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Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Printable Version

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Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Jay Coop - 04-25-2015

Officials from the government of the Pacific Republic of Qvait are meeting with Ryccian leaders to form a new government.

RE: Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Ryccia - 04-25-2015

The King, Prime Minister Karen Cline, Minister of Foreign Affairs Alice Gevaborgani, 10 other diplomats and 5 Royal Guards arrived in Stockholm for a new government. The Delegation got to the meeting place, and sat down.

King Jose I: "Hello, I am King Jose I, this is Prime Minister Karen Cline, MoFA Alice Gevaborgani, etc., etc., nice to meet you"
Karen Cline: "Nice to meet you"
Alice Gevaborgani: "Hello"
Diplomat #1: "Hi. Let us begin"
KJI: "So, what do you, the Qvaitican Delegation, have in mind?"
KC: "I would like to know"
Diplomat #2: "Me as well"

RE: Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Jay Coop - 04-25-2015

President Gabriel West, Vice President Dominic Frost, Secretary of State Katelynn Cutter, Secretary of Defense Johnathon Victor, and Secretary of Security and Intelligence Victor Cutter enter the room.

President West: "I would like to see that a new government is in power. Seeing that your nation is a constitutional monarchy, I would to see that an election takes place soon. As we speak, we have people working in your country rebuilding what has been destroyed in the war."
Madame Secretary Cutter: "What we want to do is rebuild your nation for you. If any country seeks reparations, we will pay those reparations."
Secretary Victor: "In return, we would like to maintain an airbase in the Hishu Islands, a military base near Derros, and one near Daonlathas. We want bases in your country to make sure that an incident like the Ryccian Civil War does not occur again. We will be generous and give you a military post at our base in Santa Nofre, Qvait."
President West: "We want to make sure that we can have a permanent ally in the South Pacific. Let's say if things would go sideways in the Southern Cooperation Organisation, we would still remain allies."

RE: Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Ryccia - 04-25-2015

OOC: Since I relocated to plot 079, the Hishu Islands do not exist anymore. So I'll ignore that.

KJI: "Well, as far as I am concerned, there has always been elections in my reign. I do not appoint the Prime Minister, or the whole Parliament. Doing so will go against everything I stand for. The former Prime Minister Dave Isvou and the SSFR are the ones who stained our government's democratic image. I, however, appreciate what you are doing for my people. Thank you"
KC: "We do seek reparations. From nations like Punchwood, Darkstrait and others who harmed our civilians. Punchwood directed an insurgency and it destabilized Ryccia even more. Darkstrait massacred protesters in Daonlathas, in what it is being called in Ryccia, the Freedom Massacre. We seek reparations from them. Not from Qvait"
AG: "Bases? Near Derros or Daonlathas? No, sorry. People get scared in Ryccia when military bases are installed in a city. We established a base in Castiana in 1976, but 100,000 people emigrated from the city, in fear of that base. It had to be shut down in 1977, and caused a recession for that city. It was so bad that the government had to bail Castiana out with a $4 billion loan. And people get scared of foreign forces even more, so if you are near those megacities, people will start moving. Daonlathas has 40 million people, and Derros has 12 million. Castiana is between them, with 18 million. Other "megacities" have less than 8 million people. So, no. But you can establish a base in City of Roses. They, however, do not get scared because of their military history. In fact, City of Roses was founded by the military itself in 1929, so people do not fear a base. It also has 150,000 people. So, maybe you can establish a base there"

RE: Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Jay Coop - 04-25-2015

President West: "Okay let's forget about placing bases in your nation. We know that you do not have the power to appoint ministers. What we want is for the people of Ryccia to elect a new prime minister and undergo a governmental restart. We also recognize your grievances against other nations and we believe that you are right in seeking reparations. All we ask is that the interim Ryccian government sets up an election date and a new government can restore order in your nation."

RE: Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Ryccia - 04-25-2015

KJI: "We tried that. But with this instability we could not hold special elections. We are willing to have a government restart. But elections... We will need security. Will you provide security for us?"

RE: Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Jay Coop - 04-26-2015

Mister Secretary Cutter: "With help from Secretary Victor, the Intelligence Service for Defense and Security and the Qvaitican Defense Forces will provide security in Ryccia for the time-being. Furthermore, they will cooperate with the intelligence agency and the Ryccian military at your discretion."

RE: Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Ryccia - 04-26-2015

KJI: "Thank you we will most certainly need it. Now, let us discuss other countries. How are we going to hold elections if other nations are occupying territory? Qvait is not the only one there. What are we going to do?"

RE: Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Jay Coop - 04-26-2015

(Most of the people who were part of this roleplay have now ditched it, let's just say that they all pulled out)

RE: Conference between Qvaitican and Ryccian leaders to form a New Government - Jay Coop - 04-26-2015

President West: "After the government of Ryccia and Ryccia itself becomes stabilized, I would like to see that the country makes a second attempt at joining the Southern Cooperation Organisation."