The South Pacific
Culinary Corner #1 - Homemade Ice Cream - Printable Version

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Culinary Corner #1 - Homemade Ice Cream - South Pacific Independent News Network - 06-19-2020

Good, Insightful and Timely | Year 18 | 19 June 2020
[Image: 1mQECaD.png]


Some like only during summer, others like it year round. However you prefer it ice cream is one of the best, most versatile desserts out there, and we'll show you how it's done. Your Chef's Tip for today? Make your ice cream in the evening, so that you can let it freeze overnight.

250 grams of heavy cream
100 grams of condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
A decent amount of your flavour of choice

1. Whip the heavy cream until you get soft peaks.
2. Add the condensed milk and the vanilla extract; keep whipping until you get hard peaks.
3. Add your flavour of choice*, carefully folding it into the mix.
4. Let your ice cream freeze at least 4 hours; if possible overnight.
* Make sure your flavour is in liquid form. If it's a fruit, blend it and, if necessary, add some water. If it's chocolate, make sure it's heated until melted. Apply these principles to other flavours.

If you like this recipe, make sure to try it and share a photo of your result!

The South Pacific Independent News Network (SPINN) is an independent news organisation established in 2003 whose goal is to provide good news, insightful commentary and timely information for the citizens of the South Pacific. Recipes shared in its publications presume personal responsibility or adult supervision in the kitchen, as well as adherence to local laws. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board. Content is published anonymously, unless is the author requests otherwise. The SPINN is in no way, shape or form associated with the Government of the South Pacific.