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(IC) Hawk Peace Talks - Printable Version

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(IC) Hawk Peace Talks - KingTEM - 03-15-2022

Hawk Regional Airport
10:00 am
King Joshua VII

(OOC: This is my first time writing something like this)

The King had many things on his mind as he arrived at HRA. This was one of the worst things to happen to Emerald-Denver since 1985 with the death of King Jason II. Multiple scenarios played through his mind and he had made sure to tighten security at the Hawk International Embassy to make sure nothing would happen to him and the other ambassadors, including King Vimmru. As he made his way off the plane, a greeting ceremony had been prepped. As was usual, the Denverian Anthem played, then the Emeraldian Anthem, and then the Union Anthem. He then made his way to his own car to drive to the Embassy where talks will be held later.

​​​​​​​(OOC: I hope this works, again, First time writing something like this)

RE: (IC) Hawk Peace Talks - Qwert - 03-15-2022

Hawk Regional Airport
10:00 am
King Vimmru Innienn

At first Vimmru had been disappointed in the size of the Minnasi, which was one of two official government air planes, but over the years he had learned to appreciate it. He had read an article in a foreign newspaper about one of his state visits, apparently the small size of the plane had been interpreted as a sign of confidence, and he liked that take on it.

Leaving the plane behind him, and having enjoyed the ceremony, Vimmru was picked up by the Sedunnic ambassador to be taken to the conference.

RE: (IC) Hawk Peace Talks - KingTEM - 03-18-2022

Highway 25
10:00 am
Nathan Squirov, Leader Of Ludvilles Communist Forces

Nathan was once a Governor, but had left his position to join the LFM and deep down, he realized he had made the right choice. Nathan was the last member of the CBP to still have a government position, he felt betrayed when the others had joined the MCC. He was infuriated at Richard Dinkels actions. He had enough of Denver's bullshit and decided to leave the governor position. Now, he's a diplomat representing Ludville at the Hawk Peace Talks and is currently being escorted to the HIE. Nathan has noticed a couple of odd things in Hawk, the sidewalks were empty, barely any cars were on the roads, and he saw what he thought were Denverian Army Units, or at least he hoped they were army units.

(OOC: sorry for the delay)

RE: (IC) Hawk Peace Talks - KingTEM - 03-18-2022

Random Road In Hawk
11:00 am
King Joshua VII

Joshua still had many things buzzing around in his head. He then noticed something, he hadn't seen any civilians since he left the airport and any Denverian Army Units were wearing odd uniforms and some had non-standard issue weapons. He alerted the Emeraldian and Spirasian Commanders to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. After he had done that, he saw the Ludvillian Diplomatic Escort and figured he was close to the HIE. He had made sure to pack his service pistol in case anything happened and had made sure to tell the Royal Guard to protect him, Vimmru, and the Ludvillian Diplomats. 

20 Minutes later...

He had finally arrived at the Hawk International Embassy. He noticed that Vimmru was a couple minutes behind him, but the peace talks were scheduled for 1:00 pm so as he waited, he prepped his list of terms and made sure Vimmru would know the Schedule of the Peace Talks. He then greeted the Ludvillian Diplomats and gave them the general schedule. 

(OOC: Here is the General Schedule
-Ludville Gives out Their peace terms
-Emerald-Denver gives out their peace terms
-Final agreement and signing)

RE: (IC) Hawk Peace Talks - KingTEM - 03-20-2022

Hawk International Embassy
1:00 Pm
Nathan Squirov

Nathan was ready, he had been chosen to speak Ludvilles Terms. He Started, "Ludvilles Peace Terms are; The Removal Of Ludvilles Nuclear Warheads, Ludvilles Army Reduced To 250,000 Men, Ludville added to the FRAT, All Denverian Claims on Ludville Nullified, All Ludvillian Clai-".


