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2016 in America

I get where you are coming from. A joke I have is that "America is the land of the free, it's so free you can get ill and die and no one will do anything about it." But then you remember that it's not funny as it's true and unfair. But Qvait think logically for now the Republicans oppose Obamacare so do you really think they would vote for Universal Healthcare? Right now you must expand Medicaid and let it grow and then introduce Universal Healthcare. Right now I believe Universal Healthcare would be bad for America yet in 20 years or even less I think it should be a reality. If it will happen I'm not sure but I sure hope it does.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

See, this is one of the few problems I have with democracy. I love democracy, but it's so freaking slow!
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

(03-09-2016, 06:13 PM)Punchwood Wrote: How could it afford that along with all the other "free" stuff Sanders wants? He can't just tax the rich as the rich will leave and anyway they don't produce enough cash for everything he wants.

This is the argument that is always walked out whenever anyone proposes a tax increase on the rich of any amount. "Oh, the rich will just leave this country".

First, setting aside the fact this argument implies that the vast majority of rich Americans aren't loyal to the nation that gave them their wealth and would leave it at the drop of a hat, where exactly are they going to go?

Europe? The tax rates there are much higher on the rich than anything America has and the tax breaks much fewer. They going to go to some third world dictatorship where leaders bribe the wealth right out of the pockets of business owners who aren't in good standing with the regime? Or perhaps one of those South American countries that likes to have a revolution every few years and nationalize all the private assets? Or China, where the Communist Party controls all business based within their boarders?

America has been nothing but extremely generous to it's uber rich, it's what's allowed them to be obscenely rich to start with. They get benefits here that no other country on Earth can give them, not to mention we're the strongest economy and have one of the best consumer bases. If they leave, someone else will just take their place, and be willing to do their job for half of what they earned. Why? Because at the end of the day, they're still making millions.

No, the rich will not leave in droves, they'd be stupid to. Even if Sanders gets more than half of what he's proposing, they'll get no better treatment than what they already receive in America.

(03-09-2016, 06:38 PM)Wolf Wrote: America has been nothing but extremely generous to it's uber rich, it's what's allowed them to be obscenely rich to start with. They get benefits here that no other country on Earth can give them, not to mention we're the strongest economy and have one of the best consumer bases. If they leave, someone else will just take their place, and be willing to do their job for half of what they earned. Why? Because at the end of the day, they're still making millions.

The wealth gap has gotten worse in this country in the last 40 years.
4× Cabinet minister /// 1× OWL director /// CRS member /// SPSF

My History

(03-09-2016, 06:24 PM)Qvait Wrote: Why must the U.S. wait 20 to 50 years to have universal healthcare when every other industrialized country has it? It will not be more expensive. In fact, it will be cheaper because it will take the place of the expensive premiums that us Americans have to pay. When I get laid off or fired in the future, I don't want to go without coverage. I don't know if you know what it is like to be uninsured, but it is terrible to be uninsured in America. My own mother has health issues that need to be addressed, but they can't because she is retired and uninsured. My family cannot afford private healthcare.

Wonderful sources that back up this claim:


As for Republicans: Who said we have to wait for them to catch up and get the message? They're up for reelection too, so, we can always vote democrat. May not have a massive change, but, it'll get more liberal policies passed.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


(03-09-2016, 06:36 PM)Qvait Wrote: See, this is one of the few problems I have with democracy. I love democracy, but it's so freaking slow!

Universal Healthcare would probably save you guys a lot in the long run but Republicans don't believe that and it's only an estimate. It's just the fact that Sanders wants loads of "free" stuff and even estimates that say UHC would save the US money agree that taxes would need to go up. It's just Sanders wants so much in such a short space of time and that is not doable without damage to the economy.
Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

My family is divorced. I have to reveal that to reveal the situation.

My mother works day after day, hard, but we have a public paid healthcare program(or so I think) they give her for being a government employee. But why?

My father is an idiot. He hates us. He retracted our private healthcare and we found out WHEN I NEEDED MEDICINES. Lucky we have that Univision Latino Card that makes medicines so much cheaper.

A big chunk of my mom's salary goes to pay that healthcare. Why can't me and my family have healthcare now? Puerto Rico is poorer than all of you. Its harsh living here, and the costs of living here are getting even higher. Only the rich survive well here.

We are an US Territory. Why can't Americans just shut up and reason for once and agree to do progressive things? That is one thing I hate. You Americans don't make us a state, we give you many soldiers, you don't care about us in your Congress, and to top it all of, you bicker endlessly in that failed legislature you call "Congress"! We have less Medicare funding like all the other territories! We are discriminated against! We have unfair laws imposed by you Americans!

Sanders is a hope I have, because he isn't a hypocrite like Clinton. When he knows of our situation, who knows? He might help us. Even if he does or not, I wish you Americans get your sh*t together, elect Sanders or someone else who reasons and restore that Congress! Also, bring down Wall Street!
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


If things were that simple life would be simple. Sanders is a hypocrite as I have already pointed out. His economics don't make sense either. I'm a socialist yet I don't agree with him, read this:


He would tax the rich so much it actually bring in less revenue. You don't tax your way out of debt you grow your way out. I agree with a progressive tax system but I do not agree with punishing the rich. Many of the people Sanders wants to increase taxes on have worked their asses off and risked everything to be where they are today. We should congratulate them and ask them to pay that little bit more but we should not punish and alienate them. Listen to this one billionaire:

Europeian Ambassador to The South Pacific
Former Local Council Member
Former Minister of Regional Affairs
Former High Court Justice

Wow, that video is idiotic.

First off, 90% on income taxes? No, just no. The proposal Bernie is backing is that is 90% is taxable over a certain amount. For the sake of argument, let's pretend that amount is over 3 million. So if you make over 3 million dollars a year, everything over 3 million dollars is taxed 90%. You're not straight paying 90% of your 3 million dollars to the government. He knows that, he knows how progressive taxes work, he's just playing stupid.

Plus I love the statement "I have to pay everybody's salary and everybody's college?" First, if you're a business owner, you're going to have to pay your workers a salary, surprise! Although it probably shouldn't have come as a surprise if you have at least a 5th grade understanding of economics. Second, yeah, that's how taxes work, buddy. Everybody is paying for this, not just the uber rich. The difference being the uber rich now actually have to pay more of a fair share as oppose to the ludicrously low taxes they pay now.

Listening to this little brat whining on about how he shouldn't have to be taxed and how he shouldn't have to contribute to our society is just sickening. And people complain about my generation being entitled.

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