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[IC] Fractured Lives - The Ciria Earthquake, Jan. 2017 - Printable Version

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[IC] Fractured Lives - The Ciria Earthquake, Jan. 2017 - Seraph - 01-02-2017

OOC: What follows is a joint RP thread for sharing vignettes, scenes and stories set within the constraints of the Ciria earthquake.  I believe all currently active nations have some stake in this now, with ambassadorial staff, relief workers and even potentially tourists and ex-pats currently in Ciria.  This isn't a typical RP thread, although feel free to use it like one.  What I hope to see, however, are the little stories that make up the bigger picture.  There might not be much direct interaction, but then again there might be.  We'll just see where it goes.

Yena had been on the phone, in her office in the north wing of the Mena Parlid, when it happened.  She had been discussing details pertaining to the Khasa Yanorirs bill, which became law that day, and which would results in an election for the new positions within the next couple of months.  There was a lot of work to do and, if Roalwim Tavalad wanted to extend their majority to the new upper house as well, a lot of strategic phone calls to make, even on New Year’s Day.  Her mind was filled with facts and figures, having been in the office since the small hours of the morning reading and re-reading the various briefings she had been given by her stadd.  Sleep would have to happen some other night.

And then she felt the first tremor and, immediately, all her thoughts came crashing down around a single, panicked thought, almost more an instinct than a fully-formed idea:  it was happening again.

Yena had been a very little girl the last time Ciria felt the earth shake beneath its foundations.  The 1964 earthquake had only measured 5.2 and had caused minimal damage to the city, but it had terrified the six-year-old Yena enough to give her nightmares for weeks afterwards.  It was that little girl who suddenly found herself frozen in her office, fingers gouging uselessly at the hardwood of her desk, as all around her shelves began to empty of their contents and papers, books and commemorative statuettes rained onto the floor.

It took Yena a moment to regain her senses, to see past the terror clouding her mind and to actually think about the situation she was in, then she slid out of her chair and cowered underneath her desk, eyes shut tight, hands clasped in the half-forgotten motions of childhood prayer.  She held that pose for as long as the shaking continued, unable to see the dust falling from the ceiling but shuddering at the crack and boom of the collapsing roof three storeys above her.

When the shaking stopped - it felt like it must have lasted for hours, but it could only have been about half a minute - Yena had had to talk herself into leaving the relative safety of her desk and crawl out into the dust-filled chaos that had been a well-ordered government office just moments before.  The sound of her voice in that suddenly claustrophobic space frightened her.  Never before had she felt quite so old and frail, as if her sixtieth birthday were long behind her rather than the best part of two years away.

“You have to get up,” she told herself, her efforts to sound confident and commanding ridiculous as she cowered in the dust.  “You have to get up and take charge.”

Somehow she managed.  Somehow she climbed onto her own two feet and staggered towards the door, only the door wasn’t there anymore.  A beam from the floor above had split in two and sent one half straight into it, ripping it off its hinges.  If it had been a cheaper door it would have been torn through like tissue paper and the beam would have pinned it shut, but fortunately, it was as solid as the desk and the hole it left behind was big enough for Yena to slip through and into the remains of the corridor beyond.

Here everything seemed much, much worse.  The ceiling had buckled in several places, showering the marbled floor with debris and other beams had fallen down to cut through walls, or block exits.  There was a woman lying under one of them not five feet from Yena’s door, a pool of blood soaking into the dust around her.  Too much blood.  Yena recognised the woman’s shoes, but was still in too much shock for grief.

Further down the corridor she saw movement and found a young administrator, Khumo, she thought his name was, struggling to stand on what looked like a broken leg.  He had obviously just crawled out of the nearest office.

“Don’t!” she managed to say as he started to shift his weight towards the broken leg, then, when he looked up at her in horrified surprise, added, “Lean on me.”

So it was that Yena found herself half-carrying a young secretary through the plaster dust and debris, towards the main entrance of the building.

“Thank the Dreamers there weren’t more people here,” Khumo said after they passed a few more ruined offices, including one where the upper floor had fallen through completely.

