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S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - Printable Version

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S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - Kris Kringle - 07-25-2015

Real Time is a weekly panel discussion that gathers prominent participants from the South Pacific and addresses the latest events in the region. This week we are joined by citizens who will discuss the results of the July Election, the prospective policies of the incoming Cabinet and the record of the outgoing one.

Kringle: Hi everyone and welcome to the sixth episode of Real Time. Today has been quite an eventful day, with the election of a new Cabinet, and we have a very special panel to discuss that and some other issues. But first, he is the outgoing Minister of Regional Affairs and Delegate-Elect of the South Pacific, Feirmont!

Feirmont: Hey everyone!

Kringle: Our Vice Delegate-Elect, Arbiter08!

Arbiter08: Hello everybody!

Kringle: The newly re-elected Chair of the Assembly, Farengeto!

Farengeto: Welcome and thank you to the voters.

Kringle: A returning figure, Minister of Foreign Affairs-Elect, Hileville!

Hileville: Hello!

Kringle: A new member of our Cabinet, Minister of the Army-Elect Siberian Districts!

Siberian: Hey folks!

Kringle: And finally, the outgoing Minister of the Army, ProfessorHenn!

ProfessorHenn: Aloe aloe!

Kringle: I am very please to have our entire new Cabinet with us tonight. Let's start by discussing the election. We have some returning figures and some exciting additions. I am quite pleased to see the mix of experienced and newcomers. Your overall impressions on our new Cabinet?

Feirmont: I look forward to working with everybody here in the upcoming term. Everyone had excellent ideas in their campaigns, and I'm excited to help see most of these ideas come to fruition, and pitch my own of course. It's a bunch of hard working individuals, so I'm jazzed to be working with them.

Farengeto: We've got a great cabinet this term, with plenty of great ministers old and new.

Kringle: As I said in my congratulatory post, it really is exciting to see Feir become Delegate. He's only been around for 7-8 months, so this shows how open TSP can be.

Siberian: I'm quite honored to be among their ranks. You've got all the big names of TSP, and then me. I do look forward to working with all of them and hopefully getting all of our goals accomplished.

Hileville: I think everyone of us brings something different to the table. I can't wait to start working with everyone.

Arbiter08: Some people I've worked with plenty, and some I've never worked with before in an official capacity. It'll be exciting to work with them all!

Kringle: Actually, I was forgetting about Siberian. It's interesting to see how he built a record of service without having been a citizen. You've been a citizen for only a few days, right?

Siberian: Glad to know I'm memorable Tounge

Kringle: Still, it's good to see that someone in MoRA or the SPSF can get involved, contribute and do much good, without even being a citizen.

Siberian: But I started off in TSP and had my citizenship application accepted. Without knowing it, the mod team then denied my application for proxy use. I managed to complete a few missions in the SPSF getting to Solda Ansyen rank when I finally tried posting somewhere else. It turned out that I couldn't post and when asked the mod team I learned of the denial. After many Private Messages this whole mess was solved and my citizenship was accepted.

Kringle: Let's focus on one particular topic, though. We have a few members from the outgoing Cabinet still in the new one. What should we expect in terms of policy. Will there be any changes, or will foreign policy, cultural policy, etc. remain largely similar?

Hileville: For the most part as Foreign Policy goes it will be very similar. You will see a more engaged Ministry.

Kringle: I assume we will see a new foreign service?

Hileville: Yes we will. I am working out the details now. What I will be introducing is a slightly new take on the system.

Farengeto: As Chair my policies will remain largely the same, only now I'll be able to implement some of the plans I was too busy for this summer.

Kringle: You mentioned planning a new Great Council?

Farengeto: It is something I have considered, as a rapid and focused alternative to spread out discussions over the term.

Arbiter08: Culturally I don't expect to see too much change, except for the fact that Kris will be at the head of the ministry instead of Feir.

Farengeto: of course, this would have a lot more planning that the last Great Council if it were to happen.

Siberian: I'd like to maintain the SPSF's policy of being independent, and I don't see any change happening in my term.

Feirmont: Right. Most of what we have will only be improved upon from last term. Really flushing it out.

Kringle: Siberian, this reminds me of something I wanted to discuss tonight. The SPSF recently helped Osiris with the occupation of Founderless, and apparently there were some miscommunications between MoA and MoFA. Has there been any word on what actually happened?

Arbiter08: Glen says that he received word from an ally on the mission being unauthorized, while Henn did in fact authorize it. I have no clue if the two sorted it out in private or not.

Siberian: Trick Shot/Festavo, the current Scribe of War in Osiris contacted me about a mission together. After posting about it on Base Camp with no complaint we followed through with the mission and all was well. Then out of nowhere Glen-Rhodes popped up on the NS forums and decided to say it was unauthorized.

