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[IC] The Underground - Printable Version

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[IC] The Underground - Jay Coop - 04-27-2019

On this thread, the illegal activities that take place within the South Pacific are documented, but are not necessarily knowledge of the general public. Here, you can post the backroom deals that politicians make, organised crime, terrorist activity, and all other things that are shady or illegal.

[Out-of-character discussion]

RE: [IC] The Underground - Jay Coop - 04-27-2019

The sun set on the Valkyrian Republic and The Family, a cult led by Jake Marshall, was on the prowl in the small town of Rizolla in the Silesian province. The Valkyrian government has tried to curb the cult's power in the region by centralising local government. The national government went as far as abolishing mayoralties in small towns, but the reach of Marshall's cult goes as far as the Silesian Regional Parliament, where The New Right is the leading opposition party. In the July 2019 general election, polls consistently show The New Right taking a majority of seats in the regional parliament, which is bound to give Marshall greater power in the province.

There was screaming coming from a house in Rizolla. A teenage girl was being taken from her home by cultists. The family tried to resist, but the cultists held them at gunpoint, "Do you dare defy the will of God?" The mother was screaming her daughter's name, "Sara!" Shortly after the cultists left with their daughter, the father tried to call the National Police, but the cult was smart enough to employ radio jammers to prevent such calls. The town of Rizolla, much like other small towns in Silesia, were cut off from the world and only rumours of the cult's activities have made it to Stockholm.

At the local church, Marshall was giving an evening sermon, "My children, we live in a world of degeneracy, corruption, and decadence. Humanity has forgotten its role in the world, but we will correct it. Today, the Great Correction is happening in Silesia, but tomorrow, the Great Correction will reach the world."

RE: [IC] The Underground - GI-Land - 04-29-2019

"You got the paperwork?"

Markus was speaking to the person sitting next to him on the bench in a whisper. Both are wearing very dark clothes, base caps and they each got a bottle of beer with them. A street light illuminates their faces a little, but in general the park they're sitting in is very dark this night as we soon have a new moon again.

"Of course. I'm not a newbie anymore, I do my job, Schlange."
Schlange is Markus' nickname in the organisation DfGI - Demokratie für GI-Land (Democracy for GI-Land).

Markus looks at him, but makes it look, like he would look down the alley to see, if someone comes along who's waiting for him. In that moment the other guy, whose name is Max or "Otter" is shuffling until he has some DIN-A5 envelop in his hands. It's brown and there's a coffee stain on the front, on the back it's sealed with the logo of the communist party "KOMMIES".
"He never promised anything, but I'm sure they're able to give us the weapons we need. They're chemical, very effective and also: They're functioning. And do you know why? Because they come from their government - they just stole them! Admittedly that was easy for them with all the mess going on down there..."

Markus just nods and puts the envelop into his bag to a few more of them, which all contain nothing more than his manuscript for a fantasy book he's writing. 
He's paranoid and thinks the police could stop him at any moment and read through the texts he got with him, so if they maybe go through 6 envelops of fantasy fiction, they might not have an interest in the important 7th envelop.

"Thank you. With this the revolution could make a huge step forward. Soon we'll have gotten rid off this pig of fascist we call 'our' Leader. This Gianluca can just eat some di--", he turned his head to Max, but Max wasn't there anymore. The otter went swiftly away on cat paws during Markus' ramble, which leaves Schlange with an open mouth he quickly closes before rapidly getting up, straightening his jacket and going home into the darkness.

RE: [IC] The Underground - VPRB - 05-10-2019

The Red and the Black - State-sponsored crimes of Bruuma and Puerto Pollo

The Bruuman regime is implicated in various criminal activities, whose entity and details are hard to determine, as the government denies any wrongdoing, even when caught red-handed, in while its opponents take any rumours for granted. The illegal activities are coordinated by Ge-Rouge special unit Room 18 and serve two main purpose: generate additional revenue, especially in the form of valuable foreign currency, and further the network of its intelligence agencies.

Puerto Pollo, due to its strategic location and its political instability, has been for decades a hub of traffics of all sorts. Both its civil wars were largely funded by cocaine production, and its current government was born out of a drug cartels turned into guerrilla.

