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A Quick Hennouncement - Printable Version

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A Quick Hennouncement - ProfessorHenn - 09-15-2015

Alright, I'll kill three stones with one bird here.

The Good News:
After much non-self self-discovery, I've figured out that I have a horridly large internet addiction. The good is that I'm fighting it and it seems to be working.

The Bad News:
Unfortunately, NS has been a major cause of this, and as such, I will be leaving it in large part in order to help me become less reliant on the Internet for fun. This includes all RPs and the like. I hate to leave the Great War, given that it was my little brainchild, but I must.

The Neutral News(as of now):
I'll just leave this gem here. . .

Been massive fun. I'll post official resignations shortly.

RE: A Quick Hennouncement - Ryccia - 09-15-2015



Sniff... Okay.... Goodbye, Henn...

A Quick Hennouncement - ProfessorHenn - 09-15-2015

I'll still be here. In spirit largely, and in map until B&N can update it.

RE: A Quick Hennouncement - Ryccia - 09-15-2015

*Shifts eyes nervously*

Well, its good that you treat an addiction. Who else has it? Definitely not me!

A Quick Hennouncement - ProfessorHenn - 09-15-2015

Not a joke, my friend. If you have it, treat it.

RE: A Quick Hennouncement - Ryccia - 09-15-2015

Well, its fine with me. I don't socialize much outside TSP and I don't want to. Im always that kid who has shied away from class and socializing and such. On the bright side, less sports, less talking, more good grades. I don't feel comfortable when socializing in RL. Especially when most people in my entire grade are inmoral people(reggaeton is pervert music! And in a CATHOLIC school! What embarrassment!)

Don't get me wrong, I have friends in RL. But those are people I've made friends when I socialized years back or just friends of my friends that I have socialized with.

I just want to be alone analogically most of the time. And I enjoy it here, so Im happy.

RE: A Quick Hennouncement - Rikutso - 09-15-2015

I once had a computer addiction. It was caused by minecraft, so I stopped minecraft.

RE: A Quick Hennouncement - Zak6858 - 09-15-2015

Bai Henny.
Also, I don't have an Internet addiction cos i use other things to have fun. Even if I might be on my phone for ages in bed...

RE: A Quick Hennouncement - Hammerstar - 09-15-2015

Meh, you'll come back soon. Just like that consortium thing. And I'll be here waiting for you.

I don't have computer addiction, but I do spend most of my time opening it. I'd prefer to just go outside and have fun.

A Quick Hennouncement - ProfessorHenn - 09-15-2015

If you believe.