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Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Printable Version

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Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Ryccia - 11-28-2019

Arsean, Special City of the Ryccian Federation
Border Checkpoint 3

The Valoran KEP (Royal Special Police) is as vigilant as ever. Elite and heavily armed, they seem more like soldiers than police officers. They screen everyone coming in and out of Arsean, a Ryccian exclave surrounded by Valora.

Once they see the identity card of a person and frisk her, the KEP knocks her unconscious with a baton and drags her out of the line. For the Ryccians, this would be horrific, but the Valorans who frequent Arsean are used to this now. Few flinch or looked horrified. They just mind their own business as per usual. After all, that was just another criminal getting dragged away. Was she smuggling something? Beats me.

The Ryccian police on the other side are far more amiable. Once on the Ryccian side of the checkpoint, you may be searched and such, but they shall not ask for your identity card or arrest you on the spot as the KEP does unless absolutely necessary. Of course they are like that. This is Ryccian territory.

I smile at the policeman. I always see him. His name is Herbert Caustway, a Ryccian native of Arsean. He smiles back. We are actually friends. When we can, we meet for tea in the Arsean Three Teahouse, a store in this checkpoint. He has been helping me gain a residency card in Arsean. Such a nice fellow.

"Going to work at the restaurant again?"

"Nah, I have taken a day off to visit the Immigration Office"

"Ah, yes, your appointment is today! You told me about it. Well, good luck, I won't keep you long!"

"Thank you for your help. I'll be sure to buy you a fine tea next time we meet!"

"Anytime. Next!"

I am now in Ryccian territory. As I exit the checkpoint, I head towards the Immigration Office. I am on time, thank the Gods.

On my way, I see Ryccian soldiers marching. This is technically still a military city with a naval base, so they patrol the place in coordination with the police. To newcomer Valoran workers, they are frightening, but once you get to know them, they are very friendly. I wave, and they wave back, smiling. For soldiers armed with lethal weapons, they are quite cheerful and nice.

I reach the door and enter. At last!

"Ah yes, Mr. Jaakalon, you're next"

I went to the interview. They inquired of me several details, questioned me and then had me fill out paperwork. Typical stuff. I would get a response in a few months.

I left the office. I treated myself to an internet café. Valoran workers that are not residents are not allowed to use the city's internet, but, since I had extra money, I bribed the clerk and hopped on a computer. She appeared to console her conscience, whispering something in Tigonese French that I do not understand.

"Ce n'est pas un pot-de-vin, c'est simplement permettre à un opprimé d'accéder à Internet. Oui, c'est ça"

I should learn French sometime. Perhaps when I have more money and free time.

I know that the government censors the Valoran internet because they care for us and do not want criminals and foreign states spreading their filth in order to cause national disunity, but I had always wished to see the outside world. What do they think of us, of our nation and such?

I always knew that the government was shady in some aspects, but when I searched Valora, I was confused. That person I saw in the checkpoint...Valoran state media was saying that she was a drug dealer, but, in reality, she was a republican activist fleeing the government, if international media is to be believed. She is due to be executed. Who is right?

I should talk to Herbert about this.

Arsean, Special City of the Ryccian Federation
Arsean Three Teahouse

There he is, waiting for me. Darn, I am late...

"I'm sorry for being so late, Herbert"

"Eh, don't worry about it, it's only been 3 minutes. I say, you Valorans and your strict timing...ha!"

"It is respectable to be always on time"

I order the tea I promise him. Fine tea from Huawan, very expensive.

"You don't have to do this..."

"I promised it to you. Now, drink up"

As Herbert drinks that luxury tea, we talk and joke around as friends do. Then he asked about the immigration procedure.

"So, how did it go with the officials?"

"It went fine, I guess. Thanks for putting a good word for me with your brother"

"I told you I would do it! See, you're getting your residency card in no time!"

"I also went to an internet caf-"

Herbert quickly hushed. He then whispered.

"Do you want to get arrested? I'll let it slide because I could not care less about the internet regulations, but don't mention this to anyone. Just whisper it to my ear if you want to say anything about that place"

I leaned to his ear and whispered. I knew I had committed a crime, but I wished to clarify something about that drug dealer.

"Yes, well, I went to the internet and found international lies about a drug dealer. That she was some republican dissi-"

Herbert's face went white with fear. Why? How stra-

"Shhhhhhhhhh! Don't speak about this!"

"Huh? Why not? I was just going to-"

"Look buddy, there might be KEP spies in here, so if you don't shut your mouth, they'll take notice of you. Let's just drink the tea and eat some biscuits, okay? When you get your residency card, then we can talk"


How strange. Why would I not ask him about this lie propagated across the world? Why is he telling me to shut up?

As I crossed the border back home, I remained perplexed. Was the truth not allowed in Ryccian territory?

The KEP remains as vigilant as ever. They ask for my identity card, and they scan it. Nothing, they let me pass, as usual.

