The South Pacific
Survey: Form of Government - Printable Version

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Survey: Form of Government - Qwert - 04-01-2015

Yes, it's time for another political survey, this time focusing on your form of government. Depending on the answers, some kind of map(s) will, as suspected, be produced; the more details, the more accurate map(s). The form of government may be prescribed by power structure and power source (see Government). Let's have a try!

Power structure: unitary state
Power source: representative democracy (unitary parliamentary), elective monarchy

RE: Survey: Form of Government - Qwert - 04-01-2015

(I realized now that this thread should be in Bantam Harbour. Admin? Happywide)

RE: Survey: Form of Government - Kris Kringle - 04-02-2015

(04-01-2015, 06:19 PM)Qwert Wrote: (I realized now that this thread should be in Bantam Harbour. Admin? Happywide)

Probably something you should post in the Op Centre, so we'll actually notice it. Tounge


Survey: Form of Government - Resentine - 04-02-2015

Federation of the Resentine Kingdom(FOTRK)

Power Structure: Federal
Power Source: Representative/Liberal Democracy(Unitary Parliamentary), Hereditary Monarchy(If this is confusing, send me a PM and I will explain)

RE: Survey: Form of Government - Kris Kringle - 04-02-2015

Republic of Kringalia

Structure: Federal
Source: Constitutional Republic (Presidential Representative Democracy - For Survey Purposes)

RE: Survey: Form of Government - VPRB - 04-02-2015

The Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

Structure: Unitary State

Power Source: Single-party state (de jure) / Absolute dictatorship (de facto)

The Bruuman Protectorate of Puerto Pollo

Structure: Unincorporated territory

Power Source:  Single-party state (de jure) /Military dictatorship (de facto)

RE: Survey: Form of Government - Brutland and Norden - 04-02-2015

the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden
Power structure: federal state
Power source: constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system

the County of Ceretania
Power structure: unitary state
Power source: constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system

RE: Survey: Form of Government - Awe - 04-02-2015

Federal Democratic Republic of Awesomiasa

Structure: Federal Republic

Type: Constitutional Presidential Republic, with semi-direct democracy

RE: Survey: Form of Government - ProfessorHenn - 04-02-2015

Structure: Federation
Source: Direct Democracy with several Dictatorship tones

RE: Survey: Form of Government - Darkstrait - 04-02-2015

Structure: Federal
Source: Socialist Democracy