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[OOC]Encyclopaedia Galactica

Since we will inevitably end up fighting over details.

Please try and add some details, at least a few sentences, rather than just listing a couple points.

I just wanted to claim it now and develop it over time, whilst being different from [Reservations] like normal.

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Can we hold off on the reservations at least? It's getting rather excessive, please try and add some actual content.

Since we've gone absolutely overboard with reservations, I've submitted an admin request for their a partial removal. For now it's any reservations made after my previous post, but if no content is added by the end of the weekend any remaining reserved posts will be removed. Also reserving new posts is now indefinitely prohibited.

Wow, rude. It's not like you've done anything other than reserve.
I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

(03-19-2016, 01:18 AM)Zak6858 Wrote: Wow, rude. It's not like you've done anything other than reserve.

I did that so that I could keep two examples at the top of the thread for reference, so I reserved them before they would get buried further down. The problem is having an entire thread of that, with some users "reserving" four consecutive posts despite my request to stop doing so. There's contributing to the thread and then there's borderline spam.

(03-19-2016, 01:27 AM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: Nation in MT Canon: None (Frost would probably be the MT equivalent for my FT nation in NS)
Nation: The Imperial Frost Federation (IFF, Frost)
Number of Planets in solar systems:  22,525,000 planets in 901,000 systems
Government: Imperial Military Constitutional Monarchy
Head of State: Emperor Iroh Francis Firenze
Head of Government: Sir Revan Kensei, President of the IFF
Legislative Body: Imperial Council
Capital: Oured (City), Libra Province, IFF (Country), Terra IX (Planet), Sol XV (System), Sector Libra (Stellar Region), Frost Galaxy (A galaxy that is ¾ the size of the Milky way)  
Few comments.

Firstly, this is IC for the FT universe. The MT world does not exist in the FT universe in any form. Likewise refrain from mentioning real world objects like the Milky Way, that's not something you'd be using as reference IC.

I'm also not quite sure about those map numbers, this is supposed to be the systems seen on the map, so unless the IFF has a million systems somewhere else? That's something that would need to be addressed moreso.

Also try simplifying your capital section a bit, I have no idea what most of it means. You only really need the planet.

Far please read the history which will let you know that my people are from an entirely different galaxy and have started to settle/occupy parts of the lampshade Galaxy. The map numbers consists of the entire territorial holdings of the IFF which includes both galaxies.

Also the capital is Oured, a city located in the Libra Province of the IFF, on the Planet Terra IX, in the Libra arm of the Frost Galaxy. The Frost Galaxy is also 3/4 the size of the Milky Way galaxy, which is either smaller or larger than the Lampshade galaxy.

Ehhhh that ain't gonna roll with me


Yeah, that's completely unbalanced and out of proportion.
Minister of Media, Subversion and Sandwich Making
Associate Justice of the High Court and Senior Moderator

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