The South Pacific
[COMMUNICATION] Glen: 6/26/2008 - 10/14/2019(??) - Printable Version

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[COMMUNICATION] Glen: 6/26/2008 - 10/14/2019(??) - sandaoguo - 10-14-2019

I’m sat at my desk with my cup of cocoa (I’m not allowed to have more than one cup of coffee a day anymore, according to “the medical profession”), listening to my favorite band of all time, with the intent of writing a farewell message I never thought I’d actually ever write. But life is never predictable, so here we are.

Last week, I approached Roavin and let him know that I was going to retire. We needed to come up with an exit plan. It turns out that retiring while in the Cabinet, the Council on Regional Security, and both the forum and Discord admin teams requires a lot of untangling. The details are not yet worked out on everything, but yes, I am retiring from NationStates after 11½ years of playing this game.

Like all geriatrics, retirement doesn’t mean death, and I will still be here and there making commentary, giving advice, and probably even engaging in Assembly debate. But after a lot of self-reflection, I’ve realized that recent major changes in my life have resulted in me being less interested and having less time to play NationStates thanI normally do. (To be honest, I’ve been a little too active of a player most of the past decade.) In the past four months, I have moved in my significant other, dealt with family and some personal medical issues, and taken on a new and more demanding and stressful role in the corporate world.

It’s unfortunate that this happened during a period where I was holding public office in the South Pacific, but c’est la vie. While some have pointed to my lack of posting on the forums or chatting in Discord and concluded nothing was happening, there will be a nearly-finished project for the next Minister of Foreign Affairs to wrap up. I have a feeling you all will like it, and I regret not being able to finish it myself. (I also regret the inattentiveness the others involved likely felt.)

At the end of the day, a game is not an obligation. None of us sign contracts binding us to drop our lives and fulfill the demands of anonymous playmates on the internet. I thought I learned that lesson years ago, but sometimes you have to learn lessons twice. It took me until this month to realize feeling guilty about not finishing a project in this game, or not posting enough, or not chatting enough, is a waste of emotional energy. For my successors, please learn this lesson sooner rather than later. It is okay if things take longer than expected. Perhaps four months is not a long enough term, for those of us who count our post-college years on two hands.

Joining this region was the best decision I ever made playing this game, and that applies to the peaks and the troughs. The decline in interest in NationStates does not mean I don’t care for this community anymore. It’s been a significant part of my life—I’ve never played a game this long. Hopefully one day I’ll return to full speed. You guys probably can’t get rid of me forever. Heart
Thank you!

Now, the nitty gritty:
  1. Effective immediately, I resign as Minister of Foreign Affairs. I know there's only a week or so left, but the Cabinet is in the midst of a counter-coup, so they need that week or so with an active and engaged Minister.
  2. At the request of the incoming Prime Minister, I will not be resigning from the Council on Regional Security until the next Cabinet feels it’s in a position to appoint a replacement.
  3. Forum and Discord administration details are TBD. We haven’t really discussed it at all yet.

RE: Glen: 6/26/2008 - 10/14/2019(??) - Tsunamy - 10-15-2019

I've been holding back because I didn't want to risk stealing Glen's thunder, but, I must say TSP is hugely indebted to Glen for all the work he has done as both as an admin an as a governmental official. 

The region would not be in the shape it is in without you, Glen. And, while I know you'll still be around in a limited capacity, I'd be remiss if I didn't take a moment to publicly say "Thank you." So ... thank you for everything!

RE: Glen: 6/26/2008 - 10/14/2019(??) - Belschaft - 10-15-2019

All the best Glen - we've not always agreed on stuff (understatement of the century) but I've never doubted your passion, dedication or commitment. You've made TSP a better place.

RE: Glen: 6/26/2008 - 10/14/2019(??) - Amerion - 10-16-2019

I'm not entirely certain how to appropriately express what a profound impact you have had over your many years of service. This region is, as Tsunamy quite rightfully observed, hugely indebted to you. There is no doubt in my mind that if we could ever get a regional distinction system running, you would be one of the very first to be honoured. Thank you, Glen.

RE: [COMMUNICATION] Glen: 6/26/2008 - 10/14/2019(??) - The Tecorogan Federation - 10-16-2019

I have just joined the forums and I barely know you other than what I read from the threads and dispatches in the region. But i recognize the passion and dedication of a person, who has committed more than 11 years of his life to the game, huge chunk of that in this community. Thank you for what you have done.

RE: [COMMUNICATION] Glen: 6/26/2008 - 10/14/2019(??) - QuietDad - 10-17-2019

I so might know where your head is at and I feel privileged to have gotten to know you. Your work in TSP has been without peer and of all the "oligarchs", you were one of the only ones that understood and practiced the leadership wthat while you may have had a different opinion on a matter, if that issue didn't affect you or the region as a whole, you were OK with that.

That being said,you'll be back one or two more times, just because. I wish you well in where ever your journeys take you.

RE: [COMMUNICATION] Glen: 6/26/2008 - 10/14/2019(??) - North Prarie - 10-17-2019

Glen, while we were political opponents to some degree, you clearly had a vision of how you wanted TSP to be built. And, in the end, it was a vision based in helping others. 
Thanks for all you've done for this region.

RE: [COMMUNICATION] Glen: 6/26/2008 - 10/14/2019(??) - Divine Owl - 10-18-2019

I’m sure I speak for all of us in wishing you luck and happiness in your life. Thank you for all you have done for this region!