RE: Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Ryccia - 12-01-2019

Mirochi, Kingdom of Valora
Palace of Vermillion

Crown Princess Sophia Maria Josephina Kunnia Siunaus Vermillion Mistralton is the heir to the throne. She leads the liberal faction at the Royal Court, fixated on getting rid of Ryccian vassalage and finally asserting the independence of the Valoran monarchy. Some nobles in Court are true believers of a constitutional model, whilst others see that the time of the absolute rule was ending by the inevitable tides of history, and thus were just looking out to save their own skin.

The King of Valora is Augustus Joseph Tyyneys Charles Valtakunta Vermillion Luminose. He was a staunch conservative and a weak man, exactly what Ryccia wished when exerting its control over its vassal. He was basically surrounded by Ryccian "advisors", and even in the turmoil of the civil wars, Augustus did not waver in his loyalty to the Ryccians. This irritated the liberals at Court, as they saw the past weakness of their overlord as a chance for total and complete independence. But now with Ryccia recovering, that chance is vanishing by the hour.

There was an issue to discuss in the Royal Court: taxation of farmland. It should be a minor issue, but in these tense circumstances, subtlety was everything.

Royal Vice Minister of Agriculture, Duke William Mistralton Vermillion was due to speak in the Royal Court. A cousin of Sophia's, William was a rising star in the liberal factions. He spoke.

"Your Majesty, I must dissuade you from implementing new taxes on the peasantry. It is not advisable. The commoners shall be infuriated by this new levy, and we shall risk the dissidents inflaming public discontent against our rule"


That was Duchess Evangelia Celadon Palkia, the conservative Royal Minister of Security. A Ryccian puppet, she had a vast wealth due to her connections in Ryccia, both political and economic. Her family owned a farming company that exported to the Ryccians. If the peasants are taxed more, perhaps some impoverished souls shall sell their lands, thus providing more workers and lands for her farms. Certainly she shall also be taxed, but, with the right connections, that money can be...shall we say...generously be given as "bonuses" for the hardworking Celadon noble ministers? Yes, indeed, such hardworking souls.

"These levies shall benefit the peasantry. If the central government has more currency in its coffers, then we can spend on upgrades to our agricultural infrastructure. Duke Mistralton, are you saying that the central government should be cash-strapped and unable to help and feed the peasantry? Do you say that we should let our agricultural infrastructure crumble?"

"Replying to Her Grace, that is not what this humble royal servant intends to say. I simply point out that this shall harm the peasantry's finances, and they shall feel resentment. This can be exploited by the extremists who wish to destroy the Mandate of Heaven. We must demonstrate to the commoners that our policy is indeed blessed by the Heavens"

"What a load of horse maneure"

Most court officials could not care less about the peasantry or the state of agriculture in the nation. The decision was already fixed: taxes would be increased on farm owners under the excuse of "repairing infrastructure", but it was really meant to kick small landowners from their land by economic trickery. Ryccian companies and Valoran noble houses were preparing to purchase the fields from the soon-to-be bankrupt farmers, who had been pushed to the edge thanks to previous tax increases over the years. It was a malevolent scheme from the Ryccian agricultural sector.

Sophia was expecting this. She was not stupid. She knew that this tax was going to pass thanks to Ryccian pressure. She was only seeing who would side with her liberal faction. So far, only younger nobles and the militant liberal nobles that had been so since forever agreed.

To most people, she was only another self-interested corrupt noble that wished to secure the nobility's position against the future. But, despite the fact that she did have some elements of that current of thought in her mind, she was secretly a true believer in the liberal policies.

As the debate continued, she sipped her tea. Her servant, Sauli Halonen, was beside her. She was raised from childhood with this male servant, who had been assigned to her from birth. He was from a class of near-slaves that originally were composed of rebellious people and their descendants, but who recently included anti-monarchist dissidents and their children. Sauli's father was a communist who was jailed. He never knew him or what he did, only the life of a servant he was born in. Unlike most nobles, who were obnoxious and self-absorbed pricks who treated their servants poorly, Sophia and Sauli had covertly grown up as friends. Perceptive of the environment she was being raised in, Sophia publicly treated her servant as what commoners consider "trash" to protect him. In their private time, Sophia taught him how to read and certain subjects as best as a girl could do. When they reached adulthood, she hired tutors out of her own personal expense. As a result, he was remarkably educated and refined for a person of his social standing.

Unlike her actions from childhood, her education of Sauli now was not entirely a benevolent gesture. She required someone she could trust to her full capacity to navigate Valoran politics. Sauli understood this, and accepted his role as her subordinate in these political fights in the court. Only he knew that she was doing all of this for the fading hope of the greater good, and that is what kept his friendship with her alive.

"Halonen, go refill my teacup and get me some biscuits"

"As you command, Your Royal Highness"

Sophia handed him a note as well. It was in their coded system that they used to secretly convey messages to each other.

"Overhear what the Royal Vice Minister of Security is speaking of with the Ryccian advisors. Talk to me later when we are alone"

That he did. Whilst getting the tea and biscuits his master ordered, Sauli also tried to hear what the target was saying. In French.

