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The Reunion

"Oh don't get us wrong. Our industry is also automated, but certain products are best made with a soul. Our view on artisanry has been kept unchanged and widespread rather than left to history. They preserve Terran culture and it would be foolish for us to wipe them out as part of our Terran heritage would disappear with them. You probably already know that we aren't to keen to dismay those traditions so easily. Even for the efficiency of the economy."

The King answered staunchly and with a proud tone in his bariton voice.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"If I may, traditions come and go, Your Majesty, and they must benefit the people in an optimal fashion, for our traditions are only as strong as the people that uphold it. What were the most exquisite of rugs and furniture for the ancient nobility thousands of years ago can now be purchased by the average middle-class Ryccian citizen. Is that not a triumph of progress and modernity? I suppose everyone has their own opinion on the matter, however"

"Your Majesties, Your Excellency, you can now see a key financial centre of our Empire, the Legada District. In here, several of the Empire's largest stock markets, banks and other financial institutions of importance and prestige are located. Trillions upon trillions of credits flow in and out of there each day"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Perhaps so, but those traditions you are quite keen to let go into obscurity are what define us in part. One cannot be Stoinian without traditions. Let me put it simply: traditions is in my people's bones."

The Queen and the Chancellor nodded in agreement. What would this aristocrat know what defines a Stoinian and the hardships they had endured? Even if he was a Ryccian xeno, they wouldn't have suffered the same as the Stoinians did...

As the yacht flew closer to Legeda District it became clear that the Ryccian had an advanced and well fairing economy. The King took note of it and was already on a large trade route from Stoinia to Daonlathas. One that would stand the test of time and bring peace and prosperity. The Chancellor too would try to capitalise on this and responded.

"I see the Ryccian are quite well versed on economic matters. Let us hope that one day both our stock markets would be linked to one another."
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Where there is amity, there is prosperity. That is a noble sentiment, Your Excellency. As a member of a financially powerful family, I can confirm that we are indeed versed in economic affairs most excellently. Perhaps we have much to learn from one another in the matters of commerce, but that is as of yet to be determined by the inevitable tides of fate"

"Versed most excellently" was a nice way to put the Charlotte-Imperial's vast economic and political connections. He had never desired to walk the path of business, but, as he was a member of this prestigious house, he certainly knew more than he let on. Whilst he was not involved in it himself, the Charlotte-Imperial family was powerful enough to bribe, manipulate, patronize or doom anyone they wished to. He had heard stories from his siblings and cousins...extortioning or bribing local politicians, spying on rival companies, manipulating elections and the media...you name it. Carl was not fazed by this, as this was the way it has always been, and it shall forever remain so. He only asked to be left out of the action and drama of his family, for he did not wish to live such a life. His dream was to be a diplomat, and gosh darn it he was going to be one.

Carl thought of it all. These monarchs, this Chancellor...how much did they know of their own country's elite? How many strings did they pull? None like the Emperor? Some? Or did they pull them all like the aristocrats of old and the aristocrats of the new age? He could not trust them, for, in a way, he was one of them.

Upon seeing the Legada District, he was reminded of his family. How many business deals were being made there by his own kin, how many crimes were they committing? Were they ordering an assassination today? Despite the ruthless nature of the Ryccian titans of finance, they seldom ordered them, but, for those who were privileged enough to have been born in the wealthiest families of the Empire, they were not unheard of. Whatever they are doing, Carl thought it was best he was not involved in those acts. He did not have the stomach for it, for he wished to live the peaceful life of a civil servant. He had negotiated peaceful resolutions between planets. He had even negotiated with crime organizations and the like. Even that was more serene and clean than what his blood was capable of doing.

He was thinking too much on it all. Looking at the glittering skyscrapers and the beautiful skyline of Daonlathas distracted him from his own mind. Let the trip continue.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"All in due time."

The King saw the diplomat was distracted for a moment. He didn't quite know what to make of it. Was he lamenting something? He didn't consider it his place to inquire on it and left the diplomat to his own. Admiring the view as the tour continued.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Your Majesties, Your Excellency, we have the honour to gaze at the luxurious residences of Taion District, an area dotted with affluent residences. The capital's wealthiest can often be found here"

The glitzy towers for luxury apartments were there, but also affluent suburbia, which contrasted starkly with the rest of the metallic planet. Palace-like mansions could be seen, and rows upon rows of gated suburban green and its adjacent constructions were also visible. The property prices here were enormous, and thus only the elite lived in this district. To have a house in the Taion District was a defining trait for a local aristocrat, but there was a curious exception, as a hereditary noble family who had fallen on "hard times" owned a small mansion passed down through the generations. They were the poorest residents of the district, but even they were not truly poor, as the noble family was upper middle-class.
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


The buildings did stand out compared to what they had seen compared to the other districts. Luxury was indeed the norm here. 

"Quite beautiful. Tell me what makes these residences luxurious. Is it the location, materials used or the reputation of the district?"

The Chancellor was quite intrigued and wanted to better understand the concept of Ryccian luxury.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

"Oh, it is all that and more, Your Excellency. Some estates were constructed thousands of years ago, but many residences are historically recent, either due to renovations fundamental to a house's structure or because of demolitions of archaic buildings. If I may provide an example, my family owns an estate in Taion that has been passed down through the generations, but it has been renovated so many times in its history that only a few aspects of the property retain their original characteristics. The Taion District is calibrated with artificial weather technologies so it may enjoy optimal living conditions"

"There are more defining attributes to a truly luxurious home. The facilities often include fantastical and/or supernatural features. For example, there may be a considerable amount of suspended liquid as décor. The most common material used is water, which is often dyed with luminiscent colours so it may emit light in the dark. Some homeowners configure a confined area to create fountains of otherwise dangerous or impractical materials, such as melted metals of various kinds, champagne, sparkling water, liquid nitrogen, and so on. The gravity can be adjusted to one's own liking, you may perfume your residence with whatever scent you desire, a virtual reality feature of the walls can camouflage your surroundings into any scenery you could possibly wish for...there are an incredibly large amount of trivial details, and thus I shall not bore you, for I merely wish to grant you a glimpse into the life at Taion, not an entire odyssey of endless minutiae"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


"Quite the eccentricities..."

The Stoinians were shocked to hear that alcoholic beverages were used as decorations. Although the suspended water showed some promise as fountains were common in the Star Kingdom, none would dare to make one with other than water as its liquid. The Ryccians were advanced on many fronts, but it seemed their elite used it for the smallest ordeals to give them the look of luxury. That much had been made clear by now. They remained silent as they looked at the Taion District.
Pacifica: MyriaSallodesia, Stoinia • A1-0: Stoinian Star Kingdom • Aurora: Kingdom of Threnebor

Ah, yes, the common accusation of "eccentricity".

Due to the fact that Carl had to work with persons beneath his status in the Foreign Ministry, he had often heard this jibe in conversations. However, given the current state of technological advancement, he did not see it as such. Rather, he saw it as yet another style of décor, and he even took pride in it a bit, as the powers of matter could now be manipulated to beautify and enhance a lovely home. Simply put, if it looks pretty or mesmerizing, why not?

"Your Majesties, Your Excellency, we have now arrived at the Tigon District, an area renowned for its quality restaurants. Here, many of the Empire's most proficient culinary experts dazzle their customers with endless delight for the senses, both in style and in flavour"
Deputy Regional Minister of the Planning and Development Agency(March 8-May 19, 2014)

Local Council Member(April 24-August 11)

Court Justice of TSP(August 15-December 7)


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