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The Reunion

Arzix-Constantinople Estates
Constantinople, Core, Ryccian Empire

The Emperor guided the King to some seats. Made of the finest Constantinople Mahogany wood with ivory handles, the chairs also had luxurious and comfortable leather covering, excellent for one's back.

"We have saved the best for last, King Andrei. I believe you shall like this display"

An Imperial officer in combat uniform approached. Unsheating his sword, he shouted.

"Soldiers! March!"

The Emperor handed the King a holo document, detailing the soldiers that would march shortly. A group of 40 soldiers, 10 in each line, began to march forward, led by a flag-bearer. TIE fighters and TIE Interceptors roared overhead as the parade commenced.

First was the regular infantry. They sported a similar armour to the officer, but without the insignia. 40 soldiers of this type marched on.

Then came the Navy troopers. Widely seen as the weakest of all soldier types, they were meant more of as security for the Imperial Navy's installations rather than an actual fighting force against real armies. In wealthier regions, they were seen as the weakest leftovers from the Stormtrooper Corps, as Navy troopers who came from those worlds were often failed Stormtrooper cadets.

The Imperial Military Police followed. Despite their light armour, they were competent in their role: a gendarmerie for the central government if the capital needed to enforce its law over misbehaving systems and as reinforcements for crime-hit worlds. They were extensively deployed in The Imperial Rim, so much so that the local inhabitants knew them as "Space Police", referencing that these offworlders from space were regularly stationed in their worlds for extra security.

The Scout Troopers were next. They were renowned for their elite sniper and reconnisance capibilities. Lightly armoured, they were meant to be more agile than the regular Stormtrooper.

The pride of the army, the Stormtroopers, marched forward. These were the elite shock troops of the Ryccian Empire, and were the most common type of soldier used against pirates and small renegade forces in lawless regions where the regular infantry would turn to be unnecessary. It was a mark of honour to be a Stormtrooper, and they showed it. Despite their helmets covering their faces, an attentive person could notice their intense enthusiasm and pride, from their marching to their gestures.

What followed them were the New Stormtroopers, a recent unit created 200 years ago. These were the créme de la créme of the Stormtrooper Corps, and their military pride was even greater, as the New Stormtroopers were almost fanatical in their defense of the Empire. When deployed in battle, exaggerated tales say that pirates instantly surrender, although educated citizens know this is just boasting from the army, spreading false legends to scare criminal gangs and other renegade forces. If any Ryccians came close to matching the militarism of the Stoinians, it was them.

What followed them were the Clone Troopers, elite, purpose-bred infantry. These were highly controversial, as these clones were literally trained and indoctrinated from birth to be elite and efficient killing machines. Some suggested that their very creation was unconstitutional, as these soldiers are not usually permitted to leave the military, and thus the Empire denied them civil rights as sentient beings. Due to their intense upbringing and genetic modification, most clone troopers did not leave anyway, as they had an almost unwavering and fanatical loyalty to the Empire.

The next type of troopers were the Imperial Guards, fierce soldiers with black armour. These soldiers were often utilized to guard important government officials, albeit they were also a strategic reserve, should other elite forces fail in any particular mission.

The Empire's Royal Guards waltzed on. At first glance, they may appear to be purely ceremonial with their red cloaks, but those hid their true battle armour. Their outfit was meant to be ceremonial and useful, as when they got rid of their cloaks, their fierce nature would truly be unleashed. Such fearless warriors protected the Emperor and members of the royal family, as was tradition, but, like the Imperial Guards, they also served as a strategic reserve for worst-case scenarios.

Last but not least, the all-human, Imperial Mandalorian soldiers marched. Out of all these soldiers, only the Clones and the Imperial and Royal Guards could effectively beat them, and even then it could prove a challenge. There was a reason the Ryccian Empire paid lavish salaries for these troops: the Mandalorians had a proud and ultra-militaristic tradition that had not died, even after thousands of years of Ryccian dominance. Dressed in pure white Mandalorian-style armour, these were some of the best and fiercest soldiers the Empire could muster. "Death before dishonour" was a popular slogan amongst them, as they would rather die in battle gloriously than surrender like a coward to the enemy.