Yes, Yena thought, but were their homes any safer?  And then she thought of her partner and had to suppress a sudden welling-up of absolute dread.  He’ll be fine, she assured herself, he has to be.

They had just rounded a corner when Yena felt Khumo slump against her.  “I don’t think we’ll be able to go any further,” he said and indeed, as Yena looked she saw that the corridor ahead was completely blocked with debris.  She stared at it hopelessly until Khumo added, “There’s another way around, through that office.”  He pointed to a door just across from them, but Yena could already see through the shattered windows that lined the corridor, that the cave-in had extended into much of that room as well.

“I don’t think that will do,” she said.

“We haven’t got much choice.  Perhaps it’s not as bad?”

Yena nodded, and, letting Khumo resettle his weight once more, began to lead him to the office.

It was worse than she had feared, with the ceiling above sloping down to the point where a pile of beams and debris crushed the desks in the centre of the room.  But then she noticed that one of the desks had held better than the others.  It was right up against the far wall and it seemed that that had sheltered it somewhat.  Beneath its buckled shape, a small gap could be seen.

Yena helped Khumo find a seat away from the collapse and then went to investigate more closely.  The gap was small.  She was pretty sure she could crawl through herself, but she had no idea how Khumo would get through.

“Hello?” she called through, “Is there anyone on the other side?”

A face popped into view within the gap, a middle aged security guard Yena hadn’t had a chance to get to know.

Ura’sia!” He seemed to draw back as if expecting a reprimand.

“Do you think you could help us?” she asked, ignoring the guard’s reaction.  “I have a young man here with what I think is a broken leg.  Do you think you could help pull him through this gap?”

“Yes, of course, Ura’sia!”  He knelt down closer and put his hands out, ready to serve.

Yena gave him a reassuring smile, or at least, she hoped she did, then turned back to Khumo.

“I’m going to help you down to the gap, then you’re going to have to try commando crawl through whilst we help.  Do you think you can manage?”

Khumo offered a broken smile which Yena hoped her own had been even a poor reflection of, then shrugged.  “It’s not like I have much choice, is it?”

Yena helped him over to the gap and down onto the floor, where he proceeded to stretch out as much as he could manage and claw his way forward with his hands until the guard could grab them and begin to pull.  All Yena could really do was grab the young man’s trousers by the belt loops and haul his back half forwards.  Later she would wonder how he would tell the tale of being given a wedgie by his head of government, but right then she just wanted to get him through without making that leg worse.  Even so, he cried out as it dragged across the carpet and it wasn’t until the guard pulled him up on the other side and set him down on a chair that she felt she could breathe normally again.

“Okay, Ura’sia, your turn!” the guard called through.

“Please,” she said, crawling forward, “call me Yena.”

“Orusyo,” the guard said, smiling for the first time, and then suddenly the smile began to slip from his face and Yena realised that the ground was shaking again.  Their first aftershock.

She tried to hurry forwards, but the shaking was dislodging debris over her head and as Orusyo reached in to pull her out she felt something land on her legs with just enough force to leave her pinned and in pain.  Then she felt a sharp pain on the back of her head and everything went dark.

She had woken up in an ambulance to see the concerned face of a paramedic staring down at her.

“You're back with us, at last!” The paramedic had said with a sudden smile.

“How long was I out?” she asked, suddenly fearful that she had neglected her duties in some way by getting knocked unconscious. “What have I missed?”

The paramedic laughed, although it sounded a little hollow - who could blame her? “Just long enough to get you pulled out of the rubble into this ambulance. We're on our way to Vicara Ciriad and we'll get your injuries checked out there, but if he surprised if it was anything very serious. Most of what fell on you was being supported by the rest of the pile. You took very little weight directly.  We’ll need to monitor that head injury for a while, though.”

Yena signed. “The sooner I'm discharged, the sooner someone else can be seen to.”

“Of course, but we can't take any chances with you.  You have to lead us out of this thing.”

