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The Reunion

"Yes, Marcus Valbury from the Imperial News Network. If you believe it to be so, why should Ryccia and Stoinia have close diplomatic relations? If not, why not?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Because it is part of Stoinian doctrine to reach out for our fellow Terran brethren and protect one another. We have a saying you know: Stoinian at heart, Terran by blood. That blood we share with some of you. We left our homeworld of Terra, but haven't forgotten our roots. We wanted to ensure Mankind's survival by spreading into multiple states in the stars. Unfortunatly our colonisation process had proven to have some errors and we didn't arrive on our planned destination. For a long period we realised we could be the last, but today we are happy to share the mantle of Mankind with the Ryccian Empire. We see the Ryccian Empire as a fraternal nation due to shared ancestry. I believe it is detrimental to keep good relations with the Ryccian Empire for the sake of Mankind. Mankind has struggled against itself for too many times in its history and we Stoinians aren't keen on repeating those mistakes."

He chuckled for a moment.

"Besides it's quite refreshing to see civilised people in this sector from all the barbarian races we have grown accustomed to. So far we have had contact with the Treecuu and are looking forward to explore this sector much further."

He then pointed at a Kaminoan in the front.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Finei Tei from the Financial Times, an economic news service. Can you guarantee that you do not utilize slave labour in your economy, no matter the species?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"We ourselves have been slaves during the Mardakii Campaign. We don't have the intention to become like them and have never utilised slave labour for our economy. It has to be noted however that there are few xenos other than Terrans in our Kingdom, the Cheunh excluded that is. The primitives that are located on our planets, colonised or not, are left alone and tend to their own matters. I think you can clearly see that we aren't the monsters your media proclaimed us to be. I know reality can often be disappointing, but this is for the better isn't it? Now next question."

The press was quiet except for a Terran at the back who shouted his question. The King suspected he was from a nationalistic group, but he wasn't certain. There was something about the Terran he felt would be confrontational. Regardless it was a good test to see how the Ryccians would react.

"To the Terran in the back, state you name paper and your question."

Some of the journalists were astonished. Why would he destroy the order he created in the room? The King was toying with the journalists. He wanted to see how desperate they were and if they could be manipulated.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Cecil Avontaine from the National Review, a patriotic newsletter. Why should we engage in civilized conversation with inferior nations who are not enlightened as the Ryccian Empire is? That Rascal ship was certainly proof of a fanatical act..."
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King interrupted while the journalist was speaking. His facial expression clearly showed that the King was annoyed.

"Mister Avontaine, I suggest you get your facts right. YOUR fleet fired first upon our ships before they even had a chance to initiate communications. If anything it is YOU who have proven to need a lesson in civilized conversations. And how dare YOU insult the brave men and women who died because of the failings of your Admiral Kavle. YOU provoked us and we answered accordingly. You are in no position to teach us civilized conversation. We have cleared the uncivilized barbaric hordes which claimed our systems before we set to colonize our worlds. We know what those conversations look like and perhaps you should look at your own past."

He then turned towards the rest of the journalists.

"You may ask your officials and none will tell you that we have had uncivilized conversations. On the contrary we have come to accept most of your customs. Sure there will be cultural differences, but that are the way of things. You Ryccians of all people should know that since you have grown over those differences. I have read some of your history and don't tell me that we can't overcome our current obstacles when in your past most species faced far worse. You have proven to grow strong within your Empire and I believe now is time to grow stronger extranationally and contribute to order within this Sector of the Galaxy. Next question."

Then the journalists started shouting their questions again. So they were indeed desperate and didn't quite know discipline. The King deducted that there likely wasn't a national service or the Stoinian alternative. Nonetheless he would take two more questions he decided and then he would have fed them enough to digest. He pointed to a Velpan in the fourth row.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Yes, Falunxe Furtelin from the Imperial News Network. Do you have a democratic system of governance in your nation? What is the status of civil rights in Stoinia?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King chuckled. They finally started asking the good questions now.

"I see Mr. Furtelin is getting to the real question here and a damn complex one at that."

Some of the Ryccians laughed as well, but quite the entire room.

