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Changes - Local Council, MoRA, Cabinet, and more...

(01-09-2016, 11:54 AM)Awe Wrote: Please keep your tone civil and calm. Be objective in your arguments.

I did, there was nothing rude or angry in that.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

I've been in the Ministry since Henn was Minister, and it has been ran perfectly fine I don't see how we suddenly have a problem. I say it again there will not be enough interest in three separate Ministries. Along with the fact that they will have very limited powers this will lead to a catastrophe. I would bet my house on that.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

I'd prefer not to keep the name MoRA. But have no preferences as to what.

(01-09-2016, 04:25 PM)Hileville Wrote: I'd really prefer to make a change from the RA to something else. But have no preference as to what that would be

I believe if you combined the ministries of Integration and Communications it would be a good compromise for both sides.
Greetings, I am The Serres Republic.

Currently 'The Future Greatest and Most Splendid General of All TSP.'

I know you all look forward to when I complete my grand quest ;P.

Official ‘Most Dedicated Raider’ in all of TSP. Look at me all evil and shtuff ;P

Heck I was MoFA, Now Im PM. I must be loved owo

(01-09-2016, 04:29 PM)The Serres Republic Wrote:
(01-09-2016, 04:25 PM)Hileville Wrote: I'd really prefer to make a change from the RA to something else. But have no preference as to what that would be

I believe if you combined the ministries of Integration and Communications it would be a good compromise for both sides.

Please refer to the revised post. My phone doesn't like the forum. I'm sticking to the 3 Ministries but was talking about the name MORA.

(01-09-2016, 04:31 PM)Hileville Wrote: Please refer to the revised post. My phone doesn't like the forum.  I'm sticking to the 3 Ministries but was talking about the name MORA.

Aah, the name itself. I would disagree with that proposal then. People know it as MORA and recognize it as being effective and reliable in the areas pertaining to it. It is unnecessary to change the name.

And would you be able to offer a proper argument as to why you would not consider two Embassies in stead of the three proposed originally?

The compromise seems fair and effective in my eyes. To both calm the fears of those against and accomplish the goals of those for.
Greetings, I am The Serres Republic.

Currently 'The Future Greatest and Most Splendid General of All TSP.'

I know you all look forward to when I complete my grand quest ;P.

Official ‘Most Dedicated Raider’ in all of TSP. Look at me all evil and shtuff ;P

Heck I was MoFA, Now Im PM. I must be loved owo

Quite simply I belive the support is there for 3. There is enough for each Ministry to do under the proposal. If it doesn't work I'll be the first to accept blame. The structure I've put forth allows each Ministry to have a clear focus and not have overwhelming tasks to complete.

It takes a lot of time to do cultural events.
Running a successful newspaper takes time. The radio network takes a lot of time (there are a lot of moving parts with this).
Running a successful mentoring program and adequately promoting the forums takes a lot of time to complete.

(01-09-2016, 04:43 PM)Hileville Wrote: Quite simply I belive the support is there for 3.  There is enough for each Ministry to do under the proposal. If it doesn't work I'll be the first to accept blame. The structure I've put forth allows each Ministry to have a clear focus and not have overwhelming tasks to complete.

It takes a lot of time to do cultural events.
Running a successful newspaper takes time. The radio network takes a lot of time (there are a lot of moving parts with this).
Running a successful mentoring program and adequately promoting the forums takes a lot of time to complete.

How about this: Due to the current size of the forum group I agree that three groups is a little on the heavy side, however as we see traffick and membership increase these three ministries WILL be necessary, so why don't we release two, with a clause that allows a third to be formed if need arises due to workload.
Greetings, I am The Serres Republic.

Currently 'The Future Greatest and Most Splendid General of All TSP.'

I know you all look forward to when I complete my grand quest ;P.

Official ‘Most Dedicated Raider’ in all of TSP. Look at me all evil and shtuff ;P

Heck I was MoFA, Now Im PM. I must be loved owo

Nah. We can remove the Ministry or restructure if needed.

I will offer some good faith opinions, since I have some experience in the Ministry. It does not take much time to run our three newspapers. One just needs to keep a good eye for potential writers and potential stories and to commit to a schedule. There are always good stories or interviews to be published, even at times when news might seem slow. It does take a little longer to organise cultural events, but it can be easily done if one has the proper motivation and seeks the right ideas for activities and themes. It is quite difficult to have a recruitment and mentoring programme, and I will argue that this cannot and should not be the task of just one ministry, but rather of the Cabinet as whole, since it deals with involvement in all sorts of different ministries and sections of our forum. A concerted effort is needed to have success in this area.

I honestly do not believe that the Ministry of Regional Affairs needs to be partitioned, for the simple fact that it needs one central figure to coordinate different activities. A cultural event will need proper advertising. A newspaper might want to participate in an interregional event by interviewing foreign participants. It definitely is possible to have that kind of coordination between two different ministries, but coordination remains much faster and more efficient if someone is there to lead. Having two figures makes that slower and more complicated.

If a division had to be done, however, I would argue that three ministries are an excess. I would agree that two can be an acceptable division, one for communications and integration and a second one for cultural development. It divides the current ministry in its two historical components, so the change is not too drastic and allows for a seamless transition. Still, I have to restate my original argument that keeping the Ministry intact would be better, and that if changes need to be made, they should be done by the Minister, perhaps by giving greater prominence and responsibility to the roles of Deputy Ministers, so they become important offices in their own right.

You can certainly dismiss these thoughts, but I do hope you will take them into account. I have found that the Ministry of Regional Affairs, more than legal changes and alterations, often needs good leadership and, more importantly, support from both the government and the region. Having someone good at the top to keep everyone motivated, and having people willing to be motivated, will work better than making changes to the law. At the very least, it worked to inspire the last three or four generations of Ministry leadership. Hopefully we can continue that trend.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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