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Aggie For PM: Putin' TSP on Top.

[Image: aga-campaign.png?width=1009&height=677]

Fellow TSPers,

Hello Again. I'm Aggie, your regional Putin fan; your skiier; former MoRA; raspberry and Prime Minister candidate, who is Putin' TSP on Top.

This campaign will outline my plans to improve how the cabinet functions, and how it interacts with citizens, and how cabinet members and other government members interact too. 

If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask here in this thread, on Discord or in Telegrams. 

Aggie Happywide



The cabinet can listen to citizens quite well. However, it can also be a flying train wreck. That is the case in any cabinet, whether RL or NS. However, I believe that there are measures which can enable the cabinet to listen to citizens, and act upon suggestions, and answer questions.

I believe that part of the solution is to allow citizens from all areas of The South Pacific to challenge the cabinet, and it is for that reason that I propose that TSP hosts a continuous AMA (Ask me Anything) in a different format. Responses would probably come with the Town Hall, and the AMA would would also serve as a forum for citizens to submit questions and suggestions to the cabinet publicly or anonymously, and also serve as a forum for the cabinet to publicly respond to those queries. All citizens would have the opportunity to ask the cabinet questions. Ideally, the citizen's assembly would be continuous, and it would also be chaired by an independent official, who would submit questions and suggestions to the cabinet, and assist in the publication of responses. 

Note: This was originally called "The Citizen's Assembly". However, this is basically just an AMA. 


I believe that the cabinet should listen to views from everyone in TSP, not just a select few. I believe that having a diverse lot of cabinet advisers can assist in broadening the cabinet's horizons, and help TSP become more democratic. 

To select cabinet advisers, I believe that the cabinet should approach people with experience in TSP, but also open applications and see who applies. Promise and talent can be found in people who have a fresh perspective. I also believe that a cabinet should have no more than three to four advisers, not including deputies. I also believe that all advisers should be confirmed by the assembly, and that this should be codified into the law.



It should be no secret that cabinet relations with other government institutions can be poor. This may not be of any fault of the cabinet on its own, however, a lack of communication is the issue.

To try and solve part of this issue, I believe that the branches of government (the cabinet; the Chair of the Assembly; the Local Council and the Delegate) should be encouraged to collaborate on a regular basis. This does happen to some degree, however, it doesn't happen as often as it should. To start solving the chronic lack of communication, I believe a Discord channel or some other forums for communication between these entities should be created. 

I also think that a Government code of conduct should be created, which outlines acceptable codes of conduct on Nation-States for all members of government. I have made ill-advised mistakes before during my term as MoRA which could have been easily averted if a government code of conduct would have existed. While I'm lingering on the subject of rules, there are many unwritten procedures that the cabinet performs (voting on bills, appointments etc.). These should be informally codified.


Former Prime Minister Amerion started the Town Hall program, which allowed cabinet members to provide updates. This should be continued. Seraph also came up with an amazing idea that I cannot discuss in a public forum, but that should be looked into. I would also actively encourage cabinet ministers to have conversations with their predecessors about what the previous administration has achieved to ensure continuity. 

I believe We should be keeping Game-side in the loop about what's going on, as well as actively encouraging them to take part in AMAs and ask questions. I also think that it is a minister's responsibility to let people know that they exist on all platforms, however, I will not interfere with how much ministers post on the RMB, besides requesting them to provide regular updates on the game-side platform. I would also seek to publish all cabinet communications (Town Hall etc.) available game-side as well as forum side.

Thank you to Somy for providing the graphics and the slogan for this campaign. It is much appreciated Happywide

Remember to Vote Agalaesia 2020. We're Putin' TSP on Top.
[Image: aga-campaign-putin.png?width=1442&height=538]

Mostly does boring things.
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  • Divine Owl, Imperial Frost Federation, Jay Coop, phoenixofthesun14, Seraph, Somyrion, Volaworand

Conflict of Interest Declaration

I was formerly part of the Region Olympias.
I currently have several nations: Agie- for my TSP ambassadorial work withing TWP
The Erroneous Pacific Founder: Part of the Erroneous Pacific
Killiningo: Whoopla. Executive position.
Polly the Penguin: Part of TSP, no positions.
Most of these nations have Ceased to Exist.
I also own the nation "The Ambassador."
I'm also an editor and governor in the multi-regional news organisation NationStates Today.

