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The Reunion

Arzix-Constantinople Estates
Constantinople, Core, Ryccian Empire

The Stoinians appear to be economically primitive compared to the Ryccian Empire. Entire species making handcrafted products? Most interesting. Now, handcrafted items are quite expensive, as artisans are quite rare and only sell to the wealthy, who have a penchant for this trade due to the prestige its products bring.

The Ryccian Empire's industrial capibilities were highly automated and advanced, and they could make use of foreign resources mined abroad instead of depending on Imperial reserves. Its agricultural capibilities were highly mechanized as well. A single family today could maintain a large field without much ardouous labour. That is why moving to the frontiers were such a golden opportunity: if you set up a farm, for example, build it up with machines and robots and get the correct buyers, you can be successful. This had allowed the more established regions to have food, and lots of it, so much so that the gluttonous practice of consuming a large variety of foodstuffs and then inducing vomit to make room for food anew was gradually getting popular. This repulsive yet enjoyable custom was restricted to the banquets of the elite, but now, even the upper-middle class did so at special occassions. Foods even had their appearance manipulated to look similar to gems, metals, precious rocks, outlandish shapes, and more, although this manipulation was expensive and thus reserved for the aristocracy's deep pockets.

"That is not exactly determined uniformly, for products and industries vary by region. In general, the more established and wealthier regions tend to be more industrialized and have excellent banking and service sectors. The quality and/or quantity of said sectors depend on the region's wealth, which is why the Core, as an example, is renowned for its robust financial sector. The less developed regions, such as the frontiers, tend to be more rural, providing the Empire with a substantial amount of agricultural produce"

"What is the status of criminal activity in your nation, if I may?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King was becoming a bit wary now. This Finance Minister was beginning to ask more sensitive questions. He knew the Ryccians would perhaps be shocked at the Stoinian punishment system, but nonetheless he would give them the full truth.

"Crime is what we consider very low, most cases are about small thefts. Rarely will there be a murder case, since honour is kept in high regard and our populace is quite armed."

He tapped on his ceremonial sword. A sign which might be intepreted as being a man of the people or a challenge even.

"Even so, the Stoinian Law is quite punitive against physical violence. In the most extreme cases there even are executions behind closed doors. You see all these factors add up to one another and thus create a very low crime crate. Of course our law enforcement is extensive and always ready to enact the laws if necessary."

"However there is a higher rate of pirating in the newly acclaimed regions bordering the Treecuu. Though nothing the Navy can't handle. We expect them to be swept away within the next month."

"As for crimes within political circles we have an organization called the National Anti-Corruption Directive. They independent and quite extensive when coming to politicians. Of course this institution has been around for several decades and most of the corrupt politicians have been dealt with."

"As for crimes within the Military, they are handled by the Military Police, which are deemed more direct when enforcing the Military Code of Conduct. In case you didn't know. Our Military is run entirely independent from our civilian government. Headed by myself."

He said with a proud tone. Making his chest larger as to show all the medals he had fought for.

"I suspect Ryccian crime is more present within the lower classes of society. Would I be wrong?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Arzix-Constantinople Estates
Constantinople, Core, Ryccian Empire

Execution? Some worlds did practice it, but Josefina came from the Core, where all planets had outlawed the practice. To her, such a practice was barbaric, but other planets would see differently.

Regardless, as an economic partner, Stoinia appeared promising. Low crime rate, robust mining sector...yes, to fuel the Ryccian industries. Perhaps a wealth of clients could be found in that nation?

Josefina was aware that she looked tactless, asking questions about economics and policy rather than have an actual conversation. But it was her duty. As Finance Minister, she oversees the state of the Ryccian economy, and thus must work in its interests at all times.

"Interesting. Despite the frontiers being plagued from time to time by pirates and criminal gangs, the Empire lives in a state of relative peace, more so in the developed regions of our nation. Crime rates do vary by world, but often they are indeed low across the realm. Worlds have the right to set their own policies regarding crime and separate penal codes, albeit the central government may override them by laws passed by the legislature and set the national standards of said local penal codes"

"Say, would it be a possibility to open channels of trade between our nations? International trade appears promising indeed"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Yes that would be possible. However your diplomats told me that your people wouldn't want to trade with us beacuse of our practices. We would be more than happy to strengthen the relations with our Terran brethren."

The King said, but waved his hand towards Chancellor Sheridan. He spoke in a more tenor voice opposed to the heavy voice the King, though he stood taller than him.

"Chancellor John Sheridan, Lady Valois. Given that such matters are more the speciality of the civilian government, that jurisdiction would fall to me. We would be more than happy to open such relations, but we would like proof that it is profitable both ways. If for example you were to get resources from us, but we receive quite little in return, then the Stoinian populace will slowly grow disdain for your people. It is important that companies from both side have something to gain. I can imagine our ship building companies would be most interested in Ryccian assets. For example luxury ships and the likes. I assume your economy is capitalistic in nature unless I am mistaken."

Indirectly the Stoinians were looking to get their hands on Ryccian technology. Perhaps their hyperdrive would be more efficient than the mere warp drive the Stoinians had used for centuries.
The other way, more Ryccians, notably from the Rim, could come and enjoy hunting vacations which would boost the Stoinian economy. Though this was indeed a grey area.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Arzix-Constantinople Estates
Constantinople, Core, Ryccian Empire

Ship manufacturing? The Finance Minister only cared about the opportunities for trade, but she recalled that the military and some corporations would instantly oppose what would essentially be a technological exchange with a foreign nation they do not trust yet. The opposition would also object both to screw the government over and due to their suspicion of other nations. But the opportunities to grow the economy were too valuable to pass up. After all, she did believe in free trade as a mechanism for prosperity.

Josefina was no fool, she knew what this implicated. But she saw a chance for trade, something that would bolster the Ryccian economy. And, if the Stoinians abide by law and order, their companies would have to pay royalties for any Ryccian technologies they wish to acquire for themselves. If these racists also have technology worth their time, the Empire only benefits. And if there is trade, her companies, under the management of her husband due to the requirements made of her office, would also benefit. She knew this conflict of interest all too well, but Josefina calmed her conscience by telling herself that it is not just her business that would have opportunities for profit, but the entire Empire as well.

However, there was the issue on the populace opposing trade with such a highly xenophobic country. Josefina knew this, but she saw an avenue of hope. An avenue that she hoped she would guide this King towards to.

"Greetings, Chancellor Sheridan. Regarding your negative reputation on these lands, I believe there is a way to resolve this thorny issue that we have the misfortune of coming across. Apart from imposing regulations on Stoinian imports to placate the concerns of the Ryccian populace, I do suggest that you must lighten up your image amongst our people. If you do this well, I do expect that the opportunities to open channels of trade shall be greater. Thus, for the benefit of us all, the press conferences must go smoothly. Charm the people, and perhaps we may be able to grow and develop our economies in a fair, prosperous and mutual cooperation worthy of our nations to experience"

"Our economy is quite capitalist in nature, yes. Private enterprise is the norm in the Empire, albeit individual worlds do invest in their own state companies and have their own regulations. For example, there is a world that bans mining altogether due to environmental concerns and a dark past associated with the industry, and there are a few who forbid private industry from meddling in resource extraction, controlling all such processes under their own state mining companies. Our trade must be mutually beneficial, that is to say that our people, not our governments, shall be the main buyers and sellers of items that would flow between our nations. They must be the main agents of trade, as both Ryccians and Stoinians purchase what they wish from the other, and sell what they wish to the other, all the while complying with national regulations and laws"

"Of course, the intellectual property of our nations and people must be respected. They are the product of our people's intellectual labour, and thus they must not be ignored. Those companies and individuals who have constructed our respective technologies must not be left without compensation, and thus why Ryccian companies would pay royalties for any Stoinian technologies, and viceversa. This is not set in stone yet, and we must see what our respective peoples make of these technological transfers that occur through trade"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Indeed our properties must be protected. And we agree that we should let the market regulate itself. Of course with the right tarifs. We wouldn't want to destabilze certain parts of both our economies. These can then decrease over time when our economies are ensured they won't crash one another. However perhaps such details are best left for dedicated conferences. Wouldn't you agree?"

The Chancellor smiled. This Minister of Finance was more open to Stoinian-Ryccian trade than what the diplomats had lead them to believe. Though perhaps she herself was over enthusiastic. It would probably be decided in their Imperial Senate, so a favorable image was to be achieved here.

"Your Majesty, I am sure there are multiple officials you would like us to meet. Let's make our time productive with the others as well."

The King interjected as the discussion between the Stoinian Chancellor and Ryccian Minister seemed to continue.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Ah, King Andrei, may I present Her Imperial Excellency, the Foreign Minister of the Ryccian Empire, the Baroness Liat?"

Of course, he had to present her as that.

Taun Liat Wei was a skilled Kaminoan diplomat and politician that had risen to the top of the hierarchy. Born to a poor mining family in a rural world, Liat was gifted, and thus she got a scholarship to one of the best universities in her region. Having pulled her family out of poverty all by herself, she had developed a massive ego towards others, seeing herself as great, wise and intelligent. She often hid her massive self-esteem when doing her diplomatic duties, however, as it was counterproductive. Moreover, she had an intense disdain of the Emperor and the Royal Family, as she considered them all rich snobs that did not deserve their status. She had worked to get this far, and they were born in the purple. For her, the only reason the Empire must tolerate their very existence is due to their traditional, ceremonial and unifying role. But they must only be that, a decoration, nothing more. To her, other than to speak of matters of ceremony, she would never take the Emperor or his relatives seriously.

The Emperor should not have to introduce a noble himself, less a life peer that had risen from the commoners. Under the customs of formality, he would just say "Baroness Liat". However, not only did the King not know who she was, Liat would be secretly annoyed if one did not refer to her by her title. However, since this Stoinian knew nothing of style and address, and because the Emperor wished to get on her good side, he gave her a ceremonial honour by introducing her this way.

Still, Liat was a tad irritated at his voice. What is this decoration interrupting for now? Then, she saw why. She smiled at the Stoinian King, and only to the Stoinian King.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, I am indeed our nation's Foreign Minister. I was just speaking to our Chancellor Blesforn regarding the press conference. How do you do?"

If one noticed well, she was completely ignoring the Emperor she ceremonially served. Not a glance, not even a sign of her even acknowledging the Emperor's presence willingly. And that, in her mind, is how it should be.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The Kaminoan xeno was much taller than the King or any Terrans nearby. Though it was slimmer build than the Mardakii. Surely Kaminoans wouldn't pose a physical threat to him. If needed he had his sword with him. No, it is not the time to analyse potential threats and how to deal with them. He had to make good relations, especially with his Terran brethren. He would go along with the xeno, perhaps something useful would be revealed.

The King noticed that Taun Liat Wei hadn't acknowledged the Emperor's presence. What kind of snob xeno was this to not recognise it's monarch. Had it forgotten its place? Nonetheless, he would have to leave this past him. Though he still felt irritated and as such, didn't smile in return to the Foreign Minister. He held on to his sword and kept his chest forward while looking up to the Kaminoan.

"I am doing just fine, Baroness Liat. From what I have seen, you have quite nice Empire running here. I can only hope our peoples could visit each other themselves. You see, we Stoinian have a saying. Stoinian at heart, but Terran by blood. We left our homeworld of Terra to make an new Terran nation to ensure our species' survival. But never have we forgotten our ancestral roots and thus have a duty to help protect all of Mankind, wherever they may be in the stars. I hope you can see from where we come from and thus we hold no grudges against your Empire."

"As regarding for the press conference, I have made the necessary preparations, though I am still puzzled about a few things. Sure, I will address the imagery which we sent during the Little Rascal Incident, but would it be wise to wear this very cloak."

He pointed at it with his other hand. Revealing a rather thick cloak which was quite dense.

"It is made out of Mardakii fur. I am sure you are acquainted with the imagery of those beasts. It is a sign of high valour amongst my people, but I fear it may not be as wise of decision to wear it during the press conference. What would you suggest as the best course of action?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Liat was not a fool. She noticed the King's annoyance. Humans tend to show their feelings of anger by making certain gestures, including the King's puffing and realignment of the chest to appear more formidable.

As expected. The Foreign Minister was subtly teaching the King that the Emperor was unimportant. The more he learns of who is truly in charge, the better.

"Your Majesty, if you refer to the matter of tourism, perhaps we can arrange a visa programme for our citizens. Applicants may request one from an embassy if this is alright with you. If you disagree, we are eager to hear your input in how we can perfect this idea"

Upon hearing that the cloak was made of a sentient species's fur, the Emperor was horrified. No matter how he tried, he could not hide his revulsion and shock over such extreme barbarism. His face showed as he went white with horror. What kind of twisted, bloodthirsty and sick "honour" was this? To skin your enemy and wear them as mere attire? How outrageous!

Liat was better at hiding her disgust, and thus she remained unaffected, smiling.

"That cloak shall not be wise to wear indeed. If the populace is told that you wear the skin of a sentient species, it would be catastrophic for your reputation here. We hope you understand"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


Sentient?! They really had no idea. The crimes done by the Mardakii the horrors they faced, perhaps it was time to reaffirm them. Let's hope they haven't gone too soft.

"For the record we do not consider the Mardakii a sentient beast. Perhaps our message was incomplete and we didn't mention that the Mardakii ate our people during their barbaric war against us. How can one consider a species sentient when the only thing they do is rampage and eat others? Though I can imagine that itself may be too harsh of a truth for your populace. Granted, I will keep myself to a military uniform as a show of good will."

The King scuffled a bit, but returned towards the matter at hand.

"We Stoinians have been founded with the purpose to spread out Mankind and ensure its survival. Any Ryccian Terran would not require a visa. It would be inappropriate in our eyes. However I believe that would stir up your other species, am I right? Though perhaps that would indeed be an advantage to first facilitate Ryccian Terrans before other species. Say your Terrans might lay a foundation with your values to allow other species to come ... More accepted. As for our side, we will accept terms of visa to visit your nation for both the Terran and Cheunhian populace."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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