"I assure you, Advisor Linchent, we can remove Duchess Evangelia from her position. I have an infiltrator in her entourage, and he shall utilize your poison to kill her. When she dies, I shall become the Minister of Security as we have agreed, and then your family's weapons company shall be our main supplier"

"Are you not worried over that servant overhearing us?"

"Nonsense. That servant does not know a lick of French. They are born stupid and raised to serve"

"Curious", Sauli thought to himself.

He remembered this information as his master demanded. Sophia kept on watching the stupid theatre that was the court. The tax on farmland was going to happen. She had seen enough, and excused herself to go to her private chambers.

"The Count of Sänshien is willing to go this far, I see...such an arrogant fool"

"Sophia, I suggest that you use this to your advantage"

"Whatever do you mean, Sauli?"

"Make preparations to purge Count Sänshien from court. When he murders the Royal Minister of Security, we can install one of our own to head the Royal Ministry of State Security"

"...Believe me, if I could do this, I would, Sauli. But even if we purge the Count Sänshien, we cannot propell the liberal Countess Varski to that position"

"Worry not, I have a way to eliminate her rival"

"How on Earth do you plan to eviscerate the Baroness Survien?"

Sauli took out his phone, and then showed her photographs of the Baronesd Survien walking with an unidentified man.

"One of our spies in Survien handed this to me just this morning by e-mail. With this, we can kill that young conservative twat before she rises. I planned to tell you later in our daily briefing, but now it became relevant"

"...Sauli, you are a blessing. Now, let us proceed, shall we?"

Taking down the conservative Baroness Survien was also politically beneficial for her. The conservative faction in court was hellbent on getting someone brave enough to murder her in order to replace her with her conservative younger brother, Prince Darius Jonathan Pelastus Septimius Vauraus Vermillion Mistralton. The conservatives were furious that the late Queen Consort had achieved gender equality for the throne after years of public pleading and secret trickery. The King originally married her to appease the liberals at the time, but, when she gave birth to her children, she became a political monster, as she raised the future heirs to the throne herself. She did not go unnoticed by the Ryccian government at the time, who ordered the King to covertly assassinate her. Sophia would never forgive her father for that.

The Baroness Survien was itching to get a chance at covertly assassinating her. Sophia had known this ever since her spies infiltrated conservative circles that talked about it. The Baroness was under the assumption that, if she killed the heir to the throne, then Prince Darius would grant her the Royal Ministry of State Security. She was aware of her fellow conservative Royal Vice Minister's plot, but she only saw it as a benefit to her. Whilst the top echelons at the RMSS face off, her bloody deed would earn her what she desired at court. Besides, if the Royal Vice Minister ever became a problem, the Baroness could just expose him publicly and carry on with a show trial.

"She has been quite the arrogant fool, that Baroness Survien. Sauli, put a three-day leisure trip through Nant County in my agenda. Make certain to stop at Survien to 'refuel' the gasoline tank"

"By your command, it shall be do-"

"Stop being so formal to me, seriously. We are friends, are we not?"

"Alright, alright. I shall make the preparations"

"Oh, make certain to purchase ski gear"

The trip did occur. At Survien, Crown Princess Sophia met with the Baroness Survien, as was custom when a top royal visited the town of a low noble. They met at her home in Survien.

"This Baroness gives her Greetings to Her Royal Highness"

"Greetings, Baroness Survien. Halonen, come now"

Halonen showed the Baroness the pictures. The Baroness went white with horror.

"Your Royal Highness, I can exp-"

"No need. I shall tell you what to do. You shall resign from your post in the Ministry of State Security. Unless you wish these photos to be released, you shall heed my command"

The Baroness took out her concealed gun and pointed at the heir to the throne. Sauli was prepared to get his gun out, but Sophia did not look concerned.

"Ah, daring today, are we not?"

"No, resolute. I shall shoot you here, and I shall tell everyone that it was your servant who wished to fire upon you. Due to my poor aim, I shot you instead"

Sophia let out a giggle. Then, a boisterous and mocking cacophany of laughter.

"Hah! Is it truly your belief that anyone shall believe you?"

"Your father shall. And the entire conservative faction"

"Fair point. Which is why I bribed your guards to come to my aid. Men!"

Ten armed guards came in and pointed at the Baroness Survien. They were at the door, waiting for their new master's command.

"Despicable traitors! You da-"

"Worry not, men, your farmland is guaranteed. Now, Baroness, stand down and listen to reason"


The Baroness lowered her weapon. At gunpoint, she transmitted her resignation from the RMSS. The guards then took the security camera footage and destroyed it into tiny pieces.

"Baroness, do you recall the tales of ancient knights going to the dens of dragons and fighting them? They are such ridiculous tales, yes, but one can learn a valuable lesson from them: always face your enemy armed and with purpose. Men, move out. I shall reward you handsomely for your efforts with farmland"

The guards left the building. As Sophia was walking out, she directed some parting words to the defeated dragon.

"Oh, Baroness?"


"You should really invest in digital security systems. They are truly a charm"

Sophia left. This was far easier than expected. The trip ended, and now, she was plotting to take the Count Sänshien down too.

The Grand Plan must succeed.