All the soldiers in the parade were gathered in front of the King and the others seated. The officer took out his sword once more, and shouted.

"Soldiers! Present arms!"

They did as ordered, presenting their various blaster rifles.

"Soldiers! Greet!"

"Greetings to His Majesty, King Andrei of the Stoinian Star Kingdom! Greetings to His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Alexander of the Ryccian Empire! We wish you eternal life!"

They let out a shout. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", they shouted in unison for several seconds, until the officer spoke once more.

"Soldiers! Move out!"

The parade ended. They would be afforded a moment to speak before they were to board a shuttle that would take them to their guest rooms.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King enjoyed this parade. It surely was his style as the head of the military. Although the Ryccians looked very professional, there was something off. The uniforms and the plating wouldn't really stand a chance against Stoinian balistic weaponry. He thought and thought about it. Perhaps these lesser infantry's equipment was better suited against Ryccian weaponry. Though that idea quickly was debunked when he saw the Stormtroopers. While some might find a certain elegance to it, the King thought what any Stoinian would think. Why the hell were they coloured white? What benefite does it have for an environment like this one. The King was stupefied. He could help but ask himself. However the best was kept for last. The Mandalorian looked nothing like anything the King could imagine. He sure would like to know more about them.

Then the salute came and the King loved it. The greeting was very similar to what the Stoinians did wit their Ura. Though he still preferred their version over the Ryccian one. This display of the Ryccian Troops was nothing short of applause, though the King didn't as it might be some sort of insult. Who could be sure with these people. He turned to the Emperor and he couldn't help but ask.

"Your Majesty, this was a magnificent display of your troops. I am impressed. Though I find it hard to believe that your white armour would be effective in combat. Perhaps you can elaborate a bit on it? And please do tell me more about the last soldiers. They seem quite intruiging."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Arzix-Constantinople Estates
Constantinople, Core, Ryccian Empire

The Emperor was not really a man knowledgeable of military affairs, but, as the Sovereign of All the Races, he was supposed to know enough to be passable. He recalled what he had learned of the Stormtroopers, and he began to speak.

"As far as I am aware, this is the default armour of a Stormtrooper. If they require any specialized camouflage, we certainly do provide it by either manufacturing specialized armour or painting over the original design. However, if they are guarding any installation, serving as reinforcements for law enforcement, posted on a starship of some kind or if they are meant to be temporary reinforcements in arctic worlds, their white colouration remains the same"

"Those last soldiers are...how should I put this...renowned across the Empire. They are the Imperial Mandalorian Army, an unit made solely of Mandalorians, an ultra-militaristic and fierce human culture separate from that of the Ryccians. If you read the holodocument I have provided, you shall be aware of their tenacity in combat, and they would rather die in battle than to surrender like a coward...or something to that effect. To most Ryccians, they are fanatical in their devotion to their martial honour, but to them, such standard is normal. Truly an enigma..."
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King looked at him. Really? Perhaps there was more to that armour than the King revealed. Nonetheless the Stoinians would remain cautious about wearing white uniforms in their infanterial uniforms. Though he was intrigued about the Mandalorians. He was quite astonished as the Emperor revealed the Mandalorian ways, the Emperor spoke as if those values were beyond him. Had this man not seen the field of battle? Does he truly know what honour is?

"Thank you I certainly will read more about them. Though might I suggest you do so as well. We Stoinians share, from what I have heard so far, quite a lot of values with your Mandalorians. Knowing them better may be a key in understanding us better. The Little Rascal Incident should solidify that."

He stared a bit at the Emperor. He wanted to make it clear that the Stoinians hadn't forgotten about the unfortunate mistake by the Ryccians. This Emperor perhaps could learn a few lessons from these Mandalorians.