Farengeto: And of course there was an argument between Siberian and a rather angry defender if I'm not mistaken.

Kringle: Though Glen said an ally told him that Henn said the mission was unauthorized, so something must've happened there.

Siberian: Neither Prof.Henn or I have any idea why G.R said that, and I don't think there's been any update on this.

Farengeto: It's no secret Glen disapproved of the SPSF's recent raiding activities.

Siberian: I don't think this was much of an argument Farengeto. I feel like the defender in question The Silver Sentinel wanted to poke a bit of fun at the SPSF because of us running a raid under their nose. Let me find something he said...

Kringle: Well yes, but there's a difference between disapproving and sabotaging with contradictory statements. I don't think Glen would do the latter.

Hileville: That kind of leads me to why communication is so important. We should be reaching out to fellow Cabinet members for confirmation on these things before posting publicly.

Siberian: "Ah. Thank your clearing that up. You may want to have Tsunamy tag the region "Mercenary" then as it seems you will work with just about anyone. :roll:" -The Silver Sentinel from the OFO thread

Kringle: That I do agree with. Ideally Glen should have double checked with Henn before posting in Gameplay.

Arbiter08: Curiously enough, after The Silver Sentinel stated that he would never do a mission with us again on the NS forum he still decided to lurk in our IRC channel. Thankfully it was taken care of swiftly by Henn.

Kringle: Again?

Siberian: Adding on to that, he also was endorsing the raider delegate in our current mission in the region Founderless. I'm not sure what was up with that.

Farengeto: Having (to my knowledge) a more ideologically-aligned MoFA and MoA than last term should help with these communication issues.

Arbiter08: He did a detag or two with us Kris.

Siberian: Just one.

Kringle: I'm not so sure ideology (or lack thereof) is so relevant in this case. I think more important is how both approach their relationship. Glen disagreed about the importance of constant communication, so obviously communication would be scarce. I suppose that'll change with Hile and Siberian, since both agree on keeping in touch.

Siberian: Definitely. I don't want a repeat of what happened.

Hileville: We don't need a repeat.

Arbiter08: It's for the best that communication happens between the two.

Feirmont: Between everyone, really.

Farengeto: Indeed. We've seen just in one day what a lack of communication does.

Kringle: If I may go back for just a bit, I want to talk about a part of the election. Am I the only one who was quite surprised that Henn ended up third, behind Feir and Tsu? I knew that the Mystery Person thing would cost him, but I didn't expect it'd be that much.

Farengeto: I'm rather surprised at his standing as well.

Feirmont: I thought it would be a close race between the three of us. I mean no offense to Aram's idea or campaign of course.

Kringle: I'm sure Aram meant well, but his campaign was completely unrealistic. He would never get enough votes to abolish the Assembly.

Farengeto: And Aram's campaign had its flaws too.

Kringle: Flaws aside from his single-issue campaign?

Siberian: I quite liked his idea of "more recruiting for the MoA" but aside from that it sounded much too coup-ish for my liking.

Farengeto: Flaws with that single issue in general really.

Kringle: Including his idea to abolish your current office? Tounge

ProfessorHenn: Aram's campaign...Was for a much earlier version of TSP in my mind.

Kringle: Oh?

ProfessorHenn: Indeed. Pre-forum times with modern day NS technology.

Kringle: You know, it bothered me how Aram talked about taking the government "back" to gameside. The government was never hosted gameside. It was also forum-based.

ProfessorHenn: I can almost here Communist Stephen Colbert going, "YEAH! MILOGRAD HAS RETURNED!"

Kringle: Milograd created a SPSR forum.

ProfessorHenn: Eh. The majority of the work would have been gameside, I believe.

Kringle: It was just an oppressive dictatorship. Nothing special about the SPSR.

Farengeto: There are a limitations to running things gameside, owing to the single-topic RMB.

ProfessorHenn: is conflicted on the vote for Delegate. . .

Siberian: I'd like to know your opinions on Resentine's campaign. Especially the part about rebuilding dead regions. It seemed very well received, but how practical do you think it really was?

ProfessorHenn: Actually, rather practical from my view.

Kringle: It sounded a bit like Europeia's Great Architecture Project.

ProfessorHenn: I've heard of that.

Kringle: It would depend on what he meant by "rebuilding". There are different degrees.

ProfessorHenn: Well, we'd have to ask him that. But I did talk with him before the elections. He said he'd try to do what he stated in his campaign, since he is the Jeneral.

Siberian: The problem I had with it was that it would mean our resources would be stuck in one place for a long time.

ProfessorHenn: Unless we get enough people to field two missions at once.

