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[IC] Crownsville Summit - Printable Version

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[IC] Crownsville Summit - Kris Kringle - 09-10-2015

President Connor Walsh landed on Jackson Air Force Base. His Skyline 501 was a modified jet that contained the most advanced communications system and allowed him to run the country whom up above, if he ever had the need. Still, that had not been of much use when he found it, still on the air, that war had broken out between Sporaltryus and Ryccia. He had tried to get in touch with countless world leaders, but his efforts had so far been unsuccessful.

His presidential state car drove him to the Marina Hotel, where his staff had booked the entire top floor. Once all the world leaders arrived, discussions would take place on the Douglas Room, at the second floor.

RE: Crownsville Summit - Jay Coop - 09-10-2015

President Aaron McBane and Secretaries "Gio" Giletti, Winston Tyson, and Victor Cutter have arrived in Crownsville, hoping to deescalate the dire situation in the region. After landing, the four took their seats inside the airport to answer questions from local reporters.

"What will you be asking at the summit?"

Secy. Cutter: "Well, my compatriots have different questions, but as the Qvaitican SIS, I want to keep the security of the region and I am going to ask tough questions everywhere: to Bruuma, Farengeto, Ryccia, Sporaltryus, all among others."

"If there is war between Ryccia and Sporaltryus, will you help Ryccia?"

Pres. McBane: "In the events that have transpired in the last week, Ryccia has appeared as the aggressor. However, I am not going to answer that question at this time."

"There are reports that you are mobilizing your military. Is that true?"

Secy. Tyson: "Well, the QDF has been mobilized for a few weeks now. So, it is true in the context that it already happened. We are hoping that we will not have to use our military as it is our last resort."

"Your representative in the United Front is seeking to suspend Ryccia from the alliance. Whose idea was it?"

Pres. McBane: "Next question…"

The Qvaitican delegation has arrived at the Marine Hotel.

RE: Crownsville Summit - Qwert - 09-10-2015

The flight over the ocean, while in itself uneventful, had not been a pleasant one. King Vimmru II had hoped to be allowed to rest his eyes, at least for ten minutes, but constant updates and reports on the situation abroad had kept him from even ordering a glass of water. He regretted that he had accepted to answer some journalists questions. What would he say at the summit? Why hadn't Sedunn mobilised? Why hadn't he himself taken the initiative to such a meeting?

About half an hour remained of the flight, if he was not allowed a break he would not perform well later. Maybe he could have the plane slow down? No. He decided to order his staff to leave him alone for 15 minutes. That would be enough. 30 minutes later Government Plane 2 landed on Kringalian soil.

RE: Crownsville Summit - Ryccia - 09-10-2015

Flight from Riyali Kayson Linnyet to Crownsville

Transitional Council President Jasmine Keikor(TCPJK): "Ugh... We have taken power, but still, its hopeless"

Delegate 1(D1): "God. We are finished"

TCPJK: "I don't even want to go..."

D1: "We have to. We need to show the world we are reasonable"

TCPJK: "Fine. Grrr... This is worse than the time I was wounded in the Battle of the Cragged Valley in Maruz... And I was wounded, greatly hurt"

RE: Crownsville Summit - Jay Coop - 09-10-2015

At the Marine Hotel, President Aaron McBane approached President Walsh to thank him and his country for hosting the foremost peace summit in the history of the South Pacific, "I hope that we can avert war today. If we do not, I am afraid we will have a dark tomorrow." After shaking hands with the President of Kringalia, President McBane took a seat across the hall. One by one, the Secretaries of State, Defense, and Intelligence and Security shook hands with the President of Kringalia. Having been a former President himself, Victor Cutter, the Secretary of Intelligence and Security, said, "If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace."

RE: Crownsville Summit - Kris Kringle - 09-10-2015

Foreign Secretary Stanley Crawford was in his office, reading the latest intelligence report, when he received a call. It was his personal assistant, notifying him that the control tower at King Eric International Airport had detected a jet from Ryccian origin. He sighed, just as he took out his cell and call President Walsh. He already knew the procedure, so this was mostly a courtesy call.

"Mr President, a Ryccian jet is approaching Crownsville."

"Of course it is." the President sighed "You already know the procedure, Stanley. Let's just hope this doesn't get out on control."

"Yes Mr President."

Walsh finished the call. Secretary Crawford got up and went to see his assistant.

"Charlie, give a call to King Eric Airport immigration control. Ryccian officias are to be withheld an entry visa upon landing, until a representative from the Foreign Department talks to them.

RE: Crownsville Summit - Jay Coop - 09-10-2015

Speaking to his secretaries, President McBane notified them that he gave the order to Admiral Daniel-Beckham Cutter, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to pull out all QDF personnel from the Ryccian region. Worried that the Qvaitican Embassies in Laiwan and Ryccia may be mobbed after the summit, all diplomatic personnel have received the order to return to Qvait as soon as all Qvaitican citizens in the region are returned to the Qvaitican homeland.

RE: Crownsville Summit - rhinotaz - 09-10-2015

"Checkmate," said Alan Meyer as he flashed his usual smug grin.

Stefan Vasser rolled his eyes and looked out of one of the jet's windows as clouds swished by. This had been their sixth match already and by now he wasn't even paying attention to the game. Completely engrossed in thought, he averted his gaze from the clear sky outside and looked over his small entourage, consisting of himself, Rex Excelsum of Noctenos; Daniel Recker, Princeps Excelsum of Defence; and Alan Meyer, Princeps Excelsum of Foreign Affairs, the last two of which were in an incessant bout that started over what to do with Ryccia and then somehow devolved into a fierce discussion over what ice cream flavor was better.

Vasser sighed once again. At least they would be entering Kringalian airspace soon.

RE: Crownsville Summit - RandomGuy199 - 09-10-2015

Presidential Plane, Flight from Karnet City to Crownsville
President Yaleksandr Kerenskiy was on his seat, reading a book. It was his way to take his mind off the incoming summit. The stress of facing a crisis of this magnitude once each month was deeply affecting him.

"Mr. President, we have entered Kringalian airspace" said Minister of Foreign Affairs Josef Kyrzinski. "Let's hope this is worth it".

"I hope so too. If this goes well, we will not have to worry about nuclear war for a long time"

"And you will finally stop talking about your stress for a long time" joked Minister of Defense Benson van Heyden. During the Civil War, he was the leader of a rebel force, the Loyalist Army, that had tried to overthrow Kerenskiy's Provisional Government after the fall of the Nationalists, before surrendering in June 2013; as such, he had been Kerenskiy's worst enemy. However, he was also a brilliant military commander, and was appointed Minister of Defense by Kerenskiy. Since then, they had become close friends.

Fifteen minutes later, the plane landed on Kringalian soil.

RE: Crownsville Summit - Kris Kringle - 09-10-2015

Connor Walsh felt someone whispering to his ear. He was wearing headphones, listening to his favourite band, so he could not hear. He took the headphones off, and turned his head to face the person. It was his personal assistant, notifying him that foreign leaders were arriving.

"Thanks for the update, Clark. Will you please ensure a Secretary is there to receive each of them? It will be good to extend the official welcome of the Kringalian Government as soon as they arrive. Also, have Crawford speed up their visa procedures, as soon as they land. I want everyone here at the Marina as soon as possible"

Walsh was turning back, but had a second thought, walked towards the cough, and lied down. With all that had been happening, he deserved a quick nap. He quickly hit the play button on his phone, and he remembered the music had started playing, just before everything went dark.