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Spiritus - TSP Final - Printable Version

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Spiritus - TSP Final - Feirmont - 03-23-2015

Here's my master reply:

Here's the edited list above. We only have a few days left; and I want one of those days to be publicity.
  • Duration: 5 days.
  • Schedule: March 26th - March 31st.
  • Theme: Conspiracy
  • Activities/Games:
    1. Caption Contest with RP and daily pictures.
    2. Cards Against Humanity (IRC, If Wuufu could bring Tammy Happywide)
    3. Warlight
    4. Mafia (Forum based and IRC, if possible)
    5. Clue (see below)
    6. Five day RP
    7. Story Contest

  • Who's in charge of what when
    • Caption Contest: Feirmont
      • Will be updated every 24 hours. Winners announced the next day.
    • Cards Against Humanity: *
      • We can do this more than once. I figure four times during the Festival (Twice US East, Twice EU) With Tammy and one host's help to explain how to use Tammy for the game.
    • Warlight: Feirmont
      • Pre-Festival sign-ups in a tournament style setting. This will inevitably pass the length of the festival, but I don't think that would matter.
      • I was thinking we could split this; having the winner from the TSP tournament play the winner of the Spiritus tournament.
    • Mafia: Salaxalans
      • If Salaxalans doesn't mind hosting a forum based game and if they or someone else can host an IRC version.
    • RPs: Feirmont
      • I don't think this needs a host, just a start. We can also have multiple RPs at once. Just need ideas for them.
    • Story Contest: Feirmont
      • This is also really easy. Five days to write a good story. Judged; 1st, 2nd and 3rd gets mentionned.
    • Clue: Feirmont and Wuufu
      • I don't mind hosting this one either, but I'd like to work with Wuufu to get a more flushed out idea. Here's the basis:
        Wuufu Wrote:One more suggestion from me is that we could have a kind of "Clue" style game, where we have people signup, then someone is "murdered" and we have to figure out who did it. The way that would work is someone is selected as the "wolf", with everyone given specific instructions as to their alibi and everyone else needs to post in the thread asking questions. People can then RP around their chosen backstories in reply. Or something like that Tounge

Here we are then. If we can get a few more hosts, maybe a spontaneous RMB activity or two and some actual time slots, I think we're good to go Smile


RE: Spiritus - TSP Final - ProfessorHenn - 03-23-2015

I can assist with Cards Against Humanity.

RE: Spiritus - TSP Final - Feirmont - 03-23-2015

(03-23-2015, 08:48 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: I can assist with Cards Against Humanity.
Done. When's your best time frame between the 26th and the 31st? And could you host 2?

Spiritus - TSP Final - ProfessorHenn - 03-23-2015

Foo. In the afternoon, 5-9(Varies heavily, more like 6/7-9). I can do them all, and on the weekends I am available all the time(within limit), except at update.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

RE: Spiritus - TSP Final - Escade - 03-23-2015

I can help host on the 28th and 29th in the evenings (post 6pmish). I can host a mafia game here or on Spiritus and also help with writing contest (like provide prompts such as use these three objects in you story, etc)

I can also help with Spam games that are more competitive. If someone has the links for the TSP Regional Games I ran we can liberally steal from them Tounge

RE: Spiritus - TSP Final - Wuufu - 03-24-2015

This looks excellent indeed!

Unfortunately, I'm only available on sketchy terms until the 26th and then I should be free evenings of 26th and 27th with some forward planning, IRC wise. I'm happy to get Tammy setup in whatever channel for the games; right now she's set to use #spiritus-games but can use a different channel if we'd like, it's a single line of code to change.

Happy to organise and run the clue game Smile

RE: Spiritus - TSP Final - Bonaugure - 03-25-2015

A suggestion for the Clue game is to have more than one WOLF. I can tell you for personal experience, that will sure spice things up if the wolves aren't teaming up nor aware of who are the other wolves.