Kai Fa is not reputed to be involved in state-sanctioned criminal activities, although is suspected that some high-ranking government officials exploit their positions to protect or direct illegal businesses.

Bruuma allow the recreational use of several drugs, mostly hallucinogenic and cannabis, under a strict state control. Amphetamines are available for medicinal use, although defectors claim they are often administered to miners, loggers and other heavy industries workers and they also have been found on dead soldiers during the recent wars the country partook in. 
The regime has been proved to be a producer and trafficker of large quantities of amphetamines and counterfeit medicines, mostly painkillers, along with smaller quantities of heroin, LSD and other hallucinogenic. It also acted as a broker for Puerto Polloan cocaine in the past decades.
Puerto Pollo, despite its recent eradication programs, is still an important producer of coca leaves. Cocaine production, officially halted after the victory of the current regime in 2013, is still secretly ongoing in laboratories run by government officials. The volumes of production, certainly decreased, is now unclear.

Bruuma counterfeits foreign currencies of high values, which then sells on those countries’ black markets or use directly abroad. The operation began in the Seventies, with mediocre results, but became increasingly sophisticated in the last twenty years. The regime also produces counterfeit goods, mainly cigarettes, to traffic abroad.
Puerto Pollo has a thriving informal economy of counterfeiting, chiefly clothing and electronics: mostly as intermediaries buying and reselling from abroad, although in Danjer Cove there are several small sweatshops making counterfeit clothing.

The Bruuman regime is always hungry for gold, silver and gemstones, as they retain value, are easily transported and universally accepted. It is believed that Bruuman agents buy stolen precious from foreign fencers on government’s order. 
Puerto Pollo has a growing jewelry industry which is suspected to be supplied also with stolen or illegal precious.

Arms trade
Bruuma is a major legal exporter of weapons, but it is known that consistently violates embargos and sanctions by supplying its products to regimes and guerrillas, for either political reason or mere profit.
Bruuman weapons also find frequently their way to the hands of organized crime in other nations; Bruuman agents usually sells large stocks to big traffickers, that then redistribute them through all the chain down to local dealers. 

Cyberwarfare is a growing obsession for the regime: in addition to politically-motivated attacks, Bruuman hackers, or more often local hackers on Bruuman payroll, are suspected of engaging in identity thefts, for profit or for use to the secret services. 
Hackers operating in Puerto Pollo are responsible for several electronic scams and frauds. It is not proven that the government was involved, but it is likely that they at least get a cut of the profits. 

Murder for hire
Of all accusations, this is the only one that still remains entirely dubious. While Puerto Polloan veterans of the civil wars and Bruuman exiles living abroad have sometimes put their skills on sale to local criminals, analysts believe the regimes would not risk putting all the effort spent in training and planting agents just for money, since they have, as we have seen, better sources. That said, it is entirely possible that agents have been “loaned” to friendly governments or movements across the South Pacific.

RE: [IC] The Underground - Jay Coop - 05-10-2019

Unbeknownst to Alessandra Rhys, the chief executive officer of Vorsica, her private military company has been smuggling Valkyrian arms out of the country and into the hands of socialist guerrillas. Matthew Kyle, a private military contractor with security clearance, has seen to it that portions of weapons shipments to the National Police and the Valkyrian Defence Forces are covertly redirected to secret Vorsica caches throughout the country. However, increased scrutiny may jeopardise his operations.

While there are socialist traitors within the Valkyrian government, there could also be other unknown players in the game with much more ambitious and nefarious intentions. A secret organisation calling itself The Rebirth are looking at the 2019 Valkyrian general election. It's leader goes by many aliases, but today he is going by the name of Cameron Jaeger. In a meeting with some anonymous MPs representing the New Conservative Coalition, he said, "The next two months are absolutely critical to our mission. In this phase, the objective is to discredit the chancellor and link Vorsica to her and her socialist friends. Brother Marshall, you and your friends will have the countryside and we will have Stockholm. Come August, Valkyria will be born anew and the next phase of our mission will begin."