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Raven - Spiritus - Printable Version

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Raven - Spiritus - Unibot - 03-11-2015

According to Salax, Raven has resigned as MoFA?

I told him I'd be willing to bring to vote whatever was officially agreed upon, but it seems we're still in the process of negotiations.

Quote:<Unibot> Hey Salax?

<Unibot> Has Raven like disappeared?
<Salaxalans> Yesterday he said he was resigning
<Salaxalans> I don’t know if he posted it or not but he said it in IRC
<Unibot> Oh christ. He didn't tell us.
<Unibot> >_<
<Unibot> Thanks
<Unibot> Um, did you two agree on text for Spiritus-TSP?
<Salaxalans> I’m thinking this treaty thing might not be able to happen now but oh well Tounge
<Salaxalans> No
<Salaxalans> Rogamark and he were about to work out changes before this
<Unibot> Um, I mean I'm Chair and I'd be willing to bring something to the Assembly if the cabinet agrees.
<Unibot> Okay let me bring it up with the cabinet
<Unibot> And I'll get to you as soon as possible.
<Salaxalans> It could be he didn’t actually resign and only said it in IRC
<Salaxalans> I’m not really sure
<Salaxalans> I think he may have moved his nation out though
<Unibot> I hope you don't see this behavior those as an indictation that TSP isn't enthusastic about a treaty with Spiritus.
<Salaxalans> Not at all
<Unibot> Because everyone I've spoke to has been enthusastic about it, barring some wiggles with the text.
<Salaxalans> Yeah, I know
<Unibot> Just, you know there seems to be some confusion on our end about who is negotiating.
<Unibot> I'll try to get back to you soon then; or send Tsu over, or the Vice MoFA.
<Salaxalans> Alrighty.

RE: Raven - Spiritus - Unibot - 03-11-2015

Given I think I'm fairly representative of those who opposed the treaty's wording and I've got some experience drafting treaties, I'd offer myself as someone to work with Salax to come up with a text that might be amendable to both sides - that is, if Raven has actually left us.

Otherwise, we should send Tsu or the Vice MoFA over to work with Spiritus pronto, I think.

RE: Raven - Spiritus - Kris Kringle - 03-11-2015

In view of the following, I am afraid Raven has forfeited his citizenship:

22 hours ago: Eagleswing relocated from The South Pacific to The North Pacific.

RE: Raven - Spiritus - Unibot - 03-11-2015

That's really unfortunate. I believe we need to appoint a new MoFA then to serve until April 1st. 

RE: Raven - Spiritus - Unibot - 03-11-2015

Given Sopo is busy as Euro President, I'd suggest Glen-Rhodes as a replacement for Raven, being Glen-Rhodes is our former MoFA and has passed two treaties before. He'd be able to get the Spiritus treaty negotiated, I think.

RE: Raven - Spiritus - Kris Kringle - 03-11-2015

I would suggest contacting Glen to see if he is interested or if he has enough time to adequately serve as Minister. That said, I think he would be a good fit, particularly since so little of the term is left that we want someone who already knows the ropes and can come ready to get stuff done. He has the experience and the capacity to do a great job.

RE: Raven - Spiritus - Kris Kringle - 03-11-2015

Sandaoguo Wrote:<GlenZNC> Well yeah I'll do it if you guys want

I suggest we appoint Glen as MoFA as soon as possible, so we can finalise the Spiritus negotiations and get the treaty passed.

RE: Raven - Spiritus - Unibot - 03-11-2015

That's good to hear that he's up for it. If it counts for anything: Aye to G-R.

RE: Raven - Spiritus - Unibot - 03-11-2015

Penguin, while you're on ... this is important here!

RE: Raven - Spiritus - Penguin - 03-11-2015

I see and I have spoken to Raven. He has indeed washed his hands of us.