"Let's not dwell on such negative matters. Please lead on."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Arzix-Constantinople Estates
Constantinople, Core, Ryccian Empire

The Emperor had committed a fatal mistake. That is, of course, if you were a diplomat. To him, these comments were his opinions, and he was not going to alter them. After all, he would never charge wildly at an enemy. He would rather surrender with honour instead of getting blasted to bits. The Mandalorians, in contrast, would rather irrationally throw anything they had left instead of accepting the truth and handing over the sword. They would prefer to die than surrender to anyone. What kind of suicidal "honour" was that? If he had fought bravely, there is no shame in an honourable surrender, unless it was worse than death.

The Chancellor instinctively facepalmed, but quickly pretended to be getting something out of his eyes. What in holy Velpus was he even thinking?! He should have known better than antagonize the Stoinians and their militaristic pride! Ferul was close to uttering an audible sigh, but he did not, lest it be obvious. He just continued on as normal.

"...Let us proceed to the limousine, shall we?", said the Emperor.

A luxurious craft fit for the aristocracy, the limousine was awaiting their presence. It would take them to the Arstine Palace, the glittering centre of the Estates, and where their guest rooms waited.

They finally arrived at the entrance. There, servants were waiting, present to take the luggage of the guests. Dressed in professional butler black uniforms, these attendants were there to satisfy any desire the officials had, so long as it was reasonable.

"Here we are, the Arstine Palace. It is truly quite the ancient masterpiece, no?"

"In most regions of the Ryccian Empire, proper aristocrats have a servant of some kind adjacent to them to please their every need. Thus, we have taken the liberty of hiring one attendant for each of you. Introduce yourselves!"

The attendants bowed to their assigned persons, each greeting them. In Ryccia, most wealthy persons had servants that would accompany them anywhere. Sure, you could have a robotic servant do all the housework and even be your companion, but there was a certain prestige from being able to afford an organic as your servant.

The servants were not meant to be chatty. They would not speak unless ordered to do so, or if they needed to ask something of crucial importance. They were meant to follow orders, and only follow orders. "Bring me a glass of water", "bring me that shirt", "read this document for me", "hold my shopping bags whilst I shop in the mall", "buy this exotic food for me", "turn on the holocomputer", those sorts of things. To the poor and the middle-class, that appeared to be a dehumanizing experience. "Just shut up, be my decoration and hold stuff for me as some sort of mobile rack so I can be lazy"? Seriously? But to the wealthy, this was perfectly normal, more so when the salaries of these servants were exorbitant. The ones with the most lucrative salaries even hired servants for their own families. So was the case for the Emperor's servant, the Esquire Cindyn, who despite appearances was a millionaire in his own right, with a wealthy family that hired attendants of their own.

It was quite early in the morning, as the itinerary planned. The hour was 9:00. The officials would take a short break by installing themselves into their guest rooms and then await the 10:00 tea party.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The limousine was something the Stoinians hadn't seen before. Of course the King used his Guards shuttles as was tradition as the active head of the military, but even the rich elite didn't quite use such vehicles. Perhaps it was due to these repulsor lifts not yet being heavily commercialised. Nonetheless the vehicle was very stylish and comfortable.

The palace itself was quite enormous, it even shocked the Chancellor. This was quite outlandish indeed. Not even the Great Royal Palace could compare to this one. Though it was quite obvious that the Stoinians were more down earthed than the Ryccians. Perhaps not when it came to monuments, surely the Ryccians wouldn't have . Even if they had, such a monument would be considered an affront to the non-Terran races since they were that sensitive. The Ryccian Palace was a sight to be held for sure. It's architecture somewhat resembling some Stoinian variaties.

As for the servants the Stoinians were a bit comfortable. Even the monarchs limited their use of servants, it was considered demeaning. A Terran was equal to a Terran, that even applied to the monarchs, set in stone by Alexandru I himself! Nonetheless after some internal bickering they agreed that they might best use these servant to gain a better insight.

