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(Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - Printable Version

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(Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - Hammerstar - 11-19-2020

The Peony walked in her garden after she addressed the statesmen in The Sunrise Day Military Parade, she was going to be on call at the hospital in two hours time, and had dedicated now to take a break. She's going to help in a 5 hour long neurosurgery to a stroke patient.

She saw the flowers bloom, Spring is ending and summer is beginning to start. Fall is going to enter, after summer, and it might be an omen of the largest challenge that she's about to face. It's one thing to start the first man mission to Tyr, but she knows that she won't be able to complete all her tasks without much turbulence.

[Image: th?id=OIP.P3erbfXX3QK1UTerOxbM-QHaGL&pid=Api]
She gazed at the flowers, some gifted from Sedunn, the Nosevbradd fruit trees gifted from Vimmru himself. As well as several tropical plants found in Bruuma. The final plant she gazed was something she didn't expect... The Hibiscus flower, known as "The Scorching Talons of the Flaming Finix" mutated to fit Peonic soil, having a beiger tone than the normal grey. She remembered the day as she leaned down to smell the flower.

It was a needed meeting. She doesn't understand why. Finix'Shi, the Ha'Coron of FiHami, had wrote her a letter in regards to the current Reizen conflict. Bruuma was mobilizing and tensions were high, the reizen theatre had sparked so many conflicts, and with Trasunneria being engulfed in flames from RIM-backed forces, it was imperative that the trade routes are sufficient.

But why Huawan? Why would Finix'Shi need to meet The Peony? After the increasing activity of the holy volcano of Ri-Ha'Fi-nix, The Peony had cancelled her visit to meet the Ha'Coron twice. The only people from Huawan that ever begun contact with FiHami are the Royal diplomats assigned by the High Diplomat, Diao Chan. The Ha'Coron would be more suited to look to countries such as Gi-Land, Sedunn, or Besern for security of its borders. But why does Finix'Shi demand to meet with The Peony?

She looked at her letter, the one received before her address in Devotion Hall.

(10-14-2019, 10:43 PM)phoenixofthesun14 Wrote:
To the Honorable Peony of Huawan,

I am sure that you are well aware of what is happening internationally right now. I would like to clarify, first off, that FiHami would like to remain neutral in this mess until it is deemed impossible to continue to do so. Now, it is to my understanding that you would rather stay out of things aside from civilian aid?
If so, I would like to meet to discuss a sort of agreement should war become inevitable. Even if that understanding isn't the case, I would still like to meet.

Finix Fi'Shi, Ha'Coron' ki FiHami

"What the hell is she trying to do" The Peony thought. She then saw the response she made afterwards

(10-15-2019, 02:29 AM)Hammerstar Wrote:
[Image: Screen_Shot_2016_12_06_at_7_56_33_PM.png]

To the Finix Fi'Shi, Ha'Coron' ki FiHami,

Assalamualaikum, 你好。

Honorable Ha'Coron',

The Humble Peocracy of Huawan is well informed of the situation at hand, it is truly appalling that such situations arose, one that does not warrant our gratitude whatsoever. It is our attitude that Huawan plays a neutral role and maintain its neutral position in order to gain the trust of our humanitarian expeditions abroad.

We are however concerned that the increase of aggression by certain parties may threaten our interests, as well as the intercontinental shipping lanes, of which FiHami is one of our valuable trading partner. Should said parties threaten the stability and pull us into a war, either by the execution of a defense pact by our allies, or direct assault to our sovereignty, we shall not hesitate to respond accordingly.

Should you see fit honorable Ha'Coron', I would be happy to respond to your invitation to meet, in particular at Café Sonata at Government Island. Perhaps we could pen a mutual agreement between us.

Thank you for reaching out to us,


With Regards,

The Peony of Huawan
Doctor Yan

A response written by Diao Chan, signed by The Peony herself. The Peony never met with the Ha'Coron, only stories that both favor and curse her persona. She needs to see this herself. The plane flies to arrive at Government Island, where Caitlin is prepared to accept her guests.


RE: (Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - phoenixofthesun14 - 11-19-2020

I have never quite been in an airplane before...

Finix thought to herself as she looked out the window, resting her eyes on the passing clouds and sparkling oceans below.  From the altitude, all the problems of the world felt small, as if nothing was significant in the world.  It felt vaguely comforting to her, despite its unfamiliarity.  

Antarchan diplomats had arrived to FiHami in order to discuss the brewing Pacifica situation further.  They were stiff and proper, and while they stayed courteous, Finix knew they looked down on the more relaxed nature of the Ha'Coron'.  

"Ki Ha'Coron'."  Her attendant bowed her head slightly as a sign of respect and deference.  "Would you like water?"

"I'm fine, thanks."  Finix tried her best to smile to the older woman standing next to her.  "Feel free to just call me Finix."

"Hai."  The attendant bowed before walking back.  Finix sighed, pulling out a book and working on her Austral for the duration of the flight.

"And we are here."  The pilot announced, looking back to his sole passenger.

