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VPRB - Peonic Meet

"Is everything ready?" Asked The Peony.
"We are ready My Nuwang." Said the Operator.

The teleconference has been approved by the Bruumans, now its just a matter of welcoming them. The Peony only brought the High Diplomat and the High Commodore with her, intending to negotiate the pharmaceuticals alone without the Royal Health High Chancellor, besides, it's in coincidence with the grand meeting of the Octagon of Health.

"It's been a while since we discussed with the Bruumans, I do believe its high time we renew our bonds." Said Lord Zheng He.
"Indeed, they have been great allies in our arms dealing and pharmaceuticals," said The Peony. "We need to foster that relationship, and perhaps have their labs invest in the Eastern continent."
"I fear we're going to get much backlash from this." Said Diao Chan.
"The Ryccians are acting as such for many years, I don't blame them." Explained Lord Zheng He, "Nevertheless The Peocracy is to be the main priority."

"We're online."
"Good evening your excellencies." Greeted The Peony, as the delegation bowed to the Bruumans

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Papa Unclepear sat on his throne, still and silent, a cone of dim light projected on him from a lamp above his head creating a chiaroscuro figure. On both his sides sat, on regular chairs, three other men, under their own cones of light. There were only two other sources of light. One illuminated a bulky wooden table in front of the trio, intricately carved with ritual veves and socialist mottos. It looked oddly empty, with just four microphones standing on it. The other light was a wide, glowing screen hanging from the ceiling on the opposite wall of the room.

The four men looked certainly peculiar in their uniform. Papa Uncleaper was draped in a black cloak and wore a top hat, his personal trademark whose everyone else in Bruuma was forbidden to wear. On his left, the first man wore a gala officer uniform of the BPDF. He was Comrade Vassilj Drake, Minister of Defense. The second man on the right wore a red tunic and a liberation cap, which identified them as a members of the Workers’ Mojo Party. Comrade Andrey Taylor, Minister of Economy. On the right, the last one wore a tuxedo and a beret, the uniform of Bruuman Bokors, sorcerers/political commissars. Bokor Ivan Smiths, Minister of Science, Magic and Health.

“Is everything ready for the conference?” Unclepear asked with a cold, deep voice. “Yes, Eternal Leader” a voice answered from the darkness of the room. “Good” he answered. Then he spoke to his two underlings, without bothering turning his head toward any of them. “The Peony has proved as a reliable and stable partner despite the international hostility we faced. It is important that we now strengthen this relation to improve fields crucial to our perpetual struggle”. The four men nodded, silently. “Operator” Unclepear added “we are ready to start the broadcast”. 

Their interlocutors appeared on the screen and greeted them. "Good evening to you, esteemed friends" Unclepear spoke. "Giving to the courtesy of your invitation, we'll gladly let you speak first".

The Peony looks to Papa Unclepear, it was the first time she met the man. The last time a formal meet between the two heads of states was when her Mother, Akane Yan, was in power. She noted how clandestine the entire world was when her mother and grandmother was in charge. She can definitely see why, the Bruumans look quite intimidating for those that has never seen them. Such dark rooms are purposefully given to give such intimidating vibes. Nevertheless, she's The Peony of Huawan, and must act like one.

"It is a pleasure to finally be of your acquaintance Papa Unclepear, and honorable friends of The Peocracy. My mother spoke much of Bruuma when she was The Peony of Huawan, and I do believe you've met her. So it is quite interesting to finally meet you, honorable leader." Said The Peony, "I introduce to you to Diao Chan, my High Diplomat and Foreign Affairs Minister. I believe you've met Lord Zheng He, when he served under my mother."

"Honorable leader." Bowed Diao Chan.
"It is a pleasure to meet you once more." Said Lord Zheng He.

"Well, I do believe it's time to discuss our agendas honorable leader? We have much deals to seal and reassess." Said The Peony

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Papa Unclepear answered the formalities and briefly introduced his Ministers, then turned slightly on his left and said: “The Minister will now illustrate broadly our proposals. If you agree then we will move to details. Comrade Taylor, please begin”.

Taylor, a corpulent man in his late fifties, adjusted his round, steel-framed glasses, cleared his throat and started speaking: “The main proposal regarding economics is to sign new trade agreements to further both exports and imports, settling friendly prices in exchange for commitment to minimum quota”. He paused and added: “Comrade Drake, please add your specifics for the Defense”.

