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FIFA - sandaoguo - 06-07-2014

Unibot wanted me to pass this along:

Quote:<Unibot> Can you pass onto the cabinet pronto
<Unibot> That TSP has four days to decide
<Unibot> which FIFA team TSP wants to support
<Unibot> Brazil is off bounds
<Unibot> TRR has agreed to England
<Unibot> Laz has agreed to Germany

Maybe do a regional poll or something?

RE: FIFA - Gustave Berr - 06-07-2014

A regional poll seems like the best way to decide, that way everyone gets a say.

RE: FIFA - sandaoguo - 06-07-2014

Also, apparently Portugal is a good team to choose. I know nothing about soccer, but Unibot seemed to think Portugal has a good chance.

RE: FIFA - God-Emperor - 06-07-2014

Portugal is in the same group as Germany, which is the country Laz has chosen, which means only one of the two teams can possibly make it to the quarterfinals. I think it's better to pick a team that could potentially go to the semis or even finals with Brazil or Germany.

RE: FIFA - Gustave Berr - 06-07-2014

Maybe we could pick one or two teams from each group that could potentially go all the way to the finals as a cabinet, and then put those teams up to a regional vote? Maybe have a cabinet voting round, and then the top x teams get moved onto a regional vote?

RE: FIFA - God-Emperor - 06-07-2014

One to two teams from each group is eight to sixteen teams, and the top X teams is really just a matter of what X is. It's all a matter of how many teams we'd wanna put up to a regional vote.

RE: FIFA - sandaoguo - 06-07-2014

Who's area is this, anyways? If we're going to do a poll, then somebody needs to make it ASAP. If somebody sees Kris on IRC, incessantly bug him about it.

RE: FIFA - God-Emperor - 06-07-2014

When ya said regional poll, I assumed we meant for the whole region, not just the forum. If we're just gonna do a forum poll, I'll start one right now. I can even just start a cabinet poll.

FIFA - sandaoguo - 06-07-2014

Regional or forum. Doesn't really matter, I guess. It could even just be an RMB poll.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

RE: FIFA - God-Emperor - 06-07-2014

If Kris put somethin' in the WFE, yes, but that'd be on him. I just don't wanna make a forum poll that's not gonna be used for the official decision.