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Troenia Today

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The official news channel for events and reports from the Kingdom of Troenia

Here, official news from our kingdom will be posted, and should be considered the only trustworthy source of information, except official statements and messages.

At 0600 local time, the Frey-class Guided missile Destroyer KTM Sveinung sailed out from Brambek Heavy Industrie's shipyard to do a full test of the capabilities of both her sensor, engine and weapons capability. Using several kinds of sensors, like the AN/SPS-49 for long range air search, the AN/SPY-1 used for search, tracking and missile guidance, the AN/SPG-62 used for terminal guidance and the N/SPS-73 for navigation, short range surface search and tracking. These have a range of 200+ nm.
The AN/SQQ-89 ASW combat system is utilized to discover threats under the surface before they get in range for attack, using hull mounted sonar, towed array sonar and sonobuoys, coordinated by an advanced control system. Combined, these sensors are capable of tracking well over 500 targets in the air, on the surface and under water simultaneously.
Using its two 48-cell vertical launch system, it is more than capable of taking on most targets. Its 127mm rapid fire deck gun can be used both against surface targets and against air targets and can be controlled manually, or automatically using the Aegis air defense system. The ship have two triple torpedo tubes, one on each side, to target surface and subsurface threats, as well as utilizing ASROC launched from the VLS.
The test consisted of three parts. Engine performance as well as effectivity of the navigational instruments, surface/subsurface warfare and anti air warfare. The vessel exelled in all three categories, managing to track and shoot down 180 airborne targets in a matter of only a couple of minutes. Representatives from the Royal Troenian Navy was very pleased with the performance of the vessel and look forwards to recieving the seven other vessels, still being constructed.

[Image: SM3_from_JDS_Kongo.jpg]
An SM3 being launched from one of the front cells of KTM Sveinung, CIWS visible in the background

Today, His Majesty King Fredrik opened the new Erlend Memorial Bridge over the river Golm. The 15750 meter long bridge has been under construction for three years and feature two levels. The upper level have eight lanes, four in each direction and the lower level have four railroad lines. The bridge represent a much needed relief to the local infrastructure, due to the heavy traffic demand across the river. There are already two ferry crossings nearby, as well as a railroad tunnel. The tunnel bring the opportinuty to utilize the new High-speed trains that have been planned for some time now, and which is in the last stage of planning

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Erlend Memorial bridge. The total length is 15750 meters, however the main span over the water is 13600 meters, as the anchors for the steel cables reaches over two kilometers inland on each side

Semi-Trailer with missiles involved in a car crash

A semi trailer with IR air to air missiles, used by air force fighter planes, were in the late hours yesterday involved in a chain collision while crossing a mountain pass outside of Berg in eastern Troenia. "There were no risk of an explotion. The missiles were packed according to protocol" said press officer Daniel Hartz in an interview. "A civilian trailer were used on this mission to prevent unwanted attention to this relatively large amount of weapons. A guards unit were following the trailer. A Home Guard unit were mobilized and took over the guard duty over night until we were able to get another truck that could finish the mission"
Five vehicles were involved in the crash. Two cars, the trailer, and two other semi trailers were involved in the accident. There were no fatalities, but three persons were sent to hospital for check-ups

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The truck to the right carrying 20 air to air missiles after the collision. The picture is taken the morning after the accident.

Chief Justice Max Walberg have resigned his position in the Troenian High court. He stated that his advanced age, along with more work, have made him come to this postition, wanting to prioritize his family instead of work. The King is expected to appoint a new Chief Justice by the end of the coming week, with High Judge Thea Dahl stepping in as acting Chief Justice until she herself is given the position, or a suitable replacement is found.