RE: Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Ryccia - 12-03-2019

Antonie, Kingdom of Valora
Maalko Estates
20 years ago

Marcus Petrus Taivaan Santiague Lahja Humilau Vermillion was the son of the Count Maalko of the Humilau family. His mother was a princess of the Vermillion royal family, sister of the Crown Prince. The Count Maalko was an influential figure in Valoran court politics, serving as the Royal Minister of State Security. Therefore, the arraigned marriage was an auspicious sign of his power.

"Mother, may I ask something?"

"What appears to be the matter, darling?"

"Can I go out to see the town?"

At this, his mother initially froze, but then became annoyed. This again?

"Come now, Mother? Just this once? I wish to see the populace for myself"



"No, you may not leave this estate. If you wish anything, ask one of the servants to retrieve it for you"

"Mother, I have never been to the town. I know the capital and Arsean better than the settlement I reside in. Why cannot I-"

"That is enough! Marcus, I cannot compromise your safety. Please, do understand"

Marcus felt frustrated. What "safety" is there to be concerned of? He had never seen Antonie other than from the passenger seat of a car driven by a chaffeur, and even then his windows were blackened so people may not see him and viceversa. Thus, he had never really looked at the town well.

He had enough of this gilded cage. He had lived 15 years of this aristocratic life, and the furthest he had gone without authorization was the entrance of his mansion to help carry a servant that had fainted due to hunger to the ambulance. He met with a bodyguard.

"Young Master, I am afraid I cannot allow this. Your father would punish me severely if I could not guarantee your safety"

Marcus had been expecting this. He pulled out some cash from his pocket. At this, the bodyguard was stunned.

"I hear your elderly mother needs treatment for cancer. I believe this is why you begged for an audience with my parents for a raise?"

"Young Master, I-"

"Take it. Just let me travel with you"

The bodyguard hesitated. He would be executed if he did not protect this young nobleman. However, his mother urgently required treatment. He decided to gamble and let this renegade noble teen have his fantasy.

"...Fine. Meet me tomorrow at dawn"

"Thank you, Mr. Välken"

The heir to the county did as instructed. He met the bodyguard early at dawn, who was waiting for him in his own car. Marcus got in, and they began to perambulate towards the town.

"Young Master, where do you wish to go?"

"I have heard of these things called 'food stands'. Perhaps we may commence there?"

"That clothing will not do, Young Master"

Marcus was dressed, as always, in modern extravagance. His designer clothes were of the finest make, imported from countries across the globe. He would certainly stand out. But he did not care.

"These shall suffice. Clothing is clothing, no?"

"Not amongst the commoners, Young Master. You shall see soon why"

As they entered the town, Marcus was shocked by the dilapidated state of the people. Some appeared sick and frail, beset by hunger and ill health. Their garments were of poor quality. A few even looked worn-down by age.

"What is this?!"

"Reality, Young Master. This is what the common folk such as ours have to face. But it is alright. You were chosen by God to rule. We just have to deal with the lot given to us by this life"

The young teenager then got off the car, accompanied by his bodyguard. The people were awed at such a sight. What is wealthy person such as him doing here?

"Ice cream popsicles! Ice cream popsicles! 20 Krois a pop!"

"Greetings, good sir! May I acquire this consumable foodstuff?"

"Uh...sure. Who are you? A nobleman?"

"Perhaps. Here, this is the lowest denominator I currently have in my possession. My apologies"

Marcus handed him a 100 Krois banknote.

"Oh, and do keep the change, good sir"

"Here you go, Your Highness"

"Thank you. Perhaps I may have an utensil?"

The bodyguard leaned over and began to speak in hushed tones.

"Young Master, the commoners do not eat an ice cream popsicle with a spoon"

"Then what utensil do they utilize? A fork? Do they cut it with a knife?"

"None, Young Master. They just lick it or take bites eating it. It would be impractical to cut a popsicle"

"How strange indeed"

"Not strange. Common, Young Master"

The young nobleman went to all sorts of shops and explored the town. As he walked, he noticed the poverty of the vast majority of the inhabitants more and more. Back at the mansion, his mother had noticed that he was missing at the afternoon, and frantically began to organize a search team for him. It was sheer coincidence this team and him never crossed paths.

At dusk, the nobleman was prepared to leave, when suddenly he noticed a small crowd.

"Comrades! If you know how to read, come and pick up this book!"

It was Das Kapital, by Karl Marx. The young noble had heard of him before as Satan's child on Earth...or something of the sort. Nevertheless, he got closer.

"Greetings, good sir. May I ask what are you doing?"

"Young Master, please, let us go, we-"

"Hush, Mr. Välkon, I am interested"

The man noticed. His name was Matti Halonen, the brother of a famed communist activist-in-hiding. He and his brother believed that every rich person that denounced their oppressive nature could be convinced of the Marxist cause, and thus he did not hesitate to approach this wealthy noble.

"Hello, young man! You look wealthy. Are you the son of a Ryccian bourgeoise?"