Drake, an aging but still imposing man with a squared jaw and leathery skin, took over: “We look forward to increase trade of both weapons and technologies and also to discuss an agreement to open ports and airports to each other forces in case of need. Bokor Smiths, your turn”. 

The witcher-commissar, a dry, slim old man with a light grey beard, picked off: “In regard to my Ministry, we aim to widen the range of products relating to pharmaceuticals and chemicals that can be subject to trade, and to set up an exchange program for men and knowledge in the fields of most interests”.

So, esteemed friends” Papa Unclepear said right away, looking at the screen: “Do you agree to discuss these proposals?”

"I regret not having the imperial military advisor with me." The Peony thought, noting that Advisor Young is still overseeing the plans for a new naval base. The delegation was seated now with just a coffee table infront of them. Her seat is on the middle, it wasn't exactly a throne, but it is a comfortable chair. Sitting straight, she discussed the prospects.

"With regards with the military agreement," said The Peony, "It may seem productive to have access for your forces in our bases and ours in yours, it would certainly increase security over our assets."

She paused a bit, "....However our bases are not yet able to accommodate large scale forces especially at this point in time." She explained, "we are open to a defense pact and more military exercises, as well as a joint research for our ballistic missiles and naval warfare, of which as you may have heard, we are currently developing."

She then looked to Diao Chan, who made the next response.

"As you may have known, these are tense times we live in." Said Diao Chan, "and our demands for arms have increased, therefore, we also would like to open the purchase of several military assets and would open the possibility for Peonic investors to sell weapons to Bruuma. This would definitely increase our prospects in this sector."

The Peony then continued to discuss about the pharmaceutical agenda, which was the main core of this discussion.

"Then we're on the right track, a work exchange program would definitely be useful to learn your country's natural medicine, as hopefully, they would benefit with ours as well." Continued The Peony, "we also invite Bruuman industries to perhaps invest in the Eastern Territory of Huawan, in particular agriculture, pharmaceuticals and chemicals. Of course our industrial standards may differ from those in the Voodoo's Republic, but we believe we can find common ground? In order to increase our healthcare quality even further, we would need top of the line pharmaceuticals, of which, perhaps you can be of aid."

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

Drake was the first one to talk. “In regard to your concerns about the capability of your bases, I want to reassure you that we share the same caution. We do not suggest creating permanent bases in each other territory, at the present moment we are interested in safe ports and airfields where naval and aerial vessels can stop, supply and repair.

We are open to conduct joint trainings and military exercises. In regard to a defense pact, due to the distance between our countries and the different geopolitical objectives, we believe it could be a heavy commitment to honor. A pact of non-aggression, we see it more feasible” He paused and raised his hand; someone from the dark gave him a glass of water. He took a sip and continued “As for the mutual purchase of arms and the joint research on missiles and naval warfare, there is complete agreement on our side. We will consider purchasing from your private investors, but we reserve the right to conduct preliminary background checks”.

He paused and looked at Smiths. The old man took over from there “Regarding the pharmaceutical industry, we also are interested in an exchange program. It could also function as a joint commission to verify the products’ standards.  Regarding investments, in the first phase we will focus mostly on trade, but we will also begin a limited direct investing program in some of your companies. If that turns out to be fruitful for our Country, perhaps later we can expand it”.

Taylor then intervened: “In addition to these, we are interested in increasing our exports of mineral resources and oil-derived chemicals.  Secondly we also want to increase the trade of our renown agricultural crops, chiefly sugar, tobacco, cocoa and coffee. Could these be of interest for the Peony? And are there any other products or resources that you are interested in exporting to us?" He grinned and then added: "...Needless to say, that the more trade we agree on, the more friendly the prices can be from all of us" he concluded, turning his head also toward Drake and Smiths.

The Peony whispered a couple of words to Zheng He of their decision.

"So long as their agendas are fine and they pay the appropriate maintenance fees, we do not see why your assets could not stopover in Peonic assets." Said Lord Zheng He, noting the new naval bases in the Eastern Territory, "and indeed we see your concern, a non-agression pact is much more feasible at this point in time, and we reserve preliminary background checks as well for yours."

