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[CC] How is your roleplay experience? - Printable Version

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How is your roleplay experience? - Jay Coop - 07-08-2015

I'm wondering if everyone is satisfied with their roleplay experience. If you are not satisfied, then voice your concerns in this thread. Perhaps, we can make your experience better. Or, perhaps it is like a roller coaster where there are good days then there are not so good days. If your experience is like a roller coaster, then all I can tell you is I know what that is like.

RE: How is your roleplay experience? - Darkstrait - 07-08-2015

Good days, bad days.

The bad days are mostly caused by inactivity.

RE: How is your roleplay experience? - Feirmont - 07-08-2015

So far it's been good! I haven't really been posting much since this is my first time ever RPing (that isn't a live RP like D&D) so I am a tad unsure how to post/what to post most of the time; but reading how others here in the Harbour is a great learning experience.

RE: How is your roleplay experience? - Rebeltopia - 07-09-2015

It's good. The only thing that could make out better for me is more time in front of my laptop, and not on my phone... [emoji14] It's hard to post longer via tapatalk...

Sent from my LG-D500 using Tapatalk

How is your roleplay experience? - ProfessorHenn - 07-09-2015


Soon, your predicament will be over?

~Professor Henn, Hardcore Leftist, Totally not a Dinosaur

RE: How is your roleplay experience? - Rebeltopia - 07-09-2015

(07-09-2015, 12:26 PM)ProfessorHenn Wrote: [emoji14]

Soon, your predicament will be over?

~Professor Henn, Hardcore Leftist, Totally not a Dinosaur
I hope so... but, after work, if it's not unpacking, its wedding planning... but I'm hoping to get inn front of my computer at least 2 evenings a week.

Sent from my LG-D500 using Tapatalk

RE: How is your roleplay experience? - Jay Coop - 08-06-2015

After what Henn did, I don't know if I'm going to RP in TSP ever again.

How is your roleplay experience? - ProfessorHenn - 08-06-2015

It'll be a damn shame to see you go. You were such a good rival.

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: How is your roleplay experience? - Ryccia - 08-06-2015

The fall of TSP RP....

Darn it.

RE: How is your roleplay experience? - Resentine - 08-06-2015

(08-06-2015, 10:06 PM)Ryccia Wrote: The fall of TSP RP....

Darn it.
