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Conflict of Interest Disclosures - October 2017 Cabinet Election

Candidates post their COIs in here.

For your information:
Elections Act Wrote:7. Separation of Powers

(1) Offices of the Coalition are the Delegate, the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers, the Chair of the Assembly, Local Councillors, the Permanent Justice, and any of their appointed deputies.

(2) It is not permitted for any individual to hold more than one office within the Coalition's government.

(3) It is permitted to seek election or appointment to new office while holding an existing office.

(4) Election or appointment to a new office constitutes explicit resignation of an existing office.

(5) No person holding a Cabinet office or the office of the Delegate may hold any equivalent office in a foreign region or organisation.

Current WA Nation: The Derpy Democratic Republic Of Herp
-All current and previous aliases Herp, Derp, BlairwoodScootalove repbulicKoporpsincre
-Current active regions/organizations and roles TSP, legislator, Alliance for Preservation of the Coalition, member
-Past regions/organizations: Alliance for Preservation of the Coalition, member
- Winner of 'Most Energetic Campaign' in the June 2016 TSP elections.
- Winner of the Best Overall RMB poster and [b]Best RMB Welcomer of the The South Pacific Coconut Awards, 2017[/b]
- Craziest Person of the June 2017 Cabinet 
- STARS Commander 

- APC -  normal member/The undisputed king of all silliness, eternal ruler and God Emperor of APC
- Swan Knight or something
 Cob Award Winner: Top-50 most endorse buttons clicked
- Regional Leda Award Winner: Top-50 highest average endorsement count

WA Nation: Don't have any at the moment.
Aliases: All containing "Roland", a full list of puppets from my raiding days can be provided if necessary.
Organisations: [CURRENT]TEP (Citizen), Laz (Resident [CU]), Masterz (Command Advisor) [PAST]Firehelm, TRE, DoT, HYDRA Command, H Y D R A, Roland's Region, Landerz
[Image: tspsig.png]
Legislator of The South Pacific
King of Machina, Defence Realm of Illuminati Alliance
Citizen of The East Pacific
Former Positions:
Overlord of Masterz
Seargant of HYDRA
Talon of Firehehlm
Munifiex of The Roman Empire
[Image: rv43j5bZ3p1Rs0A01odvThXy-TLzgwlhUTl_mY9E...66-h654-rw]

-Current WA Nation: Floating due to Defense work for SPSF and TGW
-All current and previous aliases: Roavin, Kutumal, Southern Defender, Cupcake Princess, Pandamoneia, a few more stealthy ones I'd be happy to reveal to the CRS privately
-Current active regions/organizations and roles: Legislator and incumbent Prime Minister in the South Pacific; General in the South Pacific Special Forces; First Warden of the Order of the Grey Wardens; Pawlitician of Anti Panda
-Past regions/organizations: Citizen stints in the North Pacific, Lazarus, Spiritus
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]

Name: Tim

TSP Nation: Tim Stark

WA Nation: It varies, as I'm R/D Mobile and generally update at least every ~36 hours or so. I can provide a list of all my commonly used switchers should it be desired, however.

Current and Prior Aliases Tim-Opolis, Tim, Tim Stark, OnderKelkia (in parody). In terms of any fake names for infiltration, I'm happy to provide my only one in recent history to the CRS in private.

Current Regions/Organizations and Roles: I'm the Founder of Spiritus, Commanding Officer in The Grey Wardens R/D Military, as well as a citizen of The Rejected Realms and The East Pacific.

Past Regions/Organizations: I'm going to recollect the last 2-3 years, as past that becomes a convoluted mess that I can't even perfectly recall, but I am happy to expand it to a full 7+ year disclosure if it is desired. 

- Former Pharaoh (and other positions) in Osiris, no intent to return even if I could
- Former FRA Ranger as well as multi-time Cabinet member, organization now defunct
- There may be a Lazarus citizenship thrown into there at the earlier end of 2-3 years, but it's been a while since
[Image: Lj1SunN.png]
Formerly Banned For Still Unspecified "OOC Toxicity"

Name Officer Serres Stark

World Assembly Nation The Serres Republic (Primarily, ‘active’ in R/D so this can fluctuate)

TSP Nation The Serres Republic

Current and Prior Alias The RAIFI Armada (A significantly advanced robotic military force run by a singular Ai conscious known Qt AI), The Seriously Kawaii Zombo/Military combined Force (A formerly opposed, currently allied force of zombies and highly trained military personnel), The Triggered SPSF flag bearer’s ( Triggering SPSF since 2017), The Maid Task Force of Versaille (a paramilitary force whose secondary duty is to ensure the cleanliness of Versaille Isle.)

Current Regions/Organizations and Roles Tsp Legislator, SPSF Officer

Prior Regions, Org’s and Roles Tsp Legislator, SPSF Officer
Greetings, I am The Serres Republic.

Currently 'The Future Greatest and Most Splendid General of All TSP.'

I know you all look forward to when I complete my grand quest ;P.

Official ‘Most Dedicated Raider’ in all of TSP. Look at me all evil and shtuff ;P

Heck I was MoFA, Now Im PM. I must be loved owo

Current WA Nation: Escade
*However, due to being in the SPSF my WA nation changes. Search NS for Escade and you will find my main switchers which are variations of "Escade..." as in "Escade Touched a Rainbow."

Current & Previous Aliases: Most of my aliases are either above or other variations of Escade\Escadian\Escadelian\The Hummingbird\Mirabelle Tristan.  In addition, I have a set of switches in Versailles Isles that are a backup set that I can list if needed.

Current Regions/Orgs & Roles: 
Minister of Foreign Affairs, The South Pacific
Officer, SPSF
General Member, APC
Citizen, Spiritus
Citizen, TRR

Past Regions/Orgs: 
I have been a citizen I believe of Europeia, Osiris, Lazarus and TEP in the past. 

I hope this covers everything!


~ Positions Held in TSP ~
Delegate | Vice Delegate 
Minister of Regional Affairs, | Minister of Foreign Affairs | 
Minister of Military Affairs
~ The Sparkly One ~

My Pinterest


Current WA Nation: Erinor

Aliases: Terephah, Seraph, Ezervolgyek...

Current Regions and Organisations: Citizen of Lazarene Exiles.

Past Regions and Organisations: Citizen of Osiris, LC and MoRA of TSP, member of the SPP and the Silicon Pens.

Sent from my KOB-L09 using Tapatalk
Founder of the Church of the South Pacific [Forum Thread] [Discord], a safe place to discuss spirituality for people of all faiths and none (currently looking for those interested in prayer and/or "home" groups);
And The Silicon Pens [Discord], a writer's group for the South Pacific and beyond!

Yahweo usenneo ir varleo, ihraneo jurlaweo hraseu seu, ir jiweveo arladi.
Salma 145:8

Current WA Nation: N/A ATM(SPSF Operations but in the downtime I'll put it on The Resentine Kingdom)
-All current and previous aliases: Federation of the Resentine Kingdom, The Resentine Kingdom, Resentine, Res, Baliish, Zanagovia, ResA..., Corsinthia(1-etcetcetc), The Malpais Legate, Finger Guns, ResALILY
-Current active regions/organizations and roles: TSP(Legislator), SPSF(General),
-Past regions/organizations: The Pacific(Resident)
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world go blind.
~Mahatma Gandhi


Current WA Nation: Tsunamy
-All current and previous aliases: A Room Full of View; Where Romeo Never Dies; Tsubany; several others that have long since CTE'd
-Current active regions/organizations and roles: TSP legislator, member of the regions of TNP, Europeia
-Past regions/organizations: Most positions in TSP; probably some others that I don't remember.
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