"My ancestry is indeed part-Ryccian, but I am not ethnically identified as such"

"Well, no matter. If you know how to read, take this book!"

"Karl Marx? Is this not the son of Satan?"

"That is what the bourgeoise wants you to believe, but he is no devil. Read the book for yourself, young man, be free of your chains!"

Intriguing. How could the government lie other than to safeguard national security? Well, he would take up the offer. He would read this satanic book and prove this radical wro-


The small crowd that had assembled screamed in horror and scattered. It was the KEP. Receiving a call of radical agitation, they arrived at the scene and started shooting.

The communist organizers fled. They had expected this, so they escaped as they had trained to do. However, the wider crowd panicked, including Marcus. Then, he recognized the local commander of the KEP contingent who was leading the operation. He knew him. After all, he was a distant cousin who regularly visited the mansion.

"Baronet Antonie-in-Lävi, cease!"


The Baronet recognized him. It was the Count's son! What on Earth is he doing here?! As began to walk to him, he gave the order.

"MEN, STOP SHOOTING! Young man, what are you doing here?!"


"You, bodyguard of this child, why did you let him go here?! I shall inform his paren-"

"Please, do not tell them that my bodyguard was here. He took a risk-"

"I could not care less! This treasonous filth endangered your life!"

The bodyguard bowed in desperation.

"Please, Your Excellency, please! Have mercy!"

The young nobleman grabbed the Baronet's phone, refusing to let this happen.

"Youngster, how dare yo-"

"Even if I am a mere teenager, I outrank you, Baronet Antonie-in-Lävi! You shall obey my command at once! Let Mr. Välkon go, or I shall tell my parents that you intended to shoot me and disrespected me!"

"Urk!...You bastard...Fine, I shall only tell them that you are here. Mr. Välkon or whatever you are called, get out of here!"

The bodyguard fled. A servant of the mansion picked him up. When he returned, his mother was furious.

"...In all of my years, I have never seen you behave in such a rebellious manner! Marcus, how dare you?! Your father is being informed of the situation. You had better hope he is merciful"

"...I care not, Mother"

"You care not?! You could have died, be kidnapped, or be the victim of a robbery! How did you leave alone?! I shall have a stern word with your bodyguard!"

"No need. He could not come in. He was sick, so I excused him"

"You rascal! You shall be punished for this! Just wait until your father comes here!"

He did get punished. The teenager was sent to a military academy to discipline him for his behaviour. However, ironically, that had the opposite effect, as in his one-year stay there, he read Das Kapital. Over the years, he became increasingly radicalized. Despite becoming a military officer in the end, he was secretly one of the few communists, if not the only communist amongst the nobility.

Today, Lieutenant General Marcus Petrus Taivaan Santiague Lahja Humilau Vermillion is a well-respected and brilliant tactician. The cousin of the Crown Princess and the nephew of the King himself, he had an almost golden bloodline. He had it all. Yet, despite all of that, he was secretly a communist. He was one of Satan's dogs, or so the bourgeoise said. He thought he could do good in the reactionary forces by covertly funding communist and republican dissident groups, so when the revolution finally arrives, he can join his comrades in liberating the nation from the imperialist exploitation of the noble and capitalist classes. All he had to do was wait.

RE: Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Ryccia - 01-05-2020

Arsean, Special City of the Ryccian Federation
Arlighten Café

"So, she is here. I cannot believe my eyes"

Under disguise, two individuals met at a café in the Ryccian Federation. Mostly free from the Valoran intelligence services, they dined with little worry. Speaking in Mandarin of all things, none could distinguish them. Must be some random nobles, amirite?

"Your Royal Highness, why are we to meet here? In Arsean of all places?"

"Is it not obvious? I wish to peruse the luxury stores in absolute secrecy. In all seriousness, Lieutenant General, I wish to discuss something"

The military officer was pensative, sipping his tea. This was certainly interesting. He was a hardcore conservative. Why would she-

"I know you are a communist"

Marcus almost choked on his tea. How on Earth did she know?!

"Y-You have no proof!"

"Oh, I assure you, I do. For example, your 'servant' is actually a covert communist wanted by the state. You are sheltering him under a false alias. But I do not come here to gloat or to arrest you. Rather, I have come here to offer you a deal you possibly cannot refuse"

"...Let us assume I am a communist. Proceed"

"I know you are. Here is what you shall do. You are in command of some units in the Western regions. When the Eve of the Three Kings Day procession in the city of Hölso goes on as normal, you order your troops to fire upon the crowd under the false suspicion that communists shall infiltrate the march and turn it into a protest. I shall provide you with falsified evidence that 'proves' these allegiations to Mirochi. As you know, Hölso has bannee all marches due to recent communist agitation. You do this, and I shall do the rest"

"...This shall only awaken revolution"

"That is the point. I have read the Communist Manifesto. I was not impressed, but one thing I did concur with: the people must be freed from tyranny. You shall either cooperate or die. After all, under a democratic society, your communist allies shall finally be able to speak freely. Even you must concur with me. Soon, Marcus, Valora shall be engulfed in flames. There is no other way to dismantle the system. Ryccia shall not aid the democratic factions due to their fear of genocide, and the Valoran nobility is too wealthy and interested in the status quo to change anything. This is the only way: a baptism by fire. Join me and we shall sweep the ancient regime away"


"Do you agree?"

