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Kiarena War - Ryccia - 03-02-2016

Kinshio, Halstavaar

Harry was analyzing a situation. Kys's Kiarena(planet) refused to pay debt to Halstavaar. And Kys refused to force the Sovereign State member to pay. 

This debt had been owed for decades. When he was elected President, he promised to get the Kiarena debt back. 

He had called his Cabinet to help him deal with the situation.

"I call forth this Cabinet meeting to discuss the Kiarena debt. How will we get it back? Even though we tried to impose an embargo on Kiarena, Kys refused and threatened to cut ties with us. So, what shall we do?"

The Minister of Finance, Algaolepto Ti'kuyfdo, of an alien species, spoke in his native tounge, as his vocal courds make it impossible to speak Austral: "Simple. We impose bans on Kiarenan products"

"We already tried that. Dozens of times" says Alina Karraso, the human species Minister of Communications "And dozens of times Kys has threatened to cut ties with us"

"I have an idea" stated the human George Yiubero, Minister of the Armed Forces "Let's invade Kiarena and blockade it, and force Kys and Kiarena to pay this debt!"

The entire Cabinet gasped.

"Imbecile!" Minister of Finance Algaolepto Ti'kuyfdo said

"Dumb idiot!" Minister of Domestic Security Hia Tupiutua

"Stupid hypocrite!" Prime Minister Harry Gafarov

"Well, does any other "enlightened" ministers have any ideas?!"

The entire room was quiet. No one had an idea on how to counter this peacefully. Banking embargo? Kys would do that too. Freezing assets? Nope. Sanctions? You are in some trouble with Kys. Peaceful blockade? Nyet. The Kysian Galactic Forces would fight it, and a war would start.

Harry sighted. There was no other choice.

"...Fine. We have no choice"

"Invasion of Kiarena starts now"

Muumbulyurur, Kiarena

The Monarch of the Sovereign State, Karlos Valasoko, was dining like always. And in his capital city, the people were living their daily lives.

Until something...odd happened.

Karlos was still dining, but his assistant came, rushed, alarmed, scared.

"M'lord! M'lord!"

"What is it, servant?"

"A fleet of starships are invading the planet"

Karlos, in shock, quickly dropped his wine glass, shattering in a million pieces. 


"Yes sir, they are!"

"Who is invading us?!"


The Monarch was surprised. Halstavaar was always peaceful. And the Monarch never feared repercussion because of that.

"Get the starfighters ready! Defend the planet, and message Kys quickly, before they cut off our communications!"

"Yes sir!"

The servant left. The Monarch was worried. He feared a defeat. A defeat that would crush his Kingdom.

Kiarena Orbit Area

[Image: 4BToA0D.jpg]
A group of HA-16 starfighters preparing to assist in a land battle against the Royal Kiarena Army

The Republic had, with its starfleet, blockaded Kiarena. Kys was messaged, and now knew. However, that did not stop Halstavaar from destroying the planet's intersystem communications hours later.

Kiarena, although blockaded, fought back. Although they knew they were going to lose, the Kiarenan forces put up a fight against the Halstavaar forces, who outnumbered them.

Kiarena Orbit Area

After launching from the planet, a tiny force of 36 starfighters and 5 starships began to fight against a division of the Halstavaar 5th Galactic Army, which had 72 starfighters, 15 starships and a space station to launch the fighters.

"1st and 3rd Leaders, this is 2nd Leader, beginning to attack"

"Copy that, 2nd Leader. Everyone in my command, begin attack"

The fleet began to attack against the Halstavaar fleet. Although outnumbered, they managed to put up a fight, and even destroy some starships.

The Kiarena War has begun.

RE: Kiarena War - Ryccia - 03-02-2016

Federation City, Kys

The President, Valoros Mikatolos, was in his office, taking care of his tasks. He, his Cabinet and some lawmakers were drafting a law to increase funding to the most poorer planets in terms of infrastructure, healthcare and education.

But a messanger came with an important package of news.

"Mr President! Mr President!"

"What is it, messanger?"