The King and Queen were separated from the Chancellor and lead to their respective rooms. As soon as the King entered the room he quickly took the bags from the servant and put them away himself. He had enough of this nonsense and he would make it clear.

"Servant, what is your name? What is the meaning of this service?"

The Queen was shocked by the sudden action of her husband, but not surprised. She shared the same feelings as the King. It seemed as some sort of slavery on first sight. If this was the case, then the Stoinian-Ryccian relations would sour heavily.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Arzix-Constantinople Estates
Andrei's Room
Constantinople, Core, Ryccian Empire

The servant was stunned. Is he really an aristocrat, or a first-generation elite that did not comprehend fully the customs of the class he has joined? Why carry his own luggage when a well-paid attendant can do it for you?

Anastasios Maidenne was a human from The Rim, a region that surrounded the Core. He came from an upper-middle class family in his homeworld of Girestone, and thus he studied butlery in order to make connections with the elite of the Core. If he could make an impression, he hoped, perhaps the Maidenne family could gain contacts with the aristocracy and propel his relatives into high places. This was a practice a few upper-middle class families did as a gamble to meet the aristocracy, and Anastasios had gambled well so far, as his cousin, Maria Maidenne, had been recommended by a Charlotte noble to work at a financial consulting firm in the capital affiliated with the House of Charlotte. Her talent was enabling her to rise through the ranks of that firm, earning the Maidenne family immense prestige back home and a presence, even if miniscule, in the Core elite.

"Your Majesty, my name is Anastasios Maidenne Blackrose, and I have been hired by the Ryccian government to assist you as your personal servant. Every reasonable order and desire you have shall be fulfilled by my person to the best of my abilities. I was merely carrying your bags as I was trained and paid to do"

The response was formal, stoic and emotionless. Trained to not comment on anything else or show any feelings that may disturb his client, Anastasios did not bring up the fact that he was surprised over the King's actions or words. He did not mention his curiosity over the King's unwillingness to utilize a servant, or if the aristocracy in his Star Kingdom was more pedestrian than the elites of the Empire. He was just there to serve his employer, not to chitchat freely and thus waste his master's time.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The emotionlessness scared the King. Could the Ryccians have nerve stampled Terrans? No that would be against their ways, or would it? The answer he gave was more machine like, something the King didn't like.

"Anastasios, is this practice common in your Ryccian Empire? Tell me you aren't nerve stampled or anything like that which would take away your humanity. You are a Terran, you do not serve another Terran in this manner. You are Terran and must act like one. The same blood goes through both of our veins. I refuse to allow another Terran to serve myself in this manner. It stands against everything the Stoinian Kingdom stands for. A home for every Terran in which he can live in peace amongst his or her brothers."

The King took a short breath. But soon returned to his rant.

"I can only hope you are paid well for this. I cannot imagine a price which could convince a Stoinian to do such dishonoured work. Perhaps there is more to this practice than I anticipate. Please tell me more about yourself and this line of work. Show me that you are indeed Terran. Be assured that I won't bite you for it."

The King looked inquisitively at Anastasios.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Arzix-Constantinople Estates
Andrei's Room
Constantinople, Core, Ryccian Empire

Anastasios was puzzled. Why would the King, a high-ranking official in his own nation, be troubled by the use of servants, and fairly compensated ones at that? It is not as if he was a slave of some sort. This was not servitude, this was his job. Moreover, why did he ask for his personal details? Did he hear accurately?

Only a few aristocrats treated their servants as people they wished to converse to, most notably the Emperor. Most only saw them as employees, and that the cold demeanour that was present in their field of expertise was justified by their considerable salaries. Thus, this confused Anastasios, and he dared not guess what the true nature of this King is. Did he wish to interact as a person, or was he merely appalled by the use of servants in this way and nothing more?

As was demanded of his duty, he answered, as stoic and formal as ever.