"Thank you."  Finix bowed her head to the pilot, stepping out of the plane quickly, sighing as she tried to keep her wild hair out of her face in the wind.  She would scan the area, looking less for the person she was to meet and more at the island ahead of her, marveling the differences between her home and that of Government Island, looking more like a child entering a candy store than the Chief of FiHami, known for being stern, deliberate, and widely respected.

Note: text written in orange is said in the Finixi language.  Otherwise, assume Austral is being spoken :>

RE: (Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - Hammerstar - 11-19-2020

"That's her." a man said. One of the butlers for Cafe Sonata, he wore a butler's tux that had The Peony's crest on her side. Something that would definitely allow the Ha'Coron to trust as someone that works for The Peony. A simple order from Cafe Sonata, to pick up the Ha'Coron. A young teenager looking like one of the tourists that frequent the cafe.

The man, the butler, came to Finix. Trying his best to act that he's friendly, and not awkward. He walks up to the Ha'Coron gazing around the airport looking a bit confused, and called on her.

"Miss Finix?" He asked, as he bowed in front of her as low as he could. He's a bit tall. "I am one of the Peocracy's guardians, I am to escort you to Cafe Sonata. If you'd please follow me, I will take you there. The Peony is expecting your arrival."

As The Peony drove into Cafe Sonata on her car, Caitlin watched from the entrance as The Peony parked amidst the cloud of sand and dirt after sliding when parking. She gave a smile towards her friend, despite feeling a bit drowzy.

"Hello Yan," asked Caitlin as she looked at The Peony arriving. "How was your flight?"

"It was well Caitlin. Thank you for hosting us again." Responded The Peony, as she bowed to Caitlin.

"It is my pleasure, especially with you renting the entire place for yourself." Caitlin responded, as she welcomed The Peony to enter the cafe, gazing around the parking lot, before looking back at The Peony "Your guardians, are they not here?"
"I'm sure you know why, Caitlin." Said The Peony, a bit serious. Which caused Caitlin to chuckle.

"Ah yes, I believe you've sent them out." Said Caitlin, as she placed her hands on her back and leaned a bit towards The Peony's head, which was difficult considering The Peony's height. " Interesting that you do these secret travels yourself, especially choosing coach instead of flying on your own jet. A doctor, a head of state, as well as a fashion model. You seem to have great confidence on your security. Do you trust my....servers, as much?"

The Peony gave a chuckle, and a satirical smile towards Caitlin. Something that she rarely does, "I am sure you have a tremendous interest in my skills, ma'am."

"Yes... I do." Responded Caitlin as she gave a yawn, "well I shall be in my room, I need my nap before tea. Darach shall be serving you. Do not bother me until tea time"

Caitlin yawns again, before completely ignoring The Peony to go up to her room. The Peony continues to wonder how a person can be so drowzy. Sleeping like a sloth. Darach closed his eyes and gave a slight bow to The Peony after she acknowledged him..

"Usual table, ma'am?"
"Certainly." Smiled The Peony, before she is seated. She opened up her book and began reading

RE: (Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - phoenixofthesun14 - 11-20-2020

"You speak Finixi?"  Finix couldn't hide her surprise at the man's speech when he caught her off-guard, but quickly regained her composure.  In a split second her demeanor shifted entirely, she stood up straight, her face suddenly devoid of emotion, and her eyes glaring directly at the man, not allowing him any time to respond to her question.  "Thank you for finding me, lead the way and I will follow.  I don't wish to keep the Peony waiting."

Her hands instinctively made their way down to her hip, grabbing the thin air instinctively, as if her trusty dagger was still by her side, and not left in the safety of her home.  It brought a certain comfort and confidence to her, despite the blade's presence being missing.  

Don't scare them, leave a good impression.  FiHami is counting on me.  Kill counts are not an appropriate conversation topic.

RE: (Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - Hammerstar - 11-20-2020

"For our allies, your excellency." The butler bowed, before rising up and guiding Finix to her car "Please follow me."

The Butler helped Finix with her belongings and opened up the car. A Minna M20 Alveare was the vehicle of choice, and with Finix at the back, the butler started the car.

[Image: 2017-mazda6-sdn-action-8-.jpg]
"Relax and enjoy the ride, your excellency." Before the car moved out to Cafe Sonata, passing the crowds and the tropical forests of Government Island. The butler was a skilled driver, ensuring agility and comfort for his passenger. He viewed his mirror and saw his passenger's expression, of awe yet worry.

"Relax ki Ha'Coron, the island is a safehaven protected by our allies. Your safety and comfort is our upmost importance." Said The Butler, he wondered whether he crossed the line a bit, until he needed to drift near the coast. A 10 minute drive until Cafe Sonata, where he saw The Peony's car, and parked a bit more conservatively than her.

It was then that Darach walked down from the cafe, and opened the door. Darach was head valet and head butler of Cafe Sonata, and he was skilled.

