The South Pacific
i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Printable Version

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i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 12-28-2020

The Introduction
This is a roleplay between my two RP nations, Proctethia and Procus Rega. I will try to post one new post here everyday, although some posts may bet set on the same day IC. This RP begins as King Iannis IV lands his private jet in Procus Rega, the last destination on his holiday. However, things don’t turn out quite as expected...

RE: i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 12-29-2020

The Spear
He looked out the window. They were almost there. He saw an island with beautiful forests and fields. And he saw unique architecture he’d never seen before. The houses were beautiful, they had fountains of water flowing down the houses. It was magnificent. He looked over at his wife and knew she felt the same way. Was this truly the tribal lands they were told of?

They had now reached a different part of the island. The houses were little huts made of sticks, rocks and dirt, with campfires around. He realised these were the tribal lands, and that the beautiful houses were of the rulers.

He saw the airport, their was a field with a large area of grass removed. He saw some small figures. They got closer and he realised who it was. It was the High Prince and the council of Procus Rega; and as well as a few guards. He could tell by their clothes. The High Prince’s outfit made him appear far fatter than he actually was and it was probably burning hot to wear it, especially this close to the equator. They also noticed some other figures. Some more tribal-looking people. They seemed to obey the High Prince yet they did not understand what the airplane was.

The plane landed. King Iannis IV, and his two guards left the plane. Queen Theofania stayed inside to look after the Kokoni. She did not want it to make a bad impression on this culture she knew little of. She looked out the window to watch the two monarchs meet when she suddenly noticed something. The small figures were holding spears and were aiming them at the jet and the people who came from it.

They missed, but the King was angry. He ordered his guards to attack. While the guards felt the best idea was to get back in the plane, it was their duty to follow the King’s orders, so they marched forward with their swords. Not wanting his people to be harmed, the High Prince ran after the guards. The High Prince grabbed a guard, who turned around and swung his sword at the High Prince. He managed to dodge, but his clothing did not and it was cut through.
(Procus conversations translated to English)
After King Iannis and his guards somehow managed to escape he made share no one would share this information about what happened in Procus Rega. They planned to stay in the jet in the sky for two days and then head home. They were lucky for the primitiveness of Procus Rega, and that there were no cameras around.

However, one of the Council members did have a computer.
“My Lord,” the Council member said, “we must use the machine to learn more about the Proktethians. We cannot invade without knowledge of where it even is.”
“Good idea, Erasmos,” the High Prince commended, “we should learn much about the world incase anyone poses a threat to us!”
And so, the Council prepared for the invasion.

RE: i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 12-30-2020

The Camera
“Hu, ƨu, lu, firæd!” whispered a Council member holding a camera. The Council had bought it yesterday, and made sure it would arrive quickly.

The High Prince gave a speech. He did not know Austral, so he spoke in Procus Kut (which translates to Mighty Speech). After his speech, the camera moved to the Council member with the computer. And he spoke.

“I greet you and apologise for if my Austral is no good. I expect you no know Procus Kut. High Prince no know Austral so I now speak Austral as it is spoken mostest speech in Procifica so you probably understand more it. I now speak what High Prince speak. Yesterday, King of Prokutethia visit us on his holiday as plan. But we no plan for Proktethia guard to kill High Prince. Our High Prince great survive attacks but Proktethia people escape. Such act is not acceptable. Procus Rega give ul-ul-ultim-ultimatum (I believe it called). Either Proktethia King and Guards die or Procus Rega declare war. I thank you,” he then spoke to the Cameraman in Procus Kut, “rɪsiliæd.”

The High Prince and the Council all gathered round the camera and were amazed as they saw themselves inside this box, doing what they had already done. The quality was horrible - the cameraman couldn’t keep the camera still and their were people moving in the background. But to them, it was the best thing they’d ever seen.

After a bit of struggle and confusion, they figured out how to upload the video to Gianlucian video-uploading site YouWatch.
The Pilots sighed as they didn’t plan to spend two days just circling around non-stop in the burning heat. However, their circles weren’t perfect. Over-time they were gradually heading North. Unknown to them, they had left the boundaries of the Pacifica map. They did not realise they had been doing this until they noticed a small desert island. They had enough food, water and dog food to last them two weeks, but they didn’t know where Proktethia was and had no signal to contact anyone.

RE: i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 12-31-2020

The Fire
Proktethian Parliament doesn’t usually meet during the last and first five days of a month. It had been two days since the month of Pagoma began so they were still in that period. However, with the news of an ultimatum from Procus Rega, something had to happen. Speaker Viktoria Afroditi called an emergency gathering of parliament.

After some discussion and debate, they decided that the Proktethian cabinet would meet with the Procus Council virtually. Prime-Minister Tatiana Zenovia left to visit Louisa Palace, the future location of the Proktethian Embassies, and the current place of residence of King Iannis IV (when he is in Proktethia) as he wished to see the building of the embassies.