“I’m replaceable,” Yena said, waving a hand dismissively.

“Not at all,” the paramedic said, and for the first time Yena realised that the woman had unshed tears in her eyes, “you’re a hero to so many.  Don’t give up, Ura’sia.  Never give up.”

Yena felt her own tears welling up them, tears of relief, tears of grief, tears that told of childhood fears and lifelong aspirations, tears dammed up by education, shock and propriety, and suddenly it seemed she just couldn’t hold them in.

She felt terribly ashamed, until the paramedic sat down beside her, put a hand on her shoulder, and joined her.

RE: [IC] Fractured Lives - The Ciria Earthquake, Jan. 2017 - Qwert - 01-03-2017

A Sedunnic tourist

Dark. So dark. Why is it so dark? The young man wasn't in the comfortable bed any more that he had shared with a young lady. He was still laying down, but it felt rough. Like rock. He tried to sit up, but couldn't move. He tried moving his legs, but nothing happened. Why?

He was about to try moving his legs again when he heard a voice from underneath him. A faint, hoarse voice.

"Help... can't breath. Get off."

He mustered all strength to move, but nothing happened. Why couldn't he move? Why?

He tried to answer the voice. The air was so hard to breath. He yelled. But nothing came out. He yelled again. Nothing. The whimper from below was getting even more faint.

He wanted to move so badly, but he was so tired. Sleepy.

And why is it so dark?

RE: [IC] Fractured Lives - The Ciria Earthquake, Jan. 2017 - GI-Land - 01-03-2017

How to react to an earthquake in Ciria

Gianluca IV. - Leader of GI-Land and King of Atlantis - sat in his living room reading recent newspapers and preparing a speech for the next SLP-congress, where he wanted to proclaim the chancellor-candidate for the SLP in this year's election.
A hasty knock on his door disturbed the silence, that surrounded him.

"I hope, it is something important", he thought for himself.
"Come in", he said out loud. To his surprise, Dr. Frank Carlos, Minister of Foreign Affairs, stepped into the room.
"Frank? I thought, our appointment is tomorrow?"
"It is, my Leader. I have to tell you something horrific. Ciria hit an earthquake, 8.6 on the Richter scale according to rumours. Scientists can't believe their eyes, that this happened, because they always thought, they shouldn't be near a tectonic border, that could cause earthquakes and we can't call our ambassador right now and maybe a tsunami is hitting GI-Land and....and...."
"Frank, calm down! Start at the beginning, God damn it! Ciria hit an earthquake. If it was predictable or not isn't important at the moment. Rumours say 8.6. Why only rumours? Isn't a contact in the region possible?"
"No, it isn't. At the moment, we can't reach any official site. Rumours say..."
"Rumours, rumours, rumours! I want facts, Frank and you know that!"
"Yes, my Leader"
"Good. So, apart from rumours, what else can you definitely tell?"

Frank calmed down for a short moment, breathed in and out and then started telling the King, what he wanted to know.

"Well, we can't call our ambassador right now and we eventually have to think about the worst case. Yena isn't able to answer a call right now too. We tried it, but no one answers our calls. Even if it is unlikely, that the earthquake has caused a tsunami, we still have to think about, if we give out a tsunami-warning for GI-Land's east-coast. Numbers of deaths and casualties, especially GI-Landian ones, aren't available yet, aftershocks are still expected to happen. Furthermore you should arrange a spontaneous press conference, where you decide, if you want to send humanitarian aid to Erinor. If you want to listen to my advise, I would..."

Gianluca interrupted him quickly. He just wanted to gather the information first and decide out of his own mind. He appreciates Frank's opinion, but in this moment, where everyone is in shock, he just wanted to base the decision not on the opinion of others but on his own opinion.

"Ok, thank you for informing me. I will wait, until the first aftershocks have happened and after a first number of death people and other casualties is out. You may leave now."

The Leader made a gesture with his hand towards the door and Dr. Carlos left the room immediately, without being angry on his boss but being just in shock and surprised of the Leader's calmness.