"...I have no other option. Very well, I shall do as you wish"

Hölso, Kingdom of Valora
Eve of Three Kings Day Parade

Despite a ban on any marches by the local military garrison, the churches and the local nobility protested the decision and encouraged the people to march. This procession across the city was a tradition, after all. It was an ecumenical festivity that strengthened the people's faith and drew in a lot of tax revenue. For the church, it was about religion. For the local low nobles, that tax revenue was desirable enough that they would protest to the military. Therefore, the people had no fear that the soldiers would disperse their march with tear gas or something.

The festival went as planned. At first, it seemed as if the military had backed down. The local garrison was not activated. Everyone expected this, even the capital. It was supposed to be a normal day in a normal year.

Suddenly, an order came from high command. The soldiers were ordered out of their barracks. Lined up against the people, who thought the military was joining the festival in a sign of goodwill and reconciliation, the soldiers were given the order.


Most were shocked at the command by their officer. They thought they were here to join the public, never thinking that the army would fire at the innocent faithful. However, one after another, fearing a court martial for disobedience or out of dedication to duty and loyalty to the crown, they reluctantly drew their weapons. Many were shaking nervously or crying. But still, they did as ordered.

The crowd went into a panic. Many tried to flee desperately. A trickle few stood and threw whatever they had at the army. Resistance was futile, however. Soon enough, the soldiers had crushed the march.

The city was put under martial law. A total communications blackout was put in place. Even the ultra-censored Valoran internet was shut down in the city and its vicinity. However, as the Crown Princess had planned, word got out to the public.

The Royal Court at Mirochi was horrified. They had the evidence the Lieutenant General had provided, but they feared the consequences. Should they put the Lieutenant General to death for a short-term pleasing of the people but allow them to question authority later on with this precedent, or should they stand with their steadfast conservative ally and double down?

The Crown Princess manipulated the events. She had spies in the conservative faction, and she had her way. The court would support Marcus's actions.

The plan was in motion.

RE: Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Qwert - 01-11-2020

Arsean, Special City of the Ryccian Federation
Vatrer, the Sedunnic "Old Town"

Vatrer was the semi-official name of the older parts of Arsean where Sedunnic merchants had been allowed to settle down and establish a trade post of their own in the 1600s, just like Nosvem Bay in Huawan. The literal translation of the name was something like a "parking lot for carriages", likely referring to the fact that this was where they had been allowed to park their carriages with goods permanently. Many of the buildings were typically Sedunnic in design and stood out from the Ryccian and Valoran architecture.

It had remained fashionable to discuss events and politics "at home", even though it didn't affect them much. They also clung on to many of the older traditions that had become obsolete or changed much in Sedunn. The wealthiest Vatrers also preserved the traditions of the Sesslinners - the wealthiest of the Sedunnic merchants, and always gathered every Sunday for something called a "lenhardsi", a "cider party" to engage in gossip. This time eleven of them had gathered in the hall-like dining room that belonged to the Trodib family.

"... and now they plan to destroy that bridge and replace it with a dam. Can you believe it? Dear King Vimmru has not stepped up to stop this barbaric assault on history." Lady Trodib commented, exaggerating her feelings.

Riv Tefienn suppressed the urge to sigh deeply. He was one of today's special guests, most likely invited thanks to his background as a senior manager at the CPSC launch site in Juno, Ryccia. At first he had been honoured, it was after all the culmination of fine traditional Sedunnic culture, but he had no idea how much of the Valoran aristocratic ways the expats had adopted.

"That is very concerning, my dear" answered an older man. "Respect and common decency seem to be under attack on multiple fronts these days. Have you heard about the atrocities in Hölso?"

"The clashes between the carnival people and local police?" asked a middle aged woman.

"A little more than just clashes. The military fired at unarmed people. So Ryccian media claims" commented a bald man.

"Brutish, if true. What do you think, Tefienn? You have experienced these things in Ryccia, right? How does it feel being fired at? And having to flee to our city for your life?"

Everyone looked at Tefienn, excited for his answer. So that's why he was invited, he thought? Just an exotic topic?

"Well..." he hesitated, "no one fired at us. But the operations were shut down and there was nothing for me to do there. There were no direct flights back to Sedunn, I mean, most flights were grounded. So we went here to catch a flight instead"

"'We'" asked the middle aged woman.

"My wife and daughter."

"But where are they now? I thought you lived alone?"

"I do. We just went our separate ways."


"This isn't the first time something like this happens in Valora either. The country is a powder keg ready to explode" Tefienn tried to put the focus back on topic.

"No. It cannot really be that bad, can it?" said lady Trodib.

RE: Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Ryccia - 01-12-2020

Oslen, Kingdom of Valora
Western Regions

The news of the Hölso Massacre had spread like wildfire across the west of the country. Many Valorans were outraged, but many also feared the consequences of defying royal rule.

