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Huawan, Luoyang Post(洛陽新聞)

[Image: Luyoang.png]
Peonic Military Parade Reaffirms International Power in The South Pacific

Written by: Philling Lang, Correspondent
Translated by: Molly Liu, Senior Translator

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On August 3rd, The Peocracy held a massive military parade to commemorate Sunrise Day — marking the day Pirate King Gao Feng founded the People’s Revolutionary Corsairs in the 1720’s, which would evolve into the Peonic Armed Forces — for the third time in history, in celebration of the PAF’s 297th anniversary, The Peony declared the entire week-long festival free.

Although the Peocracy has conducted multiple military parades for various occasions, this parade was undoubtedly an unprecedented one, reaffirming the Peocracy’s prominence in the region and the international world. 

During the parade, The Peony and members of the Royal Palace were driven past ranks of troops, marching across the streets of Lian.

The parade became an incredible show of force against the Peony’s allies, marked with increased military expenditure and the revitalization of the nation’s defense forces, including cooperation brokered with FuYuan, Zhanghai and the Macintosh Islands, as well as the nation’s membership in the Knightisian alliance. 

The military parade also acted as a show of pressure towards the international settlement of XinYue, notably due to the popularity of foreigners not respecting the laws and cultures of the land.

While this may be a show of force, the Peony expressed that such military might should only be used in defense, and any act of bullying should be scrutinized. 

“It is in our best interests, that The Peocracy not stand for oppression, nor be the oppressor,” the Peony said in her address.
The military parade featured military groups from all over the country: the navy, the special forces, the air force, the home army, the infantry, and the famous “Jade Rabbits”, the Peocracy’s finest military health division. The military parade also featured the corsairs of the Peonic Cooperation as well as the cosmonauts.

The Peonic state has long been unconcerned with military and international affairs that do not directly affect it. As such, military engagements across the continent have not echoed particularly loudly in the Royal chambers. Wiith Peonic interests now reaching to further parts of the world, the Peony has deemed it imperative that they mustn’t ignore the Peocracy’s military size much longer. 

Experts note that while the military parade goes on, it is heavily unlikely that The Peony would warm to discussing about region security, and other topics that would not interest the state’s beliefs.
“One could say that such beliefs are dangerous, that the region is filled with states that constantly flaunt their military superiority and as history has shown, war is always imminent in this continent. The Peony knows her priorities, however, and as such, the current events outside the state are not of our concern at this present moment in time.” Said Athalia Jiafang, Professor of International Relations in the University of Lián.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

[Image: Luyoang.png]
Precision medicine: From 'one-size-fits-all' to personalized healthcare

Written by: Zheng Wei Bin Hassar, Chief Correspondent
Translated by: Katya Cho, Junior Translator

[Image: Precision-Medicine-Featured-Image.jpg]
Imagine a future in which, rather than using symptoms to identify a disease, your genes, metabolism, and gut microbiome inform how your individual health is managed. This is the vision of precision medicine. Traditional medicine uses symptoms to diagnose diseases, and drugs to treat these symptoms. But precision medicine aims to turn this concept on its head.

By identifying the factors that predispose a person to a particular disease and the molecular mechanisms that cause the condition, treatment and prevention strategies can be tailored to each individual.

So, how do we get from traditional to precision medicine? Advances in genetics and molecular analysis techniques have been a deciding factor, as has getting patients involved with managing their own health.

However, is precision medicine going to revolutionize how we treat all medical conditions, or will it be the privilege of a select few?

Innovation drives precision medicine
To the Royal Peonic Health Institute (RPH), "Precision medicine is a revolutionary approach for disease prevention and treatment that takes into account individual differences in lifestyle, environment, and biology."

Approved by The Peony in 2014, the Precision Medicine Initiative "will pioneer a new model of patient-powered research that promises to accelerate biomedical discoveries and provide clinicians with new tools, knowledge, and therapies to select which treatments will work best for which patients."

Breakthroughs in molecular biology have been key to getting precision medicine off the ground.

[Image: precision_medicine.jpg]
Next-generation DNA sequencing is now routinely used to identify genetic mutations that drive specific cancers, and biomarkers that predict disease risk or how well a person will respond to a particular treatment are increasingly becoming reality in medical practice.

Cancer is the one area wherein precision medicine seems to be making significant headway. New therapies seek to target the specific cellular pathway that is being exploited by a cancer, with the view to making short the life of the tumor.

This approach is already being employed in clinical trials to treat patients with melanoma who have a mutation in the BRAF gene, as the Post reported recently.

Precision medicine in cancer
[Image: DrKato.jpg]
Last week, a study by Dr. Shumei Kato — an assistant clinical professor at the Center for Personalized Cancer Therapy and Division of Hematology and Oncology at Lotus University, used this approach in 40 patients with rare tumors.

Rare tumors are classed as those that occur in fewer than 15 patients per 100,000 each year, Dr. Kato explains in the paper. While each type of rare cancer might only be shared by a few individuals, overall, 22–25 percent of all adult tumors are rare tumors.

Senior study author Dr. Razelle Kurzrock — a professor of medicine from Alicia Medicina Universtadt, Hohenzollern— and Dr. Kato explained to the Post that "patients with rare tumors often have inadequate access to approved drugs or to clinical trials. However, along with the technological advancement, it is now feasible to perform genomic analysis [...] as well as protein analysis among patients with rare tumors."

Using this approach, the team sought to identify the genetic mutations underpinning each tumor, rather than the clinical classification. This way, they could match 37 of the 40 study participants to a therapy that was either designed for a different cancer or was in the clinical trial stage.

From this group, 21 patients went on to receive a matched treatment and over half went into either partial or complete remission, or their cancer remained stable for at least 6 months.

As Drs. Kurzrock and Kato highlighted:

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(Dr. Kurzrock in a press conference)
"It was especially important to institute this approach in rare tumors, since there are often so few traditional therapies available to these patients. We were, therefore, filling an unmet need for new treatments for these patients by applying our internal expertise in genomics, immunotherapy, and personalized medicine."

The road ahead
Prof. Ze'ev Ping-Ronai — chief scientific advisor at the Imperial Hospital in Lián — recently commented on the progress that precision medicine has made in the cancer field in an article in the October issue of "Trends in Molecular Medicine."

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"While at present only a small proportion of cancer patients benefit from targeted therapies," he explains, "great efforts are ongoing to extend the scope of precision oncology to a broader spectrum of patients."

Yet, according to Prof. Ping-Ronai, looking at genetic mutations alone is not going to be enough if we want to unlock the full potential of precision medicine.

He says that "while genomic profiling provides valuable information regarding genetic mutation [...], there are certain inherent limitations of using an approach that simply tests the presence or absence of genetic driver events to inform therapeutic decision-making."

Some cancers just do not fit into this category, and in such cases, tumors are driven by other factors.

"Future precision oncology treatment will need to include the broader landscape of genetic and epigenetic changes that take place in a tumor. Those include the tumor microenvironment, which comprises metabolic as well as immunological changes, in addition to the influence exerted by the microbiome." said Prof. Ze'ev Ronai

A combination of "omics" analyses is going to be key, Prof. Ronai concludes. This sentiment is echoed by Prof. Pan Siji, who is the director of the Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine at TianShi General Hospital.

Combining 'omics' in precision medicine
Multi-omics profiling is the analysis of an individual's genetic makeup (genome) in combination with other factors, such as gene expression (transciptome), proteins (proteome), metabolism (metabolome), and gut microflora (microbiome).

If we want to understand the multiple factors that might influence health and disease, precision medicine must go beyond genetic analysis.

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Prof. Siji says that "by measuring factors beyond the genome and including the environment over time, we can get a detailed portrait of a person's healthy state and understand what changes when he or she transitions to a disease state."

In a presentation at the Peonic Society of Human Genetics annual meeting, held in the Royal Peonic Palace, last Friday, Prof. Siji highlighted how he used this approach to study the effects of early intervention strategies to prevent diabetes.

For the study, the team followed 98 people with and seven without prediabetes over the course of 4 years, collecting multi-omics data along the way. According to Prof. Siji, the results showed that "this portrait really changes from person to person; we all have different molecular profiles."

However, within the prediabetic group, a clear picture emerged between those sensitive to insulin and those resistant.

"We [found] the insulin resistant folks are dampened in their response to weight gain and other perturbations relative to [those who are] insulin sensitive. Even at baseline they have different molecular and microbial profiles," Prof. Siji told The Post.

"We want to change medicine. The way we manage health now is almost Quintopian - it's typically based on treating patients when they're sick. By collecting a wealth of information at the individual level about a person's healthy state, we can identify ways to keep him or her healthy and prevent disease." Said Prof. Pan Siji

The future of medicine
So, does Prof. Siji see precision medicine entering mainstream medicine in the near future? "Definitely," he told Post. "Right now we measure very few things and infrequently."

But "in the future," he added, "we will be making many measurements, hundreds if not thousands, every time we sample someone. Many measurements will be continuous using wearable devices."

Drs. Kurzrock and Kato agree. "We strongly believe that the precision medicine approach will be routine in the near future. It is already being practiced in certain cancer types," they said.

Many in the medical and scientific communities clearly see this approach as a game-changer. But change does not always come easily and there are barriers that need to be overcome.

To Drs. Kurzrock and Kato, the barriers lie in the "complexity of the molecular biology of cancer and the paucity of training of physicians in this field."

"We refer to metastatic tumors as 'malignant snowflakes,'" they explained, "reflecting the fact that each person's tumors are both unique and complicated. This means that the traditional one-size-fits-all approach is suboptimal. Treatment must be individualized."

To Prof. Siji, the overarching issues are ones of money and attitude toward health.

"The biggest barrier is 'who pays?' Our system right now is not incentivised to keep people healthy but rather treat them once they get sick." Said Prof. Pan Siji

Advances in precision medicine have been closely linked to new technologies, and they are clearly changing the way that we diagnose and treat cancer, as well as our views on prevention as a method of treating long-term conditions such as diabetes.

[Image: Biomolecular-Technology-Group.jpg]
Whether precision medicine will permeate all areas of healthcare and benefit patients from all walks of life, however, remains to be seen.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

[Image: BObqPYLl.png]
Mobile Electronic Payment Having an Increase in Popularity

Written by: Mei Fikri-Trang, Chief Correspondent
Translated by: Katya Cho, Junior Translator

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Taking the Nation Bystorm
Economists see a rising trend in the use of electronic cash in The Peonic nation, while e-cash aren't anything new in the region, uniquely the nation uses its own system of electronic cash. Apparently foreign e-cash systems does not appeal to the Peonic citizens, and the Peocracy has its own integrated system.

From businessmen paying for a cup of coffee in rush hour, to students paying to rent bicycles, to even breakfast sellers in wagons selling mantou and soy milk. It has been integrated in the Peonic daily life that payment with cash are rare in some areas of towns. Despite that the government bans the refusal of cash payments in transaction in response to the rising popularity and recent events, the trend has been quite flourishing that even expatriates have been using them instead of cash. Tourists however, look in dismay that the system could not be used in other countries.

The largest provider for E-cash in The Peocracy, SinoTel, which is also own CeoChat, the largest chat engine in The Peocracy, has been the number one provider for such services from its flagship app SinoPay. Has been reaping a large amount of profit as well as having it contribute so much to its stocks, increasing over 20% in values upon the grand opening.

The Royal Peonic Bank received this idea coldly upon the start of the trend, but upon the appointment of Calisto Yew as the new National Bank Governor, E-cash regulation has become more defined. Along with the Royal Treasury, laws and agreements are written concerning E-cash usage.

If approved, the new controls could see web payment providers subjected to stringent controls to resolve disputed transactions and purchases in the same way that banks and credit card schemes are regulated.

Banks and established payment card schemes have pushed for services such as SinoPay and YellowCash to fall under the same regime they are governed by to maintain public confidence and create a level playing field.

SinoPay has so far resisted pressure to sign up to the government's voluntary Electronic Mobile Payment Code, on the basis that its rules were essentially drafted for banks rather than more innovative web services that do not revolve around card products. It is about to change however with a new draft proposed just today after Eid Al-Fitr.

[Image: 2JCP8Rpl.png]

SinoPay: The Mobile Payment Giant
SinoPay is a wholly owned subsidiary of SinoTel. The company has indicated it expects its payments arm to eventually be bigger than its auction business.

The rapid growth of SinoCash dedicated web payments business has prompted banks and card schemes to launch their own competing services in an effort to wrest back market share, transaction fees and deposits.

A big driver of web and mobile transactions has been the success of paid content platforms, which sells thousands of video, audio, games, e-book applications and data for as little as 1 Tiol.

SinoPay has sought to capture a big slice of the mobile transactions market by releasing parts of its payments engine code to developers so that purchasing functions can be embedded directly into applications and content.

A key feature of the new embedded functionality is a greatly simplified user interface that allows purchasers to pay with only a couple of clicks to confirm their order.

The company’s big investment in the new mobile platform is an attempt to steal a march on traditional credit and debit card payment products. These usually require purchasers to enter a lengthy string of digits followed by security codes.

The less than ideal online credit card interface is seen as a substantial barrier to entry for consumers by media and entertainment companies who are keen to monetise content as it moves from traditional platforms such as television, print and radio on to smart phone handsets and tablet computers.

But payment schemes have sought to check SinoTel growth. TigerBank (A major Peonic bank) this year launched its Peonic payclick service aimed at allowing teenagers and children to pay for approved content.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

[Image: BObqPYLl.png]
An Unprecedented Eastern Government Signed, Promises of Further Autonomy

Written by: Chang Chong Chen, Senior Correspondent
Translated by: Molly Liu, Senior Translator

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(The Peony’s proclamation)
“I, The Peony of Huawan, as her Nuwang, hereby proclaim the the formulation of the Eastern Government and the Classification of the Central Territory, effective immediately.”

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(Hai Lan Port City)
After months of deliberations in both the royal palace and the people’s council, a historical edict unprecedented after 2000 years has been announced. In front of millions and after a tally of votes, The Peony signs the order to have a primary government ruling over Eastern Huawan. This shall be the first time that the centralized ruling system focused in capital Lián, shall be divided proportionally in coastal capital Hai Lan.

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(Eastern Huawan)
The change would institute a separate voting system for a governor that rules over Eastern Huawan in conjunction with the Main governor, now known as the central governor. While dividing gubernatorial positions are common in Peonic cooperations outside The South Pacific, it is certainly uncommon in the main territory, where the Nuwang and its ministers dictate the main governor on acting by their edicts.

With the addition of a governor along with a whole new line of order in the Eastern part of the nation, it would even out the balance of power in the entire nation. Although the People’s council would continue to be located in capital Lián, experts predict that if the person in charge of the additional governing body is as efficient as the central body, there will be a monumental increase in economical prospects.

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(Fan Rong Croplands)
For years Eastern Huawan has been known as a large patch of agricultural cities trapped in time. While port cities such as Hai Lan and Hai Men sought proper economical growth in shipping, the rest of Eastern Huawan has been going through stagnant economic growth. While its large pastures and croplands had been lucrative in being the nation’s bustling agricultural sector and supplying the 60% of the nation’s meals and 30% of the nation’s total GDP, any other industrial prospects are unheard of.

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(Official Portrait of The Peony, Akane Yan)
This is certainly not the first time major actions are signed in the Royal Court. The preceding Peony, her majesty Akane Yan, has decided to relieve some of the tension from the central government by dividing the eastern nation into provinces. With Hai Lan and Hai Men receiving a special regional classification. These provinces are ruled by administrators, and answer to the central provincial government. While management is certainly much neater, these provinces are the creation of central government, and a subordinate to the central government with very little autonomy. It would mean that the power is heavily centralized in central Huawan.

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(The Court of Huawan in DanYang Castle)
Now the current Nuwang provides these provinces with not only a governor, but also higher autonomy for the entire section of the nation to act. While the governor answers to the People’s council and The Royal Court, they are able to create much larger decisions with no longer a subordinate to the central governor.

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(Plans for the Central Huawan)
In a separate yet equally monumental decision is for The Peony signing an order to divide the government of the central province into the administrator system. The central province answer directly to the Royal Court but newer systems of micromanagement using administrators has been applied. With the central territory divided into three provinces. Dubbed “The Royal Province, The Central Province and the Sacred Province.” The Sacred Province being a focused management in the sacred city of AweiQinna, which also pose as the World Forum Health Committee Headquarters. The city of Shuanghe is also given an administrator to control the passage between the two portions of the state, as well as securing its passage between Qvait and Kringalia.

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(Transitional Eastern Governor (Née Head Administrator) Kyung-Soo Han)
While the voting process shall proceed in the next 12 months after the submission of candidacy papers for governor in the month proceeding the decision, The Peony appoints Eastern Huawan head administrator Kyung-Soo Han to become temporary Eastern Governor. Her main task would be to establish the eastern government and a workable framework three months before the election and the inauguration of the Eastern Governor.

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(Honorable Representative Kira Aquila-Salazar)
The Knightisian Federation also sent an overseer for the revitalizing of the Eastern Province, former Zollern Minister of Economics, Madame Kira Aquila-Salazar which shall operate alongside Transitional Eastern Governor Kyung-Soo Han.

“My decision is to accommodate a neater management of The Peocracy, and to relieve the central government’s pressure.” Said The Peony, “with the modernization of the world and the need to attain more assets for the future, we must continuously revise and metamorphosis the system of government for the greater outcome.”

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

[Image: BObqPYLl.png]
”This is not our fight” The Peocracy rescinds from Reizen theatre, urges all parties to retract and negotiate

Written by: Mei Fikri-Trang, Chief Correspondent
Translated by: Katya Cho, Junior Translator

In light of further developments in the Reizen theatre, The Royal Palace informs its stance after nearly a year of indecisive action towards the political affairs. A spokesperson for the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls for all Reizen factions and the Frost empire to renegotiate once more, and that foreign incursions are to pull out from Reizen.

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(Statement by the Peonic Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
“Recent events has made it clear to us that the foreign parties in the Reizen threatre harbor deep political agenda to assume Reizen as a puppet state for their respective ideologies, rather than stabilize the entire region and prevent anymore bloodshed.”

The statement was published following deep military incursions by the Voodoo Republic and Bzerneleg, as well as political scapegoating and statements to have the newly reformed Reizen nation as a client state. The recent terrorist attacks by Rose Thorns, which reveal a deep Pro-RIM agenda.

“Stabilization of the Reizen theatre could not be achieved if the parties in play would refuse to consider peace, and much more so if parties surrounding the events are heavily under sponsorship by foreign states who would like to instill their own agendas into the region.”

[Image: T4vK80gl.jpg]
(Reizen Theatre frontlines near Seranuma)
From all the leading powers in the region, the Peocracy has been one that did not act as actively as the rest. It was an initial belief that the political discontent in Reizen is due to severe mismanagement of the client state by the Frost Empire, but recent developments have ultimately made the parties in Reizen monoliths, and proxies of the ongoing war of political ideology in the region. With client states of its own, and with respect towards the agreements made in Grovne, the Peocracy had initially not interfered in the Reizen theatre.

It has however responded quite austerely to the foreign nations that have a part in distabilizing the Reizen theatre, sanctions towards Ryccia, condemnation to Agot, and stern warnings to the Voodoo Republic and Bzerneleg. The most recent response was the Peonic withdrawal from the The Harm-Gord Council of International Delegates, citing the mismanagement of the population’s demands played a key role in deeming the recently unified government to be unfit to govern, especially noting of the recent disasters by the Rose Thorns.

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(High Diplomat Diao Chan)
"Words without action are merely the breath of the air, respect the sovereignty of all parties by retracting yourself from the Reizen theatre. Do not attempt on something we will definitely regret." said High Diplomat Diao Chan in a recent statement from the Royal Palace.

Despite reactions by Huawan, states refuse to withdraw from the Reizen theatre. With President Blythe of Bzerneleg citing that it will continue its steadfast support to the RDC and that “Bzerneleg will not go down in history as a coward who stands idly in the face of death and destruction.” While Bruuma’s long aid towards the WPR continues, as the Bruuman Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: “We will continue to support our comrades in Reizen in every course of action, according to the necessities dictated by the situation, and we will not be cowed by threats to back down”

A quorum was made when the Kingdom of Sedunn responded to President Blythe’s statement that Bzerneleg must respect Frost Sovereignty and International Law. Of which The Peocracy reiterated, and expects that all parties not fuel further conflict in the Reizen theatre.

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The only act that can be speculated to have large Peonic influence is the application of the Medicien Sans Frontieres camp in Reizen, which has been supplementing healthcare for over 70,000 displaced Reizen nationals affected in the war. Making the NGO the only organization that could freely conduct its services throughout the parties of Reizen. It is further established that the members of the MSF camp are mostly Peonic in origin, with some members being Valkyrian, Sedunnic, Bruuman, Zollern, Roewian and Hammerstarian origins.

“Our People comes first and foremost”

[Image: aJe1fYIl.jpg]
(The Peony of Huawan, Doctor Yan)
When The Peony was asked of the recent responses, she states that the Peocracy has much larger matters to attend to, that further infringement of Frost sovereignty is wholly unnecessary and that “Our people comes first and foremost.” Further citing that the Peonic government’s focus is towards The People of Huawan, and its Overseas Territories.

The Peony’s reign in Huawan as her Nuwang has been marred with considerable fire, noting massively ambitious projects coupled suspicions that a massive shift of focus to international affairs. The recent criticism rose due to the fact that preceeding Nuwang’s did not attempt to lend a hand on international affairs, and that the current Nuwang has made a major agenda to revitalize bilateral relations. While several politicians agree, others assess that the shifting focus towards international affairs may harm the national agenda.

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(The Court of Huawan)
The statement has struck a cord with much in the Royal Palace and the Court of Huawan, as the ambitious designs to improve the economical standing of the Eastern Provinces as well as modernize the Peonic state would require much focus. Furthermore, the demands of the Peonic client states outside the region have yet to be fully completed, and restructuring of the naval shipping lane with the Overseas Territory of Zhanghai is in focus.

Retraction of the Peocracy from the Reizen conflict and messages to parties to negotiate once more has been a popular decision. Providing hope that the Peonic national agenda is still the main priority of the Peonic state.

[Image: wu-xiubo-2f5e3e64-7f60-4629-b97d-70168d1...ze-750.jpg]
(Statement by Royal Premier Sima Yi in the Royal Council)
“We are going in the right path, to improve our state and the welfare of the empire.” Said Royal Premier Sima Yi, “this is not our fight.”

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
[-] The following 5 users Like Hammerstar's post:
  • Bzerneleg, GI-Land, Imperial Frost Federation, Jay Coop, Qwert

[Image: BObqPYLl.png]
Exclusive In Depth Interview: The Peony, Doctor Yan (Collaboration with LNA-World)

Exclusive In Depth Interview: The Peony, Doctor Yan
Broadcaster: LNA-World (Lotus News Agency-World)
Interviewer: Elise Ying

[Image: 2018-04-13%2B11.22.34_1523643794532.png]
Elise Ying (EY): A general surgeon, a medical professor, a calligrapher, and recently a soccer enthusiast as well as a great mascot for the Football World Championships. The Nuwang of Huawan, The Peony has taken the country and the region by storm. Taking control with great assertion and principles held dear, thank you for being with us today.

The Peony (TP): My Pleasure.

EY: We have seen much improvements for the Peocracy of Huawan, administrative reforms, infrastructural upgrades, higher defense output as well as a strong foreign policy, just to name a few. What would your reign bring on next, honorable Nuwang?

TP: There are certainly many areas that could be improved in the Peocracy, the events that occur has certainly taxed our capacities, pushing us to grow further and improve. There are many sectors that have potential for development, and we are grateful to have such talented and creative people contributing their ideas.

EY: Your reign marked an exit from isolationism and strict foreign protocol ever since the Great War era. Analysts say that Huawan is currently measuring the temperature of the water it will swim in, what are your thoughts?

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TP: When my predecessors decided for stricter foreign policy, we realized we were moving too fast. Huawan is a developing country and the needs of its citizens must become a priority. We managed to thrive and become a developed country with the cost of restarting our foreign approach, something that was certainly a main focus in the first month of my reign. That is how we began becoming one of the pioneers for the World Forum, and how we became outspoken in both the region, the Arasian Federation as well as the Knightisian federation. We are excited to see what would be in store for us in the future.

EY: Since your coronation we have seen substantial and somewhat aggressive growth under your leadership, the people’s council have been quite critical about your actions as well as possible repercussions to the treasury?

TP: After the Arasian campaign as well as The Great War, Huawan’s debt is immense and its people demoralized. My mother, and my predecessor, had continuously advocated lower government spending. We did not see much growth in our technological assets, and we catered to the needs of the people. As time flies there are more opportunities to develop better services at lower costs, so with our debt low and our treasury full, we try to make production more efficient to increase the quality of life for our citizens. We have built thousands of parks, revamped the railway, the tollroad and drilled the tunnel to the Eastern Continent. As for the critiques, the results say it all.

EY: Huawan has forstered fierce rivalries in industrial sectors. Gi-land is Huawan’s main competitor for transport, Ubesii for Agricultural products, Bruuma for pharmaceuticals, Valkyria for manufactury, Sedunn for tech, Bzerneleg for air tourism, Kai Fa for textile and so forth. What would be your strategy to ensure that Huawan would keep its toes against its neighbors?

[Image: ap_17234177971271-a69dc8f04517a08a26b2d5...00-c15.jpg]
TP: Well Elise, each country has its own operating procedures, and its own qualities that may be absent in ours. Peonic industry thrives at faster rates, but it had a slow start against most. There are much to learn and to be adopted from other countries, and cooperation is key. Regardless of the end, a learning process to revitalize and upgrade our industrial infrastructure must continue. Trial and error, further reflection. The main priority is to set up a foundation strong enough to cater at an intercontinental scale.

EY: Late last year we see much coordination between Huawan and multi-billion dollar Atlas Hwa, what struck such agreements?

TP: Mr. Hwa has an impressive track record above all else, and his company is certainly impressive. They were instrumental in helping with the construction of the Mikotoba tunnel, as well as the superhighway in Khairturuun. Mr. Hwa’s partnership with us also gave birth to one of the most sophisticated railway systems in the region, and provided innovation to naval shipping lines. Perhaps the most interesting project would be the Hyperloop initiative, a noteworthy innovation in transport and logistics.

EY: Every Peony that preceeded your rule has advocated reformation in the governmental structure. The dissolution of the Shogunate, the Eastern government and division of control between the People’s Council and the Royal Council. Perhaps one of the most striking reforms in the People’s Council would be the banning of Political parties, which was certainly quite unprecedented.

[Image: Shuri-castle-festival-crowning-ceremony-...kinawa.jpg]
TP: Huawan is a single entity with many backgrounds and many people. We do not follow a certain ideology, rather a philosophy that caters the needs of nature and those that live with it. The People’s council represents the legislature, while the royal council represents the legislative body that caters to the executive. Its goals are simple, to serve the people of Huawan under the tenet of our principles held dear. Any representative that caters to a single ideology or a manifesto outside our own does not hold the interests of the people to heart, and must therefore not be allowed to run for office. Everyone in the governmental system must only represent a single thing, The Peocracy.

EY: One of the criticism in your reign would be your attitude towards the Reizen conflict, Huawan spent months without a position, until it adopted a non-interventionist stance. Now it was surprising when the Peocracy challenged the Frost Empire over their claim in Reizen, something that was completely unexpected.

TP: Ever since the RDP demanded fair political autonomy from the Frost Empire, and its agreement then marred with violence, the cards were then dealt. Once the coup was complete, Reizen ate each other due to their differences, with the Empire trying to take back what it once owned with an iron fist.

Now a country divided, they used everything in their disposal to claim who was correct. Bombardments, massacres of civilians and the absence of all morality for the sake of temporary supremacy. The disappearance of political dissidents, riots and executions left the peninsula a festival of fire and blood. You read all the reports from all the sides, and each claiming victory. There is no victory in this battle, only death, unnecessary death.

[Image: gettyimages-911985014.jpg?w=1024&h=683&quality=90]
A nation divided in ideology is one of the reasons why war always erupt in this region, the Serevan war? The Great war? The Reizen Civil War became the perfect volume for countries to spread their sphere of influence, and help the growth of their respective manifestos. War is an investment for them, believing that backing the best horse would hopefully give them a blank canvas to paint their influence. These figureheads claim to care for the people in the fight, unfortunately in the form of arms. These nationstates did not perform anything to mitigate an already tremendous disaster, their agendas advanced at the cost of lives, human lives.

People often forget that political ideologies are meaningless if there are no one working to make progress for it. Millions displaced without proper food, water and access to adequate healthcare. Epidemics that could be easily eradicated rose rapidly. Those who died did not have a peaceful passing, and those alive fear for a bleak future.
This bloody conflict tarnished a hard-won peace in the region, and no one would get out of this without blood of innocents stained in their hands. For a mirage in the end of it all.

Now looking back to it all, was the wargame worth the unnecessary deaths? I do not understand them.

EY: I see

[Image: battle_of_oroi-jalatu.jpg?w=574&h=350]
TP: Huawan spent its existence in history in a marriage marred with blood and violence. It should not be the face of Huawan in the 21st century, we accept the tragedies of our past, and strive to build a better future in the present.

EY: What are your opinions then of the Doctors Without Borders mission in Reizen, which has substantial backing from the Peonic government and the World Forum?

TP: We have taken much steps in negotiating with all the sides of the conflict, to allow us in the front lines and care for the civilian population, to bring healthcare, to the wounded. Our simple idea is that at the door of our hospital, we treat everybody. We treat children, we treat mothers, we treat fathers, we treat wounded combatants, and it is not a crime. A doctor cannot be tried in a war zone, for treating a wounded combatant. It is not easy, we work on all sides of the conflict, and we have created a space, a humanitarian medical space that is neutral, partial and independent.

[Image: afghanistan_msf_hospital_kunduz_screengr...k=pN3PWds_]
In our hospital near Sanctuary refugee camp, it was considered to be one of the greatest trauma centers in Reizen. The facility has treated over one million patients since its formulation, and when our mission came into this hospital, over 22,000 people were in our emergency rooms, and we did over 5,000 trauma surgeries alongside independent practitioners.

There was a monumental amount of practice in this area, for a single reason. Every infrastructure was razed and destroyed. Bombed precisely in order to reduce the workability of supposed enemy combatants. Patients died in their beds, and some could not escape.

Our supplies dwindled and negotiations to provide further care became an uphill battle, and one may wonder why Huawan is so invested in this? With such a checkered history in this region, Huawan could no longer sit on the sidelines, agreements stagnated and failed because of their rigidity, bureaucracy and inability to act in times of crises.

EY: It has been both easy and difficult, all of them are challenges. Since your coronation until now, what would be your greatest reflection?

TP: The Peocracy is analogous to the Peony flower, they require almost nothing but full sun and patience. It takes true care and nurturing to be able to enjoy the bloom, and only the finest of soil to have it grow. Grown in autumn and blooming in the spring, it endured the tests of winter cold. When it grew to its maximum state it could grow up to a metre in length, and bloom itself the joyous spirit of nature. If the Peony flower wilts, or unable to stand the test of time, its guardian must be accountable for its care, and must take steps to ensure it does not happen once more.

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It takes true dedication and planning to ensure the growth of the Peocracy for future generations. To nurture the people and allow them to grow and flourish. To become accountable as her guardian, and as its steward. No one said it was easy, but they must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.

EY: Thank you for your time, my Nuwang.

TP: You are welcome, Elise.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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[Image: BObqPYLl.png]
Eastern Government Election kicks off

Written by: Zheng Wei Bin Hassar, Chief Correspondent
Translated by: Katya Cho, Junior Translator

[Image: nz-taiwan-241118.jpg?itok=HZkaJueS&timestamp=1543010999]
With the election for the Eastern Governor underway, the East has seen its first hand of the election process. After The Peony's allowance of an Eastern Government, the entire infrastructure of the East has been marred with problems of independence. The transitional governor has drafted emergency procedures and ensured a direct procedure is applied, however, there is still room for improvement.

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Now with the elections underway, the statesmen of the East decides the best path for the Eastern Region. With over 80% of its industry in agriculture and fishing, the Eastern region houses the lowest amount of the Peonic population with some of the lowest incomes in the South Pacific. Despite the separation of the regions by the preceding Peony Akane Yan, representation of the East in the Royal Council and the People's Council is low.

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Over four candidates for the Governor has been highlighted and requirements met. Currently, the race is led by Kimcheon Mayor Wa'ali Chhiong, being the only conservative in the race. Highlighting the need for quality in the public service as well as revitalizing the infrastructure of the region. This is due to the transition putting the basic public service in a standstill, followed by abysmal response times.

While Mayor Wa'ali Chhiong and his coalition was a favourite for conservative voters in the Eastern region, a strong note was made. Unlike other candidates, Mayor Chhiong did not push for higher representation in the People's Council and the Royal Council, an issue that has plagued the balance of government for quite some time. As such, the other liberal candidates have highlighted the issue of representation as to their main focus, albeit with different approaches.

[Image: Song-Ji-Hyo-fb.png]
The favourite liberal candidate and runner up to mayor Chhiong is Air Marshall 3rd Class Nan Soo-Jung, born in Kwai, she highlighted the importance of the East playing a role in decision making for the country. Noting that housing one of the largest refineries in the region, as well as the main ports of Huawan, security is to be increased. Pushing sponsorship and improved military and police forces in the East, as well as higher minimum wages. With several terrorist attacks springing up in the South Pacific, lacklustre protection of the population has urged further security measures and funding.

Being the youngest candidate for governor, Marshall Soo-Jung and her coalition, the Eastern Light, commands the younger vote in the East. With a majority of the votes coming from the Shi Di and Shan province. She also announces large support for the superhighway in Shan and the construction of a second tunnel as well as an underground tunnel to the Island region. Opposition to higher expenditures in the military and the transport projects, which grew in popularity in the Eastern Chamber of The People's council, has been one of the largest challenges of her candidacy.

[Image: aramajapan_str2_watv2501_memoriesoftomorrow_wa_1.jpg]
I Tang Po, one of the Royal Councillors for Hokkien, also announced his candidacy as Eastern Governor. Also pushing for higher representation, he marks that one of the largest issues of abysmal representation of the Eastern Region is due to a lack of trained members in power, as well as disinterest in the East to have councillors. As such, his candidacy promises further improvements for selection of governmental staff, as well as proposing that the Eastern Chamber of the People's Council be built in the East instead of adjoined in Central.

Councillor Po also pushes for higher autonomy in the East and promises to curb government expenditure and increasing the minimum wage, labour cost and transparency in government. While his anti-establishment reforms have gained a significant following in his Ox Coalition, with support from other Eastern Royal Councillors, a large opposition criticises the lack of a clear process to achieve his anti-establishment promises.

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Following behind, but last is Mayor Đào Thanh Trang, mayor of Hai Lan, the most populated city of the Eastern Region. She pushes for further representation and notes that Hai Lan becomes the centre point of governance in the East, completely revitalizing the administration structure in the Eastern region. She also expresses the importance of increasing port authority in the East and inviting investment opportunities to revitalize the industry.

Along with the Katana Coalition, her candidacy has been defensive and shown to be in a strong foundation. However, despite her popular background in Hai Lan, she is seen to be unrelatable to the other provinces of the region. Moreover, she only has two years left from her term as mayor in Hai Lan, and the opposition questioned her preparedness to take office.

As the elections of the East are underway, the Royal Palace and the Royal Council observes the proceeding with great interest. The Peony has also prohibited any endorsements from governmental staff and those in power, she also warns the Royal election oversight committee to ensure that the Eastern elections are fair and impartial. The Peony also says that any transgression or penalty must be "held in swift and harsh scrutiny under Peonic law".

[Image: COREA_-_0118_-_Olimpiadi_1.jpg]
In other news, Transitional Eastern Governor Kyung-Soo Han announces that she would not join the race to become the Eastern Governor, despite having a large backing by the eastern population for her merits as Head Administrator in the prior year. While it is currently unknown for the reasons for her decision, several sources say that she is next in line for Maritime Chancellor for the Peocracy under appointment by the High Commodore, Lord Zheng He.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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[Image: BObqPYLl.png]
5th November Royal Address

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Ni Hao!

Honourable statesmen of the Peocracy, members of The South Pacific.

Seven years ago, the Peocracy faced a moment of peril unlike any we’d seen in decades. The Great War of The South Pacific had engulfed this region in flames, and the Arasian war effort has left our great country in an impasse. The financial crisis that followed placed our country in the brink of collapsing down to ruin, and the rebellious attacks made by the Les Rouge and La Verdes broken our community and dividing them.

While we try to quell such issues as soon as it is possible. It was the decision of the People's Council that our great Peocracy focuses itself in an internal role, and become neutral in conflicts outside our borders. When you all chose me to take the station of Nuwang, to become the Guardian of The Peocracy of Huawan, I told you that day that the challenges we faced would not be met easily or in a short span of time — but they would be met, with hard work and prayers

We have since grown and rose from the ashes. Increasing investments and quality of life. We have endured without risking the seas nor the trees that keep us together, and we the variety of communities may be divided, yet we are united.

Honorable statesmen, it is said that the tongue that weigh a little would crush a man. I therefore do not see any point in lavishing my words in honey of the issues that are to come before us in the future.

In these dire and desperate times, we are tested once more. I suppose it is not a mystery to you all that conflicts have arisen beyond the land of the spirits, and may disrupt our way of life. It is in our best interests that our great country must remain strong, and unfortunately it would place us in odds once more.

The sailors of the east believes that life is often like a voyage, meaning that more often than not you are at the mercy of factors out of your control. It is our duty to sail through the voyage, no matter how slowly the vessel moves what matters is that we continue to soldier on. By the winds! It was penned.

Crucial times would demand decisiveness, and it is important to hold your heads high and give your best smile. I must not lie that things will go uphill from now, but it is by no means a reason to rest on your laurels, in fact more of a reason to continue in high spirits.

Be strong statesmen of The Peocracy, as strong as the trees and bloom as beautiful as the Peony. Soar as high as the Ceo Bird and swim as hasty as the shark.

For The Peocracy, for the spirits! May God help us, for we will prevail!

Wo Shiru wa Mori no Sei!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgFefbYAhEoiZlOB8qdKL...DbtBwTsi&s]
Mori no rei o mamore! Kami no rei o mamore!

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains

[Image: BObqPYLl.png]
BREAKING: Valkyria calls Peonic tariffs "betrayal", High Diplomat Diao Chan: Discuss with us like adults

When asked about the retaliatory tariffs by Valkyria, The High Diplomat, Diao Chan had this to say:

[Image: Zf94Od5l.jpg]
"We have sent numerous invitations and audience requests towards the Valkyrian government to discuss a strategy in the conflict. Of which five requests were sent, and more were made by our ambassador. All of which, were ignored or disrespectfully rejected by the Valkyrian government." Said High Diplomat Diao Chan, "The Peocracy of Huawan will be in jeopardy if left under indecision and must act without hesitation if left in such positions by our stakeholders. However, we believe that relationship with Valkyria may continue to be splendid as long as communication between our two countries continue, as such, if the Valkyrian office are willing to negotiate standards and measures on mitigating a full economic and political disaster between our two great states, our invitation will remain to be accepted by them."

When asked about whether Valkyria would still be unwilling for talks, The High Diplomat had this to say.

"Huawan would maintain its sovereignty and shall ensure the interests of our statesmen foremost. Therefore we would not yield the positions we have agreed upon unless the Valkyrians are able to discuss with us like adults."

[Image: 1511_himeji-city02_main.jpg]
The response from the Royal Palace comes after Valkyrian Chancellor's office called Peonic tariffs a betrayal to pre-existing trade agreements made with the Harrison government. The Royal Peonic Palace has continuously called for talks with the Valkyrian state for economic and political agreements regarding the Kalkaran war.

The Peony had ordered The Empire's Exchequer, Lord Kim Sol, to establish tariffs on Peonic goods going into Valkyria to prevent food shortages and worsening economic downturns amidst the drought. Following the Valkyrian Republic's back to back state of emergency.

The Royal Palace, however, is open to negotiations with Valkyria in creating agreements and would welcome chancellor Kaufman to do so. But expressed its continuous dismay for the unwillingness of the Kaufmann chancellery to communicate with Huawan, and will "act accordingly" to any decisions made by Valkyria.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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[Image: BObqPYLl.png]
BREAKING: Spring Festival 2020, Festivities Across The South Pacific

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The Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year is an event that's been celebrated in countries that use the Lunar calendar. Celebrating the entry of spring and the first new moon of the year, Huawan is one of the countries that celebrates the festival, which is designated to start on the 25th of January. The government of Huawan announces that on the friday of the 24th of January 2020 shall be mandated a holiday that coincides with the spring festival.

In honor of the festival, celebrations gear up in the next two weeks all over Huawan, its OTs and its cooperations. Embassies and Consulates of Huawan also provided a two week long festival in major cities across The South Pacific, each with its own uniqueness and theme, which introduces the spring festival, its importance and Peonic culture.

The Luoyang Post covers two of the many festivities featured by Peonic emissaries in The South Pacific.

Leute Gallerie, Atlantis, Gi-Land

[Image: 6vjlcXl.jpg]

Leute Gallerie, currently a new shopping center in Atlantis features the Spring Festival in its plaza. With a cultural fair that occurs until the end of January and multiple hands on activities in the week. Activities range between simple mandarin speaking courses, paper lantern crafting and dumpling making. Attendants wear the Hanbok, a traditional Hokkien dress, which attracted many shopgoers wanting for a selfie.

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One of the major feature of the festival in Leute Gallerie is the ability to try out Peonic traditional dresses for free. The Hanbok, Kimono, Cheongsam and Ao Dai. There is also a lucrative ability to rent out these dresses at an hourly rate for a low price, which the people of Atlantis have taken to wear around the city. Bringing colorful dresses and culture throughout the city.

@Mache, Bayougrad, Bruuma

[Image: Chinese-New-Years-Festival-2016-3.jpg]

The spring festival in shopping plaza @Mache, Bayougrad, features multiple outside events and fairs that plays a large role in introducing the spring festival to Bruuman shoppers in Bayougrad. Food fairs and movie screenings are the most common events that are featured in the festival at @Mache.

[Image: 5_1(15).jpg]

@Mache features daily classes to play the Xiao, a traditional Peonic flute instrument, and classical music performances occur every day. The key feature in the spring festival @Mache is a keychain, the lacquerware hands on experience creating lacquer keychains using cracked abalone. The entire process is free and limited to one keychain per person.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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