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The Reunion

"Greetings, Your Majesty", said the Chancellor, "let us commence. We must discuss the most important matters first. We wish to express our desire for a non-aggression and mutual commerce treaty between our two nations"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King was surprised by the directness from the Chancellor, but he wasn't surprised. After all the Stoinians had already made a draft before leaving. The Stoinians were interested in joint defensive pact with the Ryccians to protect Mankind, however he wasn't sure if the Ryccians would accept. However he would give it a try, just to realise if oposition was really that strong. The King took one of his datapads and gave it to the Ryccian Chancellor. On it the Ryccian Chancellor could see the whole proposed NAP between the two nations. It described that no military vessel may encroach in the borders of one nation without specific authorisation otherwise it will be seen as an act of disolvement for the NAP. It also consisted specific Stoinian Military channel to alert if Ryccian ships were nearby for any reason. Of course it stated that both parties have no intention to wage war against one another.

"You see, our governmental system is a bit more complicated. On the matter of military affairs I have full jurisdiction. But on matters of commerce the Chancelor will have to sign as the people have chosen to be their representative in these matters. So let us first focus on my jurisdiction. As you see, we already have a proposal for a Non Aggression Pact with you as we wish no war between our Terran Brethren. We have an old saying which perfectly describes us: Stoinian at heart; Terran by blood. We have no wish to spill any Terran blood between our two nations. We have no intention of harming our relations, on the contrary, we would like to further develop them. I am sure our Chancellor will give you the economic details and we will come to an agreement. But before we sign the Non Aggression Pact, I do have one more proposal. We Stoinians are ready to help protect our Ryccian Brethren and we are prepared to sign a Defensive Pact in which each faction is obligated to help another nation if that said nation is attacked by other forces if the attacked nation requests it. It would only be the right thing to do, because if the Ryccian Empire is attacked there will be without a doubt Stoinian volunteers eager to help our Ryccian Brethren. Would the Ryccian people be interested in such an agreement?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"My most sincere of apologies", said the Chancellor, "but we feel that such an agreement is premature at this time. We do not know each other well enough to take such a leap of faith. It would be irresponsible of us to make your nation compromise itself with the affairs of the Empire so soon, and viceversa. An alliance is a sort of kubesku, if you pardon the analogy. A kubesku was an agreement by the stone age ancestors of my species to safeguard each other in a pack. This sort of alliance was done when all available factors were carefully considered and when the parties were acquaintanced sufficiently enough to defend the other. Similar to an alliance between nations, it is not a light matter to decide upon. Thus, in the name of the Empire, I must respectfully decline the kind offer"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Very well Chancellor. We understand." The King said. "We hope that the Non Aggression Pact will suffice both our needs then."

Both the Chancellor and King weren't fooled by the Velpan's cunning. Surely the Velpan was a good politician. He had essentially told them they don't trust them. This needed to be handled quickly. However they may feel they didn't show any discomfort with the Ryccian Chancellor's comments.

Then the Stoinian Chancellor began to regain the trust of the Ryccians.

"Well we certainly hope that we can do our best here today, so that not only our governments can learn to trust each other, but our peoples as well. The King has informed me and Minister Liat on the matters of a mutual visa system. He has already promised you that he won't allow discrimination to be made against any of your citizens. However you must realise that this policy will create an outcry at home in some regions. It is therefore that the visa system should be in place to keep your citizens away from these potentially hotzones."

"We also believe this visa system should extend to students and press personnel aside from tourism of course. We would like to assemble a team of experts from both nation to come together and form a consensus for which studies this is possible and of course any problems with our calendars. We suggest that this exchange time should only be around half or a full academic year and only for universities from their second academic year. However it is best that we leave the details to a dedicated expert team. And since both our nations hold the values of free press. We will allow your journalists to come to us, if you accept the same for ours. We are also open on matters of press to open our borders for news networks to start creating their news networks in both our nations. We will allow the press to buy properties for the means to build their Stoinian Headquarters. It also comes without saying that the press should adhere to the local press law, that means that the Press may not receive public Stoinian funding. Meaning that Ryccian Press businesses in Stoinia will be left for themselves. Of course we understand that you may have reservations, but it is our duty to come to an agreement today is it not?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

If the Chancellor agreed to these discriminatory terms, the opposition would accuse him of weakness and yielding to racism. He knew the Stoinian King meant well, but he had to press. In an ideal world, this would be a proper deal. But political considerations push beings to do more than what they intend.