RE: Spiritus - TSP Final - Feirmont - 03-25-2015

Schedule for the Festival

All times are in EDT
  • Thursday (26th) 5pm
    • Signups for Clue! & Rules posted - Feirmont or Wuufu (preferably Wuufu, if unavailable then Feirmont)
    • Signups for Weekend Warlight - Feirmont
    • RP thread(s?) opens - All members
    • First Caption contest picture & Rules - Feirmont
    • Spam games open (Conspiracy named; can be any forum game) - Escade
    • Story contest opens & Rules posted - Feirmont
  • Friday (27th)
    • Cards Against Humanity (irc in #spiritus-games) at 2pm - Wuufu
    • Signups for Warlight Tournament ends 5pm - Feirmont
    • New picture for Caption contest at 5pm - Feirmont
    • Signups for Clue! closes at 5pm - Wuufu
    • Mafia (irc in #nsmafia) at 6pm - Salaxalans
    • Mafia (irc in #nsmafia) at 11pm - Salaxalans
  • Saturday (28th)
    • Warlight Tournament all day - Feirmont
    • Handing out roles for Clue! and starting as soon as possible - Wuufu
    • Mafia (irc in #nsmafia) at 1pm - Salaxalans
    • New picture for Caption contest at 5pm - Feirmont
    • Cards Against Humanity (irc in #spiritus-games) at 6pm - ProfessorHenn
    • Cards Against Humanity (irc in #spiritus-games) at 11pm - *
  • Sunday (29th)
    • Warlight Tournament all day - Feirmont
    • Clue! continues - Wuufu
    • Cards Against Humanity (irc in #spiritus-games) at 1pm - ProfessorHenn
    • New picture for Caption contest at 5pm - Feirmont
    • Mafia (irc in #nsmafia) at 6pm - Escade
  • Monday (30th)
    • Warlight tournament (if necessary) all day - Feirmont
    • Clue! finishes anytime - Wuufu
    • Mafia (irc in #nsmafia) at 2pm - Wuufu
    • Last picture for Caption contest at 5pm - Feirmont
    • Story contest submission deadline at 5pm - Feirmont
    • Cards Against Humanity (irc in #spiritus-games) at 6pm - ProfessorHenn
  • Tuesday (31st)
    • Announcement of winners - Feirmont
  • 6pm
    • Closing Ceremonies

There will be a festival chatroom located at #elementallampshades to chat.

During each day, it is up to everybody to ensure the RPs and Spam games are running smooth.

Judges for Caption Contest: Everyone
Judges for Story Contest: Feirmont, Escade, _________

I'm leaving it as Closing Ceremonies at the end, as a tentative time to have a formal signing ceremony of The Lampshade Accords (this is, of course, assuming it passes both houses in time).

If there is a time that anyone cannot make, please let me know by posting here or by sending me a PM.

Let's have some fun! Please let me know if I've missed anything Smile

Spread the word Smile

RE: Spiritus - TSP Final - The Salaxalans - 03-26-2015

Legonimis in #spiritus reminded me that in past Spiritus festivals we've usually set up an IRC channel for it; it might be fun to do that for this festival! It would just be for hanging out and whatnot. Leguminous suggested the name #elementallampshades but it could be anything.

Also, regarding mafia, I was thinking I could run them manually in #nsmafia like I used to; the bot in #nswerewolf is good and it can handle all sorts of complicated roles but I've always thought it was a little too fast-paced. I'm okay with either one, however.

Thank you for putting all this together, Feirmont! It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! Happywide

RE: Spiritus - TSP Final - Feirmont - 03-26-2015

(03-26-2015, 12:05 AM)The Salaxalans Wrote: Legonimis in #spiritus reminded me that in past Spiritus festivals we've usually set up an IRC channel for it; it might be fun to do that for this festival! It would just be for hanging out and whatnot. Leguminous suggested the name #elementallampshades but it could be anything.

Also, regarding mafia, I was thinking I could run them manually in #nsmafia like I used to; the bot in #nswerewolf is good and it can handle all sorts of complicated roles but I've always thought it was a little too fast-paced. I'm okay with either one, however.

Thank you for putting all this together, Feirmont! It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! Happywide

Thank you Salaxalans! I agree with your suggestions and will change my top post.

I was also thinking of a Friday night (11pm EDT) Mafia and Saturday night (11pm EDT) Cards Against Humanity. If someone can host those too. However, if no one from this team is available I can do it Smile