Eunopiar: Formerly part of Europe, XKI and TSP. Founded the TSP-XKI Cultural Event Region.
Kalmiria: TRR, Citizen.

I also own several puppets for puppet farming, and previously R/D work (for Lily). All of these puppets are in the Lily jump point. Please feel free to TG or DM me for more information.

I also own one puppet in TSP for MoRA Business, the creatively named nation: 'The South Pacific Card Farmer'

Mostly does boring things.
[-] The following 4 users Like Aga's post:
  • Divine Owl, Imperial Frost Federation, phoenixofthesun14, RichRaccYT

I have three questions for you:
1. What do you plan to do should you not be elected?
2. Who is your favorite historical figure, and why?
3. How hands-on do you plan to be with each ministry? After all, each minister has its own mandate to govern but the PM is expected to be the leader of government so how do you deal with these competing ideas?
Above all else, I hope to be a decent person.
Has Been
What's Next?
CoA: August 2016-January 2017
Minister of Foreign Affairs: October 2019-June 2020, October 2020- February 2021
[-] The following 1 user Likes Omega's post:
  • phoenixofthesun14

Given that TSP is already highly accessible to citizens, and we don’t see all that much interest in “challenging” the Cabinet...

What’s the more likely outcome of the Citizens Assemblies idea:
1. RMB culture changes and non-legislators become a lot more interested in government affairs
2. An easy opening is created for bad faith foreigners to use an open forum as a propaganda soapbox?
[-] The following 3 users Like sandaoguo's post:
  • Aga, Divine Owl, phoenixofthesun14

This is a great campaign.
Full support.
Midwesterner. Political nerd. Chipotle enthusiast. 
Minister of Culture of the South Pacific // Former Prime Minister
[-] The following 3 users Like North Prarie's post:
  • Aga, Divine Owl, phoenixofthesun14

Quote:I believe that part of the solution is to allow citizens from all areas of The South Pacific to challenge the cabinet, and it is for that reason that I propose that TSP hosts a citizen's assembly, in which citizens can air their views and concerns to the cabinet. Although this does exist in some form (the Town Hall), the citizen's assembly would would also serve as a forum for citizens to submit questions and suggestions to the cabinet publicly or anonymously, and also serve as a forum for the cabinet to publicly respond to those queries. The citizen's assembly wouldn't be elected, and all citizens would have the opportunity to ask the cabinet questions. Ideally, the citizen's assembly would be continuous, and it would also be chaired by an independent official, who would submit questions and suggestions to the cabinet, and assist in the publication of responses.

I am quite curious about this suggestion.

As it is not a body per se (in the sense that you won't formally join it nor are you elected/appointed to it), how does this differ from citizens currently posing questions in either the Town Hall threads or the Office of the Cabinet (which has in past terms been used as a Q&A forum)?

With regards to the idea of an independent official, would it not be better for the Prime Minister to serve the functions you have outlined?

Quote:To select cabinet advisers, I believe that the cabinet should approach people with experience in TSP, but also open applications and see who applies. Promise and talent can be found in people who have a fresh perspective. I also believe that a cabinet should have no more than three to four advisers, not including deputies. I also believe that all advisers that are not deputies should be confirmed by the assembly, however, this ideas would be discussed with the ministers during the transition period.

I certainly see the merit in having advisors confirmed by the Assembly but I would suggest that Deputies also be confirmed if this practice is enacted. Given that Deputies can be selected by the Minister in the same fashion that a Cabinet can select an Advisor, both should be held to the same standard of appointment.

Quote:To try and solve part of this issue, I believe that the branches of government (the cabinet; the Chair of the Assembly; the Local Council and the Delegate) should be encouraged to collaborate on a regular basis. This does happen to some degree, however, it doesn't happen as often as it should. To start solving the chronic lack of communication, I believe a Discord channel for communication between these entities should be created.

