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[08:33] Roavin: here's what's gonna end up happening
[08:34] Roavin: candlestic comes back and starts spamming
[08:34] Roavin: i come online and ban the first candlestic account I see, which happens to be Islands
[08:34] Roavin: I then ban the ohter one and unban Islands, DMing him to say it was a legitimate mistake
[08:34] Roavin: meanwhile, Islands sees it as ABSOLUTE PROOF
[08:34] Roavin: that I was trying to ban him the entire time
[08:35] Roavin: and uses it to rile up the region against me
[08:35] Roavin: due to the pressure, I get recalled as PM and my chat mod status is stripped
[08:36] Roavin: candlestic comes back, but nobody's online to ban him. feeilng encouraged, candlestic then takes to the forum and spams it so much that it interferes with the special election to replace me as PM
[08:37] Roavin: the forum goes down and we don't really have a way to track legislators or do much of anything anymore. seraph, as Del, tries his best to chide things over on-site but it's just too chaotic because the RMB is worried more about licking each other than the health of the region.
[08:39] Roavin: meanwhile, Glen is trying to get help from a myBB Discord server to try to recover the forum after the deadly spam attack by candlestic, when candlestic shows up on that Discord server and starts spamming again. In the confusion surrounding what was happening and the report to Discord, glen's account is temporarily deleted, which in turn means the TSP Discord disappears too
[08:40] Roavin: in the confusion, nobody notices that one of Souls' minions then tarts their way into the Delegacy and coups the region to install a raider tortuga governance
[08:42] Roavin: this frustrates me SO MUCH that I don't pay attention at work the next day and because of it, I accidentally put a bug into one of the essential parts of the building security management system my company produces
[08:42] Roavin: that bug is only triggered by very specific conditions, which happen to come together at a military site in [country redacted], where our software is used.
[08:43] Roavin: an easy intruder is spotted, but reported in the wrong location, so the intruder has free reign, where he stumbles upon the entrance to the bunker where the nuclear rods are stored
[08:44] Roavin: he trips and falls into the container, but can't actually swim, and his body ends up between two rods, acting as a sort of heat conductor, failing the system
[08:44] Roavin: but due to the alarm being reported at the wrong location, nobody is there to actually do something baout it until it is too late, and the entire site explodes.
[08:45] Roavin: Trump thinks this is an attack that missed and launches the barrage of nukes. Putin thinks this is an attack and does the same, all targeting the same place.
[08:45] Roavin: this splits the earth down the middle, ending humanity as we know it.
[-] The following 7 users Like Nakari's post:
  • islands_of_unity, Lily Pad, North Prarie, phoenixofthesun14, Poppy, Rebeltopia, Sasha

[1:10 AM] Pimlico Tractor Girl Nakari: "i love spreadsheets so much, i make them for fun! please hire me to shelve books in your library."
[1:11 AM] Pimlico Tractor Girl Nakari: "please let me spreadsheet your inventory heavy breathing"
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]
[-] The following 5 users Like Roavin's post:
  • Lily Pad, Poppy, Rebeltopia, Sasha, Seraph

[3:29 PM] Islands ?f unity: I'm 19, but I'm old for my age
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]
[-] The following 2 users Like Roavin's post:
  • Nakari, Poppy

8:59 AM] Asia and Pacific: Did someone mass pinged?
[9:09 AM] Shy Guyia: Yes. Same as yesterday.
[9:31 AM] Seraph: You know when you've been Candlestuc
[9:42 AM] Pencil Sharpeners: You've been... CANDLESTUC!
Guitar riff
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]
[-] The following 3 users Like Roavin's post:
  • Poppy, Rebeltopia, Seraph

[12:30 PM] Seraph: @AstroVulpes I believe the first Monday in May is always a bank holiday in the place of May Day.
[12:36 PM] AstroVulpes: ah
[12:50 PM] Roavin: oh, here in germany it's just the first of may that's a holiday.
[12:51 PM] Pencil Sharpeners: We'll have another national holiday when May ends
[12:51 PM] Pencil Sharpeners: The politician that is, not the month
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]
[-] The following 7 users Like Roavin's post:
  • Lily Pad, Nakari, North Prarie, Poppy, Rebeltopia, Sasha, Seraph

A while back but it was missed and shouldn't have been, because this is peak Somy.

