New Greenston the financial sector has also boomed over the previous decades. Nonetheless in the more rural regions agriculture remains a very important part of the economy. Whole families work on farms as their living and the state does it best to maintain this balance with the frontier. 

External Trade doesn't exist.(yet)