With the exception of the Chair of the Assembly and the Justices, the entire government apparatus including the periphery institutions (Delegate, Cabinet, LC, and CRS) are already members of a channel which is used to communicate between these bodies. Beyond formally adding the Chair to this existing channel, what might a new channel accomplish?
[-] The following 5 users Like Amerion's post:
  • Aga, Divine Owl, Omega, phoenixofthesun14, Seraph

(02-09-2020, 09:59 AM)sandaoguo Wrote: Given that TSP is already highly accessible to citizens, and we don’t see all that much interest in “challenging” the Cabinet...

What’s the more likely outcome of the Citizens Assemblies idea:
1. RMB culture changes and non-legislators become a lot more interested in government affairs
2. An easy opening is created for bad faith foreigners to use an open forum as a propaganda soapbox?

I would hope that the first option would be the most likely outcome. If the cabinet presents itself as an institution which responds to the concerns of its citizens, then I think that people will become more involved. However,  I also think that there is a risk of foreign interference, which the cabinet should keep in mind when answering questions. 

I'm slightly confused by the term "Propaganda Soapbox," so, could I ask for an explanation about what that means so that I can answer the question in full? 
(02-09-2020, 09:53 AM)Omega Wrote: I have three questions for you:
1. What do you plan to do should you not be elected?
2. Who is your favourite historical figure, and why?
3. How hands-on do you plan to be with each ministry? After all, each minister has its own mandate to govern but the PM is expected to be the leader of government so how do you deal with these competing ideas?

1) If I am not elected, I will continue to serve TSP as a legislator; citizen and fellow of the Ministry of Regional Affairs. 
2) I admire many historical figures, but, perhaps most of all, I admire Rosa Parks. She is someone that proved that every small action can make a big difference, especially with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. She also did a lot of amazing activism for the Civil Rights Movement. She also went through many personal ordeals, and I also respect her for that. 
3) I believe that it is each minister's right to direct their own agendas. I will seek to advise, but not impede or control a minister's work. I would also seek to be involved in each ministry to some degree, and will continue to serve as a fellow to the Ministry of Regional Affairs. If a conflict does arise within the cabinet, I think that the Prime Minister should host an amicable discussion between the relevant ministers, while making suggestions for compromises. From what I have experienced, I think that it's very rare for ministers not to come to an agreement of some sort.

Mostly does boring things.
[-] The following 3 users Like Aga's post:
  • Omega, phoenixofthesun14, Seraph

(02-09-2020, 12:10 PM)Amerion Wrote:
Quote:I believe that part of the solution is to allow citizens from all areas of The South Pacific to challenge the cabinet, and it is for that reason that I propose that TSP hosts a citizen's assembly, in which citizens can air their views and concerns to the cabinet. Although this does exist in some form (the Town Hall), the citizen's assembly would would also serve as a forum for citizens to submit questions and suggestions to the cabinet publicly or anonymously, and also serve as a forum for the cabinet to publicly respond to those queries. The citizen's assembly wouldn't be elected, and all citizens would have the opportunity to ask the cabinet questions. Ideally, the citizen's assembly would be continuous, and it would also be chaired by an independent official, who would submit questions and suggestions to the cabinet, and assist in the publication of responses.

I am quite curious about this suggestion.

As it is not a body per se (in the sense that you won't formally join it nor are you elected/appointed to it), how does this differ from citizens currently posing questions in either the Town Hall threads or the Office of the Cabinet (which has in past terms been used as a Q&A forum)?

With regards to the idea of an independent official, would it not be better for the Prime Minister to serve the functions you have outlined?
Quote:To select cabinet advisers, I believe that the cabinet should approach people with experience in TSP, but also open applications and see who applies. Promise and talent can be found in people who have a fresh perspective. I also believe that a cabinet should have no more than three to four advisers, not including deputies. I also believe that all advisers that are not deputies should be confirmed by the assembly, however, this ideas would be discussed with the ministers during the transition period.

