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I've been avoiding posting here, but this is starting to move from foreign affairs territory toward a push to take punitive action against me here in the South Pacific, so I will at least be responding to that.

(04-28-2016, 04:57 PM)sandaoguo Wrote: Cutting relations with Osiris because of a coup would actually be incredibly consistent! Isolation is not pointless.

Close embassies. Blacklist coup participants. Wash our hands of the whole region.

How exactly do you intend to blacklist this "coup participant"? I'm a citizen of the South Pacific.

(04-28-2016, 07:18 PM)sandaoguo Wrote: I'm pretty sure we're already viewed as an enemy.

(04-29-2016, 12:12 PM)sandaoguo Wrote:
(04-29-2016, 06:26 AM)Zak6858 Wrote: Is this just because Cormac is dislike or because you're making an assumption?
  • We haven't been allies since the birth of the OFO.
  • The last time Cormac was in power, he cut ties with us.
  • We don't have a MoFA interested in relations with Osiris.
  • Cormac doesn't like me, and is petty enough to burn relations based on that.
  • ???
  • Profit
TSP and Osiris haven't been friends in a very long time. Hileville briefly attempted to mend relations, but that was something probably unique to him.

Wow, talk about assumption junction!

The last time I was Pharaoh of Osiris, for reference, was in 2014, and the severance of relations with the South Pacific was for a specific reason -- whether you agreed with that reason or not -- and not some general dislike for TSP. TSP was hardly the only region involved in that situation.

If I'm "petty enough to burn relations" because I don't like you -- and actually, we had been getting along fairly amicably here in TSP, of late -- can you explain to me why relations haven't yet been burned?

I do not view TSP as an enemy, and neither does Osiris. There is no plan to "burn relations" with TSP, even though I'm well aware that TSP may terminate relations with Osiris. The reason there isn't a plan to do that is because a) Osiris has no desire to end relations with TSP, and b) to preemptively terminate relations, I would have to inform the rest of the Osiran government of knowledge I can only obtain from this private hall, and I have not done and will not do that. That would be a serious ethical breach, and I have avoided ethical impropriety by avoiding this thread until it took a turn away from foreign affairs and toward punishing me here in TSP for actions in a non-allied region.

(04-29-2016, 04:02 PM)QuietDad Wrote: Your all aware that after all he's been accused of, including leaking info from the private assembly to Osiris, of all places, his relationship to Emipre, and the fact I think but not sure, he recently either resigned his citizenship or was kicked out, He still maintains the citizenship flag in the forums here....

The alleged "leaking info" -- which was never brought to court and never proven, and which I have repeatedly denied -- was alleged to have occurred in 2014. I have no relationship to Empire beyond their involvement in Osiris, and they were approved to get involved in Osiris again not by me, but by the former Osiran legislature, months ago. You are also completely wrong about me either resigning citizenship or being kicked out recently. I would appreciate it if you would stop defaming me with fact-free nonsense. Thanks.

Since we're going to bring up crap from other regions, let me just point out that QuietDad is the Minister of Defense for The North Pacific, which has been heavily involved behind the scenes in this entire situation. He isn't exactly unbiased.

Finally, let me also just point out that since the general amnesty, I've been working to engage in the best behavior here in TSP, and my role in another region that isn't even a treaty ally of TSP has absolutely no bearing on my involvement in TSP. This push to smear me and try to generate support for punitive action against me is both personally and politically motivated, and is being lead by two people who have disliked me for years. What's happening in Osiris should have no impact on my involvement in TSP because, as Glen says, "TSP and Osiris haven't been friends in a very long time." So then, why do you care?

I care in my part due to your junta-like coup government. You have eliminated democracy in Osiris. For once, let someone criticize you. I have seen your censoring by just critcs opposing you.

And did you know that you have included Koth, a violator of NS rules by using PREDATOR script, as your military leader? Geez, be sane and remove the guy. Are you that desperate to solidify your position in the region by using influential people, no matter how inmoral it is? My god, why did you do this?

Cabinet should consider you a security threat for destabilizing and/or couping regions. Even if they can't, I wish it so.