"We are not responsible where our citizens, no matter their race, decide to go to. That is their choice, and they are well aware of the dangers they face when travelling to such regions. We can provide travel warnings that strongly advise against such trips, but we ask that no special consideration, whether discriminatory or not, for our citizens be made based on race in regards to the visa system"

"We are under agreement regarding the student and press visas. Our students and press should be able to freely perambulate to any system to course their studies or report on the news freely, respectively. We understand the conditions of your press law as you describe it, and thus we have no opposition to a lack of public funding of Ryccian media by the Stoinian government"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King knew ther might be political backlash with such a policy in Ryccia, but it seemed like ther is a strong anti-racism feeling in the Ryccians. Something that perhaps must be set right. Nonetheless the Chancellor had a work around for this.

"Then perhaps it would be a safer option to limit the alternatives on the Stoinian side. The visa would only be valuable for a select few planets with the lowest chance of potential incidents with your citizens. We will limit Stoinian options to Sector Capitals, Spire Cities and a few rural colonies. This way the mutual visa system wouldn't be targeted for "racism". The same goes for the exchange students, they will also be limited to universities on these planets. But it should also be clear that upon entering one's nation one accepts to adhere to the local laws and should be held accountable for it. Wouldn't you agree?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

This was better. Instead of a racist system, he could spin it as a distrustful and cautious regime gradually opening up. Yes, that would work, for now at least.

"We agree to these terms. Now, regarding visas for labour...we are of the opinion that if you wish to permit work visas, they must be small in quantity and for high-skill trades. We believe 50,000 per year should suffice for now, with more room to expand or contract as the necessities of the future dictate"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


50.000 per year?! Those are harldy any real numbers. Those 50.000 per year likely would clerk jobs in ONE district of Daonlathas. To the Stoinians it seemed hardly a real number considering the massive populations. But perhaps Stoinians should make a use of this, send the best entrepreneurs and engineers to make an economic foothold. Yes, that should do it. For now the Chancellor would agree to these terms. 

"I see, we agree on these terms for the high-skill trades. We also feel that cross nation investments should also be made possible. For example, I believe many of our ethnic cultural products would be viewed as luxurious and high-skill, so these people should have a right to bring their products to the Ryccian Market personally. Of course this would have to be done through high-skill intermediaries, but I think you get the picture. We would also agree to such terms for your people as well. Is this satisfactory?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Of course. We consider all beings involved in the transportation of imports and exports to be exempt from our visa system as long as they do not stay for long in our territories. The ethnic manufacturers of your nation may deliver whatever they please at any time, but they cannot establish residence without a visa"

"The 50,000 quota does not extend to the educational and press visas we discussed recently, which we consider should be larger in size. Now we come to the matter of racial equality. We do not ask that you treat your races as equal citizens, for even we know that is a complicated matter we cannot intrude upon, but it is our wish that our citizens, no matter their background, be treated the same as any other foreigner under your laws. Do not legally consider them as Ryccian humans or Ryccian aliens, but as Ryccian, one and the same in spirit and under the law. Should this be acceptable, we would view your nation more favourably"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The King responded kindly to the Ryccian's request.

"Not to worry Chancellor, I am sure we can legally treat as the same. However, you must understand that this concept is new to our nation and will require some time. Although it should be much faster now that the Cheunh are beginning to spread within our nation. We will agree to these terms."

Then the Chancellor continued.

"Of course a visa should be required, we can agree to that. However I imagine that we have a few jobs who you might not have. You see, bounty hunting is widely accepted in our nation. Their Bounty Hunting license comes with a strict code and protocols and also states that they can work as private investigators. They help maintaining law and order on the more rural colonies. Would a few of these individuals be allowed within those 50.000 or would their practices be forbidden by your law? If not, will they be included within the initial number?"
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

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