A tiny amount did dare, mostly youth, intellectuals and dissenters, but even they were scared. The Agricultural University of Oslen's dissident students organized a protest right outside the campus which was immediately suppressed by the KEP. Only seven alumni attended, as even the intellectuals were afraid. This was supposed to be a routine operation.

It was not.

Bystanders, enraged by the massacre at Hölso, started to jeer the KEP. As there were only seven students, the number of officers sent was only 5. As the KEP started to fire live ammunition against the protesters, a crowd began to gather. Soon enough, 250 people had amassed spontaneously, mostly students and faculty, but also passersby. The officers were quickly overwhelmed as the protesters began to throw objects in anger over the shooting they had just witnessed.

The Valoran intelligence services were top-notch. However, how could they predict this?

Screaming "Remember Hölso", the spontaneous demonstration marched forward with violence. The skeletal KEP presence was about to be overrun, as the crowd did not yield despite the five officers shooting at the mass of persons, desperate for their lives. They retroceded, trying to put distance between themselves and the people.

The crowd was growing ever larger. 600 individuals strong, they tried to force their way to the administrative buildings despite the KEP shooting at them with live ammunition. 70 people were already dead or injured, but the anger and resentment of so many years had made these defiant souls fearless. The KEP's reinforcements did come, and the officers stopped retreating, instead standing their ground. Forced to resort to more cruel methods, the KEP, apart from throwing average tear gas, began to bombard the crowd with mustard gas. The people were choked with this illegal toxic vapor.

Oslen suffered the same fate as Hölso: a total blockade on the city was now in effect, and martial law was declared. A reign of terror commenced, as the KEP and the local military garrison began to arrest the demonstrators caught in the street's security cameras. They did not rest. They banged on every door and forced their way in. They searched in a violent manner to instill fear on the population. Anyone who did not comply and chose to resist was shot on the spot.

On the first night, the authorities rounded up 200 people. They forced the population of the city, all 50,000 of them, into a soccer stadium. There were not enough seats, so many either were forced to stand or go to the leafy arena. There, they watched as the KEP began to lash the dissenters, one by one, with a whip coated in sharp spikes. The skin damage was horrendous. Some fainted from this perverse and twisted show. Then, when they were done, the KEP shot the weakened prisoners, who were about to pass out from the pain but didn't.

A contingent of 2,000 troops and 500 KEP officers kept order in the stadium. If there was any sign of defiance from anyone in the crowd, they were ordered to shoot whoever it was immediately. One brave young man of 20 years of age protested. He was shot immediately by a KEP officer.

The populace was shocked into absolute fear and silence. When the KEP was done executing 40 prisoners, they let the people go, forcing them out like cattle. This sick and perverted form of satanic brutality...was sadly normal.

RE: Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Ryccia - 01-12-2020

Castiana, Capital of the Ryccian Federation
Palace of Holivarnt

As the Intelligence Minister briefed the junta on the developing situation in the Kingdom of Valora, the junta started to discuss. Everything spoken now would be classified.

"...These massacres, how many people died in them?", said the President.

"Our preliminary estimates state that around a hundred to 350 people died, Mr. President. No Ryccian citizens are counted among the casualties. The Valoran government informs us that their counted death toll is 263 people dead"


A silence enveloped the room. Everyone present knew that their control over Valora as a puppet state was a horrific stain for them all. Many looked down to the floor or up to the roof in shame. They perpetuated the orwellian system that kept their neighbours in chains. But, what else is there? If the Valoran elite is replaced, then their ethnic kin across the border would be genocided by nationalists. It was a proven fact. When the 1863 Uprising engulfed the country, ethnic Valorans, swept in a nationalist and anti-establishment fury, started to massacre ethnic Ryccians in the hundreds. The same tale had been repeated in 1893, 1911, and 1936. Due to the privileged status of the Ryccian minority in Valoran society, they were targets from both the nationalists and the leftists, intentionally or not.

Whilst the previous Ryccian monarchy had controlled Valora as a matter of profit and geopolitical strategy, the Ryccian democratic government that had emerged after the Democratic Revolution in 1925 did so to primarily keep the minority Ryccian population safe. Profit and geopolitical strategy were still factors the current Ryccian state took into consideration, but the intense and profound fear of a genocide was the primary reason even the most idealist of Ryccian politicians decided to maintain the status quo in Valora. Indeed, there is a saying amongst the Ryccian political elite, one that even the most selfless and idealistic politicians had to stomach and endure.

"Valora is where our ideals die. Valora is the place we accept the unacceptable"

"...Let us cease"

At this, all the civil and military members of the hybrid junta lit up. What was President Altrecht going to say?

"That is enough. We must cease supporting the Valoran tyrants. I cannot tolerate being an accomplice to this barbarity anymore"

Once more, silence enveloped the room. However, it was not out of shame. It was out of shock. Unlike the last nothingness of guilt, this pause did not last long.

The top naval commander in the junta, Grand Admiral Albert Spruchent, stood up and objected angrily.

"What in the world are you even suggesting, Mr. President?!"

