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Changes to Local Council - Tsunamy - 04-12-2015

Hi guys — so, as the EC for the local council, I can already tell you we're going to have problems with it. We're not getting the nominations or interest needed.

I really think this is due to the fact that the Local Council will be RMB based, but those eligible to run must be citizens. I think a simple change will help this out.

Quote:Article 8: The Local Council

Section 1 - Membership
1. Three citizens residents of The South Pacific shall serve on the Local Council.
2. The election of councillors shall be decided by resident voters in The South Pacific.
3. The Local Council will serve a term lasting four months.
4. Procedures for the election of the Local Council must be defined in the Code of Laws.

Section 2 - Purpose and Mandate
1. The Local Council shall serve as a voice for residents to the Cabinet and the Assembly.
2. Primarily, the Local Council shall be concerned with local matters and policies which affect residents game-side. 

Section 3 - Powers and Responsibilities
1. The Local Council shall endeavor to improve communication to residents and promote more local awareness of the region's ongoing activities. 
2. Conduct violations should be reported to the judiciary by the Local Council. 
3. The Local Council may make recommendations to the Delegate with regards to the regulation of the Regional Message Board (e.g., permissions), the creation of new regional polls, in addition to any changes to the regional welcome telegram and the World Factbook Entry. 
4. In the event of a State of Emergency, the Local Council may assist the Committee for State Security (CSS) in communicating with residents at the CSS's request. 
5. The Local Council shall work with the Ministry of Regional Affairs to promote regional integration and to devise and organise regional cultural events and practices.
6. Municipal ordinances may be introduced by the Local Council unanimously as regional policies in cases where no law exists; Municipal ordinances may not conflict with the Charter, Bill of Rights, or Code of Law, or Executive Policy and must be approved by the Assembly.


RE: Changes to Local Council - Escade - 04-12-2015

I guess my thoughts about this had to do with the overlap between MoRA and the Local Council. Why would someone choose to be in one over the other or not both? Unlike MoRA which is a cabinet position, the Local Council really doesn't have any power in-game.

For example, this:

"1. The Local Council shall serve as a voice for residents to the Cabinet and the Assembly.
2. Primarily, the Local Council shall be concerned with local matters and policies which affect residents game-side. "

What does "serve as a voice" mean? Will that mean reports or does that mean an extra vote?

Looking at this and discussions about it, I think rather then a Local Council I would have preferred Minister of Gameside Affairs being added to the cabinet and doing some of the same things (being active on the RMB, suggesting polls to the delegate or WFE design, sharing news on the RMB). Really one person who is active on the RMB and also has some sort of governmental connection on the regional forums.

I could practically do most of the thing I do now and be eligible for Local Council but remain off of it, so I guess what benefit does the position have?

RE: Changes to Local Council - Tsunamy - 04-12-2015

(04-12-2015, 11:45 AM)Escade Wrote: I guess my thoughts about this had to do with the overlap between MoRA and the Local Council.  Why would someone choose to be in one over  the other or not both?  Unlike MoRA which is a cabinet position, the Local Council really doesn't have any power in-game.

For example, this:

"1. The Local Council shall serve as a voice for residents to the Cabinet and the Assembly.
2. Primarily, the Local Council shall be concerned with local matters and policies which affect residents game-side. "

What does "serve as a voice" mean? Will that mean reports or does that mean an extra vote?

Looking at this and discussions about it, I think rather then a Local Council I would have preferred Minister of Gameside Affairs being added to the cabinet and doing some of the same things (being active on the RMB, suggesting polls to the delegate or WFE design, sharing news on the RMB).  Really one person who is active on the RMB and also has some sort of governmental connection on the regional forums.

I could practically do most of the thing I do now and be eligible for Local Council but remain off of it, so I guess what benefit does the position have?

Well, yes. I agree with this. That's why if we open it to residents — we'll have a bigger pool and a means to bring non-forum members into the government.

RE: Changes to Local Council - Escade - 04-12-2015

I guess my thoughts are that what concrete change do the local council, whether as citizens or residents, effect?

A cabinet member has a say in the cabinet decisions. A justice on Court decisions. A citizen on Assembly decisions. I'm trying to figure out whether Local Council is just a title or actually has some influence.

RE: Changes to Local Council - Aramanchovia - 04-12-2015

I thought it would likely fail as is, as there are very few people that I can think of that would be interested who are active on the RMB that are also citizens (and not already in cabinet).

I have not been a fan of the local council idea from the start, but this proposal should open it up to a few more nations.

Changes to Local Council - sandaoguo - 04-12-2015

Perhaps the Local Council would be a more useful idea once Regional Officers are added to the game?

I'm also not too convinced that the issue isn't simply that there's little interest in it at all, rather than the issue being you have to have citizenship. But I'm leaning towards lifting the requirements to test that hypothesis.

RE: Changes to Local Council - Escade - 04-12-2015

I'm fine with it being opened up to residents (although maybe WA residents?). Regional officers, when the change is implemented, will be interesting but also based on a recent GP thread probably need to be held by secure individuals since some access to the delegate controls is possible (its still a discussion until the feature is rolled out anyway).

GR, from what I know most of the nominees (such as myself) are people who are already citizens.

RE: Changes to Local Council - Kris Kringle - 04-12-2015

I am not sure the restriction to citizens is the problems. I think there are two problems here:

1. Were it not because I keep informed of regional happenings, I would not know there is a Local Council, let alone that elections are underway. Considering that we created the Local Council precisely to give a voice to those who are not so informed of political events, it is naive to think current levels of promotion (that has been close to no promotion on the Council) would be enough to have adequate awareness.

2. Even if people were aware that there is a Local Council, it is not very clear what it would actually do. Unlike Escade, though, I think that a Council would be much more useful than a Minister of Gameside Affairs. With a Local Council there would be the possibility for discussions, municipal ordinances and more dynamic actions. A MoGA would be a useful official whose duties are already being discharged by the Ministry of Regional Affairs. What we need to do is better explain what the Council would do.

tl;dr Our problem is communication, not something inherent with the Local Council. While lowering the standards to residents would help, I think it is too early to say for sure that that is the problem. There has been almost no promotion, or even a mass TG, so it is most likely that people simply don't know about the Local Council.

RE: Changes to Local Council - Farengeto - 04-12-2015

I had to search to even figure out where it was mentioned. Is it too much to even send out a TG about the elections? I was never a huge fan of this idea anyway, but we don't even seem to be trying with this election.

RE: Changes to Local Council - Tsunamy - 04-12-2015

Whatever guys. I retract this proposal. Maybe I can "try again" with an election some other time.