The first aftershocks arrived in Ciria as Gianluca saw on the TV. 
Yena would be in hospital and the GI-Landian ambassador in Erinor, Helena Guben, hasn't answered any calls yet.
He ordered his Minister for Defense and his Minister of Foreign Affairs in his office, so they could think about a reaction on this event.
A press conference in the evening was already scheduled by the Chancellor Schmidt.
Dr. Frank Carlos and Mr. Siegfried Hentzsch entered the room and sat down at the office table together with their Leader.

"Thank you for taking the time in this situation. Now: Any proposals on our following steps, we should take?"
"Well, I thought about calming down the GI-Landian populace first. Scientists say, there will be no tsunami. Plus we should help Erinor somehow. They already are and even more will be important strategic partners. We can't just do nothing, my Leader."
"Obviously. Anything you had in mind, we could do? We haven't had such a situation in years, especially not while I was in power. I need some of your ideas! That's what you get paid for! I may be the Leader of a strong nation, but what's a Leader without his staff and people? Nothing!"
"Well, we have a proposal prepared here. We could send the Red Cross of course, but I guess, they will go there without our authorization anyway. Furthermore we could send a few troops, that could help by searching the missing people. At the time it shall be around 400. I think, the Erinoran government is happy for every help, they can receive now, especially as we would be the first demanding them the needed help."
"Well, that's a point, but we shouldn't look at it as strategically as you do right now. These are other person's lives, we should help, not important, if it is a good strategic situation or not we've got right now."
"Of course you're right. I only mentioned additionally, that we've got this advantage too."
"Yeah, thank you. I think, it sounds like a good plan, even though I have to agree with Frank here, that we should set our main focus on helping because of a good strategic position, but helping because we're humans and nice people. We're not in war, Siegfried."

He smiled at the Minister of Defense after pointing this fact out, before he asked him:

"How many troops would you wanna send? Are 1000 enough?"
"I thought, we aren't at war, right now? 1000 is more than enough! I think, even 500 should be enough, taking into account, that there will be other nations helping Erinor too. Plus Erinor isn't completely helpless at the time."
"Ok, 500. What else? Only for searching 500 soldiers is a bit way off, isn't it?"
"Well, yeah. Maybe we can allocate some water and food for the victims, that need it most, same with some tents as a housing, regarding that the old city centre seems to be destroyed or at least highly damaged."

The King just nodded. 

"Ok, so 500 soldiers bringing food, water and some tents and helping to find missing persons. Sounds like something we can easily do, can't we? The planes with the carriage and the soldiers will start today night, so they are punctually arriving in Ciria tomorrow in the morning. Is that possible?"
"Are you content with this proposal too, Frank?"
"Yes, of course. It's exactly, what we should do!"

Gianluca chuckled a bit. He would have liked to hear another opinion and not just a "yeah, yeah, everything's cool", but whatever. He made a decision and had to tell the people, what he planned.
The press conference will start in 8 minutes. He quickly combed his hair and walked slowly down the stairs to the foyer of the Königspalast, where everything was built up for him.
Cameras and microphones were directed at him and the light, that was used to better the picture of the TV-broadcast and YouTube-recordings, glared him.

"Ladies and Gentleman, People of GI-Land and Erinor,..."

RE: [IC] Fractured Lives - The Ciria Earthquake, Jan. 2017 - Hammerstar - 01-04-2017

The Peony had sat quietly in her manor trying to meditate, the small royal settlement of her majesty was nothing compared to the grandeur other heads of states recieved, but she was not a sort that loved splendour and money, unlike her predecesors.

She sat quietly, chiming the verses of the Koran in her mind, finding a method to be completely calm despite the immense pressures that made her mind weary. How can one blame her? She's a world renowned surgeon, esteemed medical lecturer at the Lotus University, the Head of State of the Peocracy, and The Queen of this magnificent country. Certainly, a lady in her 20's is unlikely conquer all those tasks with flying colors and would not be bothered at all.