"Thank you doctor." Thanked Darach to the butler, before he addressed Finix and bowed at her "Ki Ha'Coron, welcome to Cafe Sonata. Thank you for gracing us with your presence, The Peony is waiting for you in the table near the sea view. If you would please follow me."

Darach then escorted the young teenage head of state into the cafe, from the podium to the main hall. Before stopping, respectfully turning to Finix and giving a bow.

"The Peony is sitting in the table near the sea view, I shall be with you soon with to get your orders." Said Darach as he gave another respectful bow. Before moving to the bar, leaving Finix to go to the Peony's table.

[Image: fan-bingbing-birthday-our-book-portrait.jpg]
The Peony sat there, deep in thought, looking at the sea like a dry painting. The black dress she wore with a black beret sitting on her head. She flipped her pages as she read line by line with great enthusiasm.

[Image: th?id=OIP.-WGnBHgI2w6Ze_IbFE530wHaE8&pid=Api]
The sound of the seas filled the environment and the book certainly made her so focused, the air blew into the room and danced the atmosphere, so there is no airconditioning in Cafe Sonata after all. She is so engrossed in her book, she doesn't notice that her guest is going to arrive.

RE: (Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - phoenixofthesun14 - 11-23-2020

Finix sat down quietly, trying not to surprise the Peony with sudden sound. She looked at the book the Peony was reading, confused at the strange markings on the page, windering how anyone could read it.

After a minute or so, Finix began to admire the cafe, the decorations, and the ocean's waves engaging in their gentle eternal war with the sand. In her mind, she remembered her first time at the shore, when she was 9, and her curious fascination for the endlessness of the ocean. She could almost hear her adoptive mother in the back of her mind talking about little-known lands beyond the ocean, so far away that the eye can't see them. Places filled with different people, different customs, different ways of speaking and writing. At the time, Finix couldn't believe it, filing away this knowledge as "cute little myths and legends". Even as she grew older and she became the appointed Chief, she would never revisit that thought until now, when it hit. The vastness of the world, the strange person from a strange land Finix was meeting on strange sands.

"Just how big is this world?" Finix asked herself aloud, her gaze fixated on the distant horizon visible from the window.

RE: (Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - Hammerstar - 11-23-2020

The Peony jolted, she was a bit startled at the presence of the Ha'Coron in front of her. Such a deep yet young voice coming from a young girl. made her elbows jolt and her eyes widen with surprise. She tried her best to not gasp, and simply recoiled her head and neck back, tightening the muscles. She gave Finix a warm smile as she placed her book down.

She then began the first words she uttered towards the Ha'Coron in her face. Something that she had some time preparing.

"Good morning your excellency, it is a tremendous honour to meet you at last." Said The Peony as she bowed a bit, "I am sorry, I was lost in this book, allow me to introduce myself, your excellency, I am The Peony of Huawan, Doctor Yan, I trust your flight is well?"

RE: (Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - phoenixofthesun14 - 11-24-2020

"It's an honor meeting you on behalf of FiHami." Finix replied professionally, though she couldn't help but smile a bit. "My flight went well, I do have to say that I had never flown before today, or been this far from FiHami soil either... How was your travel? You speak Finixi well, I wasn't quite anticipating that."

RE: (Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - Hammerstar - 11-24-2020

The Peony then blushed, and gave a chuckle.

"I'm afraid that's as far as my Finixi goes, your excellency. I had studied a few conversational phrases before we met. I was thinking I could make you comfortable if I had open with Finixi. It means a lot that you said that my pronunciation is rather fluent in the language, however, I do apologize for my shortcoming in my efforts to study a bit of Finixi." Admitted The Peony, a bit embarrassed. "Oh yes, my flight is well! I just caught the word "flight". and the word "Soil" I'm not as fluent as the valets in this cafe, I'm sure you're wondering how they are able to be so fluent."

It was then that Darach, as the valet, approached the table, ready to take some orders. Looking dapper with a straight posture

"Would you be prepared to order now? Your excellencies?"

"Ah yes, may I have some Gi-Lanndian hot chocolate with a side of Bersernian wafers? Perhaps we could also start with some Toast with Sedunnic Fruit Jams."

"Excellent choice, my Nuwang." Said Darach, before turning to Finix, asking her "and is there anything you may like to sample, your honor? May I interest you in the Peonic Dragonflower tea? Or perhaps some Bruuman Silverhand Arabica coffee? South Pacifican Ice Tea is also a good choice this day, or would you like the tropical FiHamian Mocktails to start you off?"

RE: (Retrospect RP) FiHami-Peocracy meeting in Govt Island. - phoenixofthesun14 - 11-24-2020

"Oh, apologies." Finix shrugged understandingly. "Finixi is a hard language to learn from Austral, as I have heard from Antarchi people learning our language. But I am curious, due to our history, I didn't think anyone knew FiHami outside of the island until a year ago."

Finix then faced the valet dipping her head as a sign of respect.

"What is a mocktail? Does this cafe serve hibiscus tea?" Finix thought for a second, then shook her head. "Actually, I would liketry the Peonic Dragonflower tea, please."