The South Pacific
From Ashes to Ashes - Printable Version

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From Ashes to Ashes - phoenixofthesun14 - 02-02-2021

My fellow South Pacificans,

In my two terms as Minister of Military Affairs/Minister of Defense, I have seen the SPSF grow bigger than it had ever been since I first enlisted, with so many competent, highly skilled individuals who have made the SPSF what it is today.  Before, getting more than 4 SPSFers online at more or less the same time was difficult, nowadays we can easily do that and more, and pull out massive numbers for other ops (9 SPSFers when we took Warzone Australia from Lardyland and I believe we had more than 15 total SPSFers participating in the most recent big liberation I can remember).  I myself have grown as a leader while serving you all, promoting ideals that we in TSP hold near and dear to our hearts across NationStates, giving everything we've got to defend everyone's rights to regional sovereignty across the game alongside everyone standing with me in the SPSF and outside.  With me, the idea of the Phoenix Flock Fleet was born and with the help of those who decided to cater to the enthusiastic and determined noob commander, we pushed about 96 updaters ready to jump to liberate South Pacific with our friends and I could not be more proud of this, what is likely my greatest accomplishment in NationStates to this point.  I did my best to pass on the knowledge I had gained during my tenure to ensure that the SPSF will remain strong defenders even after I would have come and gone and memory of my term faded into oblivion, and I know that the future burns brighter than ever for Defenderdom as a whole.

However, as the term draws to a close, I have noticed the old glimmer in the feathers have dulled.  I have grown tired, and I must realize I am no longer able to carry the torch, and thus I must pass it on to the next runner, to take everything we've built upon and take it so much further, further than I could have imagined, just like I had strived to do when I first took on the torch passed onto me by those who came before me.

After all, the Phoenix is born in a blaze of fire, rising quickly, burning quickly.  However, this does not last forever.  The majestic bird's feathers gray, the fires roar one final time, and then the bird is consumed into ash until a new spark ignites it, starting the cycle anew.  And this is where we meet, right at the brink of being consumed into ashes.  I am not running for re-election, or election into any position.  The Phoenix must rest.  Whether I am reborn sooner or later, only time will tell.

It was an honor to serve alongside everyone in the SPSF, it was an honor to lead for 2 terms.  And to the next flame bearer, I know you will go far.  I know you will take the SPSF to even greater heights than I could have even imagined.

(OOC: My life schedule is going to become unfavorable to continued presence in the game for the foreseeable future, plus burnout from two terms as a cabinet minister means I'm sorta done with things for now.  I'll be around to hang around and goof off occasionally, but effectively I will be in retirement.  I will not really have time or energy to keep up with much, if at all.)