The South Pacific
Mission Planning Ideas and the like - Printable Version

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Mission Planning Ideas and the like - ProfessorHenn - 05-05-2015

Right, here's the thread to post ideas for missions and stuff like that. The MoA and General Corp will go through and either approve, deny, or put on hold your request.

Everyone's welcome to post here.

Jasper Henn

RE: Mission Planning Ideas and the like - Hammerstar - 05-05-2015

Testing, one two. Is this the place notified?

Mission Planning Ideas and the like - ProfessorHenn - 05-05-2015

Hmm? Notified?

Jasper Henn

RE: Mission Planning Ideas and the like - Resentine - 05-05-2015

Well..... We could raid some really bad raiders. With a little coordination with other raiders. Raiders fight raiders sometimes, right?

RE: Mission Planning Ideas and the like - Siberian - 05-05-2015

Why would we do that?

Mission Planning Ideas and the like - ProfessorHenn - 05-05-2015

Just a note, until we can get an SPSF Masking, the latest post in this forum is available to everyone who can see it. I.E.: Aram just told me that he can see "Mission Planning Ideas and. . ."

I'll get a masking for us soon enough.

Jasper Henn

RE: Mission Planning Ideas and the like - Resentine - 05-05-2015

Hey, I'm just tossing around ideas here. Not my job to determine why or how we do it. We could also begin several extensive intelligence operations into raider regions, alert our allies if they just happen to be in the mischevious plans of some other region.

RE: Mission Planning Ideas and the like - Siberian - 05-05-2015

That's exactly WHAT your job is. If you suggest an operation you should be stating all the details, including how and why.

RE: Mission Planning Ideas and the like - Wolf - 05-05-2015

(05-05-2015, 10:40 AM)FederationOfTheRK Wrote: Raiders fight raiders sometimes, right?

Almost never.

Unless they are Nazi raiders. Then almost always.

RE: Mission Planning Ideas and the like - Resentine - 05-05-2015

(05-05-2015, 02:51 PM)Siberian Districts Wrote: That's exactly WHAT your job is. If you suggest an operation you should be stating all the details, including how and why.

That's a negative. My JOB, is to follow orders. Unless they happen to be significantly morally questionable. And right now, my job is to develop ideas on what we could do, not what who we should use them against. It is not in my description of this job to know all of TSPs enemies. Right now, we have options, and I am presenting them. I am not suggesting operations, I am suggesting what we could do as operations. If you wanted me to develop an operation, I could begin setting up a long term one right now.

Target: The Pacific/New Pacific Order
Operation Codename: Silent Spear
Details: Agents/Troops would infiltrate the Pacific in the form of WA puppets. All agents would create custom flags and spend a few days in their starting regions to make it seem that they were indeed new players,maintain a guise. Agents would then infiltrate the Pacific, play themselves off as new players, and begin setting up contact with Anti-Krull supporters(which there are some). We would spend some time setting up an inactive resistance, placing agents in high ranking positions across the NPO, which would of course, take months, even years. Assuming this portion of the plan even succeeds, after a few years, we eveuntually have enough support to overthrow Krull. We select a person, preferably someone high up and who has been in the region for a long period, and then, at a major or minor update, we flood him wit endorsements with extra puppets standing by, and we hope that we get the one-in-a-million chance of throwing Krull out of office.

Operation time:2-5 years.
Likeliness of Success: 1-50 chance.