"Your Majesty, the employment of persons such as myself to serve as personal attendants to affluent clients is a common practice amongst the elite of our nation. This is the exception in a few regions, where their culture was afflicted by mistrust and suspicion due to their crime-filled past, and thus the local aristocracy of said regions does not hire personal servants"

"I have not been biologically altered in any way, Your Majesty. Moreover, it is common knowledge in the Empire that my line of work is compensated handsomely, as it is quite expensive to hire an organic personal attendant instead of purchasing a robot manufactured for that purpose. If you are disturbed by my profession or if I have been mistreated, I can assure you that I am a willing employee, contracted voluntarily and paid fairly as any other worker is. I have been specifically trained for this career as per my own choice. My work, to be brief, consists of attending you in any way you need to the best of my abilities. If you require anything, I am at your service. Speak forth the command, and I shall heed the call"

"Your Majesty, you have asked of my background, if I am correct. I hail from the world of Girestone, in the region of The Rim. Speaking in the terms of interstellar travel, it is not quite far from here, albeit it is not a neighbouring planet either. I am descended from a family of upper-middle class persons, dedicated to white-collar, high-paying professions such as lawyers and doctors. I am not from a particularly noble or aristocratic lineage, as my family only reached their present status in the social ladder around 300 years ago. I coursed studies at the Imperial Academy of Servants of Ventus, a prestigious institution in my career, and thus I am highly qualified to suit any of your needs"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King still wasn't satisfied. Though this time it was due to Anastasios' answer. Was this some kind of informal slavery which was socially acceptable in the Ryccian Empire? Organic Servant. Did he hear that correct? What kind of Terran underappreciation was this? It is a good thing they haven't altered him in any way. This alone would create an uproar in Stoinian society He turned towards Anastasios and looked him deep in the eyes.

"Anastasios Maidenne Blackrose. You will not refer to yourself as an organic servant in my presence as it insults everything we stand for. This practice of yours is quite disturbing in my eyes, however I will tolerate it during this visit. Make note that in any further visit I will not need any servant. That goes for every future Stoinian Official. And most importantly, smile a bit. It's good for your health."

He gave Anastasios a small shoulder pad and then sat down with him and had a little chat with him about his career and family. Nothing quite detailed mostly superficial, though Anastasios was quite embedded in his professional protocol. Though he was quite shocked that the Stoinian Queen herself had served him a little tea. Half an hour passed and then Anastasios pointed out that they should head towards the tea party and so they went.

Chancellor Sheridan met them underway and they both shared their concerned views on this servant practice. It will have to be tolerated, for now. As soon as they went outside they saw the great Imperial Garden filled with dozens of people. The Stoinian trio went to search for the Ryccian Emperor. They navigated easily through the populace, but there were quite a bit of abnormalities. He heard French been spoken, or a Ryccian variant of it. What in God's name was this? This is something they hadn't expected. They spoke an old Terran language, but they didn't know where it truly came from. Odd and surely something to debate about with the Ryccians.

Eventually they found the Emperor next to the Rose Garden. It was filled with white and pink roses, but no red ones. That was quite an odd choice, no red ones. Perhaps red was associated with the Old Imperial Way. To the Stoinians however, it was the most important colour. They approached the Emperor while chit-chatting in Romanian, a language spoken by the Royal family, but Sheridan had learned it as well since he was born in the Capital. The Emperor was talking to a woman dressed in a flamboyant manner. Much more exaggerated then most of the other Ryccians, which by Stoinian standards was through the roof. The language they spoke was the same as earlier. So in full confidence the King started to speak in French, though it probably wasn't as refined by Ryccian standards.

"Your Majesty, we have finally arrived. I greet you and lady next to you."

He proceeded to kiss the lady's hand.

"I have heard while coming to you that some of the Ryccians speak French. A language spoken by a minority Terran population, though it has it influence in our culture. Perhaps you could enlighten us on its use in the Ryccian Empire?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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