RE: (IC) Hawk Peace Talks - KingTEM - 03-20-2022

Hawk International Embassy
1:00 Pm
King Joshua VII

Joshua listened to Ludvilles peace terms. "We really do think alike huh?" he thought. After Nathan had stated the removal of Denverian Claims and had begun his next term, Joshua heard and saw a gunshot. One of the diplomats was dead, and the Denverian "guards" were pointing their weapons at not just the Diplomats, but Him and Vimmru. Thinking quickly he shouted to royal guards to protect Him and Vimmru, along with the diplomats, as the Denverian "guards" opened fire. He kicked over a table and began firing at what were very clearly Denverian Nationalists with his service pistol. He ordered a general retreat to the Emeraldian Embassy. He told a couple of his Royal Guard Officers to notify the other Embassies and get the ambassadors to the more easily defendable Emeraldian Embassy.

(OOC: I hope this attack is fine with nations that have embassies at Hawk)

RE: (IC) Hawk Peace Talks - KingTEM - 03-21-2022

HIE-Emeraldian Embassy
1:30 pm
King Joshua VII

10 out of the 13 embassies had been notified and their staff moved. The 3 unaccounted for embassies being the Ryccian, Myrian, and Valoran. This had Joshua worried but still told some of the men to get a radio working. He spotted Vimmru grabbing a rifle from the arms stash, along with others. He told one of his officers to grab the sand bags and make a barricade with the 4 mgs they had. Within 10 minutes, The other 3 embassy staff had arrived and the barricades were up. Joshua knew that they were in for a long ride.

RE: (IC) Hawk Peace Talks - KingTEM - 03-25-2022

Hawk International Embassy-Emeraldian Embassy
Day 5-11:00 am
King Joshua VII

Communications had finally been restored, and Task Force Eagle was on its way but it wouldn't arrive until next Friday. The Local Emeraldian-Spirasian Garrison had also finally radioed in. He told the remaining officers that it would be another 7 days until Task Force Eagle would arrive at the Embassy.

Joshua suddenly remembered Vimmrus question from days ago. He walked up to Vimmru and relayed to him about communications being restored. He also relayed about the over 4500 strong force that wouldn't arrive until next Friday.

RE: (IC) Hawk Peace Talks - Qwert - 03-25-2022

HIE-Emeraldian Embassy
Vimmru hadn't seen that particular type of rifle before, but most weapons were operated in similar ways, just like cars from different brands. He identified the safety, and how cartridges were fed into the chamber. Remembering the training from his conscription, he quickly inspected the barrel and the chamber. He tested operating the mechanism a few times. The sights looked intact, but there was no way of knowing if the rifle would shoot straight where he aimed. Hopefully he wouldn't have to find out. And he was the dellm of Sedunn, he had other duties primarily.

He picked up his phone and called his staff at home, explaining what he could gather about the situation. They would look into both diplomatic and military means of extracting him, and secondarily of helping King Joshua push back the nationalists. Then he walked over to King Joshua.

"What's the situation? Can Sedunn do anything at this time that could affect the outcome of this situation?" he asked.

RE: (IC) Hawk Peace Talks - KingTEM - 04-05-2022

Hawk International Embassy-Emeraldian Embassy
Day 14-8:00 am
King Joshua VII

Joshua was on watch when he heard the most strangest noise. "Are those Fighter Jets?" he said. He heard multiple aircraft, some of those aircraft were going down. He heard ground level explosions and then silence for almost twenty minutes. He then heard what sounded like Helicopters and gunfire. People were infiltrating the building. Multiple soldiers appeared around the corner yelling "Friendly! Friendly!". He saw the patch on a few of the soldiers, they were stoinian and some sallodesian Special Forces? The soldiers told him that they were evacuating the embassy. He told the soldiers that he was gonna check on the other embassies to take first hand photos and check on their condition.

He walked into the Izaakian Embassy and saw a scene of complete destruction, The Izaakian Flag had been burned and mutilated, a portrait of President Blanc had been vandalized and were those devil horns? The Spirasian Embassy had been burned to ashes, The other embassies had either been burned or vandalized. As He turned a corner, he saw Sedunnic Soldiers rummaging through what remains of the Sedunnic Embassy. After that, he finally decided to leave in a black shrike to starton. As they left he saw that the city had been damaged and the airport was one of the few things that was still recongizable. They arrived at what remained of the HRA and saw multiple foreign military aircraft. He boarded the Emeraldian Air Force Transport to starton.