"I have received a message for you"

"Play it"

The Message

"Hello, this is the Premier of Kiarena, in this message of upmost importance"

"Our planet has been blockaded and invaded by the forces of the Republic of Halstavaar. We have to send this message quick, as we fear that our communications may be down in a few hours"

"Our few starfighters, starships and land troops are not enough to counter this massive invasion. We request help from the Federation and Congress to liberate us. We need help"

The President, the entire Cabinet, and the lawmakers there were astonished and scared.

"How could this be?!" A Lawmaker

"We must declare war on the Republic of Halstavaar at once!" A Cabinet member

"No!" said the President "Never I will allow Federation forces to fight a war!"

The President was a hardline pacifist. War for him would not be an option. It was unthinkable for him.

"Send ambassadors instead to Kinshio! We must resolve this crisis immediately!"

"But sir, this is a violation of our territorial inte-"

"Hush, Minister! I will not allow that the obsolete tactics of war to be practiced by our Federation! I will not allow such barbaric practices like our ancestors did! For example, the Ryccian Empire was once collapsed in ancient times by war, in times where technology was archaic. Our ancestors used bullets, for pete's sake! Such acts were barbaric and toxic. I will not allow that to happen to our nation!"

"Hmph, fine"

"Messanger, send some ambassadors to Kinshio!"

"Yes sir!"

Kinshio, Halstavaar

Days passed. Halstavaar was messaged to negotiate, and it accepted.

After traveling hours in light speed, the ambassadors arrived at Kinshio, to negotiate a treaty. the Presidential Office...

"Sir, Kysian and Kiarenan ambassadors are here. Should we let them enter like planned?"

"Yes, let them in"

The Ambassadors entered the Presidential Palace, where the negotiations were going to take place.

"Greetings, ambassadors" said the Halstavaar President "Thank you for coming to resolve this dispute"

"Now, let us express our demands: we demand that Kiarena pays the debt they have with us"

The Delegation Leader, the Monarch of Kiarena, spoke:
"Yes, we have designed a plan that will pay the debts in 10 years, in order to not make Kiarena unstable"

"With due respect, ambassador, that is not possible. Our nation cannot wait anymore for that debt to be paid. If Kiarena does not pay now, we will occupy the planet and blockade it"

"While we understand your concern, this plan will benefit all the parties involved in this war"

"No. We want our money as soon as possible"

"Then as 'soon as possible' would mean 10 years"

"We know that Kiarena has the money. Just pay us and get on with it"

"We will not accept such a deal. We want a progressive deal, and a full retreat of your troops"

"Then, if this so called progressive plan would work, then I suggest some land from Kiarena for being so late. A city or two, perhaps? A region? Or maybe some concessions would do?"

"What types of concessions?"

"Oh, y'know, maybe some percent of all iron or other valuable minerals produced from Kiarena in those years? Or another product?"

"Im afraid that will not be possible"

"Well then, I guess our troops will blockade the planet then"

"We will not accept a treaty that will destroy Kiarena's economy"

"Then I guess our blockade will continue"

"So be it"

The delegation left, without any results.

Federation City, Kys

"Negotiations did not make any progress?" said Valoros "Hmmm...."

"Sir" the Minister of Defense spoke "We cannot allow our territorial integrity to be violated then. We must retake Kiarena"

".....Fine, if we must. Send a bill to Congress to declare war"

"I wished that war would not come, but we cannot stay defenseless. Sigh"

The bill passed in the Federal Congress by a narrow margin.

The Federation of Kys was now at war.

Kiarena Orbit Area
[Image: wwWsYus.jpg]
Battle of Yusus

The Federation wasted no time to move its starships into battle. And Halstavaar forces were on alert.

In time, a huge fleet to eliminate the Kiarenan Blockade arrived. Starfighters began to take off in numbers, and were poised to take down space stations.

Battle ensued. Hundreds of starfighters fought against each other. Starships began to bombard space stations and enemy starships.

The Battles of Yusus, Vareira, Timunu and Oshalia began.