The South Pacific
M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Printable Version

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M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Tim - 01-02-2018

Hello TSP! My name is Tim Stark and I want you to elect me as Delegate of these great realms this January. I've come up with a flawless gameplan that is frankly better than anybody else gameplan for this Delegate election and eventual reign as delegate. While all the other candidates may try to woo you with rhetoric, emotions, and making heart-eyes at random civilians, I'm not about that. We're here to make game-winning plays, you know?

If elected Delegate, I guarantee you only one thing. I'm going to tart. I'm going to tart real hard. You know what our issue is? We don't tart enough, we don't badger people to join the WA enough, and thus our greatness is slipping.

Frankly, I don't think we should ever be electing people that don't go in with a tarting-focused approach because a little secret is that if you endorse people first and send them a telegram then they're way more likely to endorse you back. As you get more endorsements, you get more prestige. With more prestige, more people want to come to your region. With more people in your region, you get more endorsements. With more endorsements, you get more prestige. Y'all see how this works now?

I've pre-answered some questions already

What are you gonna do if you don't get elected?

Go back to not being WA immobile, because WA immobility is an awful thing unless you're the delegate of something. I'm really good at tarting and gaining lots of endorsements, so I can always tart again later.

How do we know you're qualified?

I've spent nearly 300 days at the helm of a GCR Delegacy already, and spent that time having one of the best ratio of endorsements to WA nation population in all the GCRs. I'm a really good tarter, and under me we can see a ton of endorsements come through and grow us to not be the lamest in endorsements.

But Tim, some people only tart once every week or two and that's fine right?

No, that is mediocrity. I tart for excellence.

Will you vote in the World Assembly?

Yes, and I'll do it usually within the first few minutes of the vote starting. Our vote becomes worthless if we don't use it to stack early, so waiting to see how everything's panning out is a complete waste of our World Assembly voting power. While this is less important in the GA, because it's the less important chamber, I'll always be on top of it and hitting up our regional GA gurus to advise. In the SC, I'll vote with the Cabinet's interests, and we'll be damn good at being powervoters.

Can we trust you not to coup?

As long as y'all don't start worshipping any whale deities.


Go outside, enjoy the sunshine, maybe have a drink, and then think about why you should feel bad for your continued pointless conspiracy peddling. How pointless are you in NS that you're resorting to getting relevance through making false conspiracies?

Why are you running?

I'm running because I know I'd be damn good at the job I'm saying I'll do, and want to bring attention to the fact that you frankly should not be even considering a run for Delegate if you're not willing to dedicate the time to regular tarting that the job mandates. The Delegacy Endorsement Count, maintaining that count, and growing that count, are the most important aspects of the job. Everything else is secondary and stems from that. 

Tim, what about being an Ambassador of the Region and to the Community?!

Yes, I will do that as well. However, I feel the best way to do that is regular engagement with the community through the expression of a desire to all grow. Fortunately, good tarting involves actually sending individual telegrams instead of region:the_south_pacific TGs so I'm going to be sliding up into the telegram boxes of so many people. It's going to be great engagement.

How will you make sure the RMB stays clear of crazy people like TSP Next?

I'm going to get the whole region to laugh at them, and unify as one single entity of glorious power through our unity there. Also, the LC does a great job policing the RMB and I'd help them out with that game as much as I can.

There are allegations that you've been having candle-lit dinners with top Imperialist officials. Is there any truth to this?

Yes, I have met with OnderKelkia and NES for dinner on occasion. My mentality is that if an Imperialist wants to take me out and buy me dinner while they do it, I'll always take the sales pitch. I will then cover the tip because I'm not a piece of shit, and then ignore that Imperialist's calls if they want to meet up again. Them hoes ain't loyal.

Do you want to coup Balder?

No. Also, do people actually realize the optics of couping and securing a Sinker? As someone who has actually couped and secured a Sinker, I can assure you it's really not worth it. All of you edgy bois with your Sinker Coup plans, it's not worth shit and neither is your plan.

Will our endorsements reach a new record high if we elect you?

Yes. It's going to happen so hard.

Is this a serious campaign?

I'll let the Talking Heads decide. However, I would certainly take the job seriously if elected, and would damn sure get our endorsements higher than they've ever been before.

RE: M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Tim - 01-02-2018

What experience do you have tarting for endorsements, and how will you utilize that experience to continue growing The South Pacific's endorsement numbers? Please be as specific and detailed as possible.

RE: M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Tim - 01-02-2018

(01-02-2018, 03:47 PM)Tim Wrote: What experience do you have tarting for endorsements, and how will you utilize that experience to continue growing The South Pacific's endorsement numbers? Please be as specific and detailed as possible.

