The South Pacific
Spiritus - Printable Version

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Spiritus - Lord Ravenclaw - 02-28-2015

It appears to have been the goals of successive foreign ministers and candidates to touch base with Spiritus and see if we can forge something beyond a similar culture, shared membership and unofficial communication. Given that I have a rather interesting history with the region despite never being a citizen, I've decided that I'll actually get something done along that line.

We have discussed in the past how Spiritus and Taijitu could be good possible treaty partners, so I'll see what we can do, and bring back a possible draft for cabinet to discuss.

I'll say now: I don't really consider GP alignment in this. Arguments against an agreement based purely on GP alignment will be ignored as military coop isn't my primary focus.

RE: Spiritus - Unibot - 03-01-2015

Spiritus are nice folks and I think they have that kind of relaxed approach to NS (but still a successful UCR) which makes them natural allies. Taijitu is a classic super-democracy - they're the kind of world diplomats that everyone respects - and they believe strongly in process and crossing their T's and dotting their I's. Taijitu and TSP were closer when Elu was more active in TSP, but Taijitu is also undergoing a successful revival right now. Both Spiritus and Taijitu would make fine allies, I think.

RE: Spiritus - Kris Kringle - 03-01-2015

Spiritus is a good region. I would enjoy working towards a formal alliance.

I have never had any interactions whatsoever with Taijitu, either officially or unofficially, in my whole time in the Cabinet. I would not support having them as allies, without actually having a relationship first.

RE: Spiritus - ProfessorHenn - 03-01-2015

(02-28-2015, 11:54 PM)Lord Ravenclaw Wrote: . . . coop . . .

*Perks up*

I am for both of these treaties, should they be brought to light. Both are semi-popular with Gameplay, have nice communities, and overall would be a benefit to have with cultural events.

Both are defender, but I doubt that is what we are solely basing this on, and I honestly don't want it to have any large portion in this.

RE: Spiritus - Unibot - 03-01-2015

Quote:I have never had any interactions whatsoever with Taijitu, either officially or unofficially, in my whole time in the Cabinet. I would not support having them as allies, without actually having a relationship first.

Taijitu were long-time friends of TSP for years; essentially Taijitu went inactive when Elu left and now it's being revived and it's stronger than ever. I believe the SPSF has been working with Taijitu's Militia recently. Taijitu are also really strong roleplayers - especially the new revived Taijitu - so I think there'd be a lot of potential there for a roleplayed relationship too.

RE: Spiritus - Kris Kringle - 03-01-2015

I know we have a history with Taijitu. My concern is with our relationship now, which is non-existent. If we want to grow closer, then I am all for it. But I want to see a pattern of friendship before considering a formal alliance.

RE: Spiritus - Unibot - 03-01-2015

(03-01-2015, 12:27 AM)Kris Kringle Wrote: I know we have a history with Taijitu. My concern is with our relationship now, which is non-existent. If we want to grow closer, then I am all for it. But I want to see a pattern of friendship before considering a formal alliance.

I think the problem is that The South Pacific is the only region that works like this in FA and we only apply that standard haphazardly (we ignored it with almost every imperialist treaty we ever signed) so, a lot of potential allies feel like TSP is putting them through the wringer and we won't alliance with them.

A cruder example would be to say most regions like to fuck first, and TSP expects a lot of dating and lot of foreplay - not everyone thinks TSP will deliver. 

RE: Spiritus - Kris Kringle - 03-01-2015

We have not applied that standard haphazardly in our latest treaties. To be clear, I am not asking for the closest of relationships and a merger declaration, but if we have not talked at all with Taijitu in at least the last two years, then it is obvious that we cannot just sign a treaty with them.

TRR - lots of cultural activities, similar respect for democracy and free speech, military cooperation
Lazarus - cultural activities, military cooperation
Spiritus - cultural activities, military cooperation, regular contact and good relations between government officials

Taijitu - zero cultural activities, apparent, not well known, military cooperation, no contact at the official level

There is no relationship with Taijitu. There can be one, there should be one, but right now there isn't one.

(03-01-2015, 12:29 AM)Unibot Wrote: A cruder example would be to say most regions like to fuck first, and TSP expects a lot of dating and lot of foreplay - not everyone thinks TSP will deliver. 

So we want to make sure that our allies are actually our friends. I don't see the problem with that. Let other regions fuck first, we don't need to follow their lead. Choosing our allies wisely might well avoid us problems with bad allies in the future.

RE: Spiritus - Unibot - 03-01-2015

The problem is Kringalia, that we might deter actual relationships from forming because we misunderstand other region's rituals surrounding treaties - for what we see as putting the cart before the wheel, they see as simply ensuring the relationship has some expectations to it, so they know it'll go places.

RE: Spiritus - Unibot - 03-01-2015

Fine, you're probably right, Kringalia. On the other hand, TRR's Rock, Paper, Scissors contest (if it happens this month) may be a great opportunity for TSP and Taijitu to face off in a cultural activity.