In Troenia, all judges of the high court have to resign their post at the age of seventy. However, for the last fourty years or so, it has been customary to grant an honorary discharge around the age of 65, letting the judge in question to keep their title and rank, while opening up the spot for a new judge or Justice. The Troenian High Court consists of nineteen judges headed by the Chief Justice of the High Court. To prevent the High Court to be influenced by politicians, the Chief Justice and the judges are selected by the King, together with a neutral commitee. The candidates need to meet strict requirements. A few examples are being at least 30 years of age, a grade on their final exam no lower than laudabilis (lat. "Praiseworthy"), however, all judges of the high court until now have all had laudabilis prae ceteris (lat. "Praiseworthy above others"). They must also be in good standing in the society in general and preferrably have experience in several fields of the law. It is written in the Constitution that the High Court is to be objective and politically neutral. This, sadly, haven't always been the case, as only last year, High Judge Anders Foss was found having strong connections with a far right political party and was dishonorably discharged and later lost his title of Doctor Juris.

Following the closure of vast areas two places in Troenia by the Troenian Armed Forces, one site of 220 km^2 on the coast to the north near Bottn and Husavik and one site of 768 km^2 to the south near Kunma. Hikers first told about tall fences with barbed wire on top being erected with military checkpoints at the few entrances. Not long after, heavy construction equipment from the Royal Engineers was shipped in. Earlier today, there were reports of an unusually powerful explosion. Paramedics on the scene reported over thirty injured soldiers. The medical corps had a limited presence, but did not have the capacity to treat some of the more severe injuries. Press officer Daniel Hartz said faulty explosives made an ammo dump blow up, together with over a tonne of demolition explosives. 22 soldiers were reported having light injuries, five soldiers having serious injuries while three still are hovering between life and death.

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A medic treating a soldier near the remains of the ammo dump

Yesterday, KTM Sveinung left for Resentine to take part in JKOM 2017, being the first time her full offensive capabilities will be put to the test in war-like conditions. Her commanding officer, Captain Henrik Jensen, held a brief press conference prior to departure.
"I am looking forwards to the exercise and very anxious to show the rest of the world the new weapons platform. I am sure we will leave a positive impression. I have full confidence in my crew, being the most experienced sailors in the Troenian Navy. It will be tough, but I will not go easy on the crew even if it is just an exercise. On the contrary. This is our opportunity to really push ourselves, to see what we're capable of. Using our missiles, cannon and torpedoes, we are able to deal with anything that's thrown our way"

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KTM Sveinung on her way to Resentine

Today, 3rd MASH unit of 2nd medical company of the Medical Battalion packed down ther field hospital after a two day trial and simulation period, where equipment, protocol and procedures were tested and revised, in preparation for the coming exercise. The MASH unit leader, colonel Henry Blakk, was able to give a short interview, before boarding one of the transport planes together with the rest of the hospital group and equipment. "If I'm looking forwards to this? Why, yes! I can't wait to swing the scalpel in the field again, and together with these swell guys and gals, I'm sure we'll be able to pull through, you know! The surgeons are great, the nurses top notch and the support staff are some of the best! I know that some of the ambulance drivers can get a bit too eager some times, but what can you do? They're just really set on doing their job! And as our motto say; "Best care anywhere!" We'll really show the other guys we will be able to pull our own weight!"

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3rd MASH unit in full setup at Camp Brambek

[Image: 857.jpg]TTM300 Wheeled unarmored ambulance. The Hospital have one of these for transport between medical units or evacuation from aid stations away from the front. Capacity: Up to six patients.

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TM188 Wheeled armored ambulance. The hospital have one of these for evacuation of soldiers directly from the front lines. Sporting puncture proof tires and armor capable of withstanding 14,7mm armor piercing ammunition, this beast of a machine makes sure wounded personnel makes it back to the hospital in one piece. Capacity: Up to 6 patients

Troenia Today have managed to get one of the hospital staff to act as a field reporter, to give some of you readers a unique insight in the runnings of a military field hospital. He said he have no prior experience in journalism, but would try to write it like a diary. We apologize for the different style of writing and any loss of objectivity. His articles will off course be screened by the army intelligence to make sure classified information or information that can affect the exercise won't be leaked.