Her eyes closed, facing a cup of tea. When all of a sudden, she felt slight movements in her cup of tea. Something that broke her concentration. She went to look outside her courtyard, when she remembered something. A blast was heard from a faraway place just hours before she meditated, she had just finished performing a cardiac surgery and such noises was blank in her ears.

As she looked outside, she senses one of her courtiers.

"I know you are there, Rin."

Her courtier was shocked, and bowed in deep apology.

Speeches in Red are in Chinese and Japanese.

"對不起, 對不起, 對不起"
"Honorable Rin, what news have you brought for me."
"We have recieved reports of an earthquake in the state of Erinor."
"I suppose it was quite a large one."
"8.6 from a volcano blast."
"Astaghfirullah, prayers to our neighbour. An earthquake that large, it must've been quite decimating. Is their leader alright?"
"We have just recieved reports that the venerable leader of Erinor is safe."
"I see, I would like to place a conference, provide me with the means of communication to the Ura'sia. We are going to come to their aid."
"We shall tend to it."
"How are our embassy staff, as well as those from the Peocracy?"
"The embassy is safe, they had gotten into a safety bunker just in time."
"....We have several reports of missing individuals, an embassy staff is also missing."
"How about those that have passed?"
"None, yet."
"Insya'Allah, there are none."
"...なるほど, 謝謝."

Courtier Rin left The Peony behind, as The Peony sat to drink her tea. Once then, she took out her flip phone and contacted one of her apprentices, Dr. Panpan Tanfeng.

It was not quantity they had with them, but quality. The aircraft landed in Ciria, the team of elites under Panpan are aware of what they are going to have on their plate. Judging from looking below their aircraft windows, it was going to be a challenge.

RE: [IC] Fractured Lives - The Ciria Earthquake, Jan. 2017 - GI-Land - 01-05-2017

Lance Corporal Tutzing's horrible discovery

Since the 2nd January 500 soldiers of the Bundesarmee are taking part in the rescuing actions inside the aftermath of the Cirian earthquake.
One of them is the lance corporal Sven Tutzing, who is serving in the army since 2015.

In the afternoon of the 5th Jan., he should search for more possible victims of the earthquake near the embassies at the Vallano Parlid together with someone from Erinor.
They looked under every stone or broken wall of the damaged buildings, until they uncovered a pair of legs, that only worn some black stockings and black boots. The legs seemed to belong to a female person.

Reminding himself of the fact, that the GI-Landian ambassador is still missing and that Vallano Parlid 18 is next to the GI-Landian embassy at the Vallano Parlid 17, he was afraid to see the worst case soon.
Unfortunately some rocks were too heavy, so the Erinoran and Sven had to wait for a helping truck, that the Bundesarmee had sent too, so debris could be put away more easily.
They uncovered the corpse completely, that was as of the arms surrounded by blood.
Empty eyes were staring to heaven - to the place, Ms. Guben, the GI-Landian ambassador in Erinor, possibly went.
He closed her eyes and stood up. He remained silent for a minute, before a hearse of the Bundesarmee showed up. Possibly it was called by one of his colleagues or the Erinoran, who continued to search for more victims in the meantime, after he patted on the soldier's shoulder.

Lance Corporal Tutzing's boss will have to call the Foreign Minister to report this tragedy and to inform the Parliament, that they may elect a new ambassador for Erinor.

RE: [IC] Fractured Lives - The Ciria Earthquake, Jan. 2017 - Imperial Frost Federation - 01-06-2017