"Yes we do have a democratic system in the Stoinian Government. Now note the key word there, government. Because in our system the overall governance is more complex than your system from what I have seen. A core element of our society is the independence of our military from the civilian government. This has been put in place about 30 years ago after my Regent's, General MacArthur, reign in accordance with my opinion. These decimating wars that we have fought have proved us that the military must protect its citizens without interference from the civilian government for optimal results. Of course the military has its codes of protocol, law and ethics to ensure they aren just warmongers. To also prevent a coup I am its head and at the same time the head of the civilian government. Stoinian civilians only play taxes to pay for the pensions of retired military personnel as all other expense, and I repeat, all other expenses are handled by the military itself. And no we don't have a democratic system within the military as it will compromise the efficiency. Except for the election of a new Strategos, the right hand man of the monarch within the military. Though it isn't quite worth to be called democratic as numerous factors go into such a vote."

"Now that I have explained the military part, let's get to what you are really interested. The Civilian Government. There we have the separation of powers in different branches: the judicial, executive and legislative. The Executive branch is the Royal Cabinet which is lead by the Chancellor with a mandate of four years. The Chancellor is elected by popular vote and receives his mandate from the monarch. Note that the monarch is allowed disband the Cabinet at any time, but this is only used in times of emergencies and the Chancellor is given most of the monarch's powers when it comes to overall civilian matters throughout the Kingdom. The Chancellor is also helped by the different ministries.
The legislative part consists of Congress which is split into two houses. The People's Assembly as the lower house and the Planetary Assembly as the upper house. The People's Assembly has the Representatives of each planet and the number of the representatives is in accordance with the planets population. Each Representative has a mandate of 4 years and are immune to planetary referenda to remove him from office. This is to prevent chaos with ones representatives as they have a rather short mandate. The Planetary Assembly works differently. Each planet has a set of two members per planet to protect the planetary interest so policies aren't just dictated by the most populated planets. The Senator, elected by the people for a mandate of 8 years, and the Viceroy, chosen by the local noble house. Both aren't immune to planetary referenda and a different person will e elected to complete their mandates."

"That's the highest level of democracy. Of course each planet has its own Governor elected by popular vote for four years. It is notable that the local noble houses are more of a symbol than anything else.  They are meant to be representatives of the Ruling House of Stoian though these lesser houses aren't related in any way with the ruling houses. On the contrary, nobles are required to marry common people as to prevent an exclusionist elite."

"As for the civil rights. The Stoinians do have a lot of them. They have the right to vote, freedom of speech in any way or form, a fair trial, government services, public education, healthcare, self defence, to bear arms for the purpose of self defence and self sustainability on the frontier worlds, free movement and survival which is protected by the military."

"Now it has been quite a ride wouldn't you say. I believe it is now time for your final questions so make it a good one."

He then pointed at a Terran on the utmost left on the second row.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Yuen Sterlikt from the Imperial Post. If you had to compare your elite classes to those of the Ryccian Empire, could you compare and contrast them?"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King was now treading on dangerous waters. He would have to be diplomatic about it regardless if he liked it or not.

"I think there is a clear difference in how these noble classes evolved and were created. I am not entirely sure about the Ryccian, but the Stoinian Houses were formed as a way to create a stable governance. I think that's a key difference with the Ryccians or at least the practices who that. For example all nobles are required to marry a commoner as a means to prevent the effect of us and them. I see some of you have the same reaction as your leaders when my wife told them she was a commoner. Not so much the title, but rather the role is key in our noble houses. This is also shown in aesthetics. I have noticed that your elite classes dresses are quite different than yours. More eye catching shall we say. In contrast to our nobility who dress more like well-dressed commoners with ethnic elements to them. Of course I could be wrong as I could not have seen the rest of your society, which I want, but am not allowed due to security concerns. On a final note I think one cam become more easily of elite class in Stoinia as I think peerage is much more common, but this could also be due to recent Wars and campaigns. In essence our nobility are more down to earth."

He paused for a moment looking throughout the press. He had given them enough for now. There fears should have been calmed by now.

"Now the gentlemen, I believe I have given you sufficient substance for you to get to work. Do not worry as I will try to make your work easier as I do want for the Ryccian and Stoinian news networks and information networks to link up with each other. After all we do want to know what our Terran Brethren are up to. Have a good day and may God help us all."

The King then left as some of your press tried to get their final question, but they wouldn't get it. The King then made his way to the conference room where he had a clear objective in his mind. Get a Non Aggression Pact with the Ryccians, that would be a significant win for both nations. And a basis on which to grow trust. If they wouldn't get to strengthen the bond now, they will in time. He entered the room and the Stoinian Officials stood up and sat down when the King himself sat down as well. He then turned to the Ryccian Officials.

"Now, where shall we begin gentlemen?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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