Wow, thanks for the question Tim!

I've got unreal amounts of tarting experience, from my WA immobility stints in The North Pacific and Osiris. I'm going to utilize that experience by using the same strategy I used in Osiris to get record-setting endorsement numbers there. It will repeat flawlessly and we will have those numbers here too.

It's very easy. Tart daily, telegram regularly, and make clear that endorsing the Delegate is not only a way for the region to grow for but for all the random people endorsing them to be relevant too.

RE: M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Somyrion - 01-02-2018

Do you plan to increase your involvement gameside if elected, given that you've practically only ever posted on the RMB when linked directly from the discord?

Do you plan to incorporate the region's WA vote democratically for your own WA vote at all as is tradition, or shift to a more stomp-heavy decision-from-the-forum system as your campaign hints?

Like the tarting though.

RE: M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Escade - 01-02-2018

Based on the laws of the South Pacific, how do you intend to fulfill your obligations (1-3) to TSP as delegate and what background or experience can you point to that will help you do so?

RE: M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Somyrion - 01-02-2018

Can you answer campaign questions as fast as you can tart?

M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Kris Kringle - 01-02-2018

Do you subscribe to the Church of Cake or the Cult of Pie?

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

RE: M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Tim - 01-02-2018

(01-02-2018, 09:04 PM)Somyrion Wrote: Do you plan to increase your involvement gameside if elected, given that you've practically only ever posted on the RMB when linked directly from the discord?

Do you plan to incorporate the region's WA vote democratically for your own WA vote at all as is tradition, or shift to a more stomp-heavy decision-from-the-forum system as your campaign hints?

Like the tarting though.

Yes. I don't post gameside usually because I hate RMBs as a chat feature and feel they're awfully dated. However, I have experience interacting with non-forum gameside RMBers in my UCR Spiritus and also regularly engaged with them during my time in Osiris. I'll certainly be very active on the RMB should I become Delegate, for I'd be at least partially representing all of them.

For the General Assembly, I would intend to work with the Local Council to have polls go up when proposals are nearing the top of the voting queue so the people can make their decisions on the matters. I'd also work to publish a dispatch that gives a non-partisan rundown of the GA thing. For the SC, I'd be sticking with the status quo of "This is a GP matter in the Cabinet's hands" regarding vote advisory. In both avenues, therefore, we'd be running solid involvement where possible and maximizing our WA potential.
(01-02-2018, 11:09 PM)Somyrion Wrote: Can you answer campaign questions as fast as you can tart?

No, I tart really fast.
(01-02-2018, 11:00 PM)Escade Wrote: Based on the laws of the South Pacific, how do you intend to fulfill your obligations (1-3) to TSP as delegate and what background or experience can you point to that will help you do so?


1. Head of State. This is primarily the advisory component and in-game security. I have immense experience in both fields through my time as Osiris delegate, where I was responsible for maintaining in-game security for the Order, and in my assorted stints in Cabinets where I learned to work as part of a unit and contribute to the group effort so as to achieve synergistic management solutions.

2. Regional Liaison. I intend to open very close contact with our fantastic Local Council, so as to be able to slot into their existing blueprints as well as possible. They know our in-game populace best and are critical to the health and stability TSP preserves. Additionally, I would be interested in polling our populace on important issues, making sure their voices are heard in Assembly meetings, and ensuring that we offer gameside events to do as well.

3. Fulfill In-Game Actions Assigned To The Seat. I have a lot of experience in banning and ejecting nations from regions large and small, so I can make the wishes of the CRS or the Cabinet happen as long as they are conveyed in a manner that does not violate the Laws of the Coalition. Additionally functions such as Embassy Opening, RMB Supression, WA Voting, and Poll-Making are all also things I can effectively do.

RE: M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Tim - 01-03-2018

(01-02-2018, 11:47 PM)Kris Kringle Wrote: Do you subscribe to the Church of Cake or the Cult of Pie?

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

While I do have a guilty pleasure of dabbling with pie, my true subscription is to the Church of Cake. In particular, the Russian Honey Cake. It is the most delightful dessert you can have, and frankly surpasses any pie that has ever been.

[Image: russian-honey-cake.jpg?w=750]

RE: M.F.T : Tim For Delegate - Tim - 01-04-2018

If you vote for me, I will eject and ban Iffrean. I would also kick Iffrean if you accidentally gave me border control. Really, I'd be happy to banject Iffrean in any accidental or intentional avenues.

I am also starting a hashtag #IffreaNoMore