The Prime-Minister knocked on the door, and the King’s oldest child, Princess Marietta, and her two Kokoni, Lila and Gizmo, answered. The Prime-Minister asked how the King contacted Procus Rega. Marietta told her that the Council replied to the King’s rather informal post on Stream. After a little bit of discussion, where they both downloaded Proktethian video communication app, Epikoinia, where they further discussed the matter and planned the trip out. Marietta then told them that the Council’s account was called ‘K8|EY 8/A:’ - it was the closest they could get to a Procus Kut spelling of Procus Rega using a Latin Keyboard.

The Prime-Minister then drove back to Anthroupimiloun Palace, the location of the parliament. But she was shocked to see what she did. The road was blocked off. She got out of her car, and the police allowed her to pass as she was Prime-Minister. She ran to the parliament building and saw Fire Engines, Police Cars and Ambulances. She put two and two together and realised that someone had set the parliament building on fire. But who?
A mysterious figure in a black cloak entered a building, presumably their house. They sat down on a chair and put their head in their hands. “What have I done?!” they cried. Another figure in a black cloak came out of the shadows and spoke: “You have done well.”

RE: i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 01-01-2021

The Call
“Hello, your honour?” called Zenovia, “is anyone there?”

“Erasmos!” responded the High Prince, “Austral vausa!”

“I greet you,” Erasmos came to the computer and spoke, “I am member of Procus Council. How I may help you?”

“I am Tatiana Zenovia, Prime-Minister of Proktethia,” she said, “we wish to talk about your ultimatum, your honour.”

“Proktethia ivun ghaeztihan!” shouted the High Prince, “Za ghagatonem Proktethia!”

“I am sorry, I do not understand Procus Kut,” replied Zenovia, “what is his honour, the High Prince, saying?”

“He says Proktethia is bad,” replied Erasmos, “and we no love Proktethia. I apologise if my Austral no good.”

“No need to, your honour,” she said, “Prok is my first language, not Austral. Anyways, I assume the High Prince said what he did because of our King.”

“Guh,” responded Erasmos.

“Excuse me, your honour,” queried Zenovia, “what does guh mean?”

“I apologise to you,” answered Erasmos, “it means yes.”

“Do you know where the King escaped to?” Tatiana Zenovia asked.

“No,” said Erasmos, who was a bit confused, “do you?”

“I do not,” replied Zenovia, “he hasn’t been seen in Proktethia since he left, as far as I’m aware.”

Erasmos then stepped away to discuss with the High Prince. He then returned and said, “we remove ultimatum but your King must die.”

“I’m sorry, your honour,” Zenovia spoke, “but we cannot let you do that. Execution is illegal in Proktethia, but we can put him in prison.”

“Ta kutun x,” Erasmos said to the High Prince.

“Za sarun lih toi!” shouted the High Prince.

“He says we kill you too,” Erasmos said to Tatiana.

“Wait, your honour!” cried the Proktethian Prime-Minister, “perhaps we can come to a compromise.”

Erasmos and the High Prince called the rest of the council for a discussion. Zenovia waited, and then Erasmos returned, “there is only one compromise,” he said, “we kill your king. You have 10 sunrises to decide.”
“Of course this had to happen in my term...” sighed Zenovia. Due to the previous travel restrictions, the King would have never been able to go on this holiday. She began to wonder if ending the Proktethian Isolation was the right thing to support.

RE: i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 01-02-2021

The Plane
King Iannis IV woke up. It stunk in the jet. No one had enough spare changes of clothing and the smell of the dog poo would never leave, no matter if they removed the dog poo itself. He then realised. It had been two days - they could go home!
“Wake up, Theofania,” he cheered, “we can go home today!”

“Why are you so happy?” grumbled the Queen, “we have no idea where home is.”

“How about we try and go in a random direction, if we don’t find any recognisable land, or internet connection, we head in a different one?” suggested a guard.

“That probably won’t end well...” sighed Queen Theofania.

“Well, if you have any other ideas, do tell,” said the King, “let’s go!”

After a few hours, they were beginning to give up, but then they saw some land. They didn’t know where it was, but it looked familiar. They almost landed until they actually gave it a better look. Procus Rega.

“Get out of here!” shrieked the King, “that’s Procus Rega!”

The pilots quickly turned the plane around and they got out of there. They followed the Rainbow Islands and hoped they were going the right way. They soon passed Royaltican Polynesia and were relieved to find out they were going the right way. They landed at the King’s private hanger, and then called a taxi with curtains to block out the windows and took it to Louisa Palace. The King and Queen Quickly rushed inside, and closed the door fast.

“Well, well, well,” laughed the King’s younger brother Prince Charalambos, “look who’s here.”
(Procus conversations translated to English)
“High Prince!” called a Council Member, “I have something of great importance to tell you!”

“What is it, Cleon?” asked the High Prince.

“We saw a plane fly above our skies!” cried Cleon.

