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The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - Printable Version

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The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - Ryccia - 03-31-2014

The Timorah Islands are a rich in gems and stones 200 islands archipielago. They are cherished and valued for, because economically its a productive heaven. Ryccia occupies one of these 200 islands who are valued by nations in the world.

OOC: I need a carthographer. Please, can it be someone? You can expand the map and work on the islands. You don't have to put all of the islands at once. Go gradually, adding islands at your pace. Can someone volunteer for a carthographer for my islands? Please?


RE: The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - Jay Coop - 03-31-2014

I might put my head into being that carthographer, but it would take at least a month, since I usually do this in my spare time.

RE: The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - CrimsonTideFan - 03-31-2014

I would talk to B&N

RE: The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - Farengeto - 04-01-2014

I could see what I could do, though obviously this would need to be something off the TSP map. (it is only about 1/8th of its planet's surface though.) I wouldn't have any time until at least after elections though, between NS and RL stuff.

RE: The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - Ryccia - 04-02-2014

Hmm... If any of you could bring me a map to see it, or at least a sample, I'll choose. So anyone who wants to volunteer should present me your work, okay?

RE: The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - Farengeto - 04-02-2014

If you'd like a sample of my work, see my Cartography thread.

I've also done some more original maps for a sci-fi roleplay, you can see them at the links below (linked to save space.)
The starry background was also custom.

Like I said before I won't be able to do this for a few days at least and even then it's unlikely I'd have it done quickly. I also may choose not to do it, I haven't decided yet.

RE: The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - Ryccia - 04-02-2014

Well, Faragento, you will be my carthographer if you like for these islands. The point of this RP is that nations fight for the islands and conquer them if they can. Im trying to make this fun so let's start!(Other volunteers have until April 4 to present their work and volunteer).
Ryccia has conquered an island. However, they must settle first. "Okay, this will go there and that will go here, etc.". The settlers have began to settle. The only town in the island is the settlement that is being described. Its name is Sapphireland and it has 65,000 settlers.

RE: The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - Ryccia - 04-08-2014

Okay then, Faragento, if you want, you won the volunteer position!(Don't worry. I promise if TSP Economy is back, I'll pay you $200 Drama Llamas Smile)

RE: The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - The Union of Free Individuals - 04-10-2014

The Union of Free Individuals has long treasured the Timorah Islands (which in our native tongue are called the Adamantisles). Let it be known to all that The Union of Free Individuals has colonies on three of these Isles, which form a triangle north of the Island that acts as shelter to the town known as Sapphireland. These Islands, known to us as the Triangisles house over 230,000 patriotic Individualites. Here our extensive and advanced mining tunnels extend deep below the earth, harvesting the most precious resource to us, pure diamonds, which we use to tip the ammo of our mighty Union Space Marines.

We send a messenger with polite greetings to Sapphireland, and welcome the Ryccians to the archipelago.

RE: The Timorah Islands: Cherished and Valued - Ryccia - 04-11-2014

After noticing the UFI, Ryccia has put the only settlement of its territories, Sapphireland, in medium(or yellow) alert by the presence of another nation. Since the islands are too valued to ignore them, Ryccia wants to keep its island, no matter what. But however, the alert is considered to stop thanks to the friendly greeting of the UFI.