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Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Printable Version

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Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Kozeposlavia - 05-25-2014

The CSS is an important part of our government, and should anything happen it is it's duty to protect the region. The one thing that slightly bothers me is that normal citizens at the moment cannot nominate someone who may be worthy of being nominated, so therefore I propose this amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter:

Quote:Article 6: The Committee for State Security

Section 1 - Membership and Approval
1. Membership in the Committee for State Security (CSS) requires Citizenship in The South Pacific, a nation with World Assembly membership in the region, and the approval of the Assembly.
2. The Vice Delegate will serve as the Chair of the CSS.
3. The Delegate shall serve as an observer on the CSS, with no voting rights.
4. Citizens wishing to become members of the CSS may submit their application for admittance to the Assembly.
5. Citizens may also be nominated for membership of the CSS by any citizen of the South Pacific.
6. Applicants for the Committee for State Security require a 75% majority vote in favor of admittance by the Assembly.

Now we must remember that people don't always consider themselves worthy enough of membership/don't even really think to apply, but when nominated will happily accept the nomination. Case in point when Escade nominated about 5 or so citizens a few months ago, and they accepted although they hadn't applied earlier.

This seems like a great to expand our democracy, even if it's in the smallest of ways.


Anyway, thoughts? Complaints? Suggestions?

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Kris Kringle - 05-25-2014

Your example is of a Delegate nominating citizens, which is already contemplated in the Charter.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Kozeposlavia - 05-25-2014

(05-25-2014, 03:05 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Your example is of a Delegate nominating citizens, which is already contemplated in the Charter.

My example is of citizens that otherwise wouldn't have applied for CSS membership accepting nominations for CSS membership (This is mainly in reply to what someone once said, which was something like "Citizens could just apply for the CSS if they wanted to be part of it.")

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Tsunamy - 05-25-2014

In general, I could get behind this, but the problem would be when we decide we need new people on the CSS. Since it's not a elected position, there isn't a set number of people who need to be on it at any given time.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - God-Emperor - 05-25-2014

We could approval all of that majority who are decent and just.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Tsunamy - 05-25-2014

(05-25-2014, 04:04 PM)God-Emperor Wrote: We could approval all of that majority who are decent and just.

Come again?

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - God-Emperor - 05-25-2014

If there isn't a set number of people on it at any given time, what's the problem with citizens nominatin' members?

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Tsunamy - 05-25-2014

Because potentially it would a) break up the CSS from its aforementioned goals and b) set up two different classes of citizens.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - God-Emperor - 05-25-2014

If by classes ya mean those that have their WA nation in the region and those that don't, that's already a reality, and the Assembly still has the power to deny the approval of any nation that'd run counter to the region's goals.

RE: Amendment to Article 6, Section 1 of the Charter, regarding CSS Nominations - Tsunamy - 05-25-2014

No, true.

But if we nominate and nominate, we end up with like ... 50% of citizens being in the CSS. It sets up a tiered system.

There's a tipping point from where it becomes a job to where it becomes a special class. Honestly, I'd be hesitant to have many more CSS members than we do right now.