January 2017
 Oured, Frost Empire
Fear. That was what Nagisa felt when she saw the static screen that had previously displayed Ambassador Ren Kurono. Just a few minutes ago, she was mildly joking with the Ambassador and wishing them well in their efforts in increasing cooperation with Erinor when the quake struck. To her horror, she and the President both witnessed the collapse of the ceiling before the attendees could get under the table. Overwhelmed, Nagisa tried to speak, as she was afraid that President Kensei would act irrationally in his grief. “Ah… Mi..Mis.. Mister President… I… Er... What…” Her words unable to materialize as she choked back tears of grief.  The President looked over to the Foreign Minister, shook his head as he realized what his foreign thought and calmly said, “Calm down Nagisa. I know, I haven’t been rational at times when it comes to protecting our people, but right now we must remain calm and act decisively.” As he said this the President’s eyes betrayed the turmoil of his thoughts as he struggled to maintain his composure. “Sir… I… I believe we should offer aid to the people of Erinor. Hopefully some of our people have survived and we can send in a task force to help them.” Said Nagisa regaining her composure. “Indeed, but we have very little time to act on it. Can the Shield Mobilize quickly?” asked President Kensei. Unlike other nations Nagisa Kuribayashi’s role as Foreign minister was slightly unique as she acted as President Kensei’s de facto second in command, and was the highest officer in the Frost Armed Force’s Shield, the Frost Self Defense Force. “Sir, If I remember Admiral Tano’s report the 8th fleet can be mobilized within the hour. If they push themselves, the 8th should reach the disaster zone after getting permission to enter Erinor.” “Contact Admiral Tano, I want his men on the ground and assisting the Erinoran people in their time of need. I will inform his majesty on the situation and contact the Erinoran authorities. Hopefully they’re leadership is still alive.” “Understood sir!” said Nagisa as she bolted out of the room running to the Defense Department as fast as her legs could carry her.

Room 110, FSDF building, Department of Defense, Oured, Frost Empire
Admiral Tano was at his desk finishing his paper work when Foreign minister Nagisa Kuribayashi ran into his office. Rising abruptly to salute the Minister, Nagisa quickly said, “At ease Admiral. I need you to mobilize your fleet to Erinor to provide humanitarian aid effective immediately.” Shocking the Admiral since the FSDF had never operated outside of the Empire’s borders. “Minister shouldn’t the…” “No, we are not mobilizing the Imperial Frost Military to assist the Erinoran people.” Said Nagisa sternly, “There is no need for the Sword to go in as we are not going there to fight.” “But what about the other units? Surely the 108th naval rescue task force is up for it?” asked Admiral Tano, “Admiral Tano, I understand your reluctance to offer aid to other nations given our mandate to stay within the Empire's boundaries, but the other fleets can’t be supplied in time to help. Your fleet is the only task force ready to go at a moment’s notice because of your fleet’s motto, be prepared for anything. I was also certain you would jump at a moment’s notice to save one of your former subordinates, captain Ren Kurono of the IFS Shinjitsu. Or perhaps I was mistaken, but if need be I will court martial you for insubordination and take command of the fleet to personally help if you are unwilling.” Said Nagisa sternly. The Admiral chuckled, unafraid of the Minister's threat. “Did I say something funny!” snarled Nagisa. “No ma’am, and I apologize for my conduct earlier. Unlike the pencil pushers here, who would refuse to help some other country, the 8th is honored to be the vanguard of the Frost Empire’s aid force.  It would also be an honor to help Captain Kurono especially after what he did for me during the Eminos Typhoon a couple years ago, I will deploy the 51st airborne so that some relief can be sent within a few hours followed by the fleet. Once my fleet reaches Erinor, I request that a joint command center be made with our Erinoran counterparts and the other countries or organizations that send aid to Erinor in order to make the effort much more efficient than piecemeal aid, ma'am.” said Tano “That will be negotiated with our counterparts. Expect the Erinorans to take the lead as it is their country. However, I will do my utmost to ensure that you have the independence necessary to help save people. But at this time you are at the mercy of the Erinoran authorities. Is that understood?” said Nagisa. “Aye ma’am” said the admiral as he raised his phone and gave the mobilization order.