“Bring Erasmos here,” responded the High Prince, “we’re going to need to call the Proktethian Prime-Minister.”

RE: i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 01-03-2021

The Villain
“I greet you,” said Erasmos.

“Erasmos, your honour?” responded the surprised Prime-Minister, “it has only been one day- sunrise since our last meeting.”

“We no is here to talk about that,” replied Erasmos, “fellow council member, Cleon, spotted plane in our skies!”

“Today is the day he intended on returning home...” said Tatiana Zenovia.

“Perhaps he wait for day where his holiday end,” considered Erasmos, “and return home pretending everything went to plan in Procus Rega...”

“Yes!” cried the Prime-Minister, “I can go and find him now and we figure something out, your honour.”

“Za tengorun yih!” called the High Primce.

“No need,” Erasmos said to Zenovia, “we have him here.”

“What?!” cried Tatiana, “How?!”

“La kwerinun how,” Erasmos spoke to the High Prince. After the High Prince told him how, Erasmos turned and said to Zenovia, “Person in black cloak arrived in plane with your King tied up.”

“Who...” wondered Zenovia, “Who...”
(Procus conversations translated to English)
“High Prince,” panicked Erasmos, “we forgot to talk to the Proktethia Prime-Minister about the King’s punishment!”

“Execute him,” sighed the High Prince, “why listen to them if we have what we need.”

RE: i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 01-04-2021

The Death
It had been three days since the burning of Anthroupimiloun Palace. The Speaker had finally found a spare palace. She knew that 34 people wouldn’t have been intending yet there was only 164 people. Someone who wasn’t hospitalised was missing! The Leader of the Opposition.

A search party was quickly called. The Police searched through the remains of Anthroupimiloun Palce. They searched the streets around. But they could not find him anywhere. Someone then came up to the police and said they knew where Alexis Petroula lived.

Before the police broke through the door, the person said, “haven’ seen ‘em leave the house in a few days, your honour.”

The Police broke the door down, and turned on their torches. All the lights in the house were off. They saw a black and red cloak on the floor, and someone sitting on the chair next to it. “Excuse me,” said an officer, “your honour. Hello?”

Someone had turned the lights on and they realised what happened. It wasn’t a black and red cloak. It was a black cloak with blood on it. Alexis Petroula, former Prime-Minister, current Leader of the Opposition, was dead.
“Something tells me that the fire and death were committed by the same people...” whispered Viktoria Afroditi to herself, a few hours after the gathering of parliament had ended.

“Yes,” a mysterious voice spoke, “as will this one.”

RE: i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 01-21-2021

The Execution
(Procus conversations translated to English)
Traditional Procus Music was playing. The Procus Military was marching. The High Prince was on his throne. The person in the black cloak stood next to his throne holding a spear.

“Bring me the Proktethia King!” shouted the High Prince.

The Military stopped marching and stood to one side. Then the Council came, holding the King, tied up.

“Today,” called the High Prince, “you witness the death of the devil himself!”

The people cheered, chanted and roared. However, when the Council made it to the throne and placed the King down, it wasn’t the Proktethian King. It was a Procus Usah!*

“WHO DID THIS?!” roared the High Prince.
After the High Prince had calmed down, they filmed another video. This one telling of that someone stole the Proktethian King before his execution.
Erasmos was translating the High Prince, “We know who di it, however. Is it not obvious? It is Proktethia. For what they have do, Procus Rega declares war!”

*Procus Usah is Procus Kut for Procus Person.

RE: i ene: A Roleplay between Proctethia and Procus Rega. - Proctethia - 01-22-2021

The Saviour
“Mmmf,” muffled King Iannis, “Mmmmfff!”

What the King was actually trying to say was ‘help me’, but being tied up doesn’t exactly help you with saying that.

While nobody could understand him, someone was here to help him.
“Iannis!” they whispered, “I’m here to help!”

After being freed Iannis whispered, “Theofania, what are you doing here?”

“When he kidnapped you, he forgot to kidnap me,” responded Queen Theofania, “However, I followed him and snuck aboard the jet. I followed him and watched you lot.”

“Wot ivun kih hagosun?” said someone who entered the room.

Panicking, they knocked the person out.
“We really need to get out of here,” swiftly said Theofania.

“One moment,” smiled the King, “I have an idea.”

“Oh no.”


The King took off his cloak and placed it around the unconscious person and then tied them up. He tried not to laugh but he let out a slight giggle.

“Stop messing around,” sighed the Queen, “We have to leave. Now.”

King Iannis IV rolled his eyes and then they snuck off and left to the plane. “How will we fly this thing?” panicked Iannis.

“You think he can fly a plane?” said Theofania, “he just threatened your pilots.”

“Why, that little-“

“Come on, we want to leave now,” yelled the Queen quietly.
“Hey, my plane!” shouted the mysterious figure, “they think they can stop me, huh...” He then began to evilly laugh.