Day 0:

The 3rd MASH unit landed in Resentine not long ago and Colonel Henry Blakk is already overseeing the unloading of the 3rd MASH unit after landing in Resentine. The four CM-345 needed to transport the unit is lined not far away from the runway and the containers with tents, equipment and living quarters, as well as the special purpose containers are loaded onto their trucks. I have managed to get a short interview wil the "Yeah. Now we'll just go through everything to make sure we're not missing anything while we're waitin' for furter instructions. Give the boys some time to get to know the place a bit. They're not allowed off-site for now, off course, but I've heard some of them have applied for tourist visas for after the exercise. Can't deny them that, you know. Some well deserved R&R. As long as they behave, you know. I heard some chatter on the radio that Sveinung is not far off the coast here either. Wish we had our evac chopper here as well. It'd be nice to see Henrik again. Owes me some money from a poker game as well, but don't print that"
I also got hold of some of the new guys to hear their take on this operation. Private Nilsen and corporal Solli. "Sure. This isn't so bad. Finally we get to do something instead of being on call on the base all day. Blakk seem okay enough. Not as strict as the other officers, you know" Pvt. Nilsen say. "Yeah, but people have a tendency to change one the action starts" Cpl. Solli say. He already have a ribbon on his chest, showing that he already have some field experience. The mood in general seems to be relaxed and cheery.

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A reserve fuel truck being unloaded from one of the CM-345s

Your man in the field: First Corporal Reidar Jensen

Today, Troenia have been celebrating the Day of the Invisible Heroes. For outsiders, it must sound strange and mysterious. It is a day where one celebrate those who keep society running. Trash men, plumbers, nurses and their aides, store clerks... The list is long. Some people, like doctors, lawyers and politicians live a life of relative luxury and with high standing in a society. But what happened if that "lowly" trash man disappeared? What would be of the patients in the hospitals if the nurses and the aides didn't show up? "Many small streams together make a great river", a troenian proverb say. Even if something seem insignificant, it may play a larger role in the big picture.
We interviewed Magnus Anderssen, who work as a trash man and a spokesperson for the trash management branch of the Labour's Union: "Sure. People look down on me. I handle their trash. To some, I'm on the bottom of the social ladder. But do they want to handle their garbage by themselves? No, off course not! They're too "important" or posh for that kind of work. That's why they want others to do it. But look what happens when we're suddenly gone! It seems like people have forgotten our strike a couple of years back. Three weeks without garbage disposal and there was trash everywhere! As spokesman for the union, I had high ranking politicians and commercial leaders calling me, pleading for us to return! We might be looked down upon, but we help the society work relatively smoothly and having this day to appreciate our efforts is really touching"

Following the closure of two large areas, the Department of Defense have gotten several complaints from hikers, schools and scouts. Now, a little over a week after, General Harald Teigen, commander of the Royal Troenian Engineer corps have called a press conference.

"I know there have been some complaints against us and in a few isolated insidents, clashes between angry hikers and some of our guards. First I want to say that these areas have been military property for well over 25 years and the outer borders have been marked with signs, telling people they are entering military property and that they do so at their own risk. We have never been doing live fire exercises in these areas, only limited maneuver exercises. Our armed forces have for a long time lacked the infrastructure, area and support facilities to train on large scale maneuvers and doctrines regarding defense and assault. This is what we have been doing for the last ten days. The soldiers of the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th Engineer Regiments have been hard at work in two areas, totalling 988km^2. One coastal area near Bottn and Husavik measuring 220 km^2, specifically constructed for training in naval assault and defense against this. A larger area near Kunma, measuring 768 km^2 is to be used to train in close air support, artillery and armored support and large scale maneuvers in general. After a test period to see how the support and infrastructure copes with this, we might consider opening up these grounds for multinational training as well. Both in cooperation, but also by renting it out to nations who are not able to build these kind of installations themselves"

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Bunker used by observation personnel near the artillery target area

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Southern Maneuvering ground. Mostly for use by infantry and light armored vehicles

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EOD squad on the lookout for unexploded ordonance after a mortar exercise. Exercises with artillery is closely observed and any shells that doesn't detonate is noted down and the EOD squad is notified

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Soldier taking notes after MBT live fire exercise

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