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I understand that we currently have a Great Council currently going on, however I believe the situation in Osiris warrants a response from this Assembly. We can either support democracy or allow a ruling group to destroy that region. We may also want to consider removing our embassy and/or giving military support to The Almighty Jesus Whale and the government he had wished to set up. I believe this is major enough that we do need to respond.
Above all else, I hope to be a decent person.
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CoA: August 2016-January 2017
Minister of Foreign Affairs: October 2019-June 2020, October 2020- February 2021

Moved to the Private Halls as this may result in some sensitive discussions


(04-20-2016, 01:03 AM)Awe Wrote: Moved to the Private Halls as this may result in some sensitive discussions

Does this mean you will allow us to discuss it?
Above all else, I hope to be a decent person.
Has Been
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CoA: August 2016-January 2017
Minister of Foreign Affairs: October 2019-June 2020, October 2020- February 2021

(04-20-2016, 08:28 AM)Omega Wrote:
(04-20-2016, 01:03 AM)Awe Wrote: Moved to the Private Halls as this may result in some sensitive discussions

Does this mean you will allow us to discuss it?

I cannot dictate what can or cannot be discussed. Though I can confirm that this is being discussed in Cabinet


I'll second Awe's note that the Cabinet has been discussing this.

Frankly, I'm always a bit cautious to jump into things we aren't involved with. We've had very little contact with Osiris as a region, so at least two years now.
[forum admin]

If it means anything the SPSF has supported the OFO in multiple delegacy transfers and military missions.
I trust the MoA and the rest of the cabinet will keep this in mind when making a decision


My hopes are that if the the Cabinet doesn't want to get involved, then it doesn't go the way of officially declaring neutrality. I think it's important for us to never take the side of a coup, and declaring neutrality is effectively the same thing. We aren't in any position to help anybody, and our current government is merely caretaker that's only there to address immediate problems for TSP. So it wouldn't be outrageous for us to just... do nothing.

My personal opinion is that the OFO (the regime that was just coup'd) wasn't legitimate to begin with, as it was the result of a coup itself.

I hope the Cabinet condemns this coup in the strongest possible terms. Even if we decide not to get militarily involved, we must uphold our longstanding policy of opposing coups and illegal power grabs in regions, in contravention of the basic rules of democracy. As the oldest democratic feeder, we have a responsibility to uphold and defend democracy and self-determination. There is no perfect region, but when change is needed, there are civil and orderly ways to make it happen. A coup is no more than a severe disruption of the democratic process, which causes unnecessary drama and slowly destroys communities. Regardless of our relationship with Osiris, being couped is a fate no decent region should have to face.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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I think there are two questions that need to be addressed here;

1. Do we want to do anything?
2. Can we do anything?

In regards to whether or not we want to do anything, TSP has always had a policy of supporting democracies and opposing attempts to install autocratic governments. But, and this is an important but; How democratic was the OFO? And does that principle of supporting democracy extend to regions that are fundamentally unstable? Getting involved in Osiris is knowingly involving ourselves in what will only be a headache. This has now become a pattern there, where a Delegate not couping is an aberration rather than the other way around.

The second question is one of what we are capable of; right now, I don't think we have any real ability to do more than express a diplomatic condemnation. And even then, I don't think we currently have the diplomatic weight or soft power for this to be significant.

So, we're in a situation where we may or may not want to get involved; principle dictates that we should object to what has occurred, but involving ourselves would cause us nothing but problems and likely achieve nothing of lasting gain. And then, there is the subsequent issue of will involving ourselves influence events; it seems unlikely. As such, we would merely be involving ourselves in a mess for the sake of being involved.

Considering all this, my position is that we should just ignore Osiris for now; we have an obvious reason to do so, due to the caretaker government, so we won't face much in the way of criticism.
Minister of Media, Subversion and Sandwich Making
Associate Justice of the High Court and Senior Moderator

[Image: B9ytUsy.png]

I think we definitely should condemn this coup. I'm no fan of the OFO, but the facts are clear, and as flawed as Osiran democracy might be, there can be no justification for a power seizure and the creation of a narrative where the ones cresting drama portray themselves as the savoirs. Insofar as we believe that democracy is paramount, not to be taken hostage as it has been, a simple condemnation is very important.

That does not necessarily mean we should get deeply involved, since we are hardly in a position to be of help. That is a separate determination that the Cabinet will have to make, and I'm inclined to agree that actual involvement is impractical at this point. But that doesn't preclude simple diplomatic support, a statement where we restate our opposition to coups, especially when the people had just elected new leadership, and hope that Osiris will transition to a more open and participative system.

As flawed as the OFO might be, I'm sure many who support it are honest about their desire to make it work. It happened in Lazarus, when the PRL fell. Can we really say the same from the coupers? Like I already said, as the oldest feeder democracy, there is an important point we need to make.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
Posts outside High Court venues should be taken as those of any other legislator.
I do not participate in the regional server, but I am happy to talk through instant messaging or on the forum.

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