People like you are shady and controversial. And when they come to TSP, I get worried when you come. Especially en masse like last year.

Restore democracy. Stop being oppressive. Do the right thing. To be frank, don't be a jerk.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


I won't be addressing anything involving my separate role as Pharaoh of Osiris in this hall. What I will say is that you need to get a grip, that level of emotional investment in this game -- and particularly in a region you've never even participated in -- is unhealthy.

My role in Osiris should have no bearing on my citizenship here. Osiris is not an ally of the South Pacific and I have not committed any crime against the South Pacific or any of its allies. I am no security threat to the South Pacific for very specific actions taken in Osiris for very specific reasons, all of which have nothing at all to do with the South Pacific. This wasn't a coup for the sake of a coup, and I'm not about that. I have participated here in good faith for months now and have not given anyone any reason to believe I'm a security threat to this region in that time.

Your 'good faith' is often just getting in everyone's way and criticising anything that doesn't follow what you want.
I am Zadiner/Zak. Part of Assembly, some other stuff, Founder of some other region.
Hey, I have a bunch of issues. You don't need to care.
Emoji of the week:  :dodgy:

Look what I found in the good ol' .org forums
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


(04-29-2016, 08:41 PM)Cormac Wrote: I won't be addressing anything involving my separate role as Pharaoh of Osiris in this hall. What I will say is that you need to get a grip, that level of emotional investment in this game -- and particularly in a region you've never even participated in -- is unhealthy.

My role in Osiris should have no bearing on my citizenship here. Osiris is not an ally of the South Pacific and I have not committed any crime against the South Pacific or any of its allies. I am no security threat to the South Pacific for very specific actions taken in Osiris for very specific reasons, all of which have nothing at all to do with the South Pacific. This wasn't a coup for the sake of a coup, and I'm not about that. I have participated here in good faith for months now and have not given anyone any reason to believe I'm a security threat to this region in that time.

Fortunately for you, despite the usual zeal of the assembly so far the decision ultimately still currently rests with the cabinet.

(04-29-2016, 09:16 PM)Ryccia Wrote: Look what I found in the good ol' .org forums

Ah, I see we're intent on violating the spirit, and possibly the letter, of the amnesty that the Assembly passed.

I would love to say I'm surprised, but I'm not.

As much as I don't agree with Joshua Ravenclaw on so many issues, I sure could use some more chapters of his parody of the Assembly right now.

Because the real thing sure is depressing.
Former Delegate of the South Pacific
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I would tolerate a coup or two. But this? I know of two coups you have been involved in. One in our home region, and one in Osiris(which btw you are its leader and you have eradicated democracy, something TSP holds very dear to its heart). Furthermore, I have heard a lot from you and people here and abroad who are either older than me or know more about the NS political world(or have had contact with you directly) have negative perceptions of you, suggesting your involvement in other coups. Not only that, you have come to TSP in politically sensitive times. Out of nowhere, after you heard of our coup, poof! You were here.

I have always supported amnesty. However, we are not talking about amnesty. We are talking of your multiple involvements on coups. Two coups is already too far, and you urge reconcilliation, but you haven't spent a lot of time here, just in the coup, the post-coup process and now. If you want reconcilliation, then why aren't you active in TSP? Reconcilliation is for TSPers involved to solve, not dramatic opportunists. You have not spent enough time here, but you call for reconcilliation, even if you were only here for a brief time? And you run for MoA immediately afterwards, even though you are a political unknown at the local level? Gimme a break.

I may not know if you were a former TSPer. Im not as old or as politically tuned as some here. However, until you can prove yourself innocent of what I think of you, my negative impression will not disappear.  

The question is, for the time being, this: why wouldn't you be a security threat?
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


(04-29-2016, 10:43 PM)Ryccia Wrote: I may not know if you were a former TSPer. Im not as old or as politically tuned as some here. However, until you can prove yourself innocent of what I think of you, my negative impression will not disappear.  

The question is, for the time being, this: why wouldn't you be a security threat?

That should not be the question we are asking! I'm not defending anyone here I'm just saying we must assume he is innocent untill proven guilty or we have lost all hope in our free society.
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