Kringle: Yes, that would be my main concern. There's a difference between ensuring a native delegate is elected once we leave, and seeing to it that the region is fully active.

Arbiter08: I think that most of the regions we've raided just don't have enough active people to be reconstructed. Take A Blank Canvas for example: Not a single Native posted on the RMB at any point during the occupation. However, if we do raid a region with enough people, I'd be happy to see some efforts taken; as long as our troops don't remain cooped up for too long.

Siberian: But if Res. is against supporting a GCR delegate for around a week or two, I'm not sure how he would be content spending months trying to rebuild a region.

Kringle: I found his logic really curious/contradictory. He agreed that the SPSF should support foreign policy, but he didn't want it to support allied transitions.

Siberian: I think you made that very clear in his campaign thread.

Kringle: Yes, I did. Now, I'd like to finish with a brief discussion on the outgoing Cabinet. It's strengths, it's shortcomings. Two panels ago Glen said that inactivity throughout the term had been a problem. Now that the term is almost finished, what do you think of that?

Farengeto: Obviously communication was a big issue last term as previously mentioned.

Kringle: I agree, Farengeto. Not only between ministries, but also with the region at large.

Farengeto: Indeed.

ProfessorHenn: Aye.

Arbiter08: I did not see Tsu or Sam do a whole lot as Delegate/Vice Delegate. They seemed quite inactive to the region compared to, say, Kris in his terms as Delegate.

Siberian: I felt like activity was actually in an increase at some points.. I mean, we've got three festivals up at the same time, and the Hall of Spam is booming.

Kringle: Tsu did say during his campaign that he viewed the delegacy as a more hands off job, though, as a sort of enabler, rather than policy maker.

Arbiter08: The SPSF has a decent amount of activity as well.

Farengeto: I agree Arbiter, our delegacy did little this term.

Kringle: Yes, MoRA and MoA did have some nice activity during the term, even if it wasn't so visible in some cases.

Farengeto: The revival of TSP's roleplay is a prime example of success in regional affairs.

Kringle: Interestingly enough, I don't think this revival was due to any action on the part of MoRA.

Feirmont: It wasn't.

Kringle: We got it due to the Sporaltryan War roleplay.

Farengeto: While not MoRA, it's membership was still a major contributor. Our new MoRA especially.

Kringle: I do agree that, as a whole, the Cabinet wasn't very visible. It was mostly individual ministries.

Farengeto: Quite so.

Kringle: Penguin's inactivity didn't help fight off the impression of inactivity, as well.

Farengeto: Nor Aram's resignation from inactivity.

Kringle: Which he then justified as him not being able to reconcile with his campaign's idea.

Siberian: A fair bit of this inactivity can be blamed on the whole "NS summer" thing, but I feel like it was also a lack of effort on some parts.

Kringle: True. Though I'm sure some other things could've been done. Simple stuff like posting more regularly on the RMB, or just sending more TGs.

Feirmont: Agreed. I did like reading Quiet Dad's Assembly discussion, and would like to pitch the idea to the new cabinet

Kringle: We still haven't published them, but the approval surveys show that most ministers have high levels of unawareness.

Siberian: Wasn't changing this mentioned in most of our campaigns?

Kringle: Yes, and I'm sure that's the way it'll be for the next four months. I'm afraid we've run out of time, though. I want to thank our fantastic panel, and wish the best of luck to our new Cabinet.

Feirmont: Thanks for hosting. Smile

Kringle: Real Time will be taking a break, and we will return on August 7 with a brand new episode. Goodnight!

This log was edited for ortography and clarity in the flow of the conversation. While some words have slightly different spelling and some interventions have been placed in different order, the core content of the conversation has not been altered. An original copy of the discussion may be provided upon request.

S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - sandaoguo - 07-25-2015

Hm. If we're going to hold another Great Council, we should abandon the idea of using the current Charter and COL as the basis. I'm also wary of it not being a totally open process, which is what it sounds like the Chair intends. The ability for anything to happen is a good thing.

Also not sure where anybody got the idea that I've "disapproved" of the SPSF's raiding. I really don't care one way or the other.

S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - Hileville - 07-25-2015

For the record I meant can't wait to start working with everyone. :p

RE: S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - Aramanchovia - 07-25-2015

I will admit my campaign was a confused mess that I personally stuffed up and made more confusing, but I would disagree it was a single issue campaign. I won't go into it further though, as it was clear it didn't have support.

I did have a few ideas I didn't post in my campaign which I think would really improve the region (and would not be controversial or changing much), I'll probably send these to Feir at some stage to consider after he settles in.

RE: S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - Kris Kringle - 07-25-2015

I wish you had also posted those ideas then. It would have led to a more productive discussion, since everything in your campaign thread was about the one issue you posted. We could have discussed that plus your other ideas.

RE: S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - Tsunamy - 07-26-2015

Wow. This thread is eye opening.

I personally take offense to some who abandoned the game after losing a delegate race calling me inactive. I'm sorry we all didn't wash our hands of the region in the same fashion. Same goes for Penguin who, despite some RL concerns, attempted to do all she could for the region -- to the point of not resigning until we had a another vice delegate lined up.

Ditto to the fact that the last Great Council wasn't "planned." Unibot and I were very thoughtful in the way we planned it, we just didn't feel the need to shove our agenda's down everyone's throat. Sorry about that. My bad.

As I said in my campaign and maintain, I'm more than happy that there are people willing to work for TSP. However, I don't appreciate being criticized by the peanut gallery on my way out. So, thanks for that.

RE: S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - Kris Kringle - 07-26-2015

I realise some may have a different opinion, but as I said in the panel, I don't think you were inactive, but rather had a different approach to the delegacy. As you said in your campaign, you viewed the position as an enable of ministerial policies, rather than a policymaker. I consider both approaches to be valid, though obviously some prefer one and others prefer the other.

I think there is also an issue of inactivity and the 'appearance' of inactivity. Since your approach was more hands off, some people would naturally think you were inactive. That wasn't necessarily the case, since you did a lot of work behind the scenes, but not everyone would know that. Hence, as QuietDad rightly pointed out, the need for the Cabinet to account for its progress during a term.

RE: S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - Tsunamy - 07-26-2015

(07-26-2015, 04:25 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote:
I realise some may have a different opinion, but as I said in the panel, I don't think you were inactive, but rather had a different approach to the delegacy. As you said in your campaign, you viewed the position as an enable of ministerial policies, rather than a policymaker. I consider both approaches to be valid, though obviously some prefer one and others prefer the other.

I think there is also an issue of inactivity and the 'appearance' of inactivity. Since your approach was more hands off, some people would naturally think you were inactive. That wasn't necessarily the case, since you did a lot of work behind the scenes, but not everyone would know that. Hence, as QuietDad rightly pointed out, the need for the Cabinet to account for its progress during a term.

Honestly, Kris? Idgaf. I did whatever was asked of me whether that was giving clues during scavenger hunts or sending recruitment TGs. Should I have been checking up on people more? Maybe. But, honestly, if people thought I was "inactive," fine whatever. More power to them.

I think it's completely classless to raise these issues in a forum where I'm not present giving me little chance to respond. If it was that big of an issue, someone should have raised it during the campaign or debates, not wait until after the election to bring it up during a victory lap.

S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - sandaoguo - 07-26-2015

Also, another thing, I disagreed about intertwining MoFA into the military process, not "constant communication." I've never supported an environment where "communication would be scarce."

A lot of what I've said has been seriously misinterpreted by quite a few people it seems.

RE: S1E6 - Election Results, New Cabinet Policies, Evaluating the Outgoing Cabinet - Arbiter08 - 07-26-2015

(07-26-2015, 04:11 PM)Tsunamy Wrote: I personally take offense to some who abandoned the game after losing a delegate race calling me inactive. I'm sorry we all didn't wash our hands of the region in the same fashion. Same goes for Penguin who, despite some RL concerns, attempted to do all she could for the region -- to the point of not resigning until we had a another vice delegate lined up.
Tsu, all you showed to the region came from other people. It doesn't do a whole lot of good showing the gameside region that you're still around if all you do is do things on behalf of other people. It doesn't show that you care. It leaves the impression that you're just there, and that's about it.

(07-26-2015, 04:38 PM)Tsunamy Wrote: I did whatever was asked of me whether that was giving clues during scavenger hunts or sending recruitment TGs. Should I have been checking up on people more? Maybe. But, honestly, if people thought I was "inactive," fine whatever. More power to them.
Thing is, the delegate should do more then what was asked of them. The delegate should be someone the region can look up to during their delegacy and be remembered fondly afterwards. No one looks up to someone they don't even know what they're doing.

(07-26-2015, 04:38 PM)Tsunamy Wrote: I think it's completely classless to raise these issues in a forum where I'm not present giving me little chance to respond. If it was that big of an issue, someone should have raised it during the campaign or debates, not wait until after the election to bring it up during a victory lap.
The things is Tsu, it really wasn't big enough of a deal to raise the issue. I gave a whole two sentences dedicated to it. Two sentences. It's not an issue, it was me calling it as I saw it when the topic was brought up. That's it. If it was a huge issue you bet I would have brought it to the region. I realise that this is Tsu's style of delegacy. Everyone leaves a different impression on the region once they're done. I just brought the effects of his style up when the previous cabinet was mentioned.