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[IC] The EagleStar Times - KingTEM - 07-07-2022

[Image: Eaglestar-Times-Logo.png]
News Report

Greenston-Parker| 7 July 2022

Nuclear Waste In Starton

It's no secret that the Emeraldian City of Starton has been devastated, however, how long will it take until Citizens can return?

Radiation levels in Starton have gone down, but is still at deadly levels and it is estimated that it will take another year before Citizens can return without radiation suits. Workers with radiation suits have already begun cleaning and reconstruction of Historic Buildings and Monuments.

Damage levels to Historic buildings has been all over the place, with Buildings like the Old Supreme Court(Built 1758) and City Hall(Built 1256) being leveled while the Starton Library(Built 1762) has seen minimal damage to its exterior and collection of historical books. 

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New Evidence Found For ERNS Democracy Case

The Emeraldian Coast Guard has found new evidence surrounding the ERNS Democracy Case.

The ERCG has found an overturned lifeboat with 3 with 3 lifejackets, 2 Rifles, The Ships Plaque, and a shredded uniform inside. Military Officials and Crew Members families are all equally confused at this find.

RE: [IC] The EagleStar Times - KingTEM - 08-12-2022

[Image: Eaglestar-Times-Logo.png]
News Report

Greenston-Parker| 12 August 2022

2nd Battle Of Spirosia: Day 1

Early This Morning, Peonic and Emeraldian Ships, alongside Union, Spirasian, CE, and Peonic aircraft, began a bombardment of the occupied capital city. An hour after the bombardment finished, Stoinian, Sedunnic, and Emeraldian special forces spearheaded a Naval Invasion via aerial insertion, with their goal being to take out critical infrastructure. 20 Mins later, Spirasian Ground Troops and Emeraldian Marine Forces began a naval invasion, with the beachhead being secured in an hour. While that was happening, CE and Peonic troops made a push for the city, diverting DFN and SNR forces away from the Naval Invasion. That was it for today.

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Emerald Officially Ratifies The TPNW

After the June 1st Nuclear Attacks, Emeralds support for nuclear weaponry drastically dropped. Earlier today, Prince Edward released papers detailing his fathers plans to sign and ratify the TPNW. With the King still comatose in hospital, PM Galen Hughes has agreed to sign and formally ratify the Treaty On The Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons. With this, the final nuclear missile has been sent to be scrapped, with its warhead to be disposed of accordingly.

RE: [IC] The EagleStar Times - KingTEM - 08-29-2022

[Image: Eaglestar-Times-Logo.png]
News Report

Greenston-Parker| 29 August 2022

Battle Of Fort Gray Ends In Union Victory

Reports have just come in of Union Troops triumphally waving the Denverian Flag over Fort Gray, signifying the end to the almost 5 Month long conflict. David Grey has been confirmed to have been captured and is now waiting for an international tribunal of judges from nations who had citizens affected or killed in this war to charge and imprison him using current International Law. Unfortunately, RIM and many DNR Government members managed to escape the country. With this news, celebrations are being held all over Emerald and Denver to celebrate an end to the horrific conflict. It has been confirmed that Peace Talks between Ludville and the Union will now continue in Edwardia, as an interim government is being formed for the Denverian Federation.

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