"We're happy to have met researching partners in this sector, we've heard much of your military prowess and we find that there could be much to be gained for joint research and the mutual purchase. I also agree with how to kickstart the pharmaceutical plans, we must first realize the market for these corporations before we go to anything fancy."

"We are not sure that we wish to import more tobacco, there is a small market for fine cigars but I believe that's as far as tobacco goes in our country." Said The Peony, being firm about this as she would with her patients. "The legislation we've passed have hurt tobacco companies currently in Huawan and we do not see any further prospects in the near future. However, we certainly appreciate the friendly export of oil derived chemicals and minerals, of which we are currently lacking."

Diao Chan then explained about the industrial prospects of Huawan.

"Our largest export contributors are mainly furniture, wood, fish, construction materials, machinery, pharmaceuticals and agricultural products. Primarily tea, coffee, cocoa, soybeans, bananas and olive oil." Explained Diao Chan, "we are the leading exporter of medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and agriculture in the region. We also have a mining expedition in the Xiongwei mountains, harnessing coal, bauxite, iron and jade. Our jade market is amongst the most prominent, as the Xiongwei mountains supply us with the Mei Li Jade."

Diao Chan then took off her jade bangle and showed it to them. "This is the Mei Li Jade, with a more vibrant and translucent color than Imperial Jade, it is much more expensive than that variant as well. It has deep historic and legendary roots in Taoism and Chinese Islam, as well as being another fine goods commodity for our nation. Certainly, jadeite are considered to be far more expensive than gold, and the fine jade market has recently increased 10x in price, $3000 an ounce. We are willing to sell the jade to you, and perhaps facilitate in helping us trade these commodities to the nations of the north."

The Peony looked to the Bruumans, satisfied with Diao Chan's explanation, "Perhaps there's anything that we could offer to the Bruuman market?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

"I'm glad we agree in regard to the military and pharmaceutical" Taylor said "And I'm sure my colleagues are too" he then added, exchanging a quick look with both Drake and Smiths. "Now, moving to commodities. Both our countries are blessed with fertile lands that allow to grow plenty of crops. So we perfectly understand that we only need some of them in trade. You might perhaps be interested in our fruit, citrus and sugar cane harvests? We are interested in importing sizeable shipments of soybean from Hawuan". He paused and then continued "We are very happy with your willingness to import oil and gas and we will keep true to our word of making prices even friendlier. Of your other exports, we will acquire mostly machinery, medical equipment and iron, Regarding jade, we don't see it much internal use for, but the growing jewellery industry in Puerto Pollo can surely be interested both in brokering it in the region and use it for export-targeted production. We will thus begin with a small supply, to be eventually increased in the future".
Taylor stopped talking. He and the other ones all looked at Papa Unclepear. The man remained still for a couple of minutes, without anyone daring to break his line of thought. Then he said: "Very good. This has been an extremely faust meeting. If our dear friends agree, we can end the conversation and have our underlings to begin doing all the paperwork".

"We are definitely interested in all those commodities, and shall begin the necessary preparations to attend to it. Needless to say, these deals would definitely be another great foundation on both of our countries. We look forward for further deals as well. We shall also open up a jewelry trade establishment in Puerto Pollo as well, noting the fact that our trade there is close to naught." Said Lord Zheng He.

"Papa Unclepear, it's been great to finally meet your figure, and my reign in The Peocracy may hopefully be a flourishing one." Said The Peony, "rest assured that we shall definitely continue to work together, closely with Bruuma and Puerto Pollo. May this meeting be one of the many great ones to come... I do believe it's the best time we can end negotiations and begin the paperwork?"

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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Papa Unclepear tipped his hat toward the Peony and said: "The Loas shows me that the partnership between our countries will bring great prosperity to both. We look forward to many future meetings as well. Until then, our best regards". Talyor glanced at someone in the dark on his side and the video was turned off. The room was now even darker."Comrades, I'm pleased with what we accomplished today" Unclepear said "I'll leave you know to communicate the specifics to your underlings. Dark powers to the people!"  "Dark powers to the people!" answered the ministers, as Unclepear slowly stood and eerily disappeared in the darkness surrounding them.
Brother Unclepear
Dear Leader of the Voodoo People's Republic of Bruuma

Representing also

El Pollo Diablo
Boss Maximo of the Estado Libre Asociado of Puerto Pollo

Chairman Lo Pol
Core Leader of the People's Republic of Kai Fa

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