"What must be accepted, Grand Admiral. How can we continue to tolerate this façade of liberty we try to masquerade ourselves in?"

"Did the idealism get to your head, old man?! Millions of our people will die if you allow this!"

"Your family has contracts with the Valoran Navy, you swine", Altrecht thought to himself.

One by one, the officials in the junta objected. Only one did not oppose the President, but she did not stand to support him either. Rather, she stayed silent. Grand General Anastasia Halienrova remained quiet. Like the President, she was a pacifist idealist, but she was conflicted regarding this matter. She hated the Valoran regime, but she also dreaded being complicit in a massacre of her own people. Moreover, her inner conflict was made worse by the fact that she had family from that Ryccian ethnic minority in Valora. Her maternal family lived in the border Valoran counties, dominated by Ryccians. This tore her soul in a most painful way. Thus, she remained silent.

"Look here, old man", said Grand General Gregorian Argenworth, another member of the junta, "if you dare interfere with the status quo and cause a genocide, I shall make certain that I overthrow you myself! Yeah, I said it!"

"Insolent fool! Whoever was aware of your ineffable retardation?!", said the civil Interim Minister of Education and a minor member of the junta, Valerie de Montazure, "I cannot fathom your insolence! You would dare endanger the lives of millions of our own blood across the border?!"

The junta was furious with President Altrecht. He knew this statement would enrage them to their core. Yet, he said it anyway. He could not bottle up all the guilt anymore. He knew more than most how the Valoran royalty oppressed their people. Despite that, he had to keep quiet. The President had let it slip out as a way to vent a little and raise the issue with his ministers.

"...Very well, no action is to be taken. What is the next topic in the agenda?"

And thus passed yet another meeting of the junta. The guilt was immense. But that would be handled. It is fine. It always is.

Isn't it so?

RE: Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Hammerstar - 01-15-2020

Mirochi, Kingdom of Valora
Little Changi, Peonic Enclave

When I turned the faucet, I took the soap, and started to wash the bowls. Sometimes I wonder how our noodles are so good, when it's just an "only add water" shit. Cash is a bit strapped at the moment, and I wonder what else to eat. I turned off the faucet, and placed the dishes on the rack.

I took a glass of water and looked at my mom. She's already asleep in the kotatsu, It's still cold this time of year, and one could forgive a spike of electricity quotas for some heat. It's my turn to pay the bills.

A coat I wore, and a hat I took. I kissed my mother in the forehead, before setting out of the shop. We are closed tonight, the rice shop usually open in the mornings. A lot of people are preparing for the Spring festival, lanterns hung on buildings and on the electricity poles.

I looked at the colorful lights in this damned winter night. Miss Wan must've placed these in our street a while ago.

*Blue is in japanese*

"Stop that cart!"

I glanced to the right, and a cart filled with lanterns rolled down the road and towards me. It wasn't terribly fast, and I grabbed the handle before it could slide down the hill.

"Ah, thank you very much child."

"Sensei" I acknowledged the elder, it's my old austral teacher, Mr. Fang. "Did you forget to put the brakes again?"

"Damn wagon, these stupid Valoran brakes don't compare with the Peonic ones. I tell you that you can't find a good replacement for the traditional carts."

I looked at the brakes, "they're worn sensei. I think it's had its time now."

"So it has, pushing this pao cart through this blasted city is a pain already. I don't suppose that you could help an old geezer?"

"I'll fix the cart when I'm finished with work, sensei."
I said, then I looked at a friend that's hanging some lanterns. My teacher laughed, I must've gazed at her for quite a long time.

"Don't worry child, I'll be sure to let my granddaughter know that you'll be meeting her in the morning."

"I am terribly sorry sensei."

My teacher looked towards his granddaughter with a smile, "young Fan has been helping me with the pao lately, she makes the sweetest buns and knead with such gentleness. My blasted hands.."

"I hope Fan tells you to regularly take your meds, sensei."

"A bane of my existence." He smiled, "well child, I must clean up the steamers. I'm sure you're wanted at the docks now?"

I looked at the watch, "yes, I must be off. Sensei."

"Off you go, and tell your father I said hi!"

I walked off from the scene, and I locked eyes with Fan for a brief moment. With a sweaty face she smiled as she brushed her hair off with those floury hands, I responded in kind, before continuing.

I walked to the metro station, and went down the stairs. It's my shift to unload the freighter now.

RE: Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Ryccia - 02-10-2020

Castiana, Ryccian Federation

"Here, have this file"

"You wish for me to do that? You are aware that-"

"I shall take care of any problems that arise. Now, go on, a car awaits you outside"

RE: Stories of the Kingdom of Valora - Ryccia - 02-14-2020

Mirochi, Kingdom of Valora

"Hello there, it is nice to hear from you. What is the reason you contact me?"

"A foolish girl has revealed information about the massacres. I want you to kill her."

"I shall take care of the proceedings"

"I shall hold you up to that. You have those valuable connections that my family as of yet lacks. If our cooperation is to continue to bear fruit, the target must be silenced. I shall send her details by e-mail."