Frost Embassy, Ciria, Erinor

Meanwhile, Frost Embassy was in utter chaos during and after the aftershocks. The rooms permeated with the smell of blood and the cries for help. Many Embassy staff were shocked at how quickly the quake escalated and some cursed themselves for not adequately reinforcing the tables and desks they took refuge in. Others lamented their luck when they were caught far from the disaster rooms, shielding themselves with their arms hoping for an end to the shaking that caused misery, pain, death and despair for many people. The conference room was not spared from the destruction of the earthquakes. Wires dangled from the gaping hole that used to be the ceiling. The overwhelming smell of blood, and the sound of static filled the room. One would initially believe that there were no survivors in that death filled room, but within the rubble something stirred. The rubble moving off as a figure rose from the rubble. His body bloodied and beaten, but his eyes portrayed a sense of defiance as if he mocked the gods who dared destroy the city. The figured winced in pain as he looked to his surroundings. In front of the figure two aides were curled into the fetal position quivering with fear as one of them asked, “Is it over?” “I don’t know, Chidori, Aram” replied the figure as he saw the ruined state of the room. “Is anyone still alive?! Genzo, Ildor, Akoni, Geldor, Hiko, Lenni, Leonora, Misha, Recor! Answer me!” the figure roared, hoping for other survivors besides the trio. “Here Captain Kurono!” said a voice within the rubble. *Cough* “That’s Ambassador Kurono Lt. Hiko!” Shouted Another. “Hiko, Misha is that you!?” Shouted Ambassador Kurono. “Aye Sir!” shouted Hiko, his voice hoarse and almost inaudible. “Present with an unconscious Lenni.” Shouted Misha. The ambassador breathed a sigh of relief as he limped over to source of the voices, “thank the gods on surviving this disaster. Come on you two, we have work to do” said Kurono as he beckoned the other two survivors to dig out the buried survivors. After what seemed like an eternity or a few minutes had anyone bothered to check the time, the debris that buried some of the survivors was moved freeing Hiko, Misha, and Lenni. However, the corpses of the others were also uncovered as a result of their rescue attempt. Sensing the creeping sorrow among the survivors around him, the Ambassador attempted to rally the group telling them that his objective is to get them to safety, and that he will contact the Empire to let them know that there are survivors. However, Ambassador Kurono conveniently neglected to let them know that he will be leaving them once they reach safety as he couldn’t bear to leave other survivors stranded in the chaos.

RE: [IC] Fractured Lives - The Ciria Earthquake, Jan. 2017 - Hammerstar - 01-07-2017

They were surveying the area around them to record the scale of the damages, the base of operations is yet to be finished. Dr Tanfeng took a stroll around the proximity of the landing strip, there are many of those that have been evacuated and are now resting in the large patches of land. He and his team tended to some of them, doing general checks, he also aided the officers at the scene for triage, although he wasn't sure on wether they were given the green light by the Erinorians.

"Dr. Tanfeng, we have set up our base tent of operations." Said one of the senior rescue workers, Hao was his name.

"Order the soldiers to unload our equipment, I would have to meet with the Erinorian team to procure the location for our service, as well as instructions on how we could help them. Hao, you are in charge while I'm gone."

"Yes Doctor."

Dr. Tanfeng and a couple of his team boarded a military truck bringing supplies to an evacuation site where they could meet with the Erinorians. On his way, he saw the amount of destruction in the city. It was utter chaos, soot and dust from crushed concrete are everywhere. The sounds of crying and despair are abundant in tandem with sirens from both the police and the military.

"I never got used to these sights." Remarked Marsha Wu, an search and rescue expert. "Even though it all looked like this, I never got accustomed."
"So do I, Ms Wu."
"We do not shudder anymore however, you become immune when you've seen the weird things in the daily basis. The corpses, it's intriguing to see how nature can be so giving and so cruel at the same time."
"I can relate, If you had seen what goes in the emergency room, you'll never know what is going to come through those doors." "I served in a civil war in a foreign country alongside the red crescent years ago, it was in a war-torn country, they don't have the luxuries of the Erinorians who cover them in a blanket with a warm coco. We've seen things, and not a lot would believe us anyway."
"It is difficult to be in this line of work."
"Yes, Challenging."

As the truck arrived, the Peonic team of rescue workers, nurses and doctors made their way through the enormous amount of people waiting to go through triage. They arrived in the main outpost, where they waited for the Erinorians to provide them with an objective.