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Capital punishment - Printable Version

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Capital punishment - Jay Coop - 08-13-2015

In the United States, capital punishment is legal in 31 states, as of August 2015. In May of this year, Nebraska became the most recent state to abolish capital punishment. In my opinion, capital punishment in the country should be abolished by the Supreme Court of the United States, because we all know that there will be some states, especially Texas, that would not abolish capital punishment at the state-level. In fact, it's ironic. The South retains capital punishment, yet are majority Christians. I am a Christian, and the Sixth Commandment says, "Thou shalt not kill."

It does not matter if you reside in the United States or somewhere else in the world. Capital punishment has been abolished for all crimes in 102 countries around the world. I would support a convention in which capital punishment is abolished in all countries. However, even then, there will be countries that would rebel against it, and I predict it to be the Middle Eastern countries. Now, I want to know your opinion on the matter. Should capital punishment be abolished?

Capital punishment - ProfessorHenn - 08-13-2015

Capital punishment is an old world relic, like GOP values.

The abolishment of it is necessary.

Cynosurian Councillor of Brilliance

RE: Capital punishment - Jay Coop - 08-13-2015

Some GOP values are good, like opposing abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or the life of the mother, but that is for another discussion.

RE: Capital punishment - Ryccia - 08-13-2015

*Get demolition robot*

So, where do I put the capital punishment trash?

And I support abortion. The baby is not a human yet, its a fetus, and its not even born yet, it has no emotions(of what I am aware of) or conscience in its first weeks of "life", and its a woman's choice.

RE: Capital punishment - Darkstrait - 08-13-2015

Fuck capital punishment.

RE: Capital punishment - Jay Coop - 08-13-2015

Let's talk about abortion on another thread.

RE: Capital punishment - Rebeltopia - 08-13-2015

I think capital punishment is needed in super rare cases (multiple murders, ect). I do think it's best to not let another human being live if they've killed many others.

But, I do think most states use it too liberally.

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RE: Capital punishment - Darkstrait - 08-14-2015

Generally those who commit mass murder (not serial killings, but mass murder) either take their own lives or are killed by police officers.

RE: Capital punishment - Rebeltopia - 08-14-2015

Serial killing is mass murder, in my mind

Sent from my LG-D500 using Tapatalk

RE: Capital punishment - Jay Coop - 08-14-2015

I would rather let them rot in prison for the rest of their lives.