I certainly see the merit in having advisors confirmed by the Assembly but I would suggest that Deputies also be confirmed if this practice is enacted. Given that Deputies can be selected by the Minister in the same fashion that a Cabinet can select an Advisor, both should be held to the same standard of appointment.
Quote:To try and solve part of this issue, I believe that the branches of government (the cabinet; the Chair of the Assembly; the Local Council and the Delegate) should be encouraged to collaborate on a regular basis. This does happen to some degree, however, it doesn't happen as often as it should. To start solving the chronic lack of communication, I believe a Discord channel for communication between these entities should be created.

With the exception of the Chair of the Assembly and the Justices, the entire government apparatus including the periphery institutions (Delegate, Cabinet, LC, and CRS) are already members of a channel which is used to communicate between these bodies. Beyond formally adding the Chair to this existing channel, what might a new channel accomplish?  

Point One: I named it a "Citizen's Assembly," due to either too much or a lack of creativity. Basically, this would be a continuous and competent AMA, in which people can ask questions anonymously, and expect a response. We don't have a robust system of AMAs in which citizens can ask questions on any platform, and cabinet members have to officially respond, and be held to account for those responses. We always just seemed to have an informal system for doing this. I have renamed the section for clarity, as the "Citizen's Assembly" gives it the connotations of being political.

I think an independent overseer should submit the questions for review because if it is submitted to the Prime Minister, it is not anonymous. A cabinet member will know who submitted the question. Submitting questions anonymously means that the cabinet can answer without bias.

Point Two: I agree. My campaign is lying to you Tounge

I'll update the campaign to reflect that fact. 

Just a fleeting thought: Perhaps this should be written as a law over written into my campaign. I'll work on that later.

Point Three: This new channel would serve as a method to make communication between all government branches more efficient. The problem with the channel that you mention is that it should be used for a different purpose; there are citizens in that channel; and there is no official channel for communication between these entities. A new channel would make RA requesting Somy to put something in his monthly regional TG easier, for example, or integration communicating with the CoA simpler. It is these small things that really can make a difference, and allow the government bodies to collaborate easily.

Mostly does boring things.
[-] The following 2 users Like Aga's post:
  • phoenixofthesun14, Seraph

Don't we already have a Citizens Assembly, ie; the Assembly?
Minister of Media, Subversion and Sandwich Making
Associate Justice of the High Court and Senior Moderator

[Image: B9ytUsy.png]

Thanks for the considered responses, Aga Smile

Quote:Point One: I named it a "Citizen's Assembly," due to either too much or a lack of creativity. Basically, this would be a continuous and competent AMA, in which people can ask questions anonymously, and expect a response. We don't have a robust system of AMAs in which citizens can ask questions on any platform, and cabinet members have to officially respond, and be held to account for those responses. We always just seemed to have an informal system for doing this. I have renamed the section for clarity, as the "Citizen's Assembly" gives it the connotations of being political.

I think an independent overseer should submit the questions for review because if it is submitted to the Prime Minister, it is not anonymous. A cabinet member will know who submitted the question. Submitting questions anonymously means that the cabinet can answer without bias.

As Belschaft has noted above, there will be some degree of overlap between this 'assembly' and our actual Assembly. Given that it is the Assembly which elects the Cabinet and who ultimately holds its members to account, it may perhaps be more logical if not efficient if the Chair were to create a thread for this purpose and act as the independent official.

Quote:Point Three: This new channel would serve as a method to make communication between all government branches more efficient. The problem with the channel that you mention is that it should be used for a different purpose; there are citizens in that channel; and there is no official channel for communication between these entities. A new channel would make RA requesting Somy to put something in his monthly regional TG easier, for example, or integration communicating with the CoA simpler. It is these small things that really can make a difference, and allow the government bodies to collaborate easily.

I apologise for talking the nitty-gritty of your proposals but on this particular point, I do still believe it would be redundant to add a new channel when the existing one could very well be repurposed for this very task; it would be a rather simple change in the channel description. With regards to the membership, I don't believe there are citizens in the channel, unless you are counting the LC members as citizens?
[-] The following 2 users Like Amerion's post:
  • Aga, phoenixofthesun14

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