[2:48 AM] Somyrion / Aumeltopia: Facebook uses Arial as its body text on all parts of its site. It's probably doing tons of other things just as horrible, like storing your passwords in plaintext.
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]
[-] The following 4 users Like Roavin's post:
  • Poppy, Rebeltopia, Sasha, Seraph

I dont know if this is the "best" of Discord... but...

Quote:Nakari's Calamari Safari: !ban @Islands of Unity 3 years for sticcing the candel

BOTCoconut [!]: Islands of Unity has left the server. Quick, grab their lampshade!
BOTCoconut [!]: Done. It was about time.

Nakari's Calamari Safari: oh [redacted]
Nakari's Calamari Safari: [redacted]
Nakari's Calamari Safari: i forgot to put the slahs

Rebeltopia: GOOD JOB!! Tounge

Birb Queen Phoenix: grabs
Birb Queen Phoenix: rip tho

Penguin: How does he come back?
Penguin: Do we want him back?
Penguin: I guess we do
Penguin: He’s interesting

WeirdoXVII: This is the best thing I've seen all week

Roavin #naka4pm: wtf

Penguin: And Roavin to the rescue

Rebeltopia: your PM candidate just banned Islands... Thats what

Birb Queen Phoenix: Finna

Nakari's Calamari Safari: i invited him back
Nakari's Calamari Safari: and revoked ban as soon as i figured out how

Roavin #naka4pm: of all people it had to be islands too lol
"...if you're normal, the crowd will accept you. But if you're deranged, the crowd will make you their leader." - Christopher Titus
Deranged in NS since 2011

One and ONLY minion of LadyRebels 
The OUTRAGEOUS CRAZY other half of LadyElysium

[12:23 PM] #Amerion4SupremeLeader: Viet, I would like to submit a request that Roavin be stripped of his SWAN award!
[12:24 PM] #Amerion4SupremeLeader: He's clearly used a endotarting tool that he's hiding from the masses!
[12:25 PM] Roavin #naka4pm: I did?
[12:25 PM] Roavin #naka4pm: Just breeze and a bunch of browser tabs
[12:26 PM] W&S says yes he will: y e e t
[12:26 PM] W&S says yes he will: that's how i do it too
[12:26 PM] Roavin #naka4pm:
+653 (+10883.33 %)
[12:27 PM] #Amerion4SupremeLeader: :imp:
[12:27 PM] Roavin #naka4pm: also I'll be at the top tomorrow
[12:29 PM] Roavin #naka4pm: because yesterday I just crossed on Seraph
[12:29 PM] Roavin #naka4pm: and today I endorsed everybody that's missing
[12:33 PM] #Amerion4SupremeLeader: Sure ... using tools!
[12:34 PM] Roavin #naka4pm: Amerion.
[12:34 PM] Roavin #naka4pm: I *am* a tool.
Witchcraft and Sorcery

Former Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. Formerly many things in other regions. Defender. Ideologue. he/they.
[-] The following 4 users Like Witchcraft and Sorcery's post:
  • Lily Pad, phoenixofthesun14, Rebeltopia, Roavin

[12:08 PM] Islands of Unity: Glenn flexxing makes me feel like my whole body has a toothache
[12:08 PM] glen, queen mother: Aww you calling me sweet
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]
[-] The following 2 users Like Roavin's post:
  • phoenixofthesun14, Witchcraft and Sorcery

[12:01 AM] ? Biscuits and Endorsements: seraph doesn't like overtone singing?!
[12:02 AM] ? Biscuits and Endorsements: eerrreeeeeeerereroooooooooerrreeee
[Image: XXPV74Y.png?1]